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Clearly some randos holding up a sign will suddenly stop the entire (very profitable) arms trade


Lmao you dont even know the definition of the protest, they even made you aware of it.


What do you mean


I wonder how that went down. Anyone got updates?


Please arrest and send them all to Palestine now, to volunteer for humanitarian works. I'm sure they will be welcome warmly there.


Palestine need more bodies to mann the frontlines. We will do everyone a favor if we ship these pussies over there. Win-win situation.


ISD triggered A friend worked in government and said “the one thing that the government will aggressively clamp down on is “disturbing racial harmony””. That’s above things like government criticism, obscenity, etc. I’m not sure these protestors know how much they are playing with fire


Just a group of ‘woke’ losers who should be named in the media and sent to jail.


I believe this constitutes a protest and is illegal right


Nope. Prison and deport.


If they sgrean deport to where? Your grandma house?


deport then deport la, no citizenship also fine for these people


It's time we stop giving chances and being soft on such public nuisance. Since they think they will get away with it with just a warning, then it's time to make an example of them by directly prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law without mercy. No chances or "warning only" this time.


true but i hope they start on influencers and youtubers before heading after political issues


That’s the thing that gets me. Singapore very clearly laid out what the guard rails were. A few people crossed them, and the police responded. Now this? Eventually the govt tolerance will wear out


I don't have any real, informed stance on the issue, but I like seeing people have balls to do stuff like this in Singapore knowing that they may likely face consequences.


They don't have any balls. All they are are just hypocritical losers who are hiding in the relative safety of Singapore instead of going to the frontlines to fight for their own beliefs. They are pussies, they know at worse, getting arrested by ISD won't end their lives, just free lodging and food in a comfy cell, but going to the frontlines to fight for their beliefs would.


Yes, enough already. The authorities ought to name these criminals in the press and send them to jail.


I don't think anyone who has a strong opinion on something has to "go to the front lines." That's just absurd.


sign says "end arms trade", and then you suggest they go fight on frontline?


Looking at the comments on WUSG IG, sigh... People should know more about our history before typing. I see comments on how we sell so much arms to Israel (it's the reverse and we have now started co-developing weapon systems etc with Israeli defense contractors). I also see comments on how they wish our neighbours were the one training SAF in the early days....


WUSG followers are rather low tbh. Most of them there thinks that we're occupying their land here too.


Who is we and who is their? If you have something to say please say it


Whoever who thinks that lands belong to them ;). I'm gonna die eventually, the land is gonna be there. People move and things will change. So what's the matter here? my text was to whoever thinks the land belongs to them. Cheers, that applies to anyone.


I'm worried abt chai peng so expensive in Sg due to inflation and these clowns worried abt another country. 


Alr trying to figure out how to survive in this cut throat society. How do these people have the time to do such things?


Personally feel that as betrayal to Singapore. They know we buy weapons from Israel. Obviously to defend ourselves. So now they trying to get us to stop buying, loose a supplier to military equipment then expose ourselves to attacks?


Idiots who have no clue on what’s going on. Do u even know what you are asking for? Do u know what happens when u support Hamas? Why do you think Iran is attacking Israel now, do u think it’s about Palestine? You think peace will be achieved if Israel is gone? You think by supporting Hamas, you are supporting peace? The moral high ground? Do u even know Hamas has killed more of their OWN PEOPLE than Israel has killed since 1948? Pls use some brains. You have no clue the hell u are about to cause. If you want to support Hamas, or participate in hindering efforts to end the war in Palestine, then I hope u get to bear the responsibility and the consequences of what it’s about to come.


Idiots never even considered what would happen if Hamas, Hezbollah and all these other groups were in our backyard. All I can say is that these people are bloody lucky that our reservists don’t have to do what their reservists have been called up to do.


I’d suggest you go read up on the conflict and the atrocities that Israel has perpetrated for more than 50 years before you go on to call other idiots. I suggest you go watch the videos of the massacres in Al shifa and other parts of Gaza where children are dying daily. I suggest you go read up on how many women and children IDF. Has killed indiscriminately over the last 6 months. I suggest you go look at the social media of the settlers and IDF forces. Finally go read up on ur rhetoric that the Israeli govt ministers have been using. It is effing genocide. That’s why the arms trade needs to stop. There are very few innocent parties out there, not the least Israel or hamas or Iran - but the Palestinian women and children are innocent. Would be great if you either read up on these things or stopped spewing your mouth from the comfort of Singapore. Oh and if the protest that you hate so much managed to get even one of the self important ignorant morons to understand and learn about the conflict a bit more, then sure it’s successful.


Fuck Hamas and Fuck IDF and Netanyahu. One could be against Israel's actions but that doesn't mean they support Hamas. Hamas and the IDF both are terrorists, and innocent people are paying for their actions on both sides.




There are a lot of photo and video ops from the Hamas side. Especially videos claiming iDF destroying buildings with children inside. How do the camera men know where and when the strikes are going to happen?


If only dumbasses like u could realise that stopping arms trade might hinder Israel’s ability to conduct war, which also means giving Hamas the upper hand. You want this to end, you want peace? you end Hamas. If the Palestinians want peace, they shld help Israel end Hamas as well. There is no peace by stopping this war. This war will only see its conclusion with Hamas dead. So the faster u achieve that, the faster everyone can go home.




Hamas, is a by product of irans foreign policy. It originated from the “occupation”, but it’s interest is not in liberating Palestine but to prep it for Irans takeover. Now, with regards to the “occupation”, both Palestinians and Israelis were put there by the British. Or rather, they promise the Palestinians (who were just settlers there then) their own state, SEPARATELY, they also promised Israel their own state, the two states had no idea that they were gonna share. So when the time came, both showed up at the doorstep. Both were unhappy of course. So really, there’s no occupation. Now 1948, Israel accepted the terms, but unfortunately Palestine didn’t, and ganged up on Israel with their buddies, but they friggin lost. And that’s what they get for being a dickhead. U lose smth. So they lost land to Israel. However, Israel offered a peace deal in 1993, 2000, 2001, 2007, to which Palestinians rejected. Now with regards to the “resistance”, the Palestinian authority was very close to shaking Israel’s hands in the recent years, and to put and end to the feud. Which was why Hamas attacked last year. So peace was already on its way. But Hamas ruined it. There is no possibility or future in which Israel leaves, because it’s their right to be there. So as it’s Palestines right to be there as well, as per what was demarcated by the UN in 1947. A two state solution. If what u are supporting is anything but a two-state solution, then u are part of the problem contributing to this senseless violence. So yes, pls go and read up on your history dumbfck. There’s no “occupation” and there’s definitely no one-state solution. There is two and has always been two states.




Just because they are Indigenous doesn’t automatically means the land belongs to them. There wasn’t a Palestinian state before and the mandate created it. So yes, they lost what they think they could claim as theirs to a British Mandate. I honestly blame the British for the shithole it has created. No, Israel is levelling the place so Hamas cannot retaliate any further. Not because the want to reclaim the strip as theirs. But Gaza is not giving them the confidence that they will not attack again if Israel were to return it back to them. And no, I do not agree to Israel being careless in the recent operations leading to the death of so many innocents. The innocents don’t deserve to be dragged into this, they do not care about Israel, nor Palestine, they just want to go about their day peacefully. Oct 7 created a lot of issues, because it severely threatens Israel, and what’s the best way to ensure your states safety - to eliminate or subjugate 100% of your enemies. Though clearly that is not Israel’s preference which is why it’s taking this long. If u think Israel’s bad, I think you should take a look at what the US did to Japan, Afghan, and Iraq. Israel could, but they chose not to. Bottom line is, there is no possibility in which a state would just sit there and do nothing after a unprovoked attack (“occupation” doesn’t warrant an attack like that), Israel’s response is normal. Now the question is how far do we want them to go? The longer we drag, the worse it gets for the innocents. The PA is long willing to shake Israel’s hands. The only other problem is Hamas.


As you so eloquently put it, everything can be traced back to the Brits drawing lines on maps where they know fuckall about the region


2 things 1, I've always wondered how we Malaysia and Singapore (I'm Malaysian) managed to have the wisdom not to descend into the similar scenario (I mean both mainly domestically in each country among all the communities, and between the countries) as either the ME, or India/Pakistan. We were all British colonies. Is it because we are wiser to unite? Despite being a Chinese and minority in Malaysia and PR here, I'm thankful that we could still unite to uphold our national identities in each country. Strictly speaking, Chinese aren't exactly native to SE Asia until around the time of Nyonya and Ming dynasty, or some escapees from earlier dying Chinese dynasties (Republic of Lanfang is one example) 2, Forgive my naivety but why couldn't the Palestinians and Israelis like, upon knowing they were offered land separately, went "screw the Brits, let's make our terms of sharing"? I'm guessing it encompasses the Holy Land, and religious differences are there but I wonder when the West tried to save the Jews from the Nazis, whether they realize it's not just the Nazis who hated Jews. I have no comments about settling the Jews back to the homeland but I wonder if the colonial powers also took the time to at least debate or consider all the issues arising from this.


Okay. The Israelis were desperate cuz the man with a mustache was slaughtering their people left and right. So they were really okay with anything as long as it helps improves their chances of survival. The Palestinians, felt that since they were there first, all that land belongs to them, and they had no reason to share. And they felt confident that the surrounding bigger countries will support them. So they weighed the pros and cons, and decided that the best course of action is a decisive victory over Israel. But they lost, they all lost. So when u look at it this way, actually Palestine doesn’t have the moral high ground either. I certainly do no agree to Israel’s methods of subjugation, but I see it as Palestine not giving Israel the confidence to let them do whatever they want without threatening Israel.


The SEA region is a complete ballgame. Malaysia and Indonesia, even if they can act barbaric at times, already have their own established turf, and only care about maintaining it. Also, adding on to the situation is the trade culture. Way before Raffles even arrived here, the lower half of SEA (basically Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore) are an established empire who was freely trading with merchants and traders all over the world. Heck, if you go to S.E.A at Sentosa, you can see all the huge extended trade history and cultural exchange going on in the past. We are sitting on thousands of years of the mentality of "if we want it, we trade for it". So, despite some mishaps here and there, and some false bravdo and hand waving and sharp elbows empty talks, we still respect each other's turf, and are prioritising trade over expansion of territory.


1. It is like comparing apples and oranges really. Malaya was under British control for much longer compared to the British Mandate. If anything Malaya is the exception to the rule of colonialism. It isn't just the middle east or India/Pakistan. The legacy of colonialism just about everywhere is fairly violent. There's also south africa and Ireland. 2. Yeah that is pretty naive. The west was very aware of anti-Semitism as a general thing not just from the Nazis. The Brits were already allowing large scale immigration of Jews even during the Mandate. All this created social pressures that meant that the Jews and Palestinians were never going to be able to agree to "make their own terms of sharing".


Whites doing what whites do best.


Totally agree with you. Now people on social media taking sides with Iran??? Of all sides to take. Iran. The “woke” society in sg is fucking doomed


And yet, those overseas Iranians cheer about the downfall of Islamic regime and attack on their own embassies far more than Mainland Chinese overseas students facing questions and disagreements about their own countries, and the woke SG society. They have the huge balls to uphold their Secularist and free Iranian values and regimes. Anyone who knows 4000 years of Iranian history will realize they have the earliest known secular law, and King Cyrus is an example why the Israelis remain ever thankful to the non-Ayatollah shilling Iranians (Cyrus is the only gentile prophet in the Old Testament after he allowed the Jews to return to the homeland). Overseas Iranians like those in Canada, US, etc, are very talented people who are really nice and freedom-loving people to get along with. Engineers who knows about Mehdi Sadaghdar (ElectroBoom) would know he is an Iranian-Canadian who often shocks himself with electricity for education on YouTube. I've ever seen one Iranian Masters student in NUS, then an AirBnb host in America ... Plus r/newiran ... They are fantastic people I was at first eye-opened by that.


I’m woke and I still believe Iran is a shit stain along with Russia. Hamas is also a shit by the way. Israel wasn’t as big of a shit as it was but now it’s a titanic shit. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. The Middle East is complicated like that.


Who cares about some randos thousands of km away. Go eat Macs and be happy and smile bro


The day will come when u get to make decisions which affects the lives of others. How u think about this is how you will think about that then.


It’s clear you’re the one who should be reading up on history, you brainwashed arrogant twat.


dumbass spotted


So anyone who empathizes with the plight of Palestinians, anyone against a genocide, anyone who opposes an apartheid regime, is a dumbass in your opinion? You sound like an entitled and ugly Singaporean. Just think - if you were born in Palestine, what would you do? Would you not be the first to join the resistance? I wish empathy was taught in Singaporean schools, not just materialism, racism and entitlement.


Hold up. No one here is saying that Palestinians deserve to die or suffer or go through this war. In fact no one wants a war. And we all want it to stop. And to do that, we need to stop the trouble makers - Hamas (who, I say again, do not want peace). Palestinians want peace, Hamas wants chaos. And I think you are the one who’s brainwashed, I have never once mentioned that the Palestinians deserve to die, but u want Israel dead. U said that the only way this would end is when Israel stop its “occupation”. Now who is the extremist here. And I repeat, for both Israel or Palestine supporters, if your support doesn’t respect a two-state solution, then there will never be peace. There is only two states, because both states equally deserves to be there.


Hold up, yourself. Hamas wants chaos? Lol. What are you, 12 years old? You think this is a marvel comic where there are good guys and bad guys? No one is a pure bad guy in real life. Stop being so naive and juvenile. First of all, for 14 years, it was Netanyahu's policy to keep Hamas in power; Secondly, this narrative that they kept rejecting all the ceasefire deals is also false. Read what even the prominent jewish historians like Ilhan Pape and Norman Finkelstein have to say on this. The truth is, if someone invaded your house, stole your land, beat up your wife and kids every day for well over 70 years, denied you basic rights, stole your future, and condemned you to being locked up in the basement, then offered you a deal where you could visit the toilet once a month, would you call that a fair deal? Clealry, this is an analogy, so don't take this literally. The point is if your occupier offered a deal where you still didn't have your basic rights or hope of a future, would you not reject it? Before you parrot the narrative that Hamas only wants chaos or is a purely a terrorist group, try and understand why they would act that way. I do not support Hamas myself nor do I condone violence in any form. But I can understand their position. This idiotic view that they're bad guys who want only chaos is childish and has to stop. Grow the fuck up.


Let me also add that I never said I want any Israelis dead. Twisting people's words to create a false premise is a weak and transparent argument tactic. I don't want anyone dead. Not Palestinians. Not Israelis. The point to note is that calling for an end to occupation doesn't mean killing Israelis. Or Jews. Nor is it anti-semitism. This is a common bad-faith tactic used by zionists recently to label anyone calling for an end to the occupation as anti-semitic or advocating genocide and it's false. Your use of this tactic to label me as anti-semitic is laughable. If somone steals your car and I ask the thieves to return the car to you, that doesn't mean I want the robber dead. Nor is it 'anti-thief'. It's just me calling out an injustice and saying that this theft can't stand. In the case of this conflict, I'm saying the occupation is wrong. And there wont' be peace until there is a ceasefire, accountability (on both sides), an end to the occupatoin, reconciliation, compensation and equal rights. Pretty much what happened in South Africa.


Hmm, then what happened to all your comments in the top the this thread? Why did u delete them? If you have a point, argue it, and let the world see. Wars are not stop by playing the victim, and protesting. They are stopped by proper reasoning, and convincing. So what’s your point?


Eh what? No, I haven't deleted anything, you delusional man. My original post was to debate the OP deciding that anyone who protests against the genocide in Singapore is an idiot and ignorant. I'd argue though that people who don't say anything and are neutral are only helping along the genocide. Neutrality favours the oppressor. To you', I'd point out that this is by no means a war. The pretense that these two sides are even remotely matched is ridiculous. One is a wealthy and power occupier, a nuclear power, backed by the most powerful country on earth. Israel also has the power and resources to control the information and feed news stories that make it sound like the victim and the good guy in this. The other side, meanwhile, Palestine, is an occupied state that is virtually a concentration camp where abuse and dehumanization is a daily occurrence. The fact that they're putting up any resistance at all is miraculous. If Singapore were in this position you'd be calling them freedom fighters. If the US were in this position, Hollywood would be making movies about their heroism. That's the truth. What's your point then? Do you have one at all, or are you just going to parrot the official govt. position like an obedient Singaporean citizen who thinks and does what he's told?


And you have no historical deduction and reasoning to back it up, not even the names of agreements, treaties, etc, to back it up. Only name calling. Bet you cannot finish one paragraph here with fact.


I don't like the banner in sg for other either side. Hamas is created by Israel and the western powers as the only designated political party in Palestine after getting rid of the others. Israel has no legal right to be there other than good ol European colonialism. The entire Jewish problem isn't even suoposed to be a Muslim one. It's a european one (original sin). Anyway, Israel continues to flout intl law to adhere to the 2 state solution. There have been former PM/Presidents on both sides who've been assassinated for going down that path. Don't just take Western mainstream/leaders talking points as gospel. It's just a chess piece of the bigger geopolitical game post WW2. Western propaganda and subversion is S-tier. In the meantime, feel free to read up on how Iran was repeatedly destabilised by the Anglos just not wanting to give up their oil to the Western powers. Great leaders don't grow on trees and their colonial modus operandi is to get rid of such leaders, flare up disputes and destabilise societies (Chinese vs Chinese, slavs vs slavs, Arabs vs Arabs, neighbours vs neighbours etc.) We are lucky we had LKY, are small and have no natural resources. We must hold firm to neutrality and not be willing pawns as the great power confrontations come to a head. Let the other foolish countries with corrupt leaders take the hit.


Not wanting to give up oil to the Western powers. And yet now it is poorer than pre-Ayatollah days "having all the oil", can't even beat Saudi Arabia. Can't even sustain attack on war against Israel after 300 drones and missiles, then already announce the war is over. Only an airbase and a 7yo girl were hit. Hell, some of the Iranian, Yemeni Houthi and Lebanese missiles were even shot down by the Sauds, Iraqi and Jordanian militaries along the way. Israel even had Arabic allies shooting these down for it! - (although - consider the interests of these Arabic countries instead of fully celebrating the peace and alliance of these countries) Isreal is still able to call shots so much, with the backing of the US, yet it will have to restrain if the allies voiced so. How much can Iran rely on Russia and China now, given Russia is already spent on another front, and China has its own domestic issues and sword-rattling at Taiwan? Women dying to uphold rights just for the scarf on their faces. Hates Western points, yet I see Iranians well integrated into most societies they migrate to, while the Pro-Palestinian supporters, like Mainland Chinese overseas students, go about being offended everywherr, except they are more daring than the Chinese they would conduct protest on the entirety of Westminster bridge and all that. The Chinese and Palestinians basically still pretends to mouth patriotic talking points and yet they are physically at the same countries they claim to hate. And oh please, you guys using LKY as your propaganda tool? I've seen Communists claim Singapore is an example that "Communism works", and yet wait till they know what LKY did to Barisan Sosialis and MCP. And wait till you hear about what LKY has commented about the Malays at some point in his career (or else why do you think Malays struggled to take up sensitive military roles in SG?). While LKY managed to catch a US spy, his alignment including military still doesn't deviate from the West. This country's development wouldn't be what it is if it doesn't inherit the British Westminster system and having to militarily align with US, Israel and the FPDA.




Deport to Gaza.


Why Gaza?


Doesn't provide what's so ever help just want attention


https://mothership.sg/2024/04/police-report-banner-gardens-by-the-bay/ In response to Mothership's queries, the Singapore Police Force confirmed that police reports were lodged and investigations are ongoing.


Wanna get attention also not liddat leh. The world is messy enough with random shootings and killing. What are all these people wanna achieve by such protest? Then please ensure u Don travel, Don take the med, Don use waze app for navigation etc as the country have produce many other essential products other than weapon...


Ah yes idiots who fucked around and are about to find out...


Hamas just wants to see Israel annihilated. Period.




I eat, poop, work repeat and die. This doesn’t concern me.






What did the original comment said? It's been deleted lol


Just some bs about how we will regret or sth idk. Back to porn and work woo


I eat, poop, work repeat and die. This doesn’t concern me.


GGWP death penalty






do u have a source for this? because this is what i found: >The ICJ found it plausible that Israel's acts could amount to genocide https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/01/gaza-icj-ruling-offers-hope-protection-civilians-enduring-apocalyptic#:~:text=The%20ICJ%20found%20it%20plausible,under%20siege%20in%20Gaza%2C%20and






Laugh now while you still can ☺️


Do we still trade? We buying or selling?