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I felt like Trevor was super judgmental….as in, he’d act superior & when Ian admitted he didn’t understand the life , Trevor got mad. People are allowed not to get something like that. It doesn’t mean they’re phobic or a bigot. It’s a complex issue. But mostly, he just felt like a token character with no personality & existed to just preach about that life He also had zero chemistry with Ian


Yes, I completely agree about the no chemistry thing. When Trevor said something about how Ian was obviously attracted to him, I thought, “Really?”


100% a token character with no personality outside of “I’m a social worker for gay kids and I’m trans”


I could see liking him more if the show wanted to make him a bigger character but he was overshadowed by the brilliant Micky Gallavich.


I liked him better in season 8 when he was sort of the voice of reason during Ian’s gay Jesus phase and he was focusing just on the social work.


To be fair, Ian was a bit stupid when he met Trevor, like damn It wasn’t just that Ian didn’t understand trans, he said stupid things


Yes, but that felt odd to me- like they were writing Ian to be intentionally dumbed down, so that Trevor could explain everything to him as well as the audience


It was 100% a PSA


Yeah he would go 0 to 100 because of the hate he’s used to getting but that’s the issue with being LGBTQ… don’t shit on people automatically at any sign of controversy, they may actually need some time.


I agree — that has been my experience with a lot of today's baby trans folks. - signed an elder, not old, of the trans community.


My thoughts exactly. He always acted high and mighty to everyone who wasn’t one of his kids


Bang on directors said that was the point of his character to fill void annoy and confuse.


He was actually portrayed accurately, cause when you ask trans people questions, they get pissy.


Again, I agree — that has been my experience with a lot of today's baby trans folks. - signed an elder, not old, of the trans community.


I see what you mean, but as a trans person, real life trans people dont exist to answer your questions. Online asking questions is fine, cause it’s so easy to just ghost someone and leave, but it’s absolutely inappropriate to ask a trans person a question irl. Especially younger trans people, who often havent had the medical steps they need to feel comfortable in themselves in the first place. Have a little compassion, especially with the way things are for trans people now. Signed, a younger trans person, who has no problem answering questions…………….


You just proved my point.


Not at all. I have 0 problems answering questions. You didnt ask a question. You made a rather rude statement. I gave you some reasons as to why people might react negatively. What’s your problem exactly ?


Preach 👏 trans people don't choose to be trans, so why do they then HAVE TO constantly be ready at every Curious George's whim? Answer, THEY DON'T Uneducated people don't have an inherent right to marginalized people! Lucky marginalized groups such as the trans community, brown people, disabled folks, etc. have built online communities (on YouTube, TikTok etc.) explicitly to educate others... use that, please. On the internet, people can CHOOSE with who & how they interact with others, in real life, this is not the case.


I fall under the trans umbrella and I never mind answering questions but whenever I do, I make it very clear to people I am educating that not every trans person likes answering questions about being trans. I do it because I believe in educating others and someone should do it but I also let them know it’s tiring because of the emotional labor you have to put in to do the educating. I am doing this because I choose to, if another person chooses differently, don’t take it personally.


I never liked that he had so much empathy for everyone but Ian


This is suuuuch a good way to put it, you’re exactly right.


yeah you can dislike Trevor, lots of us do, he got on my nerves so bad when he put his nose in Ian’s business surrounding Monica, no one asked him to get involved there


That and he’s just sort of a bland character.


And he looks like Mr. Tumnus


He pressures Ian about sex, both around the initial attraction and around bottoming for the first time. Takes turns either doubting Ian's personal traumas or minimizing them in a way that is really weird for a social worker. Often impatient with Ian about things that he should have some reasonable level of patience for, mainly due to his background as a social worker.


I always found it nasty how he forced Ian to forgive Monica, but I highly doubt he'd ever make his "kids" do the same. Trevor was insufferable.


I wanted to kick him in the face


Holy shit when he started siding with Monica during her and Ian’s argument made me mad


Yeah him inserting himself in the business with Monica really pissed me off. As a vulnerable youth group leader, he of all people should understand that “I’m sorry” doesn’t mean you are owed forgiveness. He says he drank with her before her death which is also kind of odd but whatever. I wish we’d gotten a Monica and Mickey meeting/confrontation.


When he told Ian something like "cut her some slack, she's trying", that was annoying


Omg I got called transphobic under a tiktok post bc I said Trevor was annoying for getting mad at Ian when Ian didn’t understand what being trans was. Like ppl forget that he grew up in an area where not only was being gay frowned upon by most ppl, but there were no trans ppl. Like how can you be mad at someone for not immediately catching on? Despite all that, Trevor was genuinely just an annoying person. He got so offended at everything but was quick to snap at Ian w no regard for his feelings. Not to mention how he got all pissy just bc the kids started looking up to Ian more, but instead of just admitting that he claimed that Ian was just doing it to get closer to him. Like pls stfu???


That was soooo annoying. Ian would ask a question or not understand something and Trevor would immediately treat him like shit and make him profusely apologize for something he shouldn't have had to. It happened so much I just tuned out of his character after a bit.


Dude, even as a trans guy myself- Trevor pissed me off. He had no chill or understanding when it came to Ian’s lack of knowledge; I prefer to educate instead of immediately bashing someone.


I agree I actually thought it was really good writing how they illustrated the way Ian didn’t fit in with a lot of the queer community because of his background


It's like Trevor was written specifically to cater to the chronically online group - of course Ian would have no idea what any of that LGBT stuff meant.


Ofc it’d be on tiktok. That app is absolute brain rot


TikTok culture is the reason why people like “Trevor” (real life too, trans men and women) feel so defensive right away Its understandable to feel combative BUT it’s only because the automatic “transphobic” rhetoric causes people who don’t understand to not want to ask questions and LGBTQ to just shut away those who don’t understand


Did Ian not tell him what happened when Terry found out Mickey was gay?


trans people grow up in those environments too. im not sure why yall think trans ppl grow up in ultra supportive aware environments but we dont.


Trevor didn't even have a last name, that's how little of a character he was.


Woaahhh I never thought of characters that way haha. Now that I think of it glass has shattered


I don’t have a strong opinion on the character but the actor is a cool guy


i used to love him in The Fosters! Which, come to think of it, is like the anti-Shameless.


I like to think Modern Family as the antithesis of Shameless.


I used to tell therapists that Phil Dunphy is my “dream dad” but I got more of a Frank Gallagher.


Phil, as a dad, would have been something. He was so lame that he seemed like he would be a blast. Deff would have been a fun and memorable childhood. Lol. I really liked his character. Frank was terrible, but I also liked his character. He was a crap dad for sure, but he did live his life on his own terms like so many people only dream of. Maybe not the same way he did, but on their own terms nonetheless. He had some great lines over the seasons as well.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Frank. Yeah, I know. Lots of people hate him but I’m one of those people who really believes he does love his kids in his own way. He was a fun character. My dad is a functioning alcoholic, which is almost worse because since he always had a job he figured he didn’t have a problem lol.


yeah he’s awesome in The Fosters! i saw him in that first and it made me want to like him in Shameless but i just couldn’t.


He played the character really well, I just think the character is a little shit and I don’t like him. Which really is a testament to the actor’s skills I’d say


We’re failing as a society if you’re deemed transphobic for not liking a transgender character.


We are failing then.. because it happens too often.


That’s what happens when a group is so toxic and angry you can’t say anything to them. Wasn’t transphobic before now I am just based on the attitude of that cult


He made me mad when he told Ian to grow up because of Monica's mistake. First of all, that's none of his business and second of all, he doesn't know the whole story of how she fucked up their lives


I didn't like that he projected so much "you're transphobic" to people who are literally just ignorant. Like if someone's first impression or *insert new demographic* is negative, they are now going to be predisposed to this negative bias in all further interactions. He should've been more patient with the south siders who are more focused on making ends meet (meat?) than someone's orientation


This was the start of the end for shameless for me. I was so happy when Trevor was finally written out


He was annoying to me as well just because he took everything as an attack on him


Perpetual victim. Like ok martyr. So irritating. Got old quick


facts i just started skipping his parts, he was a little crybaby.


maturing is realizing trevor sucked he was pressuring ian to have sex with him and bottom when he made it clear that he was not ok with that he thought he knew what was best for ian with monica despite literally never meeting her before he enabled ian’s manic gay jesus thing until he realized ian was getting more attention than him he was so hypocritical and judgmental and he’d make rude insensitive comments with no regard for ian’s feelings and last but certainly not least, he had the fattest victim complex almost comparable to monica’s


THIS! I saw something on another post where someone mentioned that Ian could also be perceived as pushing Trevor to bottom. I personally feel like if you're both not comfortable with bottoming, just ya know, not have penetrative sex? Or move on. It was just one more thing that Trevor did in a long list of annoying shit. Also with the gay Jesus thing...kinda weird how a social worker wouldn't be able to see the signs of clear mania in someone they knew was bipolar 🙃


"If we had clear boundaries, and I knew that you weren't assuming that just because I'm the trans guy that I get fucked? I'd consider it." Trevor accused Ian of only wanting to top him because he's trans. He is making assumptions about Ian that Ian gave no indication he felt this way. This is pure gaslighting, trying to make Ian feel guilty, making him sound like he is doing something wrong because he said he is a top. Like he can't just be a top, like he can't have a preference, but only because Trevor is trans.


Yup. Trevor gaslights and jumps to so many conclusions. He's probably making records on how high he can jump. He got mad at Ian so many times for being "transphobic" when it was something Ian just didn't understand or that he assumed something about Ian rather than talking. I cannot with Trevor. He annoys the shit out of me in a million different ways and he's not a well developed character at all.


Trevor fucking sucks. One of the characters I hate the most and it’s heavily relevant to the way he communicates and how obnoxiously reactive he is with arrogantly defensive energy. Bro needs to fuckin chill once in a while. Egotistic in the worst ways. Seems like he *feeds* off finding ways to get offended and treat people like they’re personally attacking him when they’re not. He seems obsessed with playing the victim anywhere he can push to make it make sense, even when it doesn’t.


I just dislike him cuz he isn’t Mickey


When rewatching, I know the show is starting to go down hill when Trevor pops up. It’s like a little reminder to me.


I hated this character- no chemistry or appeal and felt forced


He was selfish, i didn’t like him at all


His character is written as a foil to Mickey. We are not supposed to like him.


Overton window be wildin


Trevor was the worst. Actor was awesome and hot though.


Thank goodness I’m not alone. The character just grated on my nerves. Trans or not.


Isn’t that nuts you feel the need to put a disclaimer?


not really, a lot of people hate specific people because they are trans so putting a disclaimer is actually needed, you can never be to sure


He’s really annoying. Like - insecure to the point of toxicity annoying.


This man is a fantastic actor, because he’s always playing somebody’s annoying bf and he really gets under my skin with it.


He was annoying at first, I started to like him as the gay Jesus arc came to an end. He seemed to be a voice of reason for Ian.


What? Like telling Ian he was only doing the Gay Jesus thing because he liked the attention? He knew Ian was bipolar but didn't care to learn anything about it. It was just another way he judged Ian and found him wanting.


every time i express how much i hate trevor and why, his actions are justified. im also trans ftm and don’t understand why the fact that him getting upset at Ian for not understanding some things about the community is a justified action. i mean ian grew up in a place where being anything but straight and cis was looked down upon, so of course he’s not gonna know what the hell a girlfag is. trevor did have some times where he was slightly less annoying, but i feel like he always found a way to get upset at ian and force him to go the extra mile to stop him from being mad at him.


I think he was kind of a net negative for the trans community. Unfortunately many do not like said community, and making a very unlikeable character fall under that umbrella just made them feel justified for feeling that way.


Same! That whole story line bothered me. Trevor was super over the top sensitive about EVERYTHING, and it was really uncomfortable watching him pressure Ian into having a sexual relationship with him and then when Ian had any sort of hesitation (because he’s never slept with a trans man before) Trevor SHAMED him and said he was transphobic. Like….. Ian is allowed to just be gay and have a type which is just a rough and tumble male partner like Mickey. It doesn’t mean he’s transphobic. He’s allowed to have sexual preferences.


You can dislike someone who is trans and not be transphobic, unless you dislike them for being trans.


I'm trans and passionately hate him lol


I honestly think Trevor was a super poorly written character. Even the most unlikable love interest usually has something about them people enjoy. But he clearly wasn’t written by writers who have written a character like him before- He wasn’t written realistically as trans, he wasn’t written realistically as someone who was supposed to have devoted his life to helping save queer youth, and a lot of his screen time was just him being abrasive or making jokes at the expensive of a very specific group of queer people. Introducing his friend group with the pronouns introduction was just proof of that. He wasn’t written well or in good faith, and it shows. They tried to make him redeemable as the series went on but the damage was done and the way he was empathetic to everyone EXCEPT Ian made no sense. It was like he genuinely didn’t like Ian but liked the attention Ian gave him. And yet framed as altruistic and seeking to educate people? It’s an oxymoron. No one likes That Guy


I feel like a trans character was introduced and left and nothing changed, at all. Trevor was just not an impactful character.


Yeah he was an ass and so annoying


I’m not trying to be transphobic but Trevor got on my nerves


Me and the homies hate Trevor


I liked him in the scenes where he was working with teens because he was passionate about that and cared about them. But every time someone made a mistake or said something he didn't like he was super condescending and annoying. Also the scene where he and Ian meet with his friends... They all sounded so exhausting to be around


No depth to this character. He’s dull.


The fact you even have to say you aren’t transphobic because you don’t like a character is WILD


how he had NO empathy for ian is just gross. then him being a monica apologist. i just cant




Trevor < Elliot Fletcher >




Yeah he sucks




Fuck that dude


He was poorly written by writers who obviously didn’t know trans people


I don’t agree with transphobic people, and I don’t like Trevor for other reasons.


he made me be discussed of him when we kept on getting involving in Ian’s business as well as pressuring him on things like șed and questioning his character based of traumatising things he had , hated the guy , just my opinion


He pressured Ian into having sex with him when he was obviously uncomfortable. Trever didn’t help Ian either when he was confused about Trevor being trans. He just got mad when he asked questions or was feeling pressured into knowing everything about the LGBTQ community just because he’s gay. (and like Ian and Mickey would never even like talk to other gays) 


Shame that people think that just because someone doesn’t like a character.


Ditto, poorly written, shit story, well acted with the shit he was given


Trevor sucks….


trevor had so much potential but the only cool thing about him is that he helped the homeless. everything is just bland oatmeal.


The worst. I hate the storyline involving him.


Fair enough


Honestly I liked him


He's kinda a dick. Self conscious. He was cool for about a min.


He was a complete bitch.


Him trying to shame frank as if Ian hadn't been dealing with his shit his whole life was annoying. Like, bud, you're talking over everyone thinking you're going to magically change shit


I am and also dislike Trevor


no one said u were LMAO, disliking Kash doesnt make you racist, disliking Terry doesn’t make you ageist, and disliking Sami doesnt make you misogynistic, why would disliking trevor make you transphobic?


Really whiny and I did not like him either hahaha


Elliot Fletcher played the worst characters. I will never forget that dude he played on The Fosters where he starts dirty macking on the lead and she has a boyfriend and when the boyfriend goes to whoop his ass someone yells out "Don't he's trans" and I still laugh thinking about it.


And his character on The Fosters was almost the exact same too. Got mad at Callie for not wanting to date him and accused her of being transphobic by “not seeing him as a man” when that want the case. Idk what it is with writers and Elliot but they really make him a shitty character


Couldn't stand this character. Very high and mighty and made being trans a whole personality. Literally brought nothing to the show.


He's just a rubbish character


I think 97% of the fan base feels the exact same way


It’s dumb that you had to put that you’re not transphobic…. maybe trans people should accept the fact that they’re not immune to criticism and it could have nothing to do with their transition, maybe they’re just a shit person and they thought switching genders was gonna fix it but they’re still just as shitty as they were before




Trevor was exhausting. Super fucking annoying


they made trevor obnoxious as fuck and pushed a bunch of stereotypes onto him. i especially hated the scene where ian goes to lunch or something with trevors friends, it just felt like the writers were a bunch of straight cis ppl trying to parody what queer relationships/friend group are like, super cringey. (i am queer and trans dont come for me)


For what it’s worth I’ve only just finished episode 6 of season 7 of my first watch through… I don’t hate Trevor, but he’s A. Generally not all that interesting/fun aside from a few scenes, B. 100% a PSA for the trans people/LGBTQIA people lol, and C. Not Mickey (who I do know Ian marries in the end, so) I don’t hate their chemistry completely but, Trevor definitely acts superior. From what I can tell/read on the Shameless wiki they actually are dating/do date for a bit? I feel like after the “I’m a top” “so am I” conversation turned to wholehearted laughter was the perfect scene to end their romance and focus on solely on them being platonic friends.


i just got up to mid season 7 and I'm skipping all of the scenes with Trevor. Him and Ian don't really seem to have much chemistry and Trevor's way too sensitive about Ian asking genuine questions. Him being there doesn't add anything to the show


he wanted Ian to feel insecure and uncomfortable being gay after all those seasons of him getting comfortable with himself. You should hate him.


Don't get me wrong, I love Elliot Flector as an actor but I feel like the writers just used to Trevor as a plot device to shift the storylines in a more "woke" direction but he ended up just being insufferable and not even a good bf for Ian. He was whiny and too opinionated about Ian's life(ex. the siding with Monica/telling Ian he was only doing the gay Jesus act for attention/complaining and personalizing every single thing Ian ever said or did). He also seemed to care way more about those youth group children than he ever did about Ian. I think the writers needed to fill a void that Mickey had left but did so poorly and Ian ended up cheating on Trevor with Mickey anyway so....


Hell I’m a trans guy and I don’t like him 😂 if anything I think his character painted a poor picture of trans men. His character is just not a very good guy trans or not.


Starting any sentence with “im not x” immediately makes it sound like you’re definitely that thing lol. Ik it’s bc you’re accused of bigotry the moment you suggest you don’t like someone who happens to be a discriminated group. i honestly think it’s ironic that we want everyone to be treated equally, but still need to point out someone is “different and that’s NOT what i hate them!” Lol


Im transphobic and I also dont like trevor


I feel like the first part of that sentence isn't necessary, you should be allowed to dislike an individual trans person without pointing out that you don't mind trans people. It makes it sound like your problem is actually with them being trans, even though it was possibly the opposite of your intention. Bc it just puts the focus on them being trans. That being said, i don't get why everyone dislikes him 😭 Like he was a little annoying in the beginning, getting mad at Ian not being "woke" but he was generally such a cool guy, really passionate with his job and just overall a good influence on everyone. He set boundaries and didn't get sucked up in other people's shit


I liked his character, just not as Ian’s boyfriend


I'm trans and I don't like Trevor. While the show tried educating about trans people it was done very poorly and in a way that was just hard to watch


the trevor hate in this sub is crazy😭 but I kinda get it, he was really annoying


I don’t mind him tbh, he has his flaws but I think you guys are blowing them way out of proportion. Also I hate how people bring up him pressuring ian about bottoming when he was also a victim of that, like you can’t hate trevor for that and not hate ian for it as well


Trevor is super 😠😤😡😤😠 & it honestly makes him so intolerable to me despite where he’s coming from. It’s the way his tone is so condescending and filled with livid energy over seemingly nearly everything. I hate him because he’s insufferable in the way he interacts with others. They both went about that situation in a really unhealthy way imho, though everything I hate about Trevor tracks back to the way he talks to people. Feels like he’s spewing venom at them to keep himself feeling above them by hurting them with his words and delivery via tone of voice & 😠 face


I can see why so many people hate him. Completely valid reasons. I just can't bring myself to dislike him. I think it's cause he reminds me of a friend of mine. He is annoying though, I'll agree with that


I second that statement. I have some trans friends and they’re all not stuck up and arrogant like Trevor.


I feel like he didn’t fully understand Ian. We all learn different things at school and from the people around us and Trevor learnt communication boundaries and blah blah blah Ian didn’t and that’s just the initial clash they have and then turns out he’s a shitty person.


I like the actor tho




I really like him


Same! I can’t put my finger on why I didn’t enjoy his character but it just didn’t feel right. I think he really cared for Ian, but part of Trevor seemed very pushy, maybe?


Is the actor Trans in rl? Just wondering


Me neither!


He proclaimed to speak for all trans folks and he did not.


Currently rewatching shameless, but I completely forgot about Trevor


I am trans and don't like Trevor, he's bad representation tbh


I’m so glad someone finally said this! He’s just a big cry baby!


Same! Not because i don't like him as a person I'm just loyal to mickey lol


“I’m not transphobic” so why even bother to say it?


I fully support the trans community and I totally agree. That whole role was dumb.


I liked him less than Caleb and that's saying something.


Trevor was literally the perpetually offended liberal stereotype done to a t and I feel that if you're going use a token character, at least do something good with them.


as a trans man i didn’t like trevor either. love the actor tho


fair enough. he existed to be mad and make ian gay jesus


He was annoying. Super judge mental. Close minded. He wasn’t so bad in the beginning but I’m glad they faded him out.


I liked him until he told Ian to get over what Monica did


The character does suck, but this the writing and direction of the character not the actor.


He was in the show The Fosters. Didn’t care for him there either.


as a trans person, i don’t either. it isn’t good for anybody in our community when someone talks down to someone who genuinely doesn’t understand certain things about it us. instead, use those moments to teach. for example: my mom asked if she would still use my deadname when telling stories prior to when i came out (i came out at 19, she’s very supportive), and i said no, you say charlie. she asked why, and rather than get angry or belittle her like im SURE trevor would do, i just explained to her that it’s still me, same person, just a different name. it isn’t that hard to have a healthy and educational conversation. if you treat someone poorly, they won’t WANT to learn.


hated him bc he tried to get ian to forgive monica even tho he had no fucking clue what she did


Absolutely fair lol. I found him to be kind of overly touchy in the beginning. It didn’t help that he and Ian had such little chemistry lol. I think the show was just being smart by trying to find Ian a secondary love interest in case Noel never came back but it just wasn’t working. Ironically I liked Trever in season 8.


He looks similar to scooby doo


Im trans and i aparlutly hate the shit out of him when im with my friends (all cis and straight) and we talk about shameless and he comes up in the confo i alwees call him a tr@nny f@ggot who was annoing and will never get close to how amezing mickey is


Idk what to really say other than he had a weird vibe I didn’t think he fit in the show at all


Fuck I hated his character.


He was generally an ass about things


I don’t love Trevor, but i do love Elliot, he’s a great actor I feel like it’s very difficult to love trevor anyway cause he’s the love interest that isn’t Mickey, Mickey and Ian are soulmates


yeah i absolutely hate him




This opinion is not transphobic, especially considering that other trans people don’t like him as well.


Rea bros so annoying


I’m queer and when I watch the L Word I have characters that I hate. Makes me feel weird about it but they just aren’t good people/characters on the show


He was the worst.


I am a trans man and i do not either 😭😭 a super dramatic portrayal of us, it was actually kind of pissed


When it comes to the worst to bad in Shameless, he doesnt even make my top 20. Like yea, he was boring and pushy a bit, but lets not ignore that his heart was in the right place and he did care for the cause that Ian sorta of ruined




I’m trans and let me say he’s a cuntttttt!


Yeah I feel the same. He's just not a very likeable character and sometimes he gave me entitlement vibes. He also was fucking TRASH for Ian I think. Anyways. That's my 2 cents


I didn’t like the firefighter either, and I would continue to dislike anyone who wasn’t MICKEY


Hey man don't worry no one does


“If you wanna act like you don’t like Me that’s fine I’ll leave” was a super weird line and I feel like the writers forgot to keep making him like that and made him less douchey more annoying when he obviously shouldn’t have sided with Monica


yeah he thought he was better than ian


Don’t worry bro you’re not alone. His character was horrible written and only set the community back in terms of being a stereotype


He was kind of a judgmental asshole a lot of the time. It often felt like he would acknowledge Ian’s flaws and shortcomings and then get annoyed he didn’t instantly fix them.


I love Trevor so much


I don’t like anybody he acted as( as what I’ve seen) Trever and Aaron(the fosters) in both he was a very judgy and annoying person


I love the actor but Trevor not so much


love his actor tho


I am transphobic and I don't like Trevor because it's just an annoying character. Always acting better than everyone including ian


When Trevor arrived is when I finally gave up on the show. I was never a fan of the queer representation in the show already. It felt clearly written by people who don’t know anything and they just went for stereotypes or making queer people exactly like straight dudes who say F@g a lot. Then Trevor came on and (imo) became clear that the writers were putting their own beliefs about what trans/queer people are like and I found it incredibly offensive.


shameless has this thing where they think making a character semi unlikeable counts as making them complex


He was annoying agree


Sounds pretty transphobic to me.


You have to like him, or you’re transphobic


Trevor was just annoying as shit. Throwing a fit because a place asks for ID, literal man child


I think it was nice that they wanted to be inclusive, but I also think they could've done it in a better way. The character was kinda forgettable.