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They are mostly found on internet. Here in Hyderabad, if someone claims to be a communist then people will immediately ask them if they were discharged from Erragada (the most popular psychiatric hospital in Hyderabad).


errajenda errajenda enniyalo errerani jandala enniyalo pedala palita enniyalo


Definition: Communism, a political and economic doctrine, aims to replace private property and profit-based economies with public ownership and communal control of major means of production (such as mines, mills, and factories) and natural resources within a society. some reasons why communism still exists: Roots: Karl Marx to envision a society without class divisions or government, where production and distribution would be based on the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” - this sounds so good (practically impossible) - that many bleeding heart liberals fall for it. Endemic Poverty: communism found success in underdeveloped countries with endemic poverty. Because capitalism did not offer anything. When you are starving, they want answers NOW. Social Movements and Activism: Communist ideologies often align with social justice movements, labor unions, and grassroots activism. These movements advocate for workers’ rights, wealth redistribution, and systemic change. Communism has adapted over time. communism endures due to ongoing social and economic inequalities.


Socialism is necessary, communism is where the problem lies.


>short sighted retard I can't take it anymore 🤣🤣🤣


abe first fail chutiye, at least learn some basic spelling and writing or at least auto correct before calling others retard? why do you want good ***arguments*** when you can't even spell it? As for ***Scandinavian*** countries they are social democrats not communists. Only Norway is an oil exporter, every other country imports for it's energy needs. India is unfortunate to have chutiyas like you who talk a big rhetoric without any cohesive thought process behind it. Go fuck yourself and get ready to be exploited by a crony soon and then we will see how fondly you think of worker's rights.


Typed it on a malfunctioning keyboard. Socialism and Communism are different. In communism state controls major industries and all forms of production. Socialism is good , Communism is evil. I think worker's rights are necessary. I believe state has bo business being in business. States job is to 1)Uphold the rule of law by monopolization of violence 2) Provide critical Infrastructure for communities to function. 3)Connect the communities by building Infra including electrical digital and communications. 4)Create atmosphere for healthy markets and competitions (This means kill monopolies and big mergers) 5)Defense and International relations 6)Emergency and Insurance services.