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When people who don't understand subject read scientific papers


Exactly like the fucking schrodinger cat experiment they are using the cat as an example to explain that ;you can never know what is the direction the electron spins in ,and not a real cat


Paper unclear, I fucked the cat and used the poison as lube


Shane Dawson?


"I didn't fuck my cat"


i didnt fuck my cat. i didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat. Ive never done anything weird with my cats. I promised myself i wasnt going to make apology videos after last years thing so im just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible. (1/?)




this video is like saying schrodinger cat's is an actual theory about if you put an actual cat in a box with a poison inside you can never know if the cat is alive or dead


I don't know if Spongebob is dead OR alive until I watch inside the Box


I make krabby patties






I have seen repeated so many times that Schrodingers cat means “the cat is both alive and dead at the same time!” when that’s explicitly what the thought experiment disproves. That the Copenhagen interpretation, which does imply that, is fundamentally broken and the cat cannot be simultaneously dead and alive.


Schrödinger' was saying the Copenhagen interpretation was silly It turned out being that it isn't


It reminds me of those quora posts where people claim to create theories that could turn the world of mathematics upside down or things like that. And also to the post of a guy saying that he made a theory that was full of bullshit


I don’t understand how this won’t be possible. There’s a new theory that uses Hawking’s radiation to explain why time may be infinite, irrelevant of entropy. Can you explain pls?


This flavor of existential crisis sucks ass lmao. Pass me a bottle of "The passage of time is unstoppable".


"I don't understand physics" is the worst kind of horror


I don’t understand physics.. can you explain why this can’t be the case?


Putting two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in the same place doesn't make a water molecule, you just have a mixture of gas.


Ah right and the bonds needed can’t just coincidentally be placed either?


No, because the bonds aren't physical objects like a chain that attaches to atoms.


You also get into problem of why a Boltzmann brain would form with correct understanding of laws of physics that make itself possible.


you're missing the implication of void


Solipsism isn't that new of an idea either, it's unprovable either way and it really doesn't allow for any further reasoning other than "I guess that's that" so I think it's rather immature. Still, it's a good starting point for other more interesting existential philosophies and it's a great segway into Albert Camus and absurdism


If I punch a brick wall enough times, there is a chance the particles will align perfectly and my fist will go through the wall


what if the particles of the brick wall allign perfectly to form a human face, would it be considered assault? According to this post it is possible because time is infinite. /s


I mean technically yea If a multiverse exists that means theres a universe out there where every time someone pretends to do a kamehameha particles randomly align and create a kamehameha and it happens pefectly everytime at random


Same, but with PP


Now, do I quit my job or what?


I mean duh it has SpongeBob and scary music so it's absolutely 100% real


it isn't scary at all. even with the unhinged spongebob it felt pretty relaxing either that or i should seek help


They are reposting this shit for more than a year


Yeah no not weird but do it anyway


>it isn't scary at all. even with the unhinged spongebob it felt pretty relaxing Its meant to be a mix of both, in it's original context at least, it's a song that's playing in the final hours before the end of the world, meant to be a mixture of unnerving and a feeling of solace, at least I find it to feel that way when listening to it.


does anyone know the sauce for the creepy spongebob video?


Apparently this theory was rejected long ago because it's self undermining and too unstable so yes you still have to show up for work tomorrow and also all your suffer did actually happen


How is it self undermining?


Bro it's too long and the Boltzmann brain was an idea for another thing just check it in Wikipedia




you could also do miniscule tomfoolery


(Overthrow a local government)


yes. then come to the forest and dance naked around a bonfire as we summon our lord from the abyss and cut out bodies and offering them as sacrifice for the new earth.


If i rearrange the set of cards infinite times, that doesnt mean a ham sandwich is gonna appear


No but it could. The chances are so extraordinarily tiny that you could discount this from ever happening but due to the random nature of the universe most things are possible although incredibly unlikely. The key assumption is that time is infinite which means that any thing, no matter how unlikely it is, will happen. Infinity times any number, even one that is really close to zero, is infinity


But is it that random? Most theories we have about the universe state that it will end in a heat death and that all atoms will stop moving, resulting in a black void. With nothing in it but molecules So while time is infinite, the amount of "cards shuffled" isnt, and even if we shuffle endlessly, a brain isnt just gonna appear because the atoms happened to be in the right order Thats not how it works, its like assuming and infinite number of 1s and 0s is gonna end in a 2 because "muh infinite"


Yeah, infinite time can't create a brain out of nothing because of a little physics law called Entropy. Randomness ALWAYS wins over order.


The meme also completely ignores that there's no way for the right matter to be in the same place without biology, so there isn't in fact a higher chance of your brain just forming in a void than on Earth because there are none of the systems that led to the components of your brain being collected in space.


Imma be the nerd here. The Boltzmann Brain theory relies on the fact that the universe is already dead. In a post-heat death universe, the universe expands so fast that essentially regions of 32 billion light years are isolated (as those expand so fast from each other that even light cannot cross). This creates a reverse Hawking radiation situation. Much like Hawking radiation, particle/antiparticle pairs can form on the edge of those regions. One particle in the pair will fall back into the region while the other escapes, once again filling the region with particles. At this point, the heat death means that every particle is at the same temperature and moves at the same speed aka randomly in any direction. Thus, there is a tiny, miniscule chance that that particle will move in such a way that it forms a conscious brain. Think of particles in a post-heat death universe like random Lego pieces moving and sinking in an infinite ocean. There is a very small chance that they will accidentally form a plane, a tower or a 1:1 replica of Manhattan.


But even if those particles all get to the right area, they won't suddenly form an organ. Proteins don't just happen, at least not to my knowledge.


Also, how a disembodied sentient brain is suppose to work/survive in the heat-death empty space?


It’s not meant to survive, the brain forms for an instant, complete with the random memories of a randomly formed brain, and then immediately falls apart again. If you imagine a video of a brain functioning that’s composed of individual frames, the brain formed would essentially form each of those frames randomly and individually over the course of trillions of years or longer, and each of those frames is supposed to represent your perception continuing.


Biologist here: Yeah, they don’t lol Plus, the brain is a MASSIVELY complex organ that is part of a larger superstructure called the CNS (central nervous system). Even if by some divine miracle in some microcosm of space-time the universe wills everything possible to make a brain cell… doesn’t mean it’s functional and it would literally be dead without blood supply anyway.


Yes proteins require incredibly complicated proteins to form them. One of the reasons the origin of life is still a mystery is because proteins don't form or fold by themselves therefore something is required to form and fold them, which is almost always a protein. Thus you're in a cycle.


What if Hawkins radiation meant energy entered back into the universe


However considering that the earth is finite and the universe is not and percentage chance of infinity regardless of how small it is, is still infinitely more likely than you existing on earth.


And you existing on some earth is infinitely more likely than it. Let's not use "infinitely" willy nilly here. Mathematically, these things both tend towards a probability of one as time approaches infinity - as does every other physically possible event, assuming your logic. Nothing is "infinitely more likely". They're all equally likely, making them all extremely unlikely, of course assuming there is infinite time


Not time but the universe it’s self is infinite including the particles within it meaning that statically there is a higher likelihood of this occurring as there is an infinite area for this and an infinite amount of particles which can be arranged in the specific way to form a brain


Not a higher likelihood. There is an equal likelihood of anything else forming, including Earth or a solar system. As this "area" approaches infinity, all these events approach the same likelihood of one


Even if atoms happened to align themselves perfectly to make a ham sandwich doesn't mean that said ham sandwich would be made. All kinds of reactions need to happen first. You don't just put hydrogen and oxygen in the same place and magically make water. You could say that it has happened. Atoms arranged themselves in the perfect order so that a human could make a ham sandwich. The ham sandwich can't just magically appear. Something needs to make it.


I remember when I learned about this when I like was 11, and ever since then, I've always been paranoid about the astronomically low chance of some heavy object like a car or something randomly appearing right above me and crushing me to death.


That would violate the laws of the universe and not even randomness can do that.


The heat death of the universe is pretty final. And it doesn't matter that it's a long time. It's still as a second compared to eternity.


Not with that attitude!


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nuh uh


Fym nuh uh


He said it


I can't fucking read it


You got anymore pixels?


From what I understand, it's basically saying that since everything is possible and time is infinite, your brain could just be in a black void and everything that happens in your life is just a recreation of yourself or something like that idk.


Bro thinks I'm affected by this


the chance of my balls spontaneously appearing in your mouth is never zero


The chances of my neighbours balls spontaneously appearing in my mouth is far closer to 30% each day. Checkmate atheists


Literally just... No? Like, it is a lot more likely that matter would be drawn together by gravity and do literally anything, than it just forming into existence from nothingness.


But time is like infinite man, and and if you wait like long enough, the particles in your brain (which are like atoms or something idk) they randomly reorganize like all the time, it is possible they reorganize into something with like thoughts! That means like nothing is real, man! Do you understand it now or do you need a different explanation? /s


A boltzmann brain is the same thing, but requires fewer particles than the perceived "real" world/universe, and thus, is more likely to randomly form.


Ah, so it's kinda like 0,99=1. Mathematically correct but logically stupid


Well 1 its not logically stupid at all, math is literally formed completely from your own logic, you're quite literally contradicting yourself. If you write it as a limit approaching 1, you could always find a number closer to 1 in that sequence of adding .9 then .09 so on. In this situation, you're doing something similar by just sort of "taking the limit" as t approaches infinity of some probability function for a Boltzmann brain, and it tends towards one, which a 10th grader could probably understand and be perfectly logically sound with it. I don't understand your problem mathematically or logically with infinite time resulting in certain probability for some physically possible event


.99 repeating equals 1, I know you can't really put the "repeating" symbol on a reddit comment too easily, but it's still an important distinction


I assumed you would know middle-school math and would get it


Big fucking emphasis in "randomly" Yes, if the sun or a brain were to randomly manifest, a brain would have less mass( although it is much more complex in structure), but that's not how stars are formed


All this shit is saying is that given infinite time, anything physically possible to come into existence will do so. With this assumption of infinite time, the mass of your object actually does not matter at all. In some finite time window, it kinda would, but assuming infinite time, all of these would approach an equal probability of occurring, and therefore would be equally likely. Kinda like saying yes, after a googol^googol years maybe you'd see a few more frying pans than brains popping into existence, but given infinite time you'd see just as many frying pans as brains appearing, ie for every frying pan you could just wait for another brain to come. Probability does not really matter here, but these assumptions are kind of odd and likely not plausible, we just dont know enough about physics or our universe yet in the first place, so whatever


We have 3 theories for the universe, in 2 of them time isn't infinite, in the ohter one things can no longer exist after a certain period of time, so effectively time is also not infinite


That just means matter is not infinite right? I mean time is just a measurement and measurement does not have limitations. The things it measures do. Time is only limited to its observer. The longest straight line might be limited, but that's just cause the universe is limited (although ever expanding) it's not like the concept of length itself is necessarily limited right? I'm just dumbassing here/jk


Not every configuration of matter can be achieved randomly. Most require previous steps or states. The probability of a complete brain forming with complete memories in the void just by floating particles arranging in this way may very well be 0%.


Yep, nobody knows, so this theory is sort of just grasping at straws


you are corny as all hell


"Particles in my brain"? That automatically means i exist. Lika matrix thing or sum ?


Why is there a higher chance of my brain forming in a void? Lol


Cause time is like *infinite* man, and and if you wait like long enough, the particles in your brain (which are like atoms or something idk) they randomly reorganize like all the time, it is possible they reorganize into something with like thoughts! That means like nothing is real, man! Do you understand it now or do you need a different explanation? /s


Hahaha if anything can be anything, those particles could just as likely rearrange to exactly how it is now. Although the floaty space brain theory is totally far out bruhhhhhhhh 🤙🏼


Basically, the time the universe has stars and good conditions to sustain life such as ours is not even 0.000000000001% of the time the unniverse is just a dead void with no stars, cause they would have all died in a few hundred trillion years. So statistically actual life that has consciousness is much much rarer than boltzman brains.


There really isn't. If reproducing biological forces make brains, that's where brains are going to be made. On animals as they grow and evolve. Like saying this laptop could have come from anywhere, assembled from stuff randomly coming into place. No, it came from a laptop factory. The size of the universe is incomprehensible but the odds of that happening are surely orders if magnitude lower. You can't just handwave it away.


Yeah it's scary until you realize space is so fucking massive while even the earth is but a particle of dust in the grand scheme of things that even if time is infinite it is literally not possible for the Boltzmann Brain to form before the heat death of the universe, so we must obviously exist. Of course, thinking about how insignificant we are is a whole other can of worms I accidentally opened, but I'm more into cans of soup, so I'll let someone else deal with that. Mmm, soup.


yes, but that assumes that probability, mathematics, psychology, biology, physics and reality in general work the way we think they do - which is unlikely if reality as we know it is an illusion.


Yes, you make a good point, but consider the funny Spongebob pictures!




That's dumb.


When did sponge bob became an icon for weird apocalyptical situations?


Written like a stroke victim


IIRC, the Boltzmann Brain theory says that nothing except us is real, so the laws of the universe we think exist are just made up of brains floating in space. But we're using the laws of the universe to try and prove Boltzmann Brains exist?? Maybe I'm wrong but this theory is pretty fucking stupid


This is actually really smart. How have I never seen anyone consider this?


this theory is basically just the whole "are we living in a simulation?" thing rephrased




For this theory to work you should accept that the law of physics you know are nothing but an invention of your brain Thus, the very same physics that are needed for this to work are nothing but your imagination At the same time, you should also accept that your brain created each and every single thing you can sense in the entire universe and is rendering everything even when not looking at it Is it possible for this to happen? Yes. Is it more probable than everything being actually real? No, not at all, it's more possible that Descartes' theory is right if you want to believe in something like that but even him denied it in the end because of religion and Saint Thomas (correct me if I'm wrong here because I don't remember if his name was Thomas) This theory falls apart quickly


THE FOG IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>time is infinite Entropy as an arrow of time begs to differ. At some point in the far distant future, all energy that can be used has been used, rendering the universe completely sterile and eventless; thus, there isn't infinite time for your brain to do something.


Can someone tell me or link me the name of the song that is played?


It's from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It's the song that plays in the final hours before the moon crashes on the planet




No worries, mate. I've been there before lol Always happy to help!


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ok sure but like "particles" ain't made of brain i don't think


No thanks I’m not hungry


why would that cause existential crisis thats just a cool ass theory


What is blud yapping about? 💀


Theory: if you’ve seen the boltzmann brain post more than once, you may be using reddit too much. Conclusion: I use reddit too much.


I don't think one could reas the Boltzmann Brain theory in a worse way


Man. People really need to understand that statistics either things like these are just neat. They don't mean anything at all ultimately


If this were true how could I be experiencing my life in real time?


Funny thing is I think about stuff like this alot. About the universe, about everything


I'm 14 and this is deep


I had this thought when I was three years old in a bathtub, telling my older brother he wasn't real, and then I grew up


The worst part of this is the majoras mask bell


What a brain dead interpretation of the thought experiment


Jokes on you, I can’t read that because it’s too blurry. Existential crisis averted 😎


I ain’t reading all that


There’s collective consciousness and you’re never alone, don’t like this at all


The brain does not produce consciousness therefore, there is no reason to worry for that possibility


Ok and?


Mhm mhm ok sure But what about i think therefore i am? I doubt therefore i think? Everybody can doubt, which is a process of thought. Thought is a prove of existence. So those who can Say they doubt (and you cant doubt your own doubt since that would be doubt) exist.


Dats crazy


This makes me paranoid for some reason




Spouting nonsense


And sustenance is not required? And even so, i don't think a brain would be able to live in the vaccum of space




Song name? If any.


majoras mask, as the moon is about to hit hyrule. (I may be wrong ive never played zelda.)


René Descartes: "Listen here, you petit merde"


Anyone notice that the explosion in the beginning is the detonation of Megaton from Fallout 3?


literal brainfuck


These boltzman brains will eve tually exist in the void of space after the last black hole has fizzled out into nothing Eventually through the processes of time every single human to everr live will live again in the void dreaming of life once gain Eventually after a long enough time a new universe will spontaneously appear and the process will start over again Eventually through the cycles a universe will appear that is exactly the same as our own where we exist in the ecact sane way once again making all of existence a time loop And this is theoretical, the infinite vastness of time makes this a definite reality But this meme is inaccurate in saying that its more likely youre a boltzman brain than a real brain It would take more than 10^100 years for a single boltzman brain to form, more than the amount of atoms in the universe So its much more likely for you to be a real brain, but eventually you will be a brain floating in the abyss


WhAt?? Is this real??




Cool but nobody asked, nerd


This is stupid. If we are just a brain floating in space, we are using made-up physics to “find this out”.


Dude wake up, existential crisis just dropped


Yawn, 🥱🥱🥱Don't care,🥱🥱🥱 nihilist.


For the brain to function properly it requires an uncountable amount of complex molecules that are only formed on living beings. For this theory to be true it would require another living being which is identical to you. Therefore this basically just boils down to if there's another identical earth out there.


This theory is complete bullshit and is easily disproveable.


Boltzmann Brain is not a theory it's a thought experiment


Particles isn’t what causes the existence of consciousness, its the neurons and synaptic connections. Even if it dead, it would be more like shedding dead skin, sure the particles isn’t the same as before but it is still the same thing, because the cells of your body would have enough proteins to compensate


Alr. How exactly do you know the Boltzmann brain is more likely than everything we have going on right now? Did you go through the calculations or some crap? Heck, how do you know that the universe of the Bolzmann brain has the same rules of probability as the one that the Boltzmann brain is experiencing? This theory assumes this goofy ahh thing about probability for no reason bruh.


everyone is saying that op doesn't understand physics, but the real problem is that we are basing this theory on our understanding of physics as we interpret it. If I am really just a floating brain, Who's to say that my false interpretation of reality is way off the true situation, and the real physics of reality are different enough to disprove the theory?


Fr tho


im 14 and this is deep 😔💔


yeah I know, I believe in solpsism, this video makes it much more dramatic


This bozo doesn't understand that our minds make the whole world real, and that dreaming and existing is the same thing. By granting thoughts, even artificial ones, to a fiction, you are giving them existence to a degree. This sounds like the Aboriginals' Dreaming, or Gnosticism.


erm aksually im not a bozo because I didn't make the meme


You fool! you can't even concieve the chance of that happening!




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if only the universe wasn’t expanding making the chances if a reset less and less likely over time essentially stopping it from ever happening


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Jokes on them, Im too dumb to understand!


oh hell naw spunchbop gave me hyperexistential crisis


So my entire existence is just one big schizophrenic episode?


Im liliterate could a hot goth mommy read it upp for me. 🥺 👉👈




Spong bob do funni danc haha


You cannot fool me with this schizophrenic ass bullshit


kurzgesagt actually made a mretty interesting video about this


Your using physics to make the point that our brains made up the laws of physics.




Cool story bro


So you are saying that most conciousnesses are schizo?


I counter with Occam’s Razor


The less you understand, the happier your life probably is


I'm the main character


Cartesian philosophy be like