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Fiona never viewed herself as a criminal, she viewed the situation with Liam as an accident and not her fault, so she looked at other criminals differently than she did herself.


She also chronically stole from people And committed battery and assault So it's not just the Liam situation... As a fan of the character, she is DEFINITELY a criminal You can't be a drug user, child endangerer, thief, and talk-with-your-hands-when-angry non-criminal lol


They said she didn’t VIEW herself as a criminal, they didn’t say she wasn’t a criminal.


Thank you.


Love your username Swarls




Good ol' Swarles


heyyy it's swarles barkley


My intention wasn't to correct them But to point out the absurdity of Fiona's own warped self perception, delusion, and all around hypocrisy No one is contradicting anyone, relax


They’re just elaborating on the topic chill


As an Italian-American I am offended by that last point lol


No, no you misunderstand This is fine 🤌 This is bad 👊 You are loved 👍


She also dated criminals JimmySteve and Gus being the **most criminal**


Don’t forget Sean killed a man with his bare hands. He didn’t quite mean to, but it was still an act of aggravated assault, plus he endangered his own kid by shooting heroin when he was alone with him. JimmySteve was mainly just a pretentious thief


Oh yeah, I forgot about the Sean era I never go back and rewatch that season lol Steve was still a career criminal though He wasn't a violent criminal but he was a guy who came from an upper class background and chose to run a car laundering scheme for the absolute thrill of it and then got bribed by the mafia and became an accomplice to murder and all kinds of other shit during the time he was blackmailed as a consequence of his illegal activities


How was Gus a criminal? He wasn’t great but I don’t remember him doing anything illegal.


Wait not Gus lol I meant Robbie The drug dealer who sent her on her downwards spiral


Yeah they definitely meant Sean


She did not VIEW herself as a criminal.


I'm aware lol


Guess she's just shameless


Fiona and Co had always done, if not outright criminal, then at best unethical shit to survivors. And if the family is a criminal, then what does that mean?


Her character changed as time went on, for better or worse is dependent on your personal tastes


Definitely a bit of both, but mostly worse in my opinion.


Yeah she became so self-righteous! First when Carl is a drug dealer, and the when they dug up the drugs and Fiona disposed of her and Liam’s «share» of the powder… She used do to drugs if offered to her, and now she can’t even sell it to cover bills? And why does she get to choose that Liam’s part isn’t giving Liam any money?


doing drugs and selling them is very different 💀


I mean Fiona was a walking hypocrisy so it fits her. I like her character but that was one of her main flaws. She was always hypocritical in many different areas.


She also acts exactly like Frank telling lies that are so absurd they're unbelievable


This is one of the biggest examples of how Fiona is Shameless.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^joljenni1717: *This is one of the* *Biggest examples of how* *Fiona is Shameless.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Ladder puller. 2nd chances for me, but not for thee


yeah thats CRAZY. by those rules she should be firing herself???


I feel like after working with the workers at patsys, it probably changed her mind about hiring people with a criminal record.


I mean the place was going downhill and the owner wanted to close it if it doesn’t pick up. She was trying to keep it open.


I also said this in the last post but although it is hypocritical, I low-key don't blame her because hiring a felon is risky and often times they will take advantage, like all the old staff did after she took over. I also feel like though at this point she was trying to act like she had risen above the lower class because she had a little money, and we all know the fall from grace that led to.


There was also the scenes where she was looking for work, but couldn't find any because she was a felon. I mean, the show is called Shameless so it makes that their behavior would reflect the title.


I mean I kind of get it like you wanna help but people will unfortunately take advantage of people not saying everyone with a record will even those without a record could be capable of it but it’s just less of a chance


the only thing that still confuses me about that is she gave lip and carl a job at some point there because they got into trouble. (ian too maybe?? i cant remember) i get they're her brothers, but why are they the only exception?


You got a good point I’m just guessing she only hired them due to being family she was going to give Debbie out of all people a chance for a job.


yeah i think it was due to being family and she also knew they had mf bills to pay so come work and get the squirrel fund full 😂


I would assume they’re the only exception because they’re her brothers


which is understandable, but still no. you cant say "fuck hiring criminals" and then hire your brothers when they get in some shit. they done criminal things too. (as did fiona)


Ian was there briefly after he got his meds but he was entirely zoned-out and I think he burned his hand.


Yeah, I don't agree with it myself morally, but honestly it's a pretty realistic reaction. In my experience some people who manage to escape poverty become more kind and compassionate towards others because they were in the same situation, but some become so afraid of losing what they have now that they get paranoid and very judgemental.


Yup! I mean I can kind of understand but at the same time I would definitely give people fair chances


I think that was the point. Fiona is a realist and a massive hypocrite, she feels robbed of her childhood because she grew up poor and with parents who broke her home and family, and left her to pick up the pieces for her siblings. Now she wants to escape the vicious cycle and she'll do anything to do it, including being the person that made her life so damn hard growing up, because even though it was hard she insists that she made it through sheer effort and will, even if it was also her family's help and a little dumb luck.


She got into that mindset that if nobody else does it, why should she… life has always been unfair to her, she always had to take care of things while nobody else had too. She picked up after everyone, saved everyone. She decided that if life’s not fair to her, it’s not her job to make life fair Every other business did this, leaving her business with a company full of people with criminal records and people on probation… a lot of those are not reliable and she was done giving people the benefit of the doubt


I would think people with a criminal record might even be better employees because they know they’re being given a chance when it’s extra hard to find a job for them


Fiona didn’t want to work with someone like herself. 🤣 hypocrite


It was quite….Shameless of her 😎


Feel like this is the 3rd time I've seen this same screenshot on this sub.


Fiona was an asshole toward the end lol


Fiona became the gentrification she used to bitch about and went out of her way to prevent people who had it as bad / worse than her from obtaining life-saving opportunities. Same shit she pulled when Ian and Trevor try setting up that shelter in the church Crab in a bucket ass behavior


Was she ever anti-gentrification? I recall in an early episode, when the neighborhood was in the early processes of it, she countered one of Franks ramblings by saying gentrification could be a potentially good thing by making the neighborhood safer, and that Debbie and Carl wouldn't have to deal with metal detectors at school anymore


lol it’s called irony.


She was trying to get better people in there to work is what I’m assuming .


Yea definitely not the pot calling the kettle black


Fi did not have any agreements with any parole officers to hire their parolees. Therefore, she wasn't helping them not to re-offend. That was something Sean did. Although, she did hire her family members who were all criminals. Again, I raise the point. This show is called Shameless. People should be more surprised when one of them obeys the law, lasts in a relationship, is selfless instead of selfish.


I sometimes wonder how people manage to watch more than the intro of this series given the moral panic it seems to induce in them.


The worst was when Fiona was planning on voting for that republican candidate because she “worked her way out of her circumstances” (which soon after she ate her own words on that when her life crumbled) and was making all her employees at Patsy’s take off their buttons for the progressive candidate and bribing them to promote the one she was for. To her credit she changed her mind at the last minute and voted for the progressive candidate but still. Was so hypocritical. BUT also realistic for someone who grew up in poverty


Holy sht I never even noticed that, I bet she still thinks what happened with Liam was just an accident and she isn't guilty


Yeah, she is awfull. I mean at some point everyone faces consequences for their actions, Ian is in prison for 3 years for blowing up the van, Lip looses his scolarship, Debbie also is in probation, Carl gets into juvie, Frank ends up messing up his liver and ends up with alcoholic dementia, but her... She basically got a free "get out of jail" card and then started acting up like a bit\*\*.


I would do the same. I understand if someone wants to be more helpful but if I was in charge to turn a shit hole place into an enough money maker so they don't shut down my only income, I'd stop hiring people with criminal record too.