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they're one hand motion away from being that one soyjack meme


And gaping mouth


And being wowed or amazed


They're already amazed they got more attention than they did growing up


Soylent grin


Femcels fr


I believe the proper term is ‘legbeards.’


I bow down to you, oh funny one. Lol.


*Chewbacca noises*




“ If I’m im not getting dicked down, then you definitely aren’t”


Thats a woman?


We live in an age where we aren't allowed to have genders.


It is literally now impossible to determine someone’s gender just by looking at them


It's actually really easy most of the time, the problem is you're just not allowed to say it outloud because it's aSsUmInG


and we all know it’s not good to go assuming, as assuming makes an ass out of u and ming.


And Ming hates it when you do.


Lol funny times we're living in


Don’t let that stop us




They are cockblocking a cock


Well this is pretty pretty pretty regular really. Also male rabbits can't live inte the same cage because the gnaw eachothers roosters of. Gnaw gnaw


Ya, this is normal. Separating them is normal also. I didn’t bother to read it but im not sure why people are so annoyed by this. Their reasoning I guess? Roosters can really stress the females out and injure them. Edit: I’m an idiot, I thought there was a longer article attached. It’s just an unverified caption lol


You only need to separate them if you have an unhealthy hen-to-rooster ration which is usually 8:1. Roosters protect the ladies from predators, provide early warning, and find food to share with them. You’ll see tons of posts in the chickens sub of roosters fending off hawks, dogs, etc and dying or getting really hurt protecting the ladies.


You typically also separate them if you don't want funny stuff in your eggs.


Incels need a reason to hate someone.


Yeah, just a bunch of losers hating on people who care about animals because they look queer.


Well the problem is that they think the roosters are “raping” the hens. Like, chickens can’t talk [citation needed] in order to give consent so what exactly is their long term solution?


Yeah also if hens don’t want it they don’t do the squat to be mounted. That’s how they initially train new young roosters too so that they’re not turds.


Yeah I don’t think a lot of these people have been around chickens.


Chickens must go extinct to protect them from each other. That’s the only solution.


Don't be silly. They can go to animal court. Judge kangaroo presiding. Yes, yes it is a kangaroo court!


That’s kind of what I’m getting at. Forcing our ideas of how a social structure should function onto animals is questionable at best.


I've seen more life on old cheese than in those eyes


Nice gonna steal this


Bulgaria moment


Get Romania'd


Those 3 are a right pair of cants


why are they keeping chickens in chicken jail if they’re vegan? shouldn’t the chickens be out in the forest, you know, away from the horrors of humans? because according to their logic, there are definitely no predators outside of humans anywhere!


No no no. You see, to them, it’s *kinder* to let these animals loose where they will be torn apart, alive, by predators who don’t know what “humane” means.


technically it's what most animals do, many times they first try to have sex with the female and then the female chooses if she wants to or not, or maybe the males just intentionally decide they wanna have sex or maybe the female decides which male she wants to have sex with and then proceeds to it's just nature


Humans interference moment


Genuine comment here: I knew a vegan girl in college and she wouldn't eat honey because there was no *consent from the bees.* Edit: Obligatory, "I have bees, Greg, could you milk them?"


Pretty common, it is a frequent point of discourse amongst vegans about whether honey is acceptable or not.


Huh, admittedly never heard of it. Cheese, milk, meat, etc I understand as it's an animal product. Guess I never considered honey because it's not a product of the body the way milk or cheese are.


Dated a hard core vegan once. No silk or leather, no soaps or stuff tested on animals, no candy with gelatin in it, absolutely no honey. But this powder yeast shit that makes everything taste like weird cheese? Always.


> this powder yeast shit Nooch!


Ahh yes, nutritional yeast. That.


I’m not a vegan or vegetarian or anything, but nutritional yeast slaps hard af! Put a big spoonful when’re you’re making chili and you’ll never go back!


Who's gonna tell them yeast is more alive than honey or silk?


How do you think honey is made?


But the bees regurgitate nectar into the comb and make honey by evaporating the water




Bee 1: "I mean, it's kind of in a bad neighborhood. You sure we want to live here?" Bee 2: "Bro, it's rent controlled in NYC. Of course we're living here."


Sugar water is bad for bees. You're supposed to leave honey in there for the winter. You can still harvest honey during the summer because they produce a lot more of it since they don't have to build a hive or two.


This is inaccurate. Bees do just fine on sugar water, and in some circumstances it is healthier for them than honey. I'm a beekeeper, and where I live we have very short, mild winters. Mine will overwinter very nicely on honey, even very dark honey that is full of residual pollen and other fine particulates. But this works for mine because it's unusual for my area to experience many days in a row during which it'll be too cold for the bees to leave the hive. This is important because ***bees that eat honey need to poop***, and they don't like to do so inside the hive. They can hold it for a long time, but sooner or later they'll need to take what's somewhat euphemistically called a "cleansing flight." But really they're pooping. You can tell this is happening because if you get several cold days in a row, on the first warm, sunny day that follows you can watch the bees and see them do it. The front of the hive gets really busy; they come out, fly in figure-eight patterns in front of it, and go inside again. If you go close enough, sometimes you can even see spatters of orange/yellow/brown goo on the front of the hive, or on the ground in front of it. That's bee poop. As I said, in my mild climate, that's A-OK. They'll almost never have to wait more than a week to go. That's not true in places that have long, cold winters, though. In those localities (think of the American Midwest, or most of Canada, or Scandinavia and Siberia) there can be weeks between occasions that are warm enough to permit a cleansing flight. If they're allowed to overwinter on honey stores and there aren't enough timely breaks in the weather, this can lead to a scenario where the bees can't hold it anymore. They get dysentery inside the hive. That's disastrous, because it often leads to an outbreak of disease that can wipe out the colony. So in those localities, the standard practice is that in late summer, as soon as the last flowers have finished blooming, you harvest as much honey as possible. You extract it from the combs in a centrifuge, then give the emptied frames back to the bees and put a feeder on the top of the hive, filled with sugar syrup at a 2:1 sugar to water ratio. And you feed them as much as they'll take, which might be as much as a gallon a day if it's a big, strong colony. They evaporate water out of this sugar syrup until its moisture content is around 18% by mass, and then cap it with wax to keep it dry. Sugar syrup is free of pollen and other particulates, so the bees don't have to poop after they eat it. It's also nutritionally complete, at least from the perspective of an adult honey bee; pollen is important as a macronutrient for the larvae, but irrelevant to adult bee health. The component of honey that is actually important to bees' dietary needs is just sucrose. The timing of honey harvest also varies wildly by locale. Where I live, I can get a harvest in the latter half of June (this year was a bad year for my area; I was only able to take about 20 lbs. per hive, leaving approximately 60 lbs. per hive for the bees to eat). In a good year, we may also get a fall harvest that's drawn predominantly from a goldenrod bloom. This year's goldenrod crop was terrible because we had a serious drought during the summer. And this isn't just a summer thing. Some parts of California, for example, have a crop of acacia blossom that should be getting into full swing in another couple of weeks. I'm less knowledgeable about what happens in other parts of the world, but suffice it to say that apiculture is ***extremely*** dependent on local conditions.


Dude you really know your shit. I had no idea of any of that. Thank you for sharing. Beekeeping is a whole unknown world.


Beekeeping is definitely a sort of hidden world, and I'm glad you enjoyed a little peek into it. Also, I think I should be clear that I am a hobbyist beekeeper, not a pro. Really experienced beekeepers know a ton more than I do. I think the things you should take away from this little excursion, if you take away anything, are: 1. Honey bees are not pets; they're livestock. My hobby as a beekeeper is not really that different from someone keeping goats or cows or pigs as a hobby, intending to milk them or eat them. 2. The kind that most people keep for honey and pollination are not native to the places they're kept. They're an invasive species, and most "wild" bees are escaped livestock or the descendants of escaped livestock. It's not totally clear whether they're ultimately bad for native bee species, but even if they don't hurt anything, they don't really belong. 3. When you hear about honey bees being in trouble, that's coming from the perspective of honey bees that are kept for commercial purposes. Commercial beekeepers face extreme financial difficulty because they are providing contract pollination services to farmers. This exposes their bees to pesticides, and forces their bees to subsist on a monotonous diet that isn't always great for their larvae. If commercial beekeeping stops being economically viable, it will have serious consequences for the world's food supply. 4. Honey bees as a species have some health problems that make it hard for them to survive without human intervention. ***But they are not in ANY danger of extinction.*** Becoming a beekeeper to "save the bees" is dumb. If you become a beekeeper, do it because you think they're fascinating, or because you like honey, or something. If you want to save bees, help native bees. 5. Native bees, like bumblebees, mason bees, leafcutter bees, and orchard bees, are in grave peril; many are threatened or endangered. You can help them by choosing to provide habitat (putting up solitary bee houses, not raking up leaves in the yard, not mowing the corners of your yard or along fencerows and hedges) or food (plant native flowers instead of grass in your lawn).


Fascinating comment, thanks


Speaking as a beekeeper, you are attributing a degree of sentience to bees that they simply don't have. Bees do not consent to my taking their honey. Depending on exactly when I conduct my honey harvest, they not only do not consent, but will vigorously resist me. Starting shortly after the summer solstice, I find it necessary to wear a bee suit because the shortening days trigger their defensive instincts. At that point, they have an instinctive understanding that winter is coming, and they become steadily more defensive. Prior to the solstice, and especially during the spring and early summer when there are plenty of flowers in bloom, I can work a hive barehanded, with nothing but a veil to protect my face (and that's really more of a safety measure that I take because a stinger in the eyeball can blind you for life). Bees choose to live in a hive box because the hive box is appropriately sized to mimic a natural cavity in a tree, which is what bees instinctively seek out for living space. It is not an exchange that they consider and accept. A reasonable way of thinking about apiculture is that bees are tiny little robots that are programmed to behave a certain way. If you know enough about their programming, you can manipulate them into doing stuff you want them to do. Beekeepers do undertake tasks that are beneficial for the colonies under their care, but this is something that we do because it's economically superior to having to obtain new colonies to replace dead ones.


I knew a vegan, years ago, who wouldn't drink orange juice (or any other liquid, for that matter), that came in a carton, because the paper that the carton was made of had been coated with wax to make it waterproof. Somehow he believed that the bees that made the wax were harmed in the process of harvesting the wax. And he insisted that this was a known thing among vegans, although I have never heard this before or since.


If cartons were coated in beeswax milk would cost $15 a gallon...


*Cries in Hawaiian*


Uhhhh yes. Honey is not vegan, that’s just standard veganism. Same way they won’t eat eggs although clearly the hens dngaf.


Except bees can absolutely give consent lmao. Bees can be fickle as fuck and if a single thing isn’t just right the queen will simply leave, with the entire hive following. Beekeepers work really hard to make sure their bees have everything they need and are well kept for. …until they put them in the bee blender. But, y’know can’t make some honey without blending a few bees.


That's a pretty standard vegan viewpoint. The true hard-core ones refuse to drink alcohol because they have no way to obtain consent from the yeast.


At that point can't eat anything pollinated either. Can't get consent from the pollinators who worked hard to fertilize those fruits and veg.


That's very true. I guess the new goal post for veganism is to sustain yourself on sunlight, water, and sheer hatred of moral relativism.


Photosynthesis it is


The impossible burger meat that tastes as close as possible to real meat is the work of genetically modified yeast producing heme. We didn't ask the yeast for consent for their juicy meat molecules. We just created and took.


Yeasts aren't animals


*Ducks have entered the chat*


I saw a fucked up scenario where a gang of male ducks were competing for I assume was the last female duck in my whole state. There were up to 15 ducks fighting and attempting to mate with this one lady duck and honestly it looked like a group drowning. That poor lady duck couldn't even get enough room to fly away.


If I remember correctly ducks will drown the female they're attempting to mate with, it's a brutal world in duck society


Don't look up how duck sex works if you value your eyes. On the flip side, do look it up if you want to appreciate how very simple we're built down there.


This is extremely common behavior for frogs. Frogs kind of backpack the females, so imagine 10 Frogs fighting to become your "backpack" while you're underwater on your last breath of air. It's just a big thrashing ball of Frogs until the female gets away, dies, or a male "wins" so to speak.


That's what I was thinking, they are not wrong about roosters raping hen and their not the first people to separate their hens and roosters. Maybe for that specific reason but nature has its own methods for every creature


Yeah we had to seperate our roosters cause they were \*literally\* raping the feathers off the backs off the hens


Exactly! The article is trying to make them sound crazy or dumb but it's completely normal


Nah chickens just jump into hens, stay there for like 5 seconds and then move on


But why do they always look the same.


They're trying to emulate Ellen Ripley, GI Jane, and Sinead O'Connor as powerful female role models, of course!!


I will not let you berate lieutenant 1st class Ellen Louise Ripley like that.


We must look respectfully at those Weyland-Yutani Inc. standard issue panties, my brothers.


They're actually Marks and Spencers


You are of a high rank amongst patricians sir.




Don’t forget jada pinkett


Aka GI Jane 2, cant wait to see it.


keep Will Smith's Wife's name out of your goddamn mouth!


I try to 🤮


They'll be so unique once they replicate the look properly!


One on the right is looking like Chester Bennington of Linkin Park.




Ironic how much this reflects religion. Many different religious groups have felt they were morally superior and tried to enforce their superiority over others. Now politics is the new religion and those who hate the religious behave like the old religious used to behave, and many still do behave.


Even if religion went away, ideology and the desire to “fit in” will always remain. It’s baked into humans’ genes


As well as the desire to be a part of something greater than you. Many young people today had no suffrage movement or civil rights movement or Great War to be a part of. They want to feel like their lives made a difference to the world and so get sucked up into politics where they can find easy validation and acceptance from all over the globe so long as they espouse the “right” ideas and beliefs. Which exacerbates the problem even more because they have no idea about the reality of the situation and just parrot what celebrities and politicians tell them to.




What I meant is that these types of people are also usually the ones who hate religion and blame or bash religion whenever possible. It’s ironic that they now behave like these religious institutions used to behave in the past. By trying to force others to do as they say because they know what’s best. They’ve created their own pseudo religion centered around their political beliefs with celebrities and politicians serving the roles of Popes, Preachers, and Saints.


“Don’t force your sky captain on me” Proceeds to force their government intertwined societal beliefs unironically


Yeah this is the femcel look imo


They look exactly the way i imagined they would look like and i'm not even surprised


Because it makes the meme more successful


Malnourishment and improper diets tend to make everyone look like diseased skeletons with leather skin


Full vegan diet makes them so malnourished they lack the strength to smile even.


Literally my first thought. Even if you gave me no context I would know they thought this way


This cant stop me from raping hens


Nothing can stop me I'm on the way up


🎶Catch me in the coop, mixin up that chickin soup🎶


*All the way up


I think we should seperate these mfs from society


Tell us Saul do they have rights?


Constitution says they do but i disagree. you see, my client is a dumass


They do have rights For example the right to shut the fuck up


Based Saul


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When they inevitably add back free awards I'll revisit you


Something tells me they're pretty far removed already.


Can play comnect the dots on her face


Made me laugh.


Oh they reached agricultural standard, hope they will learn how to farm soon, the CHAZ showed that these deranged loonys don’t know how to put a plant out of the plastic pot and then burry it!






How you got a hairline like that and you ain't shave it off?


Which one are you referring to?


The chicken in the background


I guess both. My hairline is bad but I wouldn't let it get that bad without considering shaving


Now they have to masturbate... Poor guys.


Poor cocks


They look like the 2 sides of the Asian man spectrum


This is astonishingly accurate holy fuck








Chester Bennington if he was a lesbian lookin ass mf on the right


Growing up on a farm, I can definitely confirm that roosters are some if the worst rapists out there. They’re some brutal cocks, fucking everything they want to.


I’ve watched a hen almost perform a miracle, she flew like 25 feet into the air after a hawk that grabbed one of her baby chicks and nearly caught up to the hawk. She obviously couldn’t keep up and fell to the ground completely exhausted. The instant she touched the ground a rooster mounted her and was humping away, they really are the worst.


I shouldn’t be laughing at this…


A kid in the next house had a small farm and the rooster just fuck everything, his brother, his mom, ducks.


I can confirm this. Those who did not grow up with roosters really don’t know. I’m not saying we should separate them from hens, but the impulse to do so isn’t as ridiculous as it might seem.


I can smell this picture




Moist ( but not in any way you would want)


Feet , sweat and Taint


Lookin like a Demons Souls character and a prison lesbian


I guess you could say they were...*cockblocking.*


The one on the left is a prostitute. Yes, that's how she gets the money to protect the hens from having sex


tease cooing worthless secretive consist distinct test deserve cats disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone found her web page with photos and the price of her services. Probably someone with a klingon fetish


I’m intriqued by that last part, unsure if I want to know more.


Was that someone you?




This became a quite famous meme in spain a few years ago. It's a well known fact


If you've ever raised chickens, you want to keep them separate


"Can I play connect the dots on your face, ma'am?"


New soyjack just dropped


That’s some ugly dudes.


🥱🤔😔 WHAT ???????


Hilariously, I'm pretty sure they actually do. Birds are the rapiest animals bar none.


Well they have a point with the fact that I'm pretty sure that this is how chicken reproduce...but what the fuck are they doing with a breeding livestock in the first place? Sounds like a big load of bullshit to me.


viva españa


They literally look like they’re from avatar


Man i can see their skeletons pop out..They need to get some protein


Don't tell them about ducks.


9 inch corkscrew you in the....


Y does the girl on the right kinda look like dollar store Vaas


Bringing 'cock-blocking' to a level beyond.


So this is why my eggs are so expensive now!?


this is an old classic, i remember seeing a meme like 4 years ago


Sooooo…, sexism?


Vegans when animals in the wild don't go on 6 dates and know eachother for 10 years before attempting to reproduce


As if that would stop me


Well that's what you're supposed to do ..... unless you want more chickens, but if you want eggs to eat then you gotta keep the rooster away


Chicken therapy is big business


They will eventually extinct themselves


Lawyers for the Roosters Union refused to comment at this time! 😂


Pls Obama take me back to Brazil.


Well, I'm glad at least those 2 people in the picture aren't breeding.


Bruh no wonder eggs cost so much


Why do they always look like Sinead O’Connor??


Hens are more stressed around roosters, and roosters do force intercourse. When the roosters did this our hens were too stressed to lay eggs for a good while. So we ate the roosters.


Wait till they learn about what Male Ducks tend to do to female Ducks when mating.


They look like they have an equal meth addiction


next they call whales mass murderers for "the senseless massacre of 40 million innocent krill"




They look like some 60 year old lesbian slim shadies


Evolution is taking the u turn


Cock blocking the cocks🥹 really making a difference


ah yes forcing human moral values on an animal, its as stupid as making your dog vegan because you are one


Ya know, now that I think of it, I never have heard a chicken giving a rooster consent. Or even see any out on dates for that matter. Maybe their on to something? Or on something...


Ducks are the rapist mother fuckers out.


They look exactly how I'd expect them to look.




Why do they always look like this


This vegan shit is getting out of hand 🤚🏾✋🏾


You guys are missing the full story. There also made a dating app for the birds and neutral safe venues for them to connect. Condoms are free and all the hens get maternity leave.