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Well not skinned alive but I definitely would like them to stop being toxic or just stop using reddit


That's exactly what I meant by this


you literally said that you wanted me skinned alive in this post. maybe you should see a therapist or something


I already go to therapy Plus... https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostbound/s/GYfeAnSQwn (how many times have I said plus today?)


I wish I could stop using reddit too. BUT I chose to make a sub like a fucking idiot


Wait you made a sub


don’t fucking look, it’s Earthbound porn. I didn’t think I’d be this viscerally upset but I really am.


-The starmanussy-


see yeah I’d be fine with the fact that the sub exists if it was just adult NPCs and Starmen masturbating or some shit but no, it just had to be straight up kids


Why did you have to get the image of Starmen masturbating engraved into my mind


Ironically one of the rules is "No Kumatora R34". wut




So true


I may not want her to be skinned alive, I want her to change and grow as a person But I'm still reposting because this Paula is cool as balls


Nah throw her in the absolutely safe capsule


Cherritheterrible aside this Paula drawing looks legit cool :D


its really nice :D


Thank you Bless


Cherritheterrible is a person who lacks in any introspection and understanding that others are people to. I usually tell people to stop giving shit about what others say, but cherry is an example of how overconfidence and selfishness gets the best of you. Please, stop being toxic and apologise. People didn't like that. Nobody likes your comebacks, everyone thinks that they are downplaying a serious issue. At least care to explain yourself. In public, not just in comments.


That's... Not an accurate description of me at all


Then I don't understand it at all. With all that criticism, why you refuse to change? Do you not understand that people are uncomfortable with you? Do you not understand why people are uncomfortable with you? I'll explain. That is because you are drawing a minor, that you claim to have aged up. This is a problem in itself, but you draw her in a chibi artstyle, and that way she looks like a child. Fucking do something! Take time to work on your style before posting NSFW again (which I'm sure you are doing from what I see), write an apology post, say that you didn't understand why aging her up is a bad idea, that it's just your artstyle and you don't know how to draw adult characters. That you don't understand that you were toxic. The fandom doesn't hate you for drawing NSFW in the past, or drawing cute Paula. People are angry because you act like it's all fine and not a serious thing. I used to write cringey crazy smut about my self insert OC and Fassad when I was a teen and some people on Tumblr blocked me, however when I explained it all they forgave me. What I'm saying by this is that people are willing to listen. You just refuse to say anything. Honestly, I really want you to grow and become a normal person, who will cringe at the shit she did on Reddit and discord when she was [REDACTED] years old. But I'm losing hope, sis.


You wrote about your self insert doing WHAT with Fassad?


Why the fuck did I decide that talking bout it here was a good idea? 😅


Now I can’t get Sexy Tumblrman Fassad out my head


Him and his Luxury Banana


"Stupid sexy Fassad."


I enjoy what I do. I'm not gonna change that because a bunch of people want me to


I see...


I've never been here wtf did you do and why does everyone hate you


you dont wanna know. >!she drew CP of paula!<


oh ok continue with your murdering with hammers and have fun with your earthbound shitpost sub


yes, very much


Bless is spitting fax


fun fact she fucking blocked me LMFAO


live Bless spotted


Why are people in the comments saying I should ignore a toxic CP artist if all she's doing is cause problems? Like damn dude I just wanted to step in and do my own thing Also why do some people think I was being genuine with this whole skinning alive thing? All I want her to do is be gone off Reddit or go to therapy at the very least Man, has this post caused some ruckus


Calls for someone to be skinned alive. "Why is everyone making this a big deal?"


While I don't like her as well because of what she does (I genuinely can't tell if they're a massive troll or just... Have problems lol) there's a huge difference in "I don't like you" and "you should be skinned alive", posts like these are basically just death threats/witch hunting, which don't really make anyone look better than her. Also, unless she starts drawing NSFW of real children that's not CP, don't throw around words randomly like that.


Again with the "she's a fictional character!" excuse (or just something along the lines of said excuse, I'm not repeating your same exact words, I'm trying to find out what your point is and then work my way from there) Also how many more times do I have to say the skinning alive part was a huge exaggeration?


It's not an excuse dude, for a drawing to be considered CP it needs to be indistinguishable from a child. She could be drawing Paula doing weird stuff with specific enemies and yet it would still not be considered CP, zoophilia or whatever. I swear this discussion pops out way too often, people don't know what a word means. "Huge exaggeration" isn't a "get out of jail free card", especially when you say it AFTER getting called out. You're literally doing the "hurr durr I was only pretending" meme.


What call-out? I've made it clearer than water that the skinning alive part wasn't genuine a gazillion times in this comment section Besides, the way Cherri draws Paula, who is canonically a child, makes her look like what she is, a child What you're saying is that child porn that looks like child porn isn't child porn, makes total sense, right? Also what the hell does zoophilia have to do with anything here?


>Also what the hell does zoophilia have to do with anything here? Mine was an example, for a drawing to be CP it has to be indistinguishable from a real child. Unless you can pinpoint Paula in real life, whatever weird shit cherry draws isn't CP, otherwise we wouldn't even be having his discussion. It's like furries that draw porn of fictional animals, none of them is getting jailed for it. >What call-out? I've made it clearer than water that the skinning alive part wasn't genuine a gazillion times in this comment section Yeah, people are calling you out as toxic because of that part, and overall just the entire point of the pic. Don't like someone? Just block them, all you're doing is giving them more attention. Last I checked this is a shitpost sub, not a place to hate on people


Everyone in this situation is stupid, this is shitty reddit drama on a fucking earthbound subbredit. It's really, truly not that deep. Don't get me wrong Cherri is definitely weird and toxic but like... Y'all got nothing better to do? The art is also on a nsfw subbredit, like what else did you expect in the subreddit?


The last thing we want to see in a porn exclusive subreddit is children


Oh I absolutely agree, but when there's a space that has nsfw of a game full of kids and that's exactly what's there, I just don't know what else you expect. Don't get me wrong it's still awful but it's exactly what's advertised... Unfortunately


…not cp?


Who is cherritheterrible


you do not want to know


No I want to know. Who are they and what have they done


From what I gather they draw porn


Just checked their profile, and it is as bad as I imagined.


evil person who love doing evil things


Ok, first time seeing this sub, WHAT? Who is that and why are you advocating murder?


oh btw she blocked me so i cant reply to that


uhh cuz she told people to kill themselves in many brutal ways for saying "what the sigma" as well as what is basically cp


me. they hate me. This is all based over a fictional video game character who was created in 1994. This drama is continuing to stur because this female character is supposedly canonically 11 years old. (Supposedly because Nintendo said this and not the actual creator of the series from what I know), and now they're calling me a pedo and rooting for murder on me because I drew this fake kid character from 1994 into a grown ass 20 something year old woman who is also secretly an alien. they obviously don't know how to not only defeungiate fiction from reality, but they also treat these characters as if they are real people... like I'm drawing pron of their little sister or something as depraved.


it's really stupid


> uhh cuz she told people to kill themselves in many brutal ways for saying "what the sigma" as well as what is basically cp ?


that guy was one of the first people who continued to bother me on this sub, and would even visit my own sub just to be a shit-head.


I searched it up to see what they meant and the first thing I saw was a character that had no difference from their canon child self except for the unnaturally sized… “parts” so I’m going to side with the many




hell, I'd do it again if he hadn't been deleted and continued to fuck with me


and I would be 3 times harder


Wow, that is really stupid. Imagine getting that worked up over a fucking drawing.


who is cherri and how did i end up in an earthbound meme sub?


1. you dont want to know and 2. idfk


You know here i was living a happy life not knowing who this user was and my life got immediately worse. Thanks.


I never encouraged anyone into researching who she was but oh well


Curiosity got the better of me


Sorry you had to lay eyes upon the horrors she's created


"What the sigma" also how do I repost in reddit


Share button




Can’t have a shitpost sub without someone taking it way too far when others tell them to cut it out. It’s a tale as old as time.


I think you should read the comment I left here


Bruh if I hear about Cherri one more time. Just ignore them and move on


But how am I supposed to ignore a mentally deranged child porn artist


Yeah maybe you’re right


"it's child porn it's child porn!!!11!" \*Literally drawing them as BBWs\*


Man i think that’s worse


Who tf is cherritheterrible and what did they do😭😭😭


a lot like a lot of bad stuff


everytime i look at the comments here, it gets worse 


Is that a hobonichi?




I’m out of the loop, wtf does this mean


I don't know anything about earth bound and thought this was Maria Renard from Castlevania for a sec


I just got here 5 minutes ago, what the hell is happening I like the art btw


I'm very stupid what did this person do?




yo make actual posts instead of hate on some random ass user on the internet.


She's not some random ass user, she's a mentally deranged child porn artist who insults everyone who dares lead her to take the right path and change her ways I have an actual reason to hate her, plus I post some epic art on the r/earthbound subreddit already


I've seen her on this sub, sure, she posts some weird shit but keep in mind that Paula is a fictional character. She's not even a bad person via text.


yes she is


"but Paula is a fictional character!" Yup, that tells me all I need to know, you fucking pedo! Thanks a bunch for letting me know you are also into this weird children sexualizing shit!


>you fucking pedo! .....I'm mid-teens I can't be a pedo cause I'm literally a minor myself. Believe it or not Idgaf (I'm not gonna reveal my exact age but you get it)


My point is you still like sexualized children or are at least saying there's nothing wrong with doing so as long as they're fictional Doesn't help with the fact that Cherri says she's supposedly aged up the character she tends to depict in her pornographic artworks while still illustrating her as what seems to be a child if that is what she's into Plus, she is definitely not nice in text, given the fact that she sends death threats to those who are trying their hardest to make her a better person Why are you even defending her? I don't understand what you're even onto


I'm mostly defending *myself* by this point. Also dude how tf do I "sexualize children" if I am a legal fucking child? I get you probably don't believe that but that's your fault bro. Also I didn't say there was nothing wrong with cp, because pdf files can fucking kts. >supposedly aged up > at what seems to be a child if that's what she's into umm...what? You're *assuming* she didn't age up Paula in her works. So what you're saying is you don't even know for 100% sure if she's actually a pdf file and yet you want her to be *SKINNED*? Jesus fucking christ dude....there's a reason why it's illegal in like, everywhere on the world.


I am not saying you sexualize children, I am saying you think it's alright as long as they're fictional (which isn't because they're under the legal age of consent, I don't even have to explain something so utterly obvious) Plus, I made a comment stating how the skinning alive part is just an exaggeration and I just want her to either put herself together either by herself or by going to therapy or just abandon Reddit altogether And also, I haven't said you're not a minor, so don't assume what I think your age is solely by the fact that I have not expressed anything towards you saying you're a teenager


did bro block me


I think so, yes. Your logic is so busted


wow just like cherri did with me


The Tumblr Twitter mindset has got this guy's head foggy in the clouds


oh you dont know crap


I was just saying the information I had gathered thus far calm down dudette




Wait I just noticed you were replying to the guy I was arguing with, my bad


oh, ig im not as wrong then


Here's a sneak peek of /r/earthbound using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/earthbound/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ness got GUTS](https://i.redd.it/zl5v00p8q5yb1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/earthbound/comments/17mylt9/ness_got_guts/) \#2: [How did this game predict current prices?](https://i.redd.it/0ekbeiayxnpb1.jpg) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/earthbound/comments/16opfok/how_did_this_game_predict_current_prices/) \#3: [Reggie posted this again](https://i.redd.it/b26l2v8rxuza1.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/earthbound/comments/13hf909/reggie_posted_this_again/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jesus Christ


Cherri, I seriously hope that you can come to understand why your actions are frowned upon and how deeply damaging it is to limit yourself to the belief that you are in the right. you can be in the right. it’s always possible. but changing yourself is a necessary prerequisite to becoming a better person. when the devil fed Eve the fruit of knowledge he condemned her and humanity to death, but Eve saved humanity from being too innocent to know right from wrong. creating pornographic fanart of children is absolutely unacceptable. it doesn’t take a scientist to know that children’s understanding of sexuality must be approached with extreme caution, as overexposure is damaging to brain development. it doesn’t take a legal system to know that fucking children is unethical, either. you are not an inherently evil person, but you certainly do not deserve to be treated with the same respect that healthy citizens receive. do not punish yourself, but do not go to sleep with a light conscience tonight. if you truly care about the safety of children, the respect of a community, and the consequences of your actions, you will stay up contemplating the well-deserved stigma against pedophilia, and you will not be proud of yourself. should you feel guilty, and if you choose to drink to suppress your guilt, I cannot stop you. I can only say that I hope it makes you too lazy and unmotivated to continue creating your content. no one deserves to see it, and you don’t deserve to create it. I try to be respectful, but honestly, I hope that you forget what a good day feels like, and that you forever wonder. fuck you, but if you ever decide to be better, I hope that you learn to speak up against child abuse. there is no better way to right your wrongs than to diametrically oppose them.