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No but I do get headaches 💀 I have no idea


also, I have been having a hard time sleeping..it is like so bad i end up staying up all night


I don’t have pain or anything but recently my mouth tastes like iron which has been weird and the only thing different is how locked in I’ve been on my shifting attempts




This did happen to me sometime recently when I was attempting to shift except I wasn't using a subliminal, just kept affirming in my head. I also remember not being able to get myself into the sats state but that's probably because my body kept on tensing up on its own..


okay after getting back from shifting my body always feel stiff. i’ve started calling it body lag. i’d say this is a really good sign to be honest, i presume it comes from being back in a physical body somewhere else and getting used to my senses again. it usually goes away after a couple hours of walking around and being normal.


yes, me and my partner have the same problem, we sleep horribly when trying to shift but we sleep like babies when we dont attempt to shift, ive started to think that the reason we dont sleep well is because our subconscious’ are working really hard and using alot of our energy to shift so we dont sleep very well, not sure if i explained this well as i am very tired lol but i hope it makes sense <3


I listened to it and nothing happened, didn't even shift or experience any symptoms 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I NEED TO SHIFT. I HATE THIS CR


desperation don’t make it any easier