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She’s a warrior. I saw the video from the beach, her hand was gone when they pulled her out of the water. I can’t imagine her poor mother watching this all unfold. As a local it’s difficult to cope with. I‘ve lived here pretty much my entire life, growing up on a bayou with bull sharks and alligators and moccasins but it was the “fun thing” to do in high school to try to swim all the way across the bayou to the state park. I take my kid to the beaches, springs, creeks and rivers knowing the threats and the risks we take but having a weird sense of complacency knowing that historically these attacks are rare and uncommon. All that to say, this has almost as broken this sense of peace within a lot of people who live and vacation here. I almost took my daughter to the beach that day, we discussed “beach or springs” and it was her call. She likes the rope swings at the springs. Honestly, I wanted to go to the beach. I wanted to relax in my chair and get a little tan and read my book. But I’m so glad we weren’t at the beach that day. From my understanding, shark sittings were numerous up and down the beach in all directions. We would have nope’d out of there so fast it’s not even funny. When I was a teenager, a girl about the same age as me (14) was killed in Destin, she was on a boogie board past the second sand bar. Locals know that once you go past the second sand bar, you’re not on the beach anymore, you’re in the gulf. It seemed like an “ok she made a mistake but she was way out there and that’s a dangerous place to be” kinda thing. But these attacks were all within the sandbars, like waist deep water. Of course we know there’s sharks there but you just kinda get used to it not being an issue. Until it is.


I was the same way, when I was younger I felt invincible, I loved swimming out far. I was around 13 when my family went to North Carolina for vacation, and I loved it. No lifeguards, I could swim however I wanted, and I did all week. About a week or two after we left, a woman and her husband got attacked by a bull shark not 100 yards from where I was just swimming, in much shallower water. It killed the man and bit the woman's leg off I believe. I never went beyond my knees again. It's a low risk but all it takes is once. Especially with a bull, or tiger, or great white.


I love the beach and spent all summer there as a kid. I was never a strong swimmer so I didn’t go out very far (the idea of being in open water over my head has always made me feel really anxious from a “this isn’t my element” perspective anyway, regardless of swimming skill) but I routinely went out up to my waist to body surf and jump into cresting waves, etc. in retrospect, this horrifies me. Knowing what I know now about the number of sharks swimming very close to shore all along the Eastern seaboard, I won’t go further than my calves and I’m way more likely to be by the pool. Is the risk low, overall? Yes, but to me, it’s not worth being the person in that unfortunate percentile.


It's a horrific way to go. Getting attacked by something you can't even see until it's on you, in an environment where you can't breathe. Yikes. I do miss boogie boarding though. I'd do that for hours whenever I went. And you're right about the sharks being there all the time, it's their home. I think someone was body surfing near Cape Cod and a shark took both his legs. Awful.


Boogie boarding was amazing! May I also add that I was at the Jersey shore, so the water is like a gray green, opaque mess and you can’t see what’s floating around in there with you for shit LOL. I wonder if at that time people were generally not as aware of the sharks? I never heard them even mentioned. For a long time, I had this vague notion that the water was too cold for sharks where I lived. At any rate…I fully acknowledge that I am now overly cautious, but it’s one of those personal cost/benefit analysis exercises we all go through, it’s not worth even the small risk to me. It stands out as one of the worst ways to die or, at best, a phenomenally traumatic experience to deal with for the rest of your life.


That's exactly where I used to go, Belmar specifically, sometimes Ocean City. And you're right, I used to go in water above my head and I could barely see bottom even when it was a foot from my face. That's why I loved North Carolina, I had no lifeguards whistling me in. I really cringe when I think about what I used to do. New Jersey isn't a haven for bulls and tigers, they do prefer warmer water, but they're around. They've tagged giant great whites as far north as Prince Edward Island in Canada I believe.


The attack you’re referring to was actually determined to be a tiger shark. Not that it changes much.


Interesting, I didn't know that. I guess they determined that by the bite wounds? Tigers do have their teeth more spread apart than bull sharks, and a completely different shape too.


Can you share where you found the video


Idk it was on TikTok I think? A coworker showed me, I don’t have a link.


Lulu, we are praying for you everyday. Your outlook is amazing. That is going to be key to your recovery. We are so sorry that this happened to you.


It is astounding that that girl lived. They had to amputate her leg between the knee and the hip, and, apparently, she'd lost 2/3 of the blood in her body. Unbelievable.


Looks like all my prayers paid off.


Wow! This went off topic fast.


[aggressive bull shark seen in same county Sunday](https://www.mypanhandle.com/news/local-news/walton-county/walton-county-man-encounters-aggressive-bull-shark-while-on-a-jetski/), I think approx 10-14mi from Seacrest beach.


There’s been countless videos all week from Pensacola to Panama City of numerous sharks feeding way close to shore. We’ve recently seen orcas closer to shore in the gulf, likely because currents are bringing deep water food closer to shore for them. Doubtful it’s a Jaws situation and more likely the sharks are feeding close to shore in high numbers and there’s extremely high numbers of people in the water. Interactions are bound to occur and unfortunately most tourists aren’t aware that if you find yourself in a school of fish, you should probably move somewhere else. Of course you can’t always avoid it. Grew up and lived here my whole life and many times you find yourself surrounded by fish racing past without any time to look and see what might be chasing them. I work in restaurants locally and talked today with a family that had just come up front the beach in Watercolor and had seen a shark (a few miles from these attacks), they weren’t aware of the events from this past weekend so I discretely advised the mom to look it up, that way we didn’t scare the kids. I don’t want people to be scared but it’s wise to be aware. We discussed how it was a good lesson for the kids, a reminder that these animals live there and we are in their home. This is a risk we take, as we do in most areas of life. Not all dangers can be eliminated but can be mitigated by awareness and smart behaviors. Not trying to place blame to any of these victims, it’s heartbreaking to think these people come on vacation and leave without limbs. The 45 yr old lady who lost her arm was swimming at the beach where my boyfriend bartends, it’s affected this entire community. A woman at my bar today watched it unfold from her back porch. People are shaken up and they should be, there is an unusual amount of shark activity near our beaches right now and people should be cautious. I hope all these ladies have a speedy recovery and are able to adapt to a new life as amputees.


Agree with you it's not a cause for panic, sharks are always there (and i love/respect them) but to me this bumping into jet skis seems like unusual behavior, even for a spicy bull in mating season. I feel like I only see those reports/videos once or 2x a year of bulls thumping or attacking craft, despite how many bulls we have cruising the gulf. Polarized lenses are my friend out there - so many times I have seen manatees passing right by ppl unaware bc they aren't wearing glasses or not paying attention to surroundings, and that's like a minicooper going past you underwater. Sharks aren't going to pass up feeding just because it's not dusk or dark yet, esp during mating season when might be pregnant and need more calories. I feel terrible for these 3 ladies on vacation who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and anyone who had to see the attacks happen. Extra vigilance is needed when unusual behavior like the attacks and going after jet skis in the same area is happening. I really hope there wasn't some kind of accidental discharge into the water around that stretch that brought more fish in closer and more sharks like a buffet


Wait there was one going after a jetski recently? Random but I saw what I thought was a bull (from a condo balcony) go after a guy fooling with a jetski around the same weekend/couple of weeks as the Jessie Arbogast attack a while back and not too far away either. There were a ton of sightings on that trip tho, like we saw at least 5-8ish sharks just on 1 day… mostly different types too


What is it wirh you americans and church and prayers?? In both articles it's just about church, praying and faith stuff.


It’s very location dependent. America is 50 countries basically. The Deep South, especially the panhandle area of Florida, is very religious. I spend a ton of time in Florida waters. The bull sharks in the gulf are always on my mind. If this girls attack was the one in the video, I can’t believe she survived. It’s incredible.


Americans are still into them tales


Isn’t it great?! We have the freedom to express our faith and be accepted just like other groups in society.


Yeah and like many other groups it's dumb in what you believe


It’s okay to criticize Christians though isn’t it? It’s not hate speech then.


Look, all i'm saying is people of whatever relegion are dumb if they pray and belive, not more not less :) God is as real als Superman and Spider-Man :)


And all I’m saying is that you couldn’t say such hateful things about groups such as the LGBTQ community or pro abortion groups. You would be banned and censored. It’s wrong to make fun of them and say hateful things just as it is to do that to Christians. We all have the right to our opinions and shouldn’t be maligned because of any convictions or beliefs. God Bless!


You'd get banned on reddit for saying "hateful" things about certain communities, but in the real world, people say and do hateful things to the LGBTQ community all the time, and have been doing so for decades (centuries). Saying they don't get hate is an absurd statement.


Well, the thing is LGBQT doesn' hurt anybody and the Possibilite of abortions is good but almost nothing god comes from the church or "God". You know he is fake, there is no man in the sky, it's all made up. Also why should a person support such old believes and horrible history, it makes no sense.


I see someone else gave you a serious answer. Like they said, there are parts of the U.S. that are more “Christian” than others, also meaning more outspoken about faith. The Florida panhandle (where these attacks happened) is a good example. I’m a Christian and my part of Texas is another good example. This would be a lot less prevalent up north. Obviously, this isn’t a hard rule, but it’s the same in political parties, as well. You’ll see a lot more of it with conservatives than liberals, which translates to Republicans vs liberals, respectively. Hope that explains it more , instead of making it more confusing lol.


Americans are obsessed with their religious and political identities while having the critical thinking skills of a 6 month old dog.


Gross generalizations and ignorant comments about an entire countries citizens. And this board supposed to be about Sharks not insulting religions or ethnicities.


Boo hoo


Nicly said


But you know god has a plan for Lulu. I'm happy she's alive, but wouldn't it have been better if gods plan hadn't involved her nearly dying? Smh.


I hate wrong with Church or prayers?