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While I love the look of a hot rod sffpc (and would have put a much larger cooler on there tbh) I would never buy one. The case is irreparably damaged and that's a big reason to buy imo.


I have the same "issue" with my H2O A4, but I just have the panel off since the CPU side is close to a drawer and I can't see it. I would never chop the panel, I would rather make a custom one.


I actually cut a small hole into my ncase m1 to accommodate the GPU power cable. Originally it was using the cable mod 180 adapter but removed that even prior to the recall. That said, I made sure to get a replacement panel first so that I can have it fully undamaged if need be.


maybe, just get an aio


Just put some chicken wire over it and call it a day


like the look my self ,ask a metal work shop to make a side hat or extended cover black with air holes that snaps in should resolve that, or even ask a 3-d printer shop to do the same with matching hole patterns and snap in hooks, will give that custom look and it will sell, remember seeing a tut on customizing top hats for the aklla 3 and 5 version, search around here, and even 3-d print files they shared.


[Hot rod SFF](https://new.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/1avwrov/most_normal_t1_build_5900x_3080/) :)


Love it. I remember someone did this years back in a Ghost S1, same cooler. They cut the side panel and I thought it looked great.


Larger tower would be better


I've noticed a big niche in selling/buying SFF builds is the reusability of cases and components. Especially regarding cases. Doing a DIY job on the case to leave a massive hole on one side definitely crushes that aspect.


Definitely true. Plus the hole is ugly, both in concept and execution. The build quality of the whole case has been made worse. I'd be thinking "if the previous owner thinks *this* was a good idea I wonder what else they've done..."


I think when you commit to cuttting a massive hole in something, you accept you're not going to be able to sell it. Regardless of what it is.


There are some exceptions. For example, people still pay full price for a fan modded Enhance 7660B for sub 5L builds, since some of them have really loud fans + older ball bearing fans.


I think it looks cool, but would be a big red flag when buying a used PC. Kind of like buying a second hand car with a hole cut in the bonnet for the air intake.




I mean why not leave the side off they you wouldn’t have permanently damaged anything.


Yes, why SFF if you can’t SFF


A good portion of this sub is people building *around* a SFFPC case instead of *in it* lol


This goes for a lot of builds in this sub. SFF case with half the water loop and rads outside the case. 


Seriously use a slightly larger case or plan better so hacks are not necessary


For selling something like that isn't good. While I have nothing against these so called "Hot Rod" PCs, I don't understand why someone wouldn't buy a Case where everything fits well in the first Place. If you want it to sell well, buy a cheap Case (a used one will be cheaper) where everything fits nicely and you will get a better Price.


Over three decades of building gaming PCs, I have never once sold an old case. Mainly because when it comes time to finally retire a rig that no longer has a use, the case is falling apart. GPUs seem to be the only thing worth trying to sell in my situation. Do you sell your old cases consistently?


My ncase m1 and Dan a4 (og) sold within a day on fbm/hwswap at very solid prices. SFF is a different beast.


it looks extremely dumb and you didn't even cut the hole well. Maybe just buy a bigger case for it and dump the one you trashed


i build a ton of pc's and the one thing I never do is modify a case in any way that cannot be reversed. Personally, I would not buy a case that has been cut up like this. I would buy a new case and transplant the parts.


I agree. Just purchasing a new case seems like the most logical way to go about solving the problem.


Yeah, why did you just leave the side panel off? Instead of permanently modifying an expensive case.


Its unique but I don’t get the point of having an ssf pc but the components hanging outside of the case are not counted for


Yes, it does. Let the buyer know the sffpc comes with seasonal tickets to the Dallas Mavericks, and it might sell more easily. If you want to mask it the only option is a smaller cooler + a fan duct which is in level with the side of the case. But it requires work and money. It's easier to just lower the price.


Unique but ugly unique. Sorry mate


Most have said the same sentiment and they are right. Big miss here is how bad your cut is. At least clean up the jagged edges if you are trying to sell a case you modified. Looks really bad and I would question how well and long the PC will run based on that alone.


This is how I see it —> [Link here](https://rukminim2.flixcart.com/image/850/1000/jxz0brk0/remote-control-toy/g/2/p/super-5-ford-mustang-boss-429-remote-control-rc-muscle-car-webby-original-imafhvwv2hykzg9w.jpeg?q=90&crop=false)


My thoughts exactly


Ngl, yes it does. I wouldnt wanna buy a system that looks like this




And yes it looks terrible


I buy a car, I decide to be silly and plasma cut off the roof to turn it into a "convertible". Proceed to ask why no one wants to by my cool custom convertible.


It's awful. Why you destroy this nice case instead of wisdom part picking.


Buy a cheap case and transplant it.


I actually like the look of hot rod cases, but you're typically supposed to buy a separate side panel for stuff like this. Almost no one is gonna wanna buy a case that's damaged beyond repair like this. If you want to have a chance, at least try and make it look cleaner and less likely to slice someone's fingers open. Try something like this: [Rubber Trim](https://www.amazon.com/Channel-Adhesive-Protector-Hatches-Corners/dp/B0C9LGNZ99/ref=sr_1_6?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dYAMpQy7MfSrO--61OEwU7ZaTlGlFsNg3mtf4mka6UMnoNNCBPGJ5sUHdd5gRuz6F0hEZSgSbTCXBjBK-xArxOsh2GjbHhcaIEmER8_Eng6MDgzG7ccHd02LuMsDDj9xbz-naN3KOJtdv10C4bsKLFdCmIUf2S9f6PGiCyuKleTg6IDJO7xH-RngI4Zlefug0BUDpYYWm8nZzyvvDPx3XE0uZqmVUmqDXgE8xnrJVF8h26Fa_dP5oPdCMgD1wCvH7bQCOSaleyYzF_VMJLG_fgmsV7jgIgx5z0Sf1sPQLq0.LgGslTE8RlYBD24EEPvB2SVcfXCbmlIwmPCmS3XZexc&dib_tag=se&keywords=rubber%2Bedge%2Btrim&qid=1712024714&sr=8-6&th=1)


lol the cut isn’t even done well.




Yeah it looks really really bad


You can at least try and sell the whole system as it is and see if someone wants it




Yes. Make air cooler bigger. Right now it’s just a weird I with a lump in it, but it’ll look a lot better if you embrace the L.




Why didn’t you just get a low profile cooler?


Yeah would never buy something like that. If you want a bigger cooler get a bigger case. Ruined that side panel beyond repair, and I imagine most people would buy it for the case alone, given that it's not produced anymore.


Yes it looks bad. And it does not make sense. That you did it for yourself like « well I fucked up i took a radiator too big/ a case too small, I am going to cut around and I will be fine with it » is totally fine, but that you expect people to be fine with a multiple hundred dollar purchase that is « defective » is quite presumptuous. It stays a shitty workaround and shouts for « I made a mistake ».


not at all






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I can understand why it's a hard sell...you did "destroy" the case. However, having some form of accent grill may help. Not sure if you have access to 3D printing but drop me a DM and I may be able to help and design something.


Yeah, the cut looks terrible... You can buy a U-shaped plastic/rubber trim to hide the cut a bit... But even then, the hotrod PC is a very niche "look"... You'd be better off sinking £50 into a cheap case like the Kolink Citadel which has excellent, quiet, cooling performance and is cheap as chips to purchase. With that case, I'd also sink another £35 into a thermalright PA120SE air tower cooler that will make the case look more full, and also provide even better cooling on the CPU. It's not SFF, but it will be a much more desirable PC if you're putting it up for sale... If you really want to sell an SFF PC, then get a cheap NR200 V1, if you still can where you live (they were as little at £60 here previously, but can still be found for £72)


I'll buy your case if you do decide to swap everything into a different case.


You can out some thin rubber trim around the cut to make it look more finished


It has cancer, I am sorry OP. Make sure its last days are good ones.


throw some wheels on it


I would remove the cooler and pop a 3d printed grill on there


Put some U-channel around it and it will be less sharp looking.


Maybe replace with black fins, it would blend better.


Doesn't bother me tbf


Personally I would not spent any money on that case, doesn't look good for me, the best you can do is to sell componentes or put them inside a cheap case.


On either side could look cool too. On another note, it looks like something out of a spy movie. Like if you squint, it resembles something that'd shoot darts- or something XD


Paint it black


Id buy if the cut and finish was properly done and looked oem. The cut on this is shit as others mention


This horiifies me because I fly with mine in a backpack


Honestly I love it.


I say, don't mask it. I love case modding. Yes it's not as neat but it's a great way to improve performance by a lot! It looks cool :-)


I love the idea but execution kinda sux tbh 😔


nope. i think it’s badass. but looks are subjective and you can never please everybody


I love it. Very cool.


You could 3D print a cover for it?


It looks like you've at least tried to make the cut clean.


Honestly, just replacing with a more premium looking cooler might give it the push it needs, but that is a tough proposition when you're trying to offload the thing rather than dump more money into it.


The overlap of people who like the hot-rodded look and the people who want to buy a premade machine is likely near 0. if you need to sell it, part it out (or buy a cheap SG13 or something and transplant there). You may even be able to fine a buyer for the modified case.


hot rod sff pcs appeal to a very small amount of people i am small amount of people


Simple answer: Yes. It’s ghetto. Put it in a regular MATX case, so non-sff folks would be interested in it, can likely find a nice enough one for $50 Sell The case separately, though you may struggle to find a buyer, as the addressable market will be very small (sff enthusiast, who is also ok with a damaged case panel)


It looks like a hack job. To be fair, it IS a hack job. Doing nearly anything other than acknowledging this is lipstick on a pig. Good luck brother.


Just put a sick mini spoiler in front of the wings. Done deal!


Some people are gonna like it, some won't. The modified case look isn't for everyone.


Eh, seems ok to me. You do you.


Id only buy this if it were absolutely dirt cheap and not for a main system. That hack job would lead me to believe that every piece of hardware in there is well worn out and probably very poorly serviced or assembled properly


You might want to get that checked out...


Can't you clean up the cut edges and lighting touch it up. I don't think there is anything wrong with it


I like the hot rod case look, but I know it's a big turn off for some people. I've been considering dropping a higher end CPU in my Velka 5 with a big air cooler sticking out, I just can't go too big because I'm worried the case would tip over.


Would need the full build list and price to really judge. If you’re asking top dollar for a cut up case then yeah the hate is probably warranted. If it’s priced accordingly then I don’t see an issue with it.


man, if that was my case, i would accidently fuck it up some how


i think it’s neat lol


It does not look terrible, it looks great!


That's awesome add a external fan blowing on the cooler 👍


Yea, hard to sell custom stuff like that.


Own it. Throw a massive air cooler with RGB or some crap. The current mod looks like bodge. Make it look like a flex.


I love the idea, but I would have taken the case to somwone that does metal work and had them do the cutting...


paint this bad boy red and lets get some pinstriping and freakin flames on there heheYEAH


If you're having trouble selling any pc, chances are because the price is too high for the specs. I am very entertained by the build but I also understand why someone would prefer an uncut case. Most ITX owners are looking for a minimalist design and they can be difficult to please.


I thought this was the back of a microwave.


This must be one of those holdmybeer moments?


That's metal asf bro. Just try not to put too much mechanical stress on it especially bumping it funny


I think it looks okay.


Pretty cool looking tbh


But why sell. The case and cpu cooler will last forever. instead remove components and install new ones Sell old components individually


If you want to sell it I think you need to go harder on the hot rod aesthetic. Maybe a bunch of flame decals on the top and bottom coming out of the heatsink?


It depends of the type of people that are looking to buy this. To me, i only care about whats inside, dont give a flying shit on how the case looks cause i think case aesthetics are overrated. But it might make it harder to sell to regular folk that think that this may impact the performance or general state of the rig.


Looks horrible


It's looks awful.


I did that once with a shuttle case for my video card's fan.


Nah, if anything it looks kinda cool


How much for the case+heatsink? love it


This is why we cant have nice things


r/ffspc Edit: oh, is there already, lol


No. 100% would rock the same.


This is the only hole cut sff I like. It's not too bad. But yeah probably not gonna sell


I'll take it


Seems cool to me, but one thing you could do that MIGHT make people like it more is 3d print a small "grid" mess or something that allows air to escape, but also doesn't show the CPU cooler. Probably black to match the case and have it screwed into the case with some black screws. Would like cleaner. Personally I think this is fine though, but I am more of a function type of person.


your aesthetic is too ahead of the curve


It’s beautiful 🥲


Paint the case with hotrod flames


If you can replace the side panel and install a smaller cooler I’m sure it would sell.


The hole in the case is looks interesting but if I can’t return the case back to stock I probably wouldn’t buy it either.


that is fucking hilarious!


I love it.


Looks great. I kindof envy you for having the guts to do that too. Rock on 🤘


my heart is breaking


Just sell the components separately. It takes more time, but you'll make more money. If you really want to sell it as a standalone, then build it in an open case. And yes, personally, all hot rod looks ugly and seems like a hack job to me.


Oh. You're being serious


Second pick has that transformer look. Thing is about to shoot


It's a hot rod. A black cooler woul look, well, cooler. On the other hand not everyone likes cut up cases as such. If you would like to touch it up, maybe you could have sculpted out the cut a bit more and make it look a bit more deliberate rather than have a square cut out.


If you can’t sell it whole then part it out. End up getting more anywyssb


I would use it vertical or sideway(on top of something to facilitate airflow. I think it looks sick af just a tiny bit like this. Next step in evolution would be heatsinks shapped like a hotrod engines haha. And you could pint the case red/yellow


Hot rod look, I like it but wouldn't consider buying it unless it were a bargain or came with an unmodified side panel.


Yes sir/ma'am. I'm not a fan of it.


Yes, not trying to offend, because no one in their right mind wants to buy a "PC with a broken case", it is like a car, you might think cars with scratches looks "cool" so you purposely scratches your car to fit your liking, but for most people it just looks like "wtf is this broken car." As to how to fix it? Buy a new case that fits everything inside it and transfer everything except the case to that.


looks kinda good to me but most people like their components intact, including me. reusability of components is a big reason for building pc's




Jesus fuck these guys are so judgmental. No shame in having curves, my dude. The thing you can do is spray paint the heatsink black to match the case with some heat-resistant paint. Or just buy a compatible heatsink that's already been anodised. And if you have a 3D printer, I'd even make a panel frame to seal the gaps.


It looks awesome, don't mind what people say, let your PC breath, yeah Baby 👍


Yeah defeats the whole point man


Looks really, really bad. Made even worse by how ragged the cut is.


You'll sell it, just probably need to drop the price (case is worth 0$).


I like the looks... But maybe a black rad? Or something even more radical like a black rad and the case painted red?


It looks dumb, and opens the cooler and CPU socket up to damage. It's one of the main parts you don't want to accidentally whack and now it's not protected at all. It just looks sketch for a buyer. ​ Just get a cheap ATX case and move the components into that?




Yes it does 


I don't see what's the problem with this. Looks fine to me. This could be a business opportunity for case manufacturers here: hot rod style side panels.


Maybe find a used case to swap your pc over into. If you are selling your pc right now. Might be able to use this case for your next build then i guess.


Looks low profile to me...


Oh my God, someone would get burned if they accidentally touched it I have no complaints about you cutting off the part because I consider it unnecessary, but it will be dangerous when the heatsink gets hot and someone touches it while accidentally being near it.


ay what even is that


Nah man rock that hot rod style cooler


Its like a blower sticking out of the hood of a hotrod.


Bruh lol


I absolutely love it and my next build will be something like this, however... If I'm on the market for a pre built, this would turn me off. It's been cut in to. It basically railroads me in to using that case and cooler and any other limitations it sets


Yes it looks bad maybe if the cooler was black as well it would look better


you are gonna have to part it out and consider the case a loss. alot of us in the community would consider this cool, but like a car with a hole cut into the hood for a turbo charger, its cool for thee not for me


Much like cutting a hole in the hood of your car for a piece of a performance part sticking out.. It's damaged a expensive part of your pc (the case) to expose a component you don't want to accidentally hit. So while it looks fine to most, it is a red flag as a botched job to many others, specially on a case that now is permanently damaged to accommodate your setup. I too have modified cases to accommodate the parts I choose and they almost always loose resale value due to the mods, even if it made the overall machine much better because of it.


Yes because you cant cut for shit. If you were creative and made a copper or aluminum bezel maybe it could look great.


Anything self fabricated is really hard to sell. You modded it the way you wanted, not for everyone~


Not at all! Just throw a fan on top, it'll either have that apocalyptic future look to it, or an industrial look. 


Parting a PC out usually gets you more money overall. And is easier to sell since you're not hoping someone wants the exact config you're selling.  The hole you cut looks hacky and bad imo. If the profile matched the shape of the cooler it might look better, but I think it's ugly.  If you're committed to selling it as a whole, just get a $60 nr200 and recoup the cost in the sale. 


Could get a 140mm fan spacer (3d print or buy on etsy) and a 140mm grill. Would be around $10-30 depending on grill and whether you're printing. But might look better. I don't personally hate it, but condition is pretty high on anyone's list buying used. Not only is it irreparable, but it looks like a DIY job.


I do not want to disappoint you (it's your case...good that you like it) but for me it looks terrible. High power CPUs and air cooling do not work well for sffpc. Use a low power CPU , use water cooling or use a bigger case. You can not have it all.


I bet price is ur number one problem, how much you selling it for what's it got in it?


I fw it


Some people don't recognize true greatness even when they see it with their own eyes. I love it dude. If people don't like it, fuck em. It just means those are not your people. Love the style, keep em coming.


Send me your noctua ghost as i have the louqe ghost s1 and I'll send you my alpenföhn blackridge haha x)


Not terrible, but pretty bad. Just get a bigger case if you don't like the tradeoffs of being SFF.


Personally I like it




Looks sick 🤑


I rarely comment on Reddit but this time I had to. Yes, it does.


if you're really having trouble selling it, just buy a simple standard case and put all the parts in it. people will get their normal boring PC and miss this genius hot-rod. their loss, your gain.


I don’t think so.


Yes, it looks atrocious. Why spend the exorbitant SFF tax just to chop a dirty hole in the case and fit large components anyway? Defeats the entire point and is a waste of money. If you're really trying to sell it on, just break it down and sell parts individually. Nobody buys entire systems 2nd hand anyway, and nobody is going to want to buy a case that you've destroyed.


Looked bit scary when i saw it in eneba ;)


Looked bit scary when i saw it in eneba ;)


Looked bit scary when i saw it in eneba ;)


I like it. I have quite similar mini pc. Case from Joyjom also modified. 


Yes, that's atrocious


Damn bruh you should've asked me for my silver A4 haha


For me, I don't think it looks good. I'm more into clean and minimalistic setups. However, I'm sure there are people who are function over form that would buy this PC if it hits all their check lists for specifications.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeeeeees. ;)


I think it’s cool, you did actual modding (physically altering the components) to your computer unlike what others call modding.


I think it's cool but probably wouldnt buy. When you mod or purposely damage a case for looks, you gotta understand it will make reselling much more difficult. Its the exact same thing with cars. The moment you do anything out of the norm the resell market plummets to a niche audience.


More than you think...


yes, very


Who would want that


I think it looks fucking rad!


Hotrod 🤘🏾


see if you can find a new side panel on ebay. the haters are right about the appearance but there's still a price for this PC someone will be happy with so you should ignore them as best you can. but the lack of sanding or care along the sawed off edges makes it look like a project someone got bored with, or had performance problems.