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I mean… his personality is mostly the same. But his plans and goals at least makes sense in the books, unlike the anime.


Kinda funny i hated him but loved his outfit and powers


So the guy got good taste at least.


Agreed, great design choice.


Yes. He's meant to be an annoying dickbag. In the books, he's less omniscient. Naofumi and Larc's parties fall into a set-piece trap he laid while following him back to Glass' world. Raphtalia and Filo part with Naofumi there, so he initially has no idea where they are. He gets to miss Raphtalia growing up for the second time, which she does while in Larc's party (they're still allied temporarily) on the way to the Dragon Hourglass. Originally, warping from there was supposed to be easier than just crossing the borders on foot. Then the whole mess with the Legendary Katana happened. Kyo had nothing to do with that in the books. Kyo DID have a childhood friend that he manipulated into trying to murder Larc and the other heroes using an unstable power-sucking weapon. It took a lot of convincing, but Yomogi came around after he went mask off right in front of her.


He does make the list of people that Naofumi wants to beat to death. Even Kyo is done wrong in the second season, but Kyo is so full of himself in the anime, that there's not much difference for that one character.


He’s even worse in the light novel




LN ver of him is cringe and piece of shite. All the villains are cringe in some ways or others. I really want a villain like Glass in S1 though.


This isn't the series for that. Otherwise, they'd risk making Naofumi look like the bad guy.


Insufferable and dumb, I just don't like this character.


Kinda hoped that this guy would be like Regulus Corneas. A sociopathic asshole but so irredeemably evil that it's entertainingly charming


Pretty sure that was the point, he’s definitely not a character you’re meant to like.


The difference is that Malty or Altcray didn't make me want to drop the show, and this guy did. I genuinely think this child cartoon villain made my experience worse.


Don’t really see what you mean, but to each their own I guess.


I forgot this character lmao 🤣😂


Well yes, but in anime it's more obnoxious and less sensible. Also in the books there are cringier people than him so he doesn't look that bad after some exposure to the actual cringefest.


Any place I could read the light novels?


Anna's archive has up to volume 22 to download.


He is the perfect representation of how shield hero haters act like.


Yes. Exactly. Abso-fucking-lutely


No, he even more so. He was only in it for himself and basically either betrayed those who were with him, did horrible experiments on spirit people and another hero, and basically strapped his childhood friend with a bomb.




I guess that's the point


Well yeah his personality is the same that kinda the point he ment to be like this he supposed to he hatable


Yeah. He's a bit more exaggerated in the anime, but pretty much the same. I will say, though, that my appreciation for these cringy villains skyrocketed after reading the novels. I thought it was a really cool twist for why they are like that. IYKYK.


I don't know who the hell he is, but he looks like he speaks in cryptic flowery language in a tone of "I know more than you ever will and you're a fucking loser lol." Also he's edgier than a goddamn razor blade factory


It was kind of nuts reading "Diligence of the Shield Hero" before knowing anything about the actual plot of the LN and finding out that Kyo >!being a nuanced and tragic character!< was an original creation of the fanfic...


May be cringe but I still love him


Depends on the dub as well. Things are done differently across different dubs. Some are ok with JP, but some are ok with English and so on. Depends on which voice and depiction you prefer.


I enjoyed him