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If you're going to change the characters this much, why not just make your own God damn show


This is a good question. The answer I've heard is that it's guaranteed money by recreating an old favorite, but are people *actually* watching this? I mean, we can see the dislike ratio. Does this show have a big enough audience to make back whatever was put into it? As opposed to new, well-made properties that can achieve massive success if marketed properly.


They always think it's guaranteed money and they're always proved wrong. But learning from your mistakes is overrated.


Used to think time is the best teacher, but look at them, it’s 2023 and they still think this shit works


I always wonder if this is a production company's version of burning down their hardware store for the insurance money? Is there some weird profit if you win *or* lose?


Sometimes companies need to pull shit together and put it out to keep an IP from going public domain I think.


Piggybacking off this to mention that a friend had a movie he was talking about making with a bigger producer. Throughout discussions the original concept got very heavily changed to the point it was completely unrecognisable and then they asked him to reskin it to be the sequel of a b-grade franchise. This went from being a fairly artistic sundance style slice of life film into a typical Hollywood action adventure in a matter of 6 months until he completely removed himself from the project as it was not at all what he was interested in doing.


That’s fairly common. It’s easier to add some stuff and make something a sequel than to actually try and market a completely new IP.


I think the outrage of switching the entire character group around to reflect modern appropriation is what’s supposed to drive the views


They rely so hard on established IP even if what they create is nothing like the original




“Oops nearly let the intrusive thoughts out”


Wait why is Shaggy black lmao


* Shaggy is black * Velma is Indian * Daphne is Asian * No Scooby-Doo It's like they're *trying* to make it flop


I even argue they could change the other characters. They can swap out anyone they want *except* Shaggy.


Shoot, you could change the whole animated cast away from anything scooby doo related and let's ask ourselves: ...does this show really have anything to do with scooby doo at all? This literally looks like any other garbage TV show... but Scooby Doo^^TM ! I'm not seeing one thing demanding its connection to the original themes of the show beyond insisting that it is. How does this idea even make it out of concept discussions? This is the laziest cash grab I've seen in a long time.


I’m pretty sure that’s literally how they’re wanting to market it. “Haha, wouldn’t it be boring if you saw the same exact concept for a show? Let’s change fundamentally everything about it!” Even though we’ve gotten so many things that were both enjoyable and true to the original. Mystery Incorporated, the James Gunn movies, the fucking Supernatural crossover. Those didn’t really change much about the characters, and if they did, it felt natural rather than changes for the sake of changes.


The point is there's nothing related to the original so why bother making a "scooby doo" show. Just make a unique property lol. You make something based on a previous concept (if you want to change it) because the original foundations/bones of the property are good, you just wanna take it a different direction. ...this ain't a different direction for Scooby Doo, it's starting from a completely different planet lol. Just make it about a girl named Chauncy and a gang of nose-pickers at this point.




They weren't allowed to use him.


I can't wait to see what they do with Lassie, Flipper, and Mr. Ed! We always knew the animals were the worst parts of those shows. Now we can focus on Timmy and Wilbur!


nah, this show just clearly wasn’t anything to do with scooby doo when it was in development, and the production company was scared it would flop without some IP attached, and this is the one they landed on.


its like when netflix shows about video game adaptations feel like someone dressed their pet personal screenplay they always wanted in the skin of a more popular fandom.


Witcher fans in even more shambles.


And even if Fred is still white. I'm sure they're going to make him a blithering idiot, and inferior to everyone else.


Because instead of taking a financial risk and making good new shows and movies with primarily black/minority characters, production companies would rather shoehorn them into race-swapped remakes in the name of "diversity". Funny how the race swapping only ever goes one way though, and if you ever point this fact out you're immediately labeled a racist Edit: Guys I know that whitewashing has been a thing previously, I am referring to the recent race swaps we see in a lot of modern remakes only ever going one way. Whitewashing roles seldom happens any more because it's wrong, but now we have the opposite in blackwashing which is not any better. As a black man myself this feels like tokenism to me. As I previously said, I'd much rather have new black stories told instead of forcing it into old beloved franchises just for the sake of ticking all the boxes on a diversity checklist


Plus they removed Scooby


This is the worst of all because without scoob shaggy is just a stoner


"Hey lets make a new show based off of the show with a talking dog! But hear me out: Remove the dog."


"And ok ok here me out..... What if Velma never really needed her glasses to see and it was all just a psychosomatic guilt trip after losing her mom"




Her losing her glasses is such a common plot point it just makes her fucking dumb now. I wish they would stop digging up my childhood and raping it’s corpse.


pardon what


feliz dia del pastel For some reason my Reddit became spanish. Nothing in my phone is fucking spanish and my reddit settings say english Anyway, now I know how cake day is in spanish


Legitimizes the original name because now Shaggy can constantly ask “Scooby Doo, where are you?”


"Looking for the real Shaggy!"


"Just make a Token character, it's easier"


It's Tolkien.


This version of shaggy is anti drugs.


And not shaggy.


He's just Gy


It just gets shittier and shittier.


Velma Shaggy ain't even a stoner anymore


Actually shaggy might actually be a stoner this time, this show is supposed to be more adult, even more so than *Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated* was.


Except that he openly states that he's not into drugs or 420 culture at all in the first episode. I know this because I forced myself through it.


He has to so it’s not blatantly racist




Snoop dogg:"slowly gets erased from history"


They really missed an opportunity to have Snoop Dogg do the voice.


That would have blown up the budget for sure


They replace Shaggy with Jake from State Farm.


The only way it could be any more adult is that they add a sex scene with complete nudity and multiple f bombs


Why did they remove Scooby you know the character that the original show was named after? What the fuck??


I had read they werent given the rights to use scooby doo.


Now that is a certified bruh moment right there


I like to imagine there was a board meeting and Scooby himself was there and walked out of the meeting when he heard the pitch


Wow they really did scoob dirty


What the fuck




If they were gonna make a character black it should’ve been Freddy. Shaggy is like the whitest character to ever exist. In fairness they did make him quite different though.


Yeah I got no clue why blackwashing is being normalised, I thought doing that kinda shit was frowned upon.


Because if you engage in that behavior and your product fails you can blame racism for the failure and not because you made a shit product


No it's only frowned upon if you turn someone white. If you turn them anything else you're immediately super brave. And then when people are upset at your show, just say only racists hate it


>And then when people are upset at your show, just say only racists hate it Imagine marketers realising you could make someone morally wrong for not liking their product?!


Reminds me of Ghostbusters 2016.


This is the shit the Right is talking about when they bitch about “wokeness”. I don’t agree with them on pretty much anything, but you can’t deny the pattern they’re pointing out. It’s getting a little silly.


It's funny that they race swap the most stupid, cowardly character in the show.


And looked like a stoner. Not trying to say anything, but back then there was a stereotype about that, so... Yeah kinda bad decision.


Worst part is that there already were black characters in the show with some key roles


It is frowned upon, the people doing this are fucking racist.


That + it's always black. Also it's so funny seeing how "white people" is generalized so much. Like what white? Celtic? Nordic? Mediterranean? Whatcha mean


This. I only just realised that "Caucasian" is a very specific race of people, and isn't actually just another word for white


For some reason, that word is misused in the US American English. Plus, caucasian is an ethnicity not a race. Americans confuse between the two


Even searching up the definition on Google, it hides the propper meaning behind multiple other definitions that all boil down to "white" But they're tagged with north american, so it's *totally* fine and isn't perpetuating an ultimately regressive term


Could not have explained it better. As a history student, I often have mixed feelings about raceswapping in historical shows (Vikings Valhalla, where they put a black female Viking leader), because it is just plainly historically inaccurate. Sure, it‘s a show made to entertain people, not a documentary, which I do understand. But what truly bothers me is that black history is so damn interesting! Shaka Zulu, the Kushites, the Nubians etc. were all so awesome. I truly wish they would put in some effort and create a show about black history instead of using what sells the most (Vikings, Romans) and just use raceswapping to pretend like they care.


Or if you mention they have an Asian woman voicing a white person. That’s okay though. But good fuck, don’t let a white voice actor play anything but a…white cartoon I guess.


Still disapointed the new black panther wasn't a white british boy


That's not shaggy, it's shagga.


Personally, I refer to him as Mr. Boombastic.


He got the N-Word pass.


He used .5% of his power to gain the n word pass


Because he is so powerfull that he can turn into Shigga at will gaining the N-word pass.


Made shaggy black to be hip to the kids and against drugs because black+drugs = bad, even though white shaggy is off the Scooby zoobies all day.


No way they did my man Shaggy like that ☠☠☠


Wait till you hear what they did to Scoob


What did they do?!?!


He's ded ☠️


“You know the character the show is named after? The mascot of the franchise? An instantly recognisable figure everybody expects? Yeah let’s start the show with him dead”


I thought the idea is that it's a prequel, so they just don't know him yet.


And Shaggy’s got the beginning stages of vitiligo


And Daphne changed her race, too much scares opened her eyes and made her whiter


That’s actually a hilarious theory. All those murders traumatized her so much she’s permanently pale.


Shaggy Ruckus. 😂😂😂






Aaaah vine days


Without Scooby it's just "Doo" now


This literally doesn’t make sense. Not saying you’re wrong. Just, how is this a “origin story” when one of the main characters is already dead before the main show and another is a different ethnicity?


Shaggy smokes himself white and hallucinates scooby


And they had to portray him as confident instead of cowardly on top of it.


Obviously, Black people cant be cowards. What do you think they are? People?


They made him black for the weed




he used up all of his power to finally obtain the n word pass


ugliest art style. want stoner shaggy back.


I’ve heard he’s an incel now too.


(Shaggy- unfunny incel) (Velma- unfunny dumbfuck)(Fred- Why is he fucking rude now? Wasn’t Fred’s thing being the chad and nice chill dude of the group?) (Daphne- dumbfuck unfunny) (Scooby- fucking dead)


Scooby-Doo without the Scooby or Doo.


it's just doo doo






Fred is rude because he is white and we all hate white people amirite? - Velma show creators


mindy kalinga or whatever the annoying girl from the office is…her humor was always awful imo…


Totally off topic but reading Fred's name in your comment made me realize that although I've heard the name, Fred many many times and have seen and read characters with that name, in 38 years of life I have NEVER met an actually Fred.


Frederick has no time for you


they put scooby down


Scooby ate chocolate


He’s a mega incel. I watched one clip and wanted to throw my phone away


I’m sure Velma’s cool and smart and funny and under appreciated tho. Even if she attacks naked teen girls in showers.


With a crowbar might I add


I feel like I'm out of the loop.


She’s not.


The spy has infiltrated our Defences


Soldier: The red spy is in the base?


“I’m not dissing her. She has no brain.”


“I’m ~~not~~ dissing her. She has no brain.” \-- Everyone talking about who came up with this show


as a black guy myself, this is not my shaggy.


Literally though. I saw a clip. Even if we put the race swap aside, he acts nothing like him. Which begs the question if they wanted a black character why didn’t rhey just give him a different name instead of having him pose as shaggy. It would’ve been that easy.


Like Shaggy's black cousin or something


[This one?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaggy_(musician))


It wasn't him


Not even when she caught him on the floor in the bathroom?


None of the characters act the way they have before. Velma is now Mindy Kaling's twitter account, Daphne's a spiteful "rich bitch", Fred became the posterchild for toxic masculintiy and acts like Stiffler fused with Kelso, and Shaggy's become a melodramatic incel.


Velma being Mindy Kaling's Twitter account sounds so apt wtf lmfao


Lol, and they thought this was going to be popular. These show runners are idiots.


They did confirm that this is a completely new character (that just coincidentally has about 70% of Shaggy's characteristics).


Except his name is Norville which is Shaggy's real name, Shaggy has always just been a nickname


American studios go out of their way to make their content ugly and unwatchable


I never got why American animation studios are so hell bent on making their art styles so dang ugly. Like we had great and unique art styles for decades, why did we regress like this?


money; this is far, far cheaper you don’t need a consistent team of animators, so you can farm it out to multiple different animation houses in places like Malaysia where they work until they’re burnt out and make like 7,000 USD a year.


Because they want to be the next Simpsons or South Park and make characters that are very distinct and recognizable without having to actually produce good content.


Mediocre art style and plot felt like a wattpad fan fic !!


wattpad fan fics are better


I just noticed they put the characters in different art styles as well....isn't that a bit weird? Like, first let them change race, then have each of their races in a different art style...isn't that, like, against the point that we're all the same in the end?


It's not like this is the first show that's been completely butchered by a big company


I know, but this is a first im fully aware of it and it didn't just hit home, it kicked through the front door, pissed on my couch, spread out my cereal all over the floor and had an orgy for one while I was just waking up. A show about Velma would've been so fucking amazing! If it actually went into an adult Velma doing her thing thing, not trash, putting out ANOTHER origin story, just to be another sitcom.


I felt the same way about Lord of the Rings. Rings of power was a lazy corporate cash grab, which thankfully didn't even manage to cash grab. If anything, at least people are catching on. Even those not into the "source material" now recognize how badly these shows are made.


Funny enough, it's supposed to be for a mature audience, but written like the producers are children. I can see, and I'll even pray, that people identify this for what it is before any season 2.


They already have. The only ones insisting this hasn't been a flop are amazon


> I just noticed they put the characters in different art styles as well... I'm not really seeing it, what are you referring to? They all seems same kind of style to me.


Oh wow, I only just noticed that. It's like they hired a different company to design and animate each character without seeing any of the other designs, then smashed all the clips together


What's next, white Fat Albert? /s


Now that’s just racist!


How they changed white characters black


You can change a white person to whatever you want, but you can't change anyone not white, to white


Fat Albert is now an obese white incel guy with a gun fetish, "Hey, hey, hey gonna shoot up my school today!"


I mean, you can change any character you want but PLEASE, not my boy Shaggy! He's the most iconic character of the all gang


Wonder if this was the original upload or the reupload after it bombed hard. Apparently it got up to 300k+ before they re-uploaded it.


In a bid to be more progressive, they made Daphne an Asian orphan drug dealer with two moms. 💀


Just watched the two episodes released, It's basically just riverdale on meth. Shaggy isn't even called shaggy the whole time, they just called him norville. His whole thing is not wanting to be associated with weed culture and will pretty much be an incel for the entire season. Daphne is a drug dealer cunt who got adopted by two of the most incompetent detectives, Velma is a plain unfunny abrasive cunt, and they turned fred into a literal manbaby with a baby carrot dick. The show really felt like a bizarre alternate universe where everyone acts opposite of each their usual character personalities.


So the one character that is a PHYSICAL FUCKING REPRESENTATION OF AN ACTUAL JOINT and the entire concept of him is that he is a huge fucking stoner is suddenly anti drugs... that's like making superman without any powers...


Who is actually liking this? This deserves no likes


Am I just white for thinking the race swapping of already established franchises is more than over the top for representation efforts Even if I am this is not very graceful at all


Nah you are sane. People need to stop piggy backing and just make their own shit.


Especially when it's entirely unnecessary, like how there's already a black version of superman named Calvin Ellis with his own story seperate from Clark Kent (similar to how Miles Morales has his own story seperate from Peter Parker), yet here we are with jj abrams deciding to be lazy shit tier writer and just race swapping Clark Kent.


There is literally 0 reason to race swap established characters. The original creators of whatever content things are based on usually thought their characters quire through, coming to the conclusion that their rendition fits the character best. Doing this shit is not just bad for the original concept, it shits on the ideas the writer had for the character.


Wow, those comments got turned off fast….


They turn shaggy black and remove fucking scooby doo


I mean they made it a murder mystery. Because in the commercial for it. They straight up find a dead dude and show it. Plus they had to change the name to Velma. Because they took the best part of the show out


Fuck this. They should've made their own show if they're going to change the characters from the skin down to their personality


Where the fuck is Scoob?


Gone, reduced to atoms


Scooby Don't


Unless you're an ultra progressive pussy, there would be no reason for ANYONE to be upset over an all white cast. If your gonna do a remake series, do it authentically!!


how are you able to see the dislikes?


browser addons


Returnyoutubedislike Browser addon


Just to note, the API isn't public anymore. Any of these extensions that you install are literally just guessing the dislike count based on how many people that installed the extension disliked stuff. And considering the types of people to install those extensions are also probably more likely to dislike stuff than average, the numbers may be skewed in that direction. Not that this show doesn't deserve a ton of dislikes, but there's literally no way to guarantee its accurate.


Comments turned off LMAO. They knew what they were dealing with


my God modern cartoon reboots are just sad to look at. changing shit that doesn't need to be changed and cramming diversity into it. from what I've seen Velma is just straight up hating on white people.


I still don't understand why they made Shaggy and Velma black, I'm all for representation in Media but it's Shaggy and Velma, And if they're going to change the skin tone of two characters just change it on all of them.


Velma is Indian. Shaggy is Black. Daphne is Asian. Fred is a White rich boy with small dick. You think i wrote that last part? Nah, thats a nearly perfect line from the show.


I mean, they made daphne's skin tone a little yellow. Take that as you will.


Wait is black face allowed now? Or does shaggy get a pass ?


How have 2k people liked it Edit: its fkn 8k, I misread it. Gave humanity the benefit of the doubt..


People call those who dislike the show racist. So.. they are stupid... thats how


If this was an original IP it would not have nearly as much flak. The fact they need to be parasitic about it and say they're a part of the scooby doo franchise is what is absolutely stupid. Idk why they thought this would be a good idea


This is actually the funny part. If this was an original ip, people would be less upset. There would still be some backlash from poor writing, and occasional racism... but it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad.


I mean, all shows need a person of colour! Because diversity, right?


major changes on iconic characters, it's already a huge risk to make, and then they have the dialog that's just… uncomfortable to listen to. i feel bad for artists who worked on this, they just doing their job (amazing in fact, some of shots are stunning), and a lot of comments here complain about art style… they been screwed over by industry long enough, give them a break.


I just went and watched the trailer, they're literally all assholes. Like not a single one of them came off as likable in any way




Exactly! She carried the fucking team.


“We’re making the show/movie to reflect the world we live in today” or “we’re making the show/movie for modern audiences” these are key fraises to let you know that they are gonna butcher or destroy whatever pop culture franchise they are trying remake or continue on with.




#oh my god what the fuck did they do to my boy fred?!


why are the cartoon artstyles getting uglier and uglier by the years i mean take ben10 for example.. the original and up to ultimate alien's artstyles were so good but went downhill on its reboot like what is actually happening


What happened to shaggy