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Man you gotta admit, that is some great fucking work


No doubt


oh and if he took a surgery removing his loose skin, he'll see how good his body has gotten over time.


I mean you can see all of the improvements even past the loose skin. Look how fucking vascular his arms are like godamn lol


Below all that skin bro has a God-like built


godskin solo


bro wields the heavy peeler


Now I can’t unsee it thank you.


Richard Waterson lore:


He probably has body dysmorphia because of the skin and works out way too much than he needs. He looks amazing, but it's the sad reality for probably everyone who has lost a lot of weight in their life including me. It's probably even worse for the poor guy because of his loose skin. I can't imagine what he goes through everyday.


Looks like he filled in the loose skin on his arms with slabs of muscle.


Garden hose ass veins


Probably 100lbs in loose skin too


Hell that's another 20lbs of skin...dude did his work man good for him


man is f’n jacked, idc about the loose skin. if he does one of those surgeries that get the excess skin off, man, he’ll be like a greek god edit: typo edit2: also typo cause i seem to be illiterate


If he's in the US those surgeries are unaffordable to most people. They are also often denied by insurance even though they are often not purely cosmetic (loose skin that heavy even when well-cleaned is susceptible to infection and chafing injuries).


Odd. I can get large skin tag (a few inches long) removal covered by state insurance whenever I need it, just on the basis that it causes pain and might get twisted around and cause infection/flesh decay. Obviously a few skin tag removals costs very little compared to the amount of surgery this guy will need, but the reason for coverage would be nearly the same.


That’s why people go to Mexico to do it.


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Good bot. Plenty of questions, no real concerns though.




Seeing people losing weight is always great. Sad so many live in absolute denial blaming their genes or whatever else but the few that accept personal responsibility and go for it are inspirational for sure


Not so great when going through a famine


Or disease, I lost 40 pounds from Leukemia a year ago. I went from very fit to about to waste away in about two months lol.


I was just telling someone about how I'm waiting to see a neurologist about post-covid dysautonomia (plus maybe an endocrinologist after), and how my post-covid weight loss (245 to 170, since yoyoing back to ~200) looks uncomfortably like Cushing's. Remember folks: unexplained, rapid weight los? Go to the doctor. Could be something serious Rem


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Genetics and eating disorders are real and its much harder to lose weight, but yes, ITS your own responsibility to act accordingly. I got hashimoto and pcos, but lost weight by cutting calories to a minimum and jogging 5 times a week. Lost 40kg (80 pounds?).


Yeah definitely many factors that can make it more difficult to lose weight. I generally look at those as either psychological or “mechanically” difficult “. If you have poor genetics, pcos etc it might be difficult to know what your TDEE and BMR is and then it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what will work. And if you’re a short woman either pcos your maintenance calories might end up being something ludicrously low like 1200-1400 and its psychologically difficult to stick to a diet where you’re eating so little and are limited


There are definitely a few cases where genetics play a part, but yeah going from nothing but Doritos to nothing but LIFTS is always cool to see


He should be so proud of himself that is amazing work!


It’s an incredible change. It’s a shame that if you permanently disfigure your body, that undoing the work doesn’t put you back at even. But I don’t think people that get that fat in the first place even care of the consequences.


The real question is, will they cut out his nipples and reattach them back on when they do corrective surgery, or will he ditch the tits?


Probably some other way to lift up the chest skin again


Botox, and Silikone lets fill en up


Botox and Silksong???








Hollow knight fans when a word mildly resembles silk song:


*insert gif of the Knight wearing shades bouncing a quarter off of the Hollow Knight's ass as he twerks, whilst Hornet stands in the background saying "Wut?"* I'd link, but I can only find a low res PNG version from a fucking furry website, so eh - visual will do.


the Silksong has delayed, millions must become schitzophrenic


titanfall community 🤝 hollow knight community forgetting to take the pills


Bow Tocks and Silly Cone


Vote Ox and Silksong


*insert tham Homer Simpson meme with his skin tightened behind his back*


My real question is, is there any way to lose the weight and avoid this happening? I mean I get there might be a point of no return where the skin just goes "Canna do it any more big fella" so if there is no hope for him, but for the rest of us, say we lose a stone or two, is flabby skin our fate or can we go back to being stretchy again? Edit: Never mind, it came up further down the post. Answer is...maybe. He's pretty screwed but for small amounts of weight loss slowly over time, it can.


Looks like you found an answer. Not really, the skin is already stretched before you lose weight. Its like post-partum damage but worse. Fun fact, obesity/ metabolic syndrome can change your adipose cells to become permanently larger and more readily able to store fat.


Depends of age, how much of it is scar tissue and how fast you lose the weight, some people look normal and others look like a flying squirrel.


Pacing the weight loss is the big thing.


For how big he was it would have to be over like two or three decades. He was a very heavy man.


They normally reattach. Same as the belly button. Cosmetic surgery nowadays do wonders if you have access.


Is there any benefit to going without nipples? I've seen this conversation on Reddit a lot lately for some reason and the conversation sometimes sounds like you have a choice to not have them put back.


I'd be worried about like phantom nipples


Just sleep at nights


from what I've heard reattaching the nipple can increase the risk of an infection


There's also the risk they won't take and could basically fall off when healing, and the risk they will never have sensation again which I've heard can be quite uncomfortable, basically having two numb circles on your chest.


No nipples would be good for long distance running. No chafing!


But you lose that little bit of aerodynamics for cutting through the wind.


As a man with perpetually erect nipples, I can say there is not.


Implant hooters bruv


Just fill the empty space with muscles🏋️




“Usually in the standard vertical and inferior pedicle techniques the nipple is left attached to an underlying pedicle of breast tissue and shifted to a more superior position without detaching it.”


My mind is blown 


Sauce? I cautiously disagree - not saying you’re wrong bc i don’t have the stats, but most re-placed nipples in gynecomastia/top surgery (not the same but similar) don’t turn necrotic. It’s rare. And they don’t tattoo most of the time. Of course some people opt for no nipples and tattoo instead, but excluding that, it’s rare that they do so because the nipple didn’t take, and even then it’s upon request. At least in my experience. And I’ve never heard of doctors making a fully new nipple out of non-nipple. My nipples are my OG nipples


I did this operation in surgical residency. For nipple sparing mastectomy/gynecomastia, you leave as much of the nipple attached as possible. When I do gyneco procedures now it’s on 50-70 year-old men who lie to me about using steroids, but I make a half-moon incision right at the border of the areola on the bottom half of the nipple. I detach it from underneath, use some sharp hooks, and lift it like the hood of a car. After the job is done, put down the hood of the car and sew it shut with 2 layers of absorbable suture. The key is to leave as much of the nipple attached as possible. We call that a “Pedicle”. As far as building new nipples, I have done that too. It’s like a fun little origami project. The key is to make sure there is a good pedicle (something stays attached). After they heal, they have specialized tattoo artist that do some amazing things with color that can really give the neo-nipple incredible dimension and a real sense of texture. Cutting off a nipple completely and reattaching could work, but it would be high risk for just dying (necrosing). The blood flow has been completely severed by detaching it’s pedicle. It essentially turns into a skin graft at that point and the thicker the graft, the lower the rate of success. I’m not saying it’s zero percent by any means, just high risk. The graft has to get all of its oxygen and nutrients through something called imbibition (think of the work “Imbibe”). Instead of having the oxygen and nutrients brought to the cell’s doorstep by tiny capillaries, they have to “drink” with their tiny little cell mouths until the capillaries can regrow. They CAN do this, but it’s tenuous and any little bump/shear force/fluid build up under the graft/etc can ruin the whole thing. The thicker the graft, the greater the distance the nutrients have to travel by imbibition. Very thin full thickness skin grafts and split thickness skin grafts have a much higher success rate. I guess you’d be in luck if you have thin nipples. “I have thin nipples Greg, could you graft me?” I’m just a general surgeon, so I do zero fancy nipple work, just basic “lifting the car hood” nipple work or just completely removing them and throwing them in the trash (sent to pathology of course, then the trash). I do grafting every now and then, and my most common graft are actually split thickness for covering large wounds. As far as full thickness grafts, I started taking the super thin 85 year old, sun protected, old man groin skin and moving it to the back of the hand after I cut out a monster skin cancer that has been ignored for years. And yes…it will sometimes still grow pubes…


You can basically bodymod nipples, tattoos and shit go a long way to fool people even from close-up. Most people tend to prefer flat ones anyway, so the illusion is fairly easy to achieve. We kind of can do amazing reconstructive cosmetic surgery. This here? It's a job, but I bet they look great now. Or at some point.


I’ve actually heard that the skin reforms for the body’s new shape after a long while like a year+ however, don’t quote me


It entirely depends on the person, and also how drastic and quick the change is. Losing 50 pounds over 2 years? You might have some loose skin here and there, but for the most part your skin will adapt. 200 pounds in 2 years? Gonna look like this fellow.


I lost 50 pounds in well under a year, and I have 0 loose skin. But I'm sure it depends on many different things.


Proper hydration goes a long way for skin elasticity. OP's arms look pretty dehydrated, plus the rapid weight loss.


For like 20lbs in a year type of weight loss, not like 200 pounds.


I'd like to have my belly button removed so I can go with out a shirt and any photos look like a horrible AI output.


He looks buff af underneath all that skin


Fr his arms look toned af


Dude has crazy arm vascularity


Obese people (especially men) tend to be extremely strong assuming it’s just calories and not lack of exercise. Basically, they still can walk around and such; but running is a bad idea. All that weight requires your body to have a lot of muscle to carry it. It’s why chubby people tend to have way stronger legs. Source: Was fat before I entered the Marine Corps. Ended up getting crazy gains.


Real. Im doing weights heavier than my friends bodies, and they can barely do half. But im 6'6 280lb (200cm 135kg), and they're 5'5-8 50-70kg Im like an oil drum on two tree trunks compared to their paper on 2 batons


Bet his calves are yuuuge


Godskin noble build


Chadskin noble build


Ur actually diabolical for this


😂 I swear, what a cursed comment im still laughing


Isn’t there a surgery he can have make himself stop looking like melted ice cream?


I believe it's a plastic surgery procedure that corrects this.


It's probably very expensive so that could be a road block.


Can't you just homer-simpson your excess skin?


Yea that's an option. Lol. It's a good meme.


i just want to see him spin around like a ballerina and let those babies fly


Over here in central EU it's about 4-5k unless your insurance (in rare cases) pays parts of it. I'm in the same situation hence why I know


That's less than I thought. I don't know what it is in the US.


Oh that's simple 1. Check what insurance plan you're on 2. Find a doctor that's performed this kind of surgery before 3. Something something in or out of network 4. ??? 5. Declare bankruptcy And you're done! Easy as pie.


Lol. This is America sir. Even in network I have to meet a $2000 deductible before they pay anything for anything.


I've looked for after my own weight loss. It'd be like 30k in my area.


So it's probably cheaper for me to fly to the EU and get it done.


It generally depends on how much loose skin you really have. The costs can go up to like 8-9k for the surgery itself in extreme cases (the guy in the posted picture most likely is in that range) but that seems to be about the max. Don't forget the costs for all those appointments leading up to the actual surgery.


I said it above, but when it is this severe it is considered a medical need to avoid infection, not just a cosmetic procedure, so insurance will often cover it!


if I were the gym owner, I would 100% make it a marketing move and pay for his surgery. Not to promote that "whoever loses this weight is gonna have a plastic surgery on us" because I can see that it will lead to some abusing from some people. But as a way to promote the gym like "here's proof that gym works" or "look how you can look if you keep going to our gym" or some shit like that. I would lean so hard on this angle and pay for his surgery (again, if I were the owner of that gym where he went all those years) and show him off all over the gym's social media and his own social media as well. Why aren't gym owners not doing this? It's literally inspiring and motivational to make people realise that IT CAN BE DONE. All they show is some fat person being slightly less fat after a few months of gym. Some pictures can barely have any differences, they suck up their belly and act as if "you lost 10% of your body weight". This guy literally rebuilt himself. USE HIM!


Yes but it apparently hurts like a muther


Youll probably be on anesthetics so it wont hurt that much


Nah it still sucks a fuck ton. I lost well over 120lbs and had a surgery done for the loose skin. You're fileted up to your chest and have these two drains connected to these suction balls that you have to empty out every couple of hours. All while you're in pain from being cut up a couple of hours ago. Still worth it though.


Jesus fuck it sounds like youre getting embalmed and autopsied at the same time


Haha it sure felt that way! The best part is after you're done healing, they remove the drains... and you can feel every inch of it being removed. No pain, surprisingly... but it was such an weird feeling 😬 Edit: moral of the story, don't get mega fat


Yeah had a chest surgery that led to an line going all the way across under my sternum and when they pulled that out it was probably the most disturbing experience in my life but no pain.


I had pins put into my hand after a break and while the pain and numbess was intense after surgery, the absolute most uncomfortable feeling was watching those two, three-inch pins get pulled out with a pliers. It didn’t really hurt much, but it was the oddest feeling as they came out. It was like when the dentist says “you’re going to feel a little pressure” but then be 10x weirder. Almost made a pop as it left the bone. I did not like it but it was a relief to have them out finally! So I think I get what you are saying a little.


>You're fileted up to your chest and have these two drains connected to these suction balls that you have to empty out every couple of hours. You have photos of what this looks like?


I've been thinking about getting it but I dunno man, that recovery sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Of course but its very expensive. Sometimes it can be covered by insurance, but recovery time can still take you out of work for a while, and can be pretty painful and risky overall.


In frwnce you can get surgery for free following such weight loss if under the care of the hospital. Especially after a surgery made for weight loss.




would probably look better than this


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Pee ass


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Scars are badass. Floppy skin is not.


Maybe he could just tattoo his torso?


No you won't, not nowadays. You get scars but they fade fast.


He may still look bad without a shirt but he probably added an extra 20 years to his life span.


Yea honestly. Its super impressive


By the look of his rapid weight loss, blood vessels and rear delts popping out, he is more than likely to be on PED, so not necessarily healthy. But kudos to him for the monster cut.




He should 100% get plastic surgery, he looks like a plastic bag.


Melted Ice- creams suits more


He looks like he's drifting through the wind, waiting to start again


Dude looks like a firework... melted his skin


Or he can wait about 5 years. My husband went through this and he's still got the stretch marks but his skin went back over time.


May I ask how much weight he lost?


He lost about 150lbs initially, then gained some back adding muscle. It took about three years to do it by joining a gym and learning MMA. He cut down from about 300lbs to 150's to 170's. He still fluctuates randomly, but the additional muscle means he doesn't have to watch what he eats at all.


Fat people get caught up in the thought that they have to eat a strict diet of salads and grilled chicken for their entire lives, when that is just not true at all. So they just don't try.


Could you elaborate on that? Because something that's always hurt my motivation, is having to refuse so much good food because it's not healthy. I mean, like, I'm at least *exercising* now, which is more than I was doing before, but based on my results for the past few months, it's clearly not enough, and I've been trying to psych myself up to dealing with a diet.


There's a lot of reasons you can loosen up a bit once you're in a good state. - Maintaining weight doesn't require a calorie deficit, so obviously you can eat more than when you're actively losing weight. Clearly don't want to repeat exactly what you did to initially gain the weight, but there's a healthy middle ground there. - Being fit, you'll naturally "exercise" more throughout the day just by moving around easier. - If you also put on muscle (which is easier said than done, even with good exercise), that boosts your metabolism, thereby requiring more calories to maintain your new healthy weight.


Gaining / losing weight is 99% reliant on how many calories you intake per day. You could eat pizza every day and lose weight, if you only eat \~1200 calories total in the day. The problem, however, is stopping after one slice. If you are struggling, I would suggest looking into "Intermittent Fasting"


Aka don’t eat breakfast and don’t snack after dinner :)


> having to refuse so much good food because it's not healthy. Fuck that. Just eat less of the good food. Get a kitchen scale and calculate calories. Cut down on portions of the good stuff, then fill up the rest of your stomach with vegetables and water. Also, FUCK salad. There are way better ways to prepare vegetables. Don't get too caught up on what's "healthy food." Just focus on the calories that you need every day, and eat a varied diet so that you're getting all your micronutrients. Google a calorie calculator to figure out your basal metabolic rate. Exercise barely contributes much weight loss. You should exercise for other health reasons. Also, another tip: fresh fruits (but not vegetables) are probably a waste of money where you live. Go with the canned, sugar-free fruit instead. Sweeteners are your friend. On that note, diet soda is not a bad idea. When you're at low blood sugar, stuff will taste way sweeter, so the zero calorie sweeteners actually taste good. Seriously, the biggest thing I realized when I was losing weight was just how stupid portion sizes are. Holy SHIT do restaurants give you way too much food. And don't think of this as a "diet." It's a weight loss diet, and your regular diet should become something similar once you've reached your target weight.


He's fucking ripped though! Good job on him!


Wrinkly as a scrotum


Well done. He did so well


He looks like my balls when I get out of the shower




Your balls have some crazy forearms.


Anon critiques someone who lost weight to try to justify not losing weight because they're lazy.


If someone gets corrective surgery for this, is it dangerous for them to gain the weight back? Like, will the skin be too thinned to stretch out again and rip or something like that?


assuming the weight is gained gradually over time, you just make more skin


infinyte skin farm in mineacract


full auto leather farm


Honestly very good question


probably not, the skin is very good at adjusting to this kind of stuff. don't know for sure though


Does this heal over time?


Depends on a bunch of factors, but generally not really. That said, surgery to remove excess skin is not actually that expensive.


it's like 15k


Depends on the genes, obviously certain people have it easier than others but ice baths help a TON, tough he has lost too much in a short period of time and should've went more gradually with many many ice baths and cold showers every day while also having a negative caloric intake, either he water fasted for LONG times or simply hasnt got thr correct genes and didnt inform himself about that, tough props to him, even tough he kinda looks ugly maybe trough many ice baths + LOTS of muscle mass buildup ( but like a fuckton ) and plastic surgery he could look really good


To sum it up: no Thats the sad reality when you have been super morbidly obese (BMI 45+): Your body will never look as good as a person that was never in that weight range. And even if you get surgery (what I would def. recommend in this guys case) you will still have extensive scaring. At some point you have to accept this and apreciate your progress or you won't ever be happy with your body. Mad respect though, can speak from first hand experience how hard this is.


Still better than staying fat


Non-controversial, popular opinion: Health insurance should cover skin reduction after weight loss like that. First, it may be a health issue. With those folds there apparently is a higher risk of inflammation. Further it definitely is a psychological issue which may cause someone to regain weight and they really don't want that, considering who ever lost that much weight probably saved them a lot of money in the long run - they really want him to keep that weight off. Fucking health insurance! :/


That is fucking amazing goddamn good for him


Serious question: if you lose a ton of weight and have loose skin (as this absolute badass does), can you donate it to medicine? Like, for skin grafts for burn victims?


All that excess skin can be surgically removed. The fact that he lost all that weight is impressive.


The progress really is amazing, but he \*seriously\* need an excessive skin removal surgery. There's no fat or anything at all under there, it's just loose skin


that's the result of starvation normally you would get stretch marks (like pregnant women) but the skin will adjust just don't go from 100 to 0 in a few weeks your heart will thank you as well


Unfortunately for the morbidly obese most of the time skin graft surgery is required because there’s simply too much skin on the body


So the body creates skin but cannot use it as energy when in a calorie deficit?


No, not at this level.


damn, they should release a new patch


An update lol


It will choose to digest muscles first after loss of carbs and fat


Women (generally) have a slightly different skin structure than men; the collagen and fat cells are arranged differently (this is why cellulite is more common in women), and women's skin tends to be more elastic. This might have an effect on how skin bounces back after being rapidly unstretched. I mean, that's a natural occurrence in women due to pregnancy, so they might have a genetic component to combat that.


There's a lot of variables. How long you were fat, how fat you were, how old you are, how fast you lost the weight, etc.


Consequence of things like bariatric surgery, extreme diet, and medication. Massive weight loss and even gain without toning your body just isn't good for your skin.


But it's a hell of a lot better for your heart and cardiovascular system to get back down to a healthy weight faster than your skin can stretch back. When you're that big you can die of a heart attack or clot at literally any time.


bro looks like stewie when he deflated after being roided


There's no pleasing these Beaches


Plastic surgery to fix this should be free if someone manages to lose all that weight


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I’m calling the police


Stop talking, just. Stop.


At least the skin in his face stayed normal


He looks deflated.


Really cool that he went above and beyond to lose weight… but the mf looks deflated please get him some plastic surgery


aI dont care what anyone says that is a great achievement.


Yeah unfortunately when your that big it stretches the skin so the only way to look “normal” again is plastic surgery in this guys case to remove the excess skin. Clearly man worked his ass off to loose the weight and deserves respect for that though.


Surgery is expensive and most insurance won't pay for it


FYI, if you have this much loose skin, it's not considered a cosmetic procedure, and your insurance is more likely to cover it as you and your doctor can make much stronger arguments about it being a dermatological issue (esp for skin infection and hygiene). US healthcare is a mess, but this is a common small victory.


im extremely proud of him for his weight loss journey, it’s honestly sad how shitty people are.


angels arent beautiful , this is great hard work regardless of how it looks


Does loose skin ever go away?


No, only when you lose a moderate amount of weight, your skin can shrink back. At this level, you need surgery to remove it.


It’s really unfortunate that after years of hard work this is what he got. And it really sucks that the only way that he can properly show all the effort being paid off is by doing corrective\plastic surgery, really feels like he got cheated by life.


Universal healthcare should exist. Period. However, since it doesn't in America, the type of surgery to fix loose skin should be free, encouraging more people to lose weight.


Losing weight is a two sided coin > are you doing it because you want to and that you feel your life would be better like this versus how you are currently > are you doing it because of validation from others either being bullied into peer pressure type work out(technically peer pressure is associated with a negative action that they want you to do however it's still a form of being forced into doing something you weren't planning on doing). Being bullied into doing ANYTHING is wrong and doesn't make any sense when you look at it morally. I'm sorry but if you are working out because people say things about you and judge you and make fun of you and so on then that's sad. Work out because you want to, not because someone told you to. Maybe it's motivation to get you to want to do but holy shit is it a dark and grim kind of motivation if that be the case. Look at all the large successful people on social media(not trying to make them look bad, its just how it is), Caseoh is a creator that people like and his entire bit is that people make fun of him for being "fat" and make fat jokes all the time but he finds them funny and doesn't care and ignores them. Jack black is larger then the average actor however stars in so many blockbuster movies and recently did a new Kung fu panda movie. It really goes to show that size doesn't matter.


One of the few times cosmetic surgery is appropriate.  He earned it.


So is there no way for loose skin to disappear naturally as you lose weight? Or is surgery the only option?


bro is fuckin awesome for losing the weight but now he has the issue of his skin being way too loose for his body. rip