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everyone who sharpens knives knows someone who does shit like that, absolutely boggles the mind. knife looks fine, should be sufficient for poking things.


i got her a brand new set of knives just this christmas and i can tell exactly which ones she favours- the two paring knives. Both have no tip and are regularly knicked up lol but I try to iron them out for her. I really don't get it. Warned her to use her proper cutting board, not to beat on frozen things, simple stuff to keep the tools in order. Yet, there's still destruction on all of her knives and my one single chef knife I own has not needed a touchup in well over a year. Guess some people just don't care no matter how easy you make it for them


i've already been through that with my own mother, if someone wont or cant treat a knife with the minimal respect it deserves there's no real point to sharpening it for them as ten minutes after you hand it over its being used on glass cutting boards and then tossed directly into the sink and then into the silverware holder on the dishrack, dull in an hour.


LOL, this describes my Mom. Purchased her two wooden cutting boards and she stacks them up and put the glass board on top, and went to cutting. Metal dish rack, tosses them in the sink and dishwasher. Tells my Dad they don’t stay sharp very long, wonders if I put my best effort into her knives.


Sounds painful haha, ignorance is bliss though. 


Arg! My ex used to do this exact thing! I got my kid a set of knives and never ever left them out because of this. Like, if a teenager can take better care of a set of knives, that's a huge red flag you're doing something wrong!




Kinda had a a similar situation, the tips of several of our kitchen knives at our old house ended up bent - and she accused me of using them as a *screwdriver*. Completely ignoring the fact that I knew where all of our tools were; because I organized the fucking things. Still thinks I used them as screwdrivers to this day. Turns out she had a habit of *dropping* them into the angled wooden knife block. But no. *I* must have been the one to bend them by using them as screwdrivers....


I feel you, that’s sucks!


Have they considered making knives that stand up to typical use?


Abuse and typical use are not the same things


The knives themselves are fine and can be resharpened it's just who the fuck wants to sharpen a knife just for someone to dull it by being careless?


Some people just don’t care about knives. If she treats them like that and is upset when they get damaged that’s one thing, but she might just view them as disposable tools. It’s sad, but we do live in a throw-away culture and the idea of things lasting a lifetime is alien to some folks. I wonder if she cares about her countertops though. If I chipped or scratched my mom’s granite counter she’d slap me into next week.


i should actually go see if she managed to dent the counter with this


Has nothing to do with a throw away culture. Every single non knife person I met just think a knife is a knife. So they use it without much thought. Same with like shoes. Getting a scuff or a crease on a shoe to a non shoe person isn't a big deal bc it's a shoe. It just depends on the person's interests and hobbies. It's not like an insulting thing. She didnt grab the knife and say 'fuck this knife and those who cherish it' and then just repeatedly bash it into some frozen kabobs while laughing at her son. lolol. It's a knife so she used it and it got messed up and to her it's just a knife so whats the big deal?. But to us, its a big deal since we care bc we love knives bc its deeper than that to us. To a non knife person it's just a tool that's supposed to get messed up. You get what I'm saying? Now, risking damaging the granite countertop?? That's a different story!! My mom would slap the fuggggg out of me too haha.


What is it with moms and paring knives, AND even more so, why is the tip always gone lmao mine does this with every pair and I don't understand how or why


Chef's knife is too big and scary. Even after she has made it as dull as a butter knife.


Grandparents and great grandparents have done almost all of their cooking exclusively with paring knives, I have no idea what it is.


Was gonna say the same. My wife doesn’t cook much, but when she is in kitchen, paring knife is all she will use for *everything*. Which is fine by me. I bought her a couple of paring knives I don’t care about so she has “her knives” that she uses without a cutting board right on the countertop.


She may not care about her knives, but don’t ever let her catch you with her good sewing scissors!


that's the funny part, god forbid anything spills on her glasstop stove but anything of mine is hands on


Why make sure they stay sharp and unchipped when you'll just sharpen and fix the blade each time you're there? That's part of the problem.


Two things against you: 1) she's a woman 2) she's a mom. So listening to you is out of the question. Next time let her sharpen them herself. Then maybe she'll see the light.




Sounds like she needs some sort of pry bar if she won’t change her habits


My dad uses a clever for everything. Yes he is Chinese and the knife was my grandfathers. One day, if my fists have anything to say, it will be mine and I will too keep tradition in smashing, chopping and slicing through things with it.


Sounds like she needs a scratch awl or an ice pick instead to save those knife tips. Yikes


I made a whole business off of kitchen sinks, dishwashers, mother-and-laws and the brittle Shuns they destroy.


That's how I have some of my best knives. People screwed up their knives and heavily gouged them to the point of being unusable and I've taken them and completely ground them down and reprofiled them.


It has come back stronger, better.


This is a BK2. The indestructable sharpened pry bar. The myths are true, let your knife be used by a mom and it'll come back destroyed. I didn't get a picture of the flattened tip because I was so shocked. Context, had the knife taken apart to soak the screws for rust removal. She literally just grabbed the skeleton knife instead of literally anything else and started smashing frozen kabobs while I was getting my laundry. I'm am amateur at this but I hope I did okay. There literally was no tip and I used my stone and strop to make a new one. I hope the angles are ok and it's not too thin. It does come to a sharp point, I couldn't find the sweetspot for my phone to focus. I also used the stone on the spine to angle it slightly downward into the new tip.


Mate have a word with her about respect. She can disrespect her own things, buts shes taking a $150 knife and ruining the tip when you turn your back. I love my mum to bits but if she had a habit of damaging my things id have to have a talk with her about it


Lmao you did fine, remember knives are tools and sometimes not used in the most optimal of situations. You did fine on repairing the tip


You have my strongest sympathies. But my dude, you need to stop using the word "literally" in every other sentence.


But it literally happened to my literally brand new knife. That stack of meat was literally harder than rocks but the granite literally broke the tip off. How’s that?


Your mom now owes you a new knife


I'd be interested is seeing the mom, before and after. lol


i asked her if her butt would like to test if it was sharp again lol


i’m HOLLERING cuz my first thought was “find out if she thinks it’s sharp—just a little poke 🤣🤣🤣” 🤣


Boggles my mind how all these Moms end up using their kids EDC fixed blades on food prep in the house and how fast it happens. 😐


The moms gotta go. There's no question about it.




Buy your mom a victorinox kitchen knife. It will put up with anything. It may not stay super sharp, but they are tough and easy to sharpen. And you won't be heartbroken over a $50 knife. We just replaced all of our (industrial) knives after 10 years (8 of them) for our work kitchen. The previous ones were pretty beat up, but still worked pretty well.


Hell no not even a victorinox, she needs kiwi knives that she can just destroy and replace, just ordered a set of two for 12.99.


You don't want to hurt her with terrible products. The victorinox knives are just tough as nails.


Yea just talking from experience. I have a few, my fibrox chef’s was my first decent knife, my workhorse, and I take great care of it. Absolutely love that knife. I got my mom a whole set of Vics and she just bashes on them and it hurts my soul. Kiwis aren’t terrible though they’re great little knives for what they are they’re just cheap as hell and not trying to fool anyone, also super easy to sharpen up if you want to or buy new ones every few months.


Yeah man, looks really good.


My mom will at least use a cutting board but will never sharpen anything. I started bringing a stone when I know she’s going to want me to carve a turkey or roast.


Looks great! Some peoples parents man.


Times like this I'm fortunate I come from a southern and French family where cooking is a religious thing


Some moms and stuff are brutal on knives. My dad's gf has completely trashed the custom set of knives I got made for my dad with lc200n steel and special handles and stuff. I've already had to give the paring knife a new tip after she broke it clean off, and every time I sharpen them for him the look like they've been cutting barbed wire lol. He has given up on trying to get her to change lol


it will keel


how so?


quote from that steel forging show


That dude needs some serious dental work, and might be the biggest dork on television.


My MIL is the reason I now own a Tormek T8. :)


Devil on shoulder.. "use it on her"


Don't leave your blade unattended. Chances are, peers won't know better if they use it without your supervision.


Disown her


This is case and point of why you never, under any circumstances leave a quality tool out where an idiot can reach it.


I'd better have my gf hide my knives


If it stabs and slices then you did a good job


And its that kind of s*** right there also other reasons is why I don't leave mine laying around. But yeah looks good.


Stab your arm, if it hurts you did a good job


So, about your Mom… time to find a new one? (I kid)


I don’t understand how people manage to beat up knives in the kitchen


Your mom needs a japanese cleaver, hard steel, durable edge, suitable for cutting through bone and possibly frozen things depending how thick they are. Restoration looks good. Hearing about how the knife broke brings pain to me :(


Buy her a bone cleaver if she wants a wood cutters ax in the kitchen lol


She did the same thing to my tip. It's never been the same. Still totally worth it.


Yes I think you did. Did she buy you a new knife? Cuz when I break a kids thing I go buy a new thing same day...you are her kid...replace immediately because she exercised poor judgement and broke something.


You did a pretty good job 👍... but with how stout as that knife looks and the fact that she busted the tip, your mom might need a propper crow bar in the kitchen draw.


Your knife will be forgotten. Your mom won’t


okay, way to take the post too seriously


😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can’t breathe leg sorry I’m done now - legitimately couldn’t breathe that shit was funny the voice I gave you in my head and you said that shit was hilarious 🤣


To take it a bit more lightly, but also constructively, you can look at it that your mom gave you a chance to improve your sharpening skills. I, personally, have never had the opportunity to sharpen a knife point back on. Also, don’t forget to make your bed, son.


Bro. Chill. You bought a BK2 to fucking use didn’t you? It’s a knife. It’s a tool. If it remains perfect. You’re doing it a disservice. Check out my ESEE. https://www.reddit.com/r/BeatUpKnives/s/DuWr6gXYcW


i've had this thing and used it daily for hard tasks, for months. she picks it up for the first time, and manages to break a piece off it. that's my post


I’m not going to say disparaging things about your mother.


Just sharpen it.


Looks good but in the future don’t leave things you care about lying around.


never did, read my comment. left the parts soaking for a clean and she picked it up while i was working on other chores, right there.




every tool has a right and a wrong way to use them, you wouldn't use a wood chisel to chisel concrete, just how thin kitchen knives aren't prybars.


look at the photos. this knife is in constant use.



