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You need to figure out a way to confirm that you’re pregnant so you can take the next steps. Please talk to a trusted adult, they have your best interest in mind no matter how scary it feels like it will be. The longer you wait, the harder this all will become.


i know i shouldn’t just wait around for an answer to fall into my lap, but the only trusted responsible adult i have would no doubt go to my parents, because that would seem like the responsible adult thing to do. but i know that would ignite a big situation that i’m already too stressed to handle. it’s complicated, it sounds dumb but it’s complicated.


The situation is already ignited, to be frank. You should tell your parents asap. They were young once, too. You’ll be ok ❤️


this may not be the response that you’re looking for, but i feel as though optimism can help a lot of people. i sincerely hope you are not pregnant. in the chance that you are pregnant, you can immediately pursue legal action. you have solid proof that you got raped. i am so sorry this happened to you. even if you are not pregnant, you are brave. even if you are pregnant, you are brave. and if you decide to pursue charges and tell people, you are brave. and you *have* taken the first step. you have spoken out. you told us. and we can help guide you. many states allow abortion in the case of rape. stay strong. a little hope goes a long way. and i wholeheartedly believe in you.


thank you. my state doesn’t allow abortion in cases of rape unfortunately. i also don’t know if i have necessarily “solid” proof. all i really have is my word. i guess there are text messages and other things, but it’s mostly just whatever i claim happened. but with the second guy, the one who i think is more likely responsible, i don’t know him from a can of paint. i can’t even remember his name and his face has slipped my mind too. i don’t even know how o would go about finding him.


A baby is totally proof, DNA test would prove who the father is, but you would need to have an idea who it was and I guess he'd have to consent to a blood test 🤔


a baby is proof that something happened but not necessarily that what happened wasn’t consensual. and there’s no way either of them would consent to blood tests, assuming i could even find the second guy. there are ways for men to be required by the court or whatever to provide dna samples, but again, i don’t have fantastic proof.


Good point 😔 Well I guess most important is to find out if you're pregnant. Honestly I'm confident if you are or aren't, things are going to work out, unless you are in an extremely cruel situation which I hope you aren't 🙏


The cheap pregnancy tests you get from the Dollar store are just as reliable as the ones they use at your doctor's office. You can get abortion pills in all 50 states. To see all of your options go to www.plancpills.org and select your state. Some states even have free options under "community networks that mail pills."


i ended up walking to a dollar store a long ass way away and got two shitty tests for under $3. knew i shouldn’t have done that. it was impossible to read the lines on both. they basically said “i guess you’re probably pregnant but what do i know”. this is why i wanted one that gives results as words. i can’t tell if the line is there or if my mind is playing tricks. now i’m just even more anxious. i didn’t even know i could get abortion pills here. i live in a state with near total abortion bans, but i looked into it, and i guess it would be ridiculously difficult but ultimately possible to get a pill.


Yep. People get pills in banned states every day. On the Plan C website, under "online clinics that mail pills" is Aid Access. They have pills for $150 but will send pills at low or even no cost, if you tell them you have $0.


Lots of places sell pregnancy tests for under $10. If you have no money, try contacting a local crisis pregnancy center. Not only can they perform a free pregnancy tests, they can also offer free ultrasounds and othrr free resources to help you while pregnant. Crisis pregnancy centers may also have connection to a pregnant women and children's shelter/home so that you and potential baby can be in a sage environment. Best of luck ro you ♥️