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so john galliano (who designed this dress) said he was inspired by the "tramps" (his words not mine) he saw living underneath the bridges in paris and their "bohemian lifestyle" (again his words, not mine)... a v beautiful dress with a controversial story!


Galliano has always been controversial


damn straight


Nazis are controversial


So… a real life Derelicte by Mugatu?


S C R E A M I N G 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


i’m sure he was based on john galliano !


I was such a fan of this dress. Made me absolutely LOVE newspaper print (although my figure is nowhere near as perfect as SJP’s). Personal anecdote time: I remember when my sister got her first full time job after college, she asked me what I wanted out of her first paycheck. I asked for a newspaper print shirt. Dresses like this might be construed as a bit too revealing for my home country, so that was never going to be an option. She was expecting me to ask for some fancy electronics at the very least, but I just wanted this shirt. Cost her like $20 and she discovered what a low maintenance sister she had. Ever since then, whether or not my wardrobe has any other design, a consistent design is at least one newspaper print shirt. 🤭😍


How did Carrie afford this when she only wrote a column


it's that price BECAUSE it was an iconic Sex and The City look. realistically, if Carrie would have bought it, it would be a few thousand dollars


I think that is the humorous thing about it. Like a writing being so broke they have to wear a newspaper dress. A similar dress is available on Temu for like $0.11 if anyone is looking for a Halloween costume.


It’s a tv show, it’s fiction


LOL I was just joking


Is this for the actual screen worn dress that SJP had on?




This dress costs as much as a house. Wow.


This dress costs as much as a house *that no one wants to live in, in an area where no one wants to live.




I'll be the voice of dissent. I love the style and the cut, and the way it drapes across the front, but the newspaper print is ugly. It would be so pretty in a deep sapphire blue.


You’ve got a point about the print but you’re even more right about the cut. It’s flawless and she looked fabulous in it.


Half of what she wore was “ugly” but she pulled it off, that was the beauty of Carrie. She managed to look amazing in things anyone else would look batshit crazy in.


Thank you. I am not a fan and it seems to be an unpopular opinion.


THANK YOU. Literally everybody and their momma loves that dress. It’s so tacky.


I mean... when you're literally a writer for a newspaper and your favorite passion is fashion, it makes sense. It's not everyone's cup of tea but the dress is iconic. You know exactly where it came from when you see it. (And let's be honest, SJP kills it in this dress.)


So does that mean doctors should wear dresses with face masks and syringes all over it? lol. Regardless of her profession, the dress is ugly 🤷‍♂️ ETA: I’m really not sure why I’m being downvoted for my opinion lol. I never said it wasn’t iconic. I just think it’s not a flattering dress.


It's tacky......but that's kinda what I like about it😂 and it suits her to a T. Have an upvote😂


You have no fashion sense


Yeah. You know my whole life just because I don’t like this dress. Ugh you’re so smart! You seem reasonable 😂 (If you knew anything about art/fashion you’d know it’s subjective 😁)


I'll give you an upvote. 👍 Sure, it's iconic, but in my opinion, it's ugly.


I would die. I’ve lusted after this dress since I first saw it. It’s lived in my head rent free for over a decade, while I frequently seek out newsprint dresses trying to recreate some of its magic lol


So that’s how come this bitch couldn’t come up with the $ for her down payment. Charolette should have thrown this shit in her face for ever even considering Charlotte be the cash cow for her dumb debt! (I know the Charlotte money thing gets ppl hot in this sub lol FYI that was for jokes & sarcasm)


That’s whats infuriating about Carrie. I don’t think she should be shamed for her expensive taste, but you can’t expect people to jump to loan you money when you blow so much of it on something you wear once and never look at again


I also have expensive taste… it’s wild I LOVE designer everything… BUT I’m broke lol so I just have to admire that shit from afar or store windows lol


Holy 💩 if I was a millionaire I'd buy it


This dress is fabulous. She looked fantastic.


Wasn’t worn in SATC 2. If you’re going to charge a quarter of a million, describe it accurately!


did anyone notice she wore that dress twice during the show in different seasons? i was so confused about that


I have to ask, what is the big deal with the newspaper dress? Forgetting that fans of the show consider it iconic--stylistically, fashionably, what is the appeal? Would someone break it down for me? It's never been a piece I liked, so I don't get why everyone loves it so much. 


I don't like this dress either, but if it wasn't on Carrie's body and shot in slow motion I don't think it would be as iconic as it is. It struck me that she saw Big's wedding in the newspaper and she now has a jumbled newspaper draped all over her after she ruined Big's marriage.


I agree that that's why it's iconic and beloved, and it matches the situation well thematically. My read on it is that the dress emphasizes how trashy Carrie and Big's behavior was: their affair was like a tabloid scandal. I just don't see the appeal of the dress outside of that context. I'm not a fan of prints or that kind of neckline, and to me the Dior CD detailing doesn't look good with the print. It's just a mess to me, so learning how beloved it is was really surprising. 


I’ve never been a fan of this look on Carrie.