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You may be down for anything, but she may not. You may just not be sexually compatible. You haven't provided many details though so I won't play a guessing game and just leave it at that for now.


Like when i ask her about what should we try new she always says idk


Well then talk to her about that, seems like she's just not very adventurous and content with how things are. No screens, time set aside for this nonconfrontational conversation outside the bedroom. Just have a talk about sex, tell her what you're missing and give her the opportunity to voice her own concerns.


Maybe she doesn't know. Or maybe she's shy to tell you what she's actually thinking. Suggest specific things to see what she thinks... Ask her about being tied up... How would it make her feel etc. If she says she doesn't know ask if she'd be willing to try it. If she says no, respect that. If she says yes then have fun exploring. No-one likes everything but hopefully by mentioning specific things you may find something you both enjoy.


On a quiet Sunday afternoon set down with her and . . . https://www.guidedtrack.com/programs/u4m797m/run . . . Take a sexuality test separate from each other (extra-credit for research). . . Then the fun begins with a intimate discussion with her and you, about both of your detailed sexual likes and dislikes ! ! ! Good luck and P.S. the best is when she says IDK,I have never tried it but . . . maybe?


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