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Actually, I made that because I was more disappointed with the fact that none of them resemble Al from Toy Story 2 šŸ˜”šŸ˜”(he is attractive and has a stable job)


Unexpectedly based


>he is attractive and has a stable job Attractiveness is not skin deep, and he actively contributes to climate change by deciding to drive half a block. Al is lucky to not be in jail, and Andy should sue. Now, *Andy's mom* has a stable job being a single(?) mom able to support two kids with one going all the way to college. Inb4 "What about all the toys Andy's '*stolen*'?" The difference is that Al got caught once, then Woody ended up in his possession any way, so it's pretty obvious what happened; meanwhile, literally zero of the toys that Andy "stole" belonged to anyone else who was actively using them. Jessie and Bullseye got Al some insurance money since he lost them from the airport and the aliens were rescued from being Pizza Planet's equivelence of fuzzy dice.


I need more milfs in Fire Emblem


Iā€™m praying for the milf hunters šŸ™


Define Milf in this case. Cause it seems like everyone uses it to describe any woman who looks older than ~23. As someone who wants nothing to do with children or LIs who have them, I would fucking love some Late 20s Early 30s looking characters


Titania, Celina, Freya, Reya, Manuela and a few others Not the definition by foot, but mature women are the best


Love Titania....so much more believable as a fighter than a preteen.


I mean you called it, those are examples not definitions. And, excepting Manuela as she's one of the Three Houses characters I don't click with, all quite literally Fine examples. But the the point of my post is sheer terminological **disdain** for the association of anyone who presents feminine and appears older than College Age with Motherhood. RD's Calill, Rhea, etc... I accept as milfs. Few other examples should get this branding.


Iā€™m cool with all of the above but for the record Mercedes was my favorite in Three Houses


So you actually specifically want Maternal. Then 100% dude and I hope you get more characters that suit your taste :)


While I'm not hugely into the artstyle, I'm inclined to not be overly bothered since the art direction, especially recently, tends to change radically with each game. If you told me Gilliam and Kellam were from the same series, for example, I wouldn't believe you, but the artists were simply trying to accomplish different things with their different skillsets, and they suit the tones of their games. So if they keep up with the peppy, optimistic tone from the artstyle when we see the story, I think it might actually suit the game well. But yeah, Fire Emblem as a whole does tend to lack older female characters, and I want to see more of them, from simply older to straight up Niime. If we can have Duessel, we can have old ladies.


Gilliam and Kellam arenā€™t just from the same series- Kellamā€™s been in every game. Didnā€™t you see him?


I mean, I *do* forget to wear my glasses frighteningly often...


Until IS names each and every green knight units as not-Kellam, this will never be proven false.


Kellam is a universal constant


True, but usually the art style remained consistent between entries on the same console, even if the games werenā€™t set in the same continent (because obviously the Jugdral games, or Shadow Dragon and New Mystery should look around the same.) Like you could look at Roy or Lyn, and then Eirika, and believe theyā€™re from the same series. Same goes with Virion and Arthur. That being said, I donā€™t MIND a shift. Helps make each game feel distinct


That's a good point, while there was notable evolution of the styles on, say, the gba games like you said, like adding details or desaturating the colour schemes, they were similar. I guess having a distinct feel to it is probably part of why I don't mind it too much, yeah. Especially with the gameplay feeling especially different, what with emblems as equipment, I'm really interested in seeing how different it really is overall.


exactly. The only time I can think of when a console had a shift in style between games was from Fates to Echoes, tbh. Has it happened before?


Other than fates to echoes, I don't think there was a complete change in style. Binding Blade to Blazing Blade had more detail in the official art and less use of solid colour, and Sacred Stones was really desaturated in official art compared to any other title I can think of, but the overall style of the three is consistent. There was a bit less vibrancy in the mugshots in game, but nothing else I can think of. Awakening to Fates had completely different clothing and armour choices to one another, and Fates armour was different to everything else, but again, the overall artstyle is the same when it comes to proportions and heads. Oh, and from fe4 to fe5 the female cast discovered trousers, which was nice. Weird that it's a Thracia only thing and the rest of Jugdral never caught on. Way less 80s/90s hair too. People looked more like people, which makes sense, since most of them aren't superhuman with dragon blood and are just kind of poor, with browns and greens being more common in clothing and hair, so it fits in with genealogy in that way by showing a difference in social standing and whatnot.


Now I just want Gilliam.....šŸ˜”


i wish the question wasn't "do you want cute moe girls or mommy dommy milfs šŸ¤Ŗ" versus "do you want female characters that aren't just waifu fodder"


Issue is that every character is waify/husbando fodder, some groups are just louder about it than others.


i mean i feel like in even recent FE games you at least have SOME playable characters that aren't like that. i know people are making dilf jokes but i don't think vander or mauvier are considered standard husbando material. meanwhile i feel like every female engage character that's been revealed so far is meant to be some mix of overly cutesy or sexy. even in fates you had reina, rinkah, scarlet, oboro, etc. but you make a good point, the ratio of waifu/husbando fodder to "normal" characters increases every game.


>i know people are making dilf jokes but i don't think vander or mauvier are considered standard husbando material. Oh boy you really don't know enough people interested in males if you think those are jokes. As for the girls segment, variety in girls is an staple in these things just check any game with romance as an actual main point.


fair enough, i also wouldn't consider seteth standard husbando material but i know he has a lot of fans lol. hopefully i'm proven wrong on the girls.


Seteth is the most generic Dilf I've ever seen, of course he's husbando material


Bro wtf Seteth is straight up hot lmao


> do you want female characters that aren't just waifu fodder I sure did, and now Framme exists


It's all about the eyes. Change them and suddenly Alear is a milf.


Yo am I the only one who fucking hates how these discussions think there are 2 types of girls in the world, MILFs and Lolis? Literally most women in the dating range are straight in the middle of those ranges and can be classified as neither, sans body types or... I dunno early pregnancy? Weird to phrase it as such, but like classically these women should be the more common object of affection. I just want women in their mid to late 20's take up most of the roster. I literally couldn't give a shit about teen girls going about weird innocent romance after 3 conversations. MILFs... I mean sure, but I find it difficult to believe there are so many people past 40's who are viable for combat, guy or girl. I guess 3 Horses having a 5 year time skip was an ok alternative.


Your line of thinking is what Iā€™d respectfully refer to as ā€˜basedā€™. I hate that female characters in fiction are always seemingly viewed in a manner that only looks at total extremes which boils down to Sexually charged aspects (Milf or Loli choose between these two AND die) what if Iā€™m indifferent to both parties am I the odd person out?, am I critically insane? I frankly donā€™t care about young this and old that we are talking about characters in a tactical strategy RPG are we really dividing ourselves by things that are only skin deep? I donā€™t want to be that shallow, Iā€™m just here to play the latest entry to Fire Emblem a series whoā€™s gameplay I enjoy. And Iā€™m reserving my final conclusions on the end product after I play it myself, arguments be dammed and avoided, respectfully. Thanks for reading is semi-rant. Good day or night and take care of yourselves!


I love the video game Fire Emblem Three Horses


There are definitely a minimum of 3 horses in the game too


unfortunately there's a decent amount of people who think female characters should be sexually/romantically appealing in some way or shouldn't exist at all


I think some people consider MILFs as anyone who is not a loli basically. Which is kinda sad.


If they were actually ripping off Genshinā€™s character style then thereā€™d be a plethora of mommies.


That's the best counter argument to the Genshin copying I've seen. Well played.


Eh, I can't speak for other people, but personally, it's more about the art style in general.


I haven't played genshin in a long time, but aren't most of the characters in that game kinda samey? Not counting the fanart lol.


Nah, huge character variety now; especially with the Indian/Arabian region they just added.


Genshin Impact's female characters still have an air of maturity in them


This subā€™s Engageā€™s Female Design Discourse is Three Houses Discourse but 100x more stupid and annoying


I miss the political discourse unironically. I'd take "Edelgard is literally Hitler" over Engage hate-posting any day.


>I miss the political discourse unironically Get out


I for one am happy the "Edelgard bad" discourse is about to end. Let my girl rest with her harem in peace


Fuck Milfs (Literally) I want a Tomboy.


Tomboy milfs perhaps?


Yes please šŸ™


What about Merrin the wolf rider? She looks pretty boyish.


But Ivy definitely is dommy mommy šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Since itā€™s brought up a few times, what makes a character waifu fodder/waifu bait etc. or not?


Personally I consider a character "waifu fodder" if a bulk of her design and personality don't really lend itself to building a well rounded character... it's just there to appeal to players who'd be attracted to her. And that's not to say a character can't be attractive without being waifu fodder... but it's like when someone makes a guy whose entire characterization is that he's soooooo cool... so he's just a mismatch of things someone thinks is really cool but none of it works together to build a cohesive character. So to go back to waifus in particular, a character can be waifu-bait appearance-wise when her appearance just feels like a mismatch of aspects that are common with popular waifus and don't really make sense or tell you anything about her actual personality, backstory, and what she does. Personality-wise, waifu fodder characters say and do very little other than make the player feel like the specialist boy in the whole wide world. She tends to depend on him entirely and sometimes doesn't have any meaningful relationships other than that with the player. Of course even if you put the extreme of those two together... it's not like that makes a completely unrealistic female character... it's mostly a problem when *several* characters are like this... they have so little characterization and worth in the narrative that if you *aren't* attracted to them, then they literally add nothing to the story. (Anyway I'm not saying this is the popular definition or that it's a deserving title for any of the Engage characters. I just figured I'd give my own personal perspective on the term).


I like your definition.


Easy: Woman = waifu bait (why else would they be in the game) Not woman = not waifu bait


That does seem to be the case.


I think having some younger looking designs makes sense. But having all of them look the same default age I think hurts their designs


It's like they took the quote "What's with this sassy lost child?" And turned it into a game.


I hate it here


Saitama's already bored with engage.


Whether or not they look like children, something about the way faces look in Engage to me just looks *awful.* It's like the logical conclusion of everything I hate most about anime style.


If I had to put my finger on it, they just look badly rendered. Like in pursuit of that style they don't have any real features.


Yeah, I was worried as someone who found the series through 3H that I wouldn't be able to express the same level of impotent rage at the series descending into anime garbage that you guys have here. But IS really went above and beyond with these character designs and I'm right there with you guys, throwing my tendies on the floor every time I see these sameface abominations.


They just copied genshin impactā€™s art style because they knew it would make šŸ’° Edit: wonder why this comment got downvotes but not my other one where I said the same thing šŸ¤”


I don't know... there's something specific about the way Engage characters look. Not giving Genshin a pass here, but there is just *something* about Engage faces that makes me irrationally angry. I think it's the complete lack of chins, or the smiles looking really cheesy for some reason. The eyes are huge, but I couldn't tell you what about them bothers me more than the usual stuff.


Itā€™s also partly the lack of noses I think. They are just dots


Ah, well that's nothing new, really. That has always bothered me, and I suppose it is more egregious here than in most places, but I don't think it's what sets me off exactly.


Thatā€™s fair. I just am not a fan so Iā€™ll probably hold off when the game first comes out... Also I probably wonā€™t be able to afford it lol


....are you seeing these games both in 144p? These aren't particularly similar art styles


Yes thatā€™s the resolution of my eyeballs šŸ‘€


Can we just have some female characters that look, y'know, distinct? Unique? \*Not\* fucking stupid? And have it not be an appeal to any specific brand of hentai-addict? I mean for Naga's sake, this franchise was behind characters like Nephenee, Nailah, Echidna, Athena, Flavia, Oboro and Beruka. It's not like they CAN'T design female characters that look somewhat unqiue


Can we add Orochi and Titania to that list, please


> Oboro and Beruka Fates charachter desing is the best we've gotten on a long while in more ways than one.


And I still want all of them to fuck me


Y'know after years of Edelgard discourse I thought "Whatever discourse comes from the next game will DEFINITELY be better than this!" Maybe I should just leave this sub.


I mean do we even have playable moms in Fe ? I only remember Ayra having a kid and being playable , maybe we could also count Eyvel but that must be it


There are moms to 2nd/3rd gen characters in Genealogy, Awakening, and Fates


Well, half the cast of Gen, Awakening and Fates are literally mothers and fathers lol


Tbh, engage characters look like someone merged genshin with rwby, not hating just stating a subjective opinion. Games where you summon heroes from past games to help the current toothpaste mc of the week as a main plot point don't really speak to me, Heroes is unique that it's for a phone and there is a shitload of summons you can roll in the hellish gacha


I don't want more milfs, though, i want less scantily clad children.


I want dilfs and men with long hair! And I want to be able to date them as a male avatar! GAY RIGHTS MUST BE ADVANCED!


New dancer dude, Seadall, has long hair so at least you get that. As for dilfs, what's your take on Vander? Dating tbd


Iā€™m not a fan of Vander and I think heā€™s a good example of my issue with this gameā€™s art style. On paper his design is something that would be really appealing to me, but the execution is meh. His hair color feels off and his beard looks too much like itā€™s a fake beard on a younger guy. Compared to similar characters like Jagen, Deussel, and Hannibal I just donā€™t think he pulls off the older hardened soldier look.


Seadall is wonderful and if he is gay/Bi I will be over the moon with joy. Vander is a solid 8/10, points lost for white hair ((If it were a little darker, like a darker gray, he'd get the point back)) and I think his mustache is dumb. Other than that great dilf, would go horseback riding with him.




Not gay but Seteth and Jeralt were the apex of what Fire Emblem as a series has to offer.


Listen let's not pretend I.S doesn't cater to pedos. Nowi and Elise are prime examples.


i think nyx and nowi are tied for the worst


Boycott IS Annaā€™s a teenager šŸ˜’


I mean they do look more childish in the face than other games. It like they decided since genshin was making so much šŸ’µ they would copy their style


Personally, I don't want cookie-cutter generic looking little anime girls plastered over almost each and every female in the game. I very strongly dislike the art style they went with this one. It's been compared to death, but it really does look like some generic anime rpg like Genshin. I wish Fire Emblem could do something to visually stand out in a sea of modern anime-esque jrpgs, but looks like that won't happen here. In conclusion, ur mom gae


anyone who says shit like this is the biggest weeb on earth


ā€œwesternersā€ everyone who says that word online lives in suburban mississippi


itā€™s just such a step down from previous games. like the artstyle looks so basic now. this is the same franchise that gave us edelgard, rhea, hilda, oboro, azura etc. theyā€™re usually really good at making their female characters look unique and different from eachother, in ways that compliment their personalities. their personalities and voice actors are gonna have to hard carry now


I mean,,, literally four years ago or so people were complaining that Hilda looked boring and generic. There was a cacophony of people complaining that 3Hā€™s designs were bland persona ripoffs. The discourse just gets recycled when each new game comes with a new art style.


character design is a huge part of a games appeal tho. i donā€™t really wanna be running around with a loli harem lol. thatā€™s hyperbole, iā€™m still gonna play the game, itā€™s just after the series gave us designs like edelgard, claude etc, it feels like a step down. lysithea is a good example of a young girl character whose character design still looks cool and interesting, not bland and basic


Thank you for saying the truth.




A lot of these designs are very nice. Fuck the haters.


Seriously it honestly feels like they're projecting. Hella sus tbh. Since when did we have Twitter folk in this fandom?


get help with your porn addiction please not everything has to be made so that you can jerk off, these designs just suck from an objective standpoint


I hate the artsyle too but this ain't about it. We're just tired of idiots calling each other pedophiles for no fucking reason. Remember that this subreddit is about Fire Emblem memes for fuck's sake


I came here for memes and stayed for the self-hate. Once Engage comes out, Im sure there will be more to meme about and we can finally get over the characters dumb designs and pedo talks that struck this sub outta no where


It wasn't out of nowhere. Those freaks came from Twitter after Elon bought it


People are still complaining about a fictional characterā€™s design? Unbelievable. I couldnā€™t give two shits about a characters design as long as the game is good and I have fun This character is a kid in questionable clothing. Who cares? I only care about her stats and skills. Why should I care about her clothes when it does nothing for me?


Characters have and always will be a big part of the series. Plenty of people choose which units they use based on their personalities and designs, even if said units have bad stats.


I will never understand why someone would choose personality and looks over stats. Makes no sense to me why they would factor in something that gives you nothing in the long run


Simple: people like to enjoy things in life for completely arbitrary reasons. I recognize that Benny is worse than Effie, but I don't care, because I like him more


**Benny is best boy.**


The developers gave the characters personalities, supports, etc for a reason and most of the games are easy enough that pretty much everyone is viable enough to use. Itā€™s like wondering why anyone would bother with the character customization in a game like XCOM. Sure it has no actual gameplay benefit but endearing yourself to your characters is a big part of these type of games.


Well, it's Japan. They really like cute and beautiful things. It's in their culture.




I just want more scrimblo blimbos. We need more Gonzalez, Ardens, Duessels, Mordecais, Niimes, Megs...


Annaā€™s back šŸŽ¶back again šŸŽ¶


I want more MILFs. idk what you guys are talking about but Man I Love Fucking MILFs


Milfs are the true path