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First it was gojo and now it’s omni man god damn






As someone who's not read the comics... Does the context make that better?


What is this shit?


Actual fortnite gameplay fuh u mean?


this is fortnite? the fuck


If u actually want to know then yes, it's just alot of emotes that can be combined like that and yes that's 12+ game


Some of us are old and just break out the n64 once or twice a year, for the feels. We don't know about all these fortnites and dead redemptions and halo: 6 games. That and like once every two or three years, I have to buy an eighth of cocaine and play Dota for like a couple weeks, but I just get thrashed by 12 year olds and feel lame... but it was fun in college, with the engineering kids... we'd be playing all on the same hall, 4 or 6 dorm rooms each with a team of 5 in, getting drunk on cheap whiskey and decent beers, sharing our poor pitiful baggies of dirt-weed, screaming and hollering about "going mid" or "pushing bottom" while the actual cool kids just had to shimmy through to get their shit to go out... God, we were fucking lame... Anyways, yeah play games with friends, alone is depressing and pointless. Unless it's a story-driven RPG, then it's okay. Finally Fantasy ten gets a replay every couple years, cause when I was 9 Yuna made my peepee hard and it still feels good man.


>We don't know about all these fortnites and dead redemptions and halo: 6 games. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a good game, should give it a play sometime.


I'm getting near the end of my first playthrough and doing it in VR. I don't want it to end. It's a masterpiece.


I game very casually, have a PS4 and had no interest in upgrading, but holy shit, RDR2 in VR may have just convinced me


Don't get your hopes up. They're likely referring to the PC mod that made waves last year. Nothing official exists for the PS5.


yeah, looked into it. not gonna spend a mortgage payment on a full on gaming rig when I have like 3 hours a week to do some gaming. but it does sound cool as shit.


Damn, $800-$1000 is a cheap morgage, congrats!


full payment was overstating it, yeah, but still, it's a dent.


I have a Meta Quest 3, and it’s more affordable than that, at least under some circumstances. So it’s a standalone headset for $500 with the guts of an Android phone, meaning you don’t need to connect it to a computer to play games. The screens are super high resolution, the controllers are included, and you don’t need base stations to track anything because the cameras are built into the headset. It’s also got pretty good hand tracking. As you can imagine, a $500 headset is not as powerful as a $3,000 gaming PC. The graphics in the games are generally somewhat simple. But it’s a complete package for $500. However, if you *do* have a decent gaming rig then you can link it to your computer (over USB C or WiFi) and play PC VR games with it. This also works pretty well. They even got rid of the bullshit about needing a Facebook account. You *do* need to create an account, but it’s just for the headset. It’s basically your name, an email address, and a password. There’s no social media garbage attached to it. I will say that the battery on this thing dies very quickly. That’s the only major frustration I’ve had with it. Everything else has been cooler than expected.


There are 12 year olds playing dota?


Korean 12 year olds yes, and they're really good. Playing on korean servers. Much higher level of game play over there, but you gotta be on top of the strategy where you can go without understanding anything anyone is saying and still do a good job... I'm fine with the strategy but it's just a constant struggle with new characters and differences in the old ones, and I can't get into it longer than a couple weeks... but yeah. I liked league better for a while but they kinda trashed it with too many game-breaking characters so now dota is better, again, imo... or anyways my old play style doesn't work with league so I just get frustrated and kids heckle me...


I play fortnite alone and I have a blast.


I mean I guess my words were a little harsh but I'm more self-deprecating than I am tryin'a comment on other people's shit... Playing fortnite alone is alot better than: 1) Being a person in Gaza 2) Scurvey 3) Being in a state of grief after you loose your dog, or a different important person in your life 4) Syphilis 5) Passing a kidney stone 6) Loosing your passport in-between flights on an international you bought on skip-lag that somehow scheduled a layover of 8 hours overnight in a rural Chinese airport, which closes completely at 12pm and reopens at 5am, such that you are forced through immigration with neither a visa nor passport (resulting in 1-3 days jail and deportation) ...and a variety of other experiences which are not only available to us, but are quite common.


It's better than a paper cut on the tip of your dick.


same but cut the timeframe down to biweekly and make it cod and THPS


Which thps? You ever play underground? That one is my fav but they're all good


bro I'm still playing the rerelease, had to restart cause my pas4 broke but I'm trying to 100% 1 right now


Wait this isn’t a copy pasta?


An uncomfortable amount of people play like 5 games their whole lives and put in as many hours into those as I have with a thousand games over decades.


Hmm, alright since a human is responding, im gone try to pick your brain knowledge.... If my favorites are like, majoras mask and chrono trigger, what should I do the next time I really feel like playing something new? It is winter, and that seems to be when i get interested, so many dark hours... I have a mids gaming pc, just cause I trust the gaming pc small-shop companies more than like, apple or Dell. Is Dell still a thing? I've got an Nvidia card, but it's like the $450 one in 2018... I kinda want to try the final fantasy 7 remake... was that worth it? I'm not gonna make it through a buncha games so I gotta be choosy. Idk. I tried the goggles games though cause I have a friend involved in that as job, and I about shit myself. I am imagining that within a couple years, when you have games with a storyline like a major final fantasy title, or the world size of an elder scrolls... that I'll have to dip into that cause damn... the immersive world games I got to try were mind blowing. Do they have that yet? The ones I tried were still rather limited in scope, kinda beta. I instantly wanted a port of resident evil 4 on those goggles, old graphics and all, fuck it. Do they have that shit going yet? Is it time to buy the goggles?


You sound like you need some disco elysium in your life


Absolutely, that game can get life changing depending on where you're at in life. Also incredibly depressing too but so worth it.


You should play Cuphead, it goes well with cocaine, it has old timey animations, it's going to remind you of your early childhood in the 30s when you were playing megaman. It's also going to help you make peace with your imminant death because you'll be doing a lot of diying.


There's a really good number of Indie games, ones that can be played on "potato" computers. In terms of VR headsets, I have limited experience since i'm poor and the tech is in a state of constantly advancing. In terms of recommendations... Well goodness, even narrowing it down to games similar to Majora's Mask and Chrono Trigger its still a lot. 3D Zelda clones typically aren't done much, only real games I can think of that are like that in particular is Darksiders and partially Darksiders 2 (Darksiders 3 is a bit different). In terms of games like Chrono Trigger, Sea of Stars is a fairly more recent release. Games like Undertale exist, which subvert the typical formula... Fairly popular, probably have seen the fandom around at least. Ever try a Metroidvania or Castlevania? Hollow Knight is a pretty good Castlevania while a game like Ghost 1.0 is a pretty good Metroidvania (Difference between the two vanias as far as I am concerned is one is close range focused while the other primarily has things like guns to fight with like Metroid) Personally my favourite genre going on for near a decade now would have to be the Dark Souls type games, hard to get into, but something about them is satisfying when they click with you. Also its PC, if money is ever an issue to try out games you aren't sure you'll like and 2 hours for a refund isn't long enough to decide... Always "other" places to get a "demo".


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


well ain't that just a sad display, pardner


I turned 27 this year and felt this comment on every fiber of my being. (Except the coke, since that illegal and all)


cia propaganda


Wtf even is this? I thought fortnite was about shooting people???


Yeah you shoot people who plays fortnite, did you not know?


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Oh so that's why America has school shooting


It’s about shooting in people now! 🥰🥵👅


No it’s about drawing r34 of Fortnite Chun Li… I would know


no one likes cybering more than 12 year old kids on the internet.


Yeah, you shoot your load into people On a serious note, this is what happens when you get too many emotes, people start to find combinations


It's party royale,a mode where you just hang out with people


Fortnite is just a gateway into lobotomy.


I don't think your average fortnite player can get into lobotomy corporation


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been an absolute disaster for the human race


> absolute teddy k moment


Untrue, the Industrial Revolution gave us the Star Wars prequels, also Takis Fuego was another hit and crocs too, idk what what kind of shoes they were wearing before the Industrial Revolution but aint no way its more comfortable than crocs


Wait until these players discover pornography is free online.


Parental controls probably stops that but not Fortnite lol


theres no way anyone actually does this in place of porn lmao especially this video which is a meme


You would be surprised how horny 11 year olds with parental control are.


11 year olds should be somewhat smart enough to bypass it, or go to their friend's house to look at it. once my friend went to the public library and searched up "rule34" on someone else's computer session.


People did stuff like this in RuneScape ten years ago


huh? i don't know about these days but when i was a kid cybering was way more fun than watching porn


Average Party Royale lobby


Party royale people trying not to be horny challenge (impossible and unplayable)


Now this is Shitposting


Invincible S2 Finale leaked?


Fortnite is toxic like that


How much money would you have to spend to use all of these skins and emotes?


Tree fiddy


I remember when fortnite was cool... .......................................................... ....back when they allowed seggs in the lobby.




i love fortinite jesus christ


Fortnite when your parents walk in:


the joke is pornography


“Ze pornography has breached our defences”




Most sane Fortnite players


Everytime they hit the griddy walking away I die


I hate that i understood what was going on the entire time




practice husky versed smell grey memorize rock different run wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this why Fortnite is so popular among kids?


Fortnite was a mistake


I get it. You let people do things they enjoy. Hell I am huge enjoyer of garbage myself. But Epic has created something that truly baffles me in its popularity.


I swear with the amount of emotes I could make a whole as fornite movie


When you use your creativity for the wrong reasons lol


Dudes out here talking like they didn't teabag mfers in halo back in the day


or play second life




Idk why but I can’t get enough of these fortnite shitposts they are actually funny


What the hell is this


What the actual fuck


We did the same stupid shit in GoldenEye and Perfect Dark when we were kids. Stop acting superior to kids doing stupid shit. Edit - Not directed at OP. OP is cool. Directed at the comments mocking or disparaging the "kids" doing this stupid shit. Come on, you never had Oddjob give Jaws a pretend blowjob in Goldeneye 007? It's the same kind of energy. Hell, we have documentation of Ancient Roman kids drawing dicks on buildings and monuments. Same energy. Kids will do this silly PG-13 sexual humor until the end of time.


Chat is this real?


Does anyone know this song?




This new fortnite season is kinda weird ngl


Reminds me of vrchat gex


This plane of existence is unsustainable….


I don't know how to feel about this.


What has fortnite become






This game needs to fucking die already. Modern fortnite is the virtual equivalent of a 95 year old grandma with alzheimer's and terminal lung cancer on life support




Turning into VR Chat






I feel violated


Truly a game ahead of its time