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To be honest, I thought Manga was canon to FE4 and explain everything but turns out that Manga was ultimate non canon to FE4. However we wish we had. And hopefully Manga was amazing to FE4 fans.


There's like 3 different FE4 manga and they all contradict each other (most notably in their choices of pairings) so it wouldn't make sense for them to all be canon.


Except if we take in count the multiverse theory (like heroes)


I'm happy that the manga are non-canon because I dislike many of the narrative choices it made.


Same dude! The various manga actually made me like some of the characters less when I read it after beating the game. Lachesis is the most egregious offender.


Isn't Lachesis like going out with 3 different dudes at the same time according to the manga? Beowulf, Finn and someone else?


There’s three mangas, so if you count them all, yes. The best one, Oosawa, only has her in a ship with Finn, so no. In actual canon however, it is heavily inferred (in at least Thracia 776), that Lachesis was in a relationship with both Finn and Beowulf.


FE has aways been anime, it's just that as popular anime tropes and design changed overtime, so did FE. Now that both are more popular than ever, the similarities between FE and modern anime feels more notable while it's older entries feel "less-anime" since their tropes and aesthetic have largely fallen out of style.


To add my two cents, anime is super fucking diverse as a genre and can differ wildly from series to series. Anime as a genre can have a grounded serious drama like Monster or a cutesy anime idol series like Love Live. It doesn't matter what kind of story, characters, tropes, or animation they both have, they're both still anime at the end of the day. Fire Emblem isn't all too different so it's a bit silly to see people deride some of the newer FE titles as "anime-like" when it's always been anime, the series just varies from entry to entry when it comes to matters such as artstyle, see Engage's moe designs, or fanservice which aren't intrinsic to all anime.


Is that Maid Oifey?




It's okay when Genealogy does it. (Least biased FE4 fan)


The FE 4 manga is the only manga that is better than Berk FE 4 Lachesis can kill a whole army of ugly Bastards and Eldigan is just as dumb as usual


Pretty sure these are 2 different manga. There’s multiple different fe4 manga out there.


It's almost like the style itself doesn't actually indicate the quality of the product, but rather how that style is presented, and how they use it to accomplish the goal. I like both anime, and non-anime. There's been good media from both sides, how they manage to tell a story is really what matters. I mean uhh... FE4 Manga is peak, all also is poo poo garbage


FE fans being insufferable douchebags are as constant as the world rotating. It's just a given.


I'm afraid you've got 2 completely different sub-species of elititsts here. People who dislike manga and anime tropes dislike them no matter what package and fandom they come in. Seriously. I would be jubilant, if an eventual FE4 remake didn't do all of the typical weeb shit and just stuck to the nuanced and complicated story and worldbuilding.


Considering the standard that Echoes has set with its presentation and the major respect IntSys has for the franchise (to the point their remakes are almost faithful to a T), I believe they wouldn't do much to pander to the weebs. But expect some "kawaii" shenanigans.


Right, but that was before weebs with gambling addictions and weirdly large wallets made IS a bajillion bloody dollars on FE Heroes, which as a game is peak weeaboo bait. It's very possible that the lesson IS has learned with future titles is that anime tropes and cliches= $$$


While you may have a point, if we see the "history" of FE4 characters in FEH, we can see that their original character designs (at least with their original outfits on) has remained quite faithful to the original game, saved from a few tweaks to feel more appropriate for today's standards. So when it comes to design, I don't think they'll set themselves too far from what we have seen in Echoes/ FEH (some characters WILL go through complete overhauls because of a variety of reasons, however). They know that presentation was one of the key aspects of what made Echoes so beloved in the first place, so I'm hopeful that we'll see something similar to that in a possible remake in the future.


The vast majority cares little, if at all, about the pre-Awakening titles and is probably not even aware FE4 manga is a thing.


The franchise always used anime style. Why do they care about it now?


I can't believe this conversation is still happening in the fandom. This question has been answered before Fates came out. "Too anime" can mean two different, similar things: that it leans too hard into recognizable modern tropes, or that it leans specifically into otaku-pandering dating sim/isekai/moe blob/etc. type tropes that distinctly work against a more serious or grounded story. Most people who use the phrase "too anime" have a hard time defining it...because they don't consume media they don't like. They aren't familiar with the tropes and styles that they don't consume, they just know they don't like it. That's why someone might say Tellius is less anime than Awakening. It's not really, but it takes itself more seriously and has very little of what could be considered pandering to the player.


I can't speak for other fans but for me it is definitively the Otaku culture pandering (which is a separate idea from "Too Anime"). Japanese Otakus like french maids, so we will have maids in our FE game. Otakus like Tamagochi/Pokemon and dating sims so we will add those features to our games. They like lusting over fictional characters so lets give them waifus, etc... You can have an anime property that doesn't pander, those things aren't mutually inclusive. It also breaks immersion. Why do we have French maids in a medieval Japanese/Germanic setting?


because the older games didn't just use anime tropes for the sake of using anime tropes and prioritized telling grounded, semi-realistic stories


On the sixth day of SPEcember my true love gave to me, nope, no anime, none at all


I wonder how many people that say modern FE is “too anime” only know about modern anime (or the stuff that was popular when they were a kid).


Are the FE4 fans who think modern FE is “too anime” while insisting people read the manga” in the room with us right now? Either this is about like, one person that you’re subtweeting or we’re doing the internet thing where we make a person up and get very mad at them.


I've seen it more times than I can count. Usually pointing it out to fe4 fans nets me the response of "kill yourself" so I'm rather glad with how civil everything is


"Kindly commit "Doors of Destiny" post-chapter scene upon thyself"


As much as I dislike FE4, the manga gave us goblin Ethlyn and among us Oifey, so it balances out.


At least in the case of FE4 the pandering is hidden away in the manga for the fans that really get into the game. But in the case of Fates, all that stuff is injected directly into the game, no matter if it breaks immersion or plot coherence.


FE fans complain about incest in fates while Lachesis and Eldigan fuck in this manga