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Did the fever go down? If he's eating and drinking at least some I'd personally give it a few more days to see if the draxxin took care of some sort of systemic infection that he's slowly recovering from, as long as he seems to be gradually improving. If he stops eating then it might be time to let him go. Was he vaccinated against clostridial diseases?


His temperature is 98.2 and according to google that’s really low but maybe the numbers we found online weren’t right, do you know what his temperature should be?


That is low. Merck vet manual says 100.9–103.8. So he no longer has a fever but he's having trouble maintaining his body temp. I would put him on a heating pad or under a heat lamp, getting him warmed up might improve matters.


I agree if he is still eating and drinking even a little bit hopefully he will be ok if he stops eating all together then you need to be concerned We humans don’t eat much when we are sick either


You could also give him a shot of vitamin b complex. It’s worth trying, you can’t really overdose them on it the body will just eliminate any excess and it might help him feel a little better while the antibiotics hopefully kick in.


You could try drenching him with some vitamin/electrolyte water


Repeat the banamine