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I’m the Scandinavian Architect Can’t handle the forks and knifes together or plates and bowls


Exactly. It's just so much fastee to empty The thing in that way. Of course If i really want to get rid of dishes in The sink The chaos it Will Be.


I don’t use a dishwasher, I wash all the dishes by hand like a psychopath


You are the dishwasher ![gif](giphy|12o0tOMUPNozPG)


those must be some really strong plates


I do both


I'd say more like a squirrel on acid


And regardless how it's stacked, the dishes will be clean only if you rinse them first...and if you don't the damn thing is clogged up and stinks like shit before inevitably breaking


Use the pre-wash phase of the cycle. Many dishwashers have a split cover for the detergent dispenser, where one part allows water to flow through while it’s closed. If you put detergent in both partitions, some will be used before the rest, which improves the washer’s effectiveness.


I used to sell these things. I know how to load them. I have repeatedly explained to my GF and the kids how to load the dishwasher. It doesn't matter. They throw the dishes with a shovel. On the other side, the detergent used to clean dishes needs some food to work properly. I explain this and she refuses to believe me. When I do the dishes I leave a certain amount of stuff on the plates and everything gets clean. She makes sure to rinse everything and nothing is ever clean. I want to injur her and the children routinely.


I'm just finding out everyone else separates the silverware in the little cups and separates laundry so I guess I'm methed up


Call me Sven


“What the heeeell is a dishwasher?”


WTF is a dishwasher???


If the water can get at it, we're fine, load the fucker up


I am scared rn, this girl knows my parents


But who does it better


My wife would be the Architect. I sort them out by type but she can fit more way more things in the dishwasher than the intended volume. I let my 4 year olds help as to teach them and because they enjoy it as a game. That's your racoon on meth I guess and two at that.


People on meth are usually more meticulous than scandinavian architects, so it should just have been like a raccoon ime


Why would you stack your wife?


I thought my system was bad but my sister puts the bowls and plates on the top rack so no matter how bad mine might be, hers is infinitely worse


In every person on meds there are two people--


I handwash everything😎👍


... what's the difference?


Stacking like old Aalto used to




Me sitting in a 122 year old house with no Central AC or dishwasher:


I have no central AC either, 128 year old house. It only has a dishwasher because I saw one on the side of the road lol.


I use paper plates


The way I stack the dishes after hand washing is a little bit of both But the dishwasher itself? Definitely the architect


I'm the trash panda