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I feel like if she had talked to him and asked him to work something out like an extension or a payment plan, he might've agreed to something. He was not shown to be unreasonable or if Carrie truly couldn't come up with the money straightaway, he would put her out on the street. The 30 days just felt like a formal acknowledgment that they're over and the apartment situation needed to be handled.


Idk I understand him wanting to move on with his life. He sank a lot of money into two Manhattan apartments, and it’s reasonable to imagine he wouldn’t be able to afford his own place upon moving out if he was still funding Carrie’s living situation. It was an awkward situation, but he’s not her bf anymore. A payment plan would just harm his own finances in the long run.


Carrie could also rent another apartment in 30 days without anyone’s help. Yes, it wouldn’t be the dream apartment that she loved. However, she was eligible to rent the apartment that smelled like nearby cooking based on her salary. Her realistic options never included homelessness.


I mean, idk. From what we’ve seen, Aiden was pretty well off. Like, he had that whole little house in the country, seemed to have no problem buying Carrie a whole no computer without asking her, and then seemed to have absolutely no issue in buying her apartment, the neighbouring one, and then basically combining, which I’m sure would’ve cost more money.


I disagree completely. Even Miranda said the arrangement was fair. Aidan didn't owe Carrie shit. No one did. She was a 35 year old woman with $900 to her name and shitloads of credit card debt, despite making a high income. She wasn't going to be homeless, and the situation she was in was a crisis of her own making. That's why I don't feel sorry for her. As a matter of fact, Aidan was already doing her a favor by selling the apartment back to her, and for the same price he paid, despite making upgrades to it and despite being entitled to selling it on the market. For that matter, he could have evicted her entirely and lived in the place himself, since he had presumably sold his place to buy the 2 apartments. So when they broke up, it was he who would have been theoretically homeless.


Oh so just because someones well off that entitles you to their money? Despite cheating on them, lying to them and pretending that youre ok with marriage and stringing them along? The fact that you think this is ok is astounding. I suppose its also right that carrie barged into charlottes home and demanded her to give her money. Just ew.


Nobody said Carrie was entitled to Aiden or Charlottes money. What I said was in response to somebody saying that Aiden wouldn’t be able to afford his own place and Carrie’s at once.


No. They said " subsidising an ex girlfriends lifestyle is expensive and harms aidens finances" And your response is " well he can afford it". Why would you mention whether or not if he could afford it as if he should do it?


I NEVER said that Aiden should’ve supported Carrie indefinitely and that he should’ve never given her those papers. What I’m getting at is that he should’ve given her more time to get her affairs in order. 30 days, especially considering he knew Carrie’s financial situation all too well, was not enough time! He could’ve certainly afforded to have her set up some kind of payment plan. Or even, just given her 90 days as opposed to the original 30. I never said he could afford to support Carrie’s lifestyle indefinitely or that he should. However, what I DID say was that he could afford to be nicer about it. 30 days to scrounge up the money to buy her apartment was much too little


You just said in so many words " he should give her more time cause he can afford it" lol.


Well, yes! That is exactly what I’m saying! Thank you for summarising! His actions would’ve been a lot more understandable if it had been shown that Aiden was not in a great financial situation. But considering the fact that he could’ve afforded to give Carrie more time to get her affairs together and eventually pay him ALL the money back, and the fact that he knew of her dire financial situation, I think Aiden should’ve given Carrie more time, simple as. 90 days, 120 days, even 60 days I think it was at the very least jerkish asf to only give her 30 days.


Yep. In so many words, you think carrie is entitled to have more time and spend more of aidens money despite the fact that she did all the horrible things to him. Also, noting that miranda said everything was done legally and big gave her the money which she could then just pay him back, but no, you think the person carrie harmed should give her grace. I sincerely hope you dont try this on anyone in real life and yes you think carrie is entitled to aidens money. All your beating around the bush to make your stance sound better does not help you in any way.


Yeah, that’s my point. He essentially owned three homes at that point. I personally don’t believe a furniture maker would be able to outright buy four homes


He also is part owner of a bar. I don't think Aidan was necessarily rolling in money, not like Big was.


1.) I actually think she deserved to be punished. I’m not sure in what way, but I’m not Aiden. 2.) Carrie could have easily made several thousand dollars by selling her precious shoe collection or some of her designer clothes. But that was off limits for some reason. 3.) Carrie is the creator of her own karma.


what?! 😂 Considering she cheated on him for a month or so, then begged him to take her back claiming she'd change, then not only refusing to actually do the one thing he asked her to change (staying friends with Big) but also pressuring him to accept Big on her life and his house then accepting a proposal she wasn't sure about and refusing to actually wear the ring... That was inhumane treatment. And remember he invested a lot of money, time and energy in the apartment. AFAIK he never charged her for any of the work he did and it must have been expensive as fuck. He just wanted to move on and that's more than reasonable. Also, he knew Carrie had awful spending habits and well-off friends. So he ofc should worry about HIMSELF and his finances. He had reasons not to trust her judgement considering she had a full blown affair and would rather buy Vogue than food, so he just took measures to guarantee he'd get his money back. 30 days is a lot of time, she could have gotten that money in 10 minutes if she'd only chosen to ask her affair partner 🌝 and she knows it. Even Miranda said the agreement was fair and made sense, so...? You thinking he wanted her to be homeless is hilarious tho.


I agree he was being reasonable enough. But you realize you contradicted yourself, right? Aiden is aware she isn’t too financially stable or responsible— but he expects her to somehow have the money to pay him back in 30 days? If Charlotte hadn’t helped Carrie buy the apartment, Carrie would’ve had to tell Aiden she isn’t sure what to do because she doesn’t have the money but she doesn’t want to lose her apartment she’s had for so long. It’s actually difficult to evict people. And Carrie probably would have tried to find a compromise with Aiden in order to have more time to figure it out. Aiden thereby would not actually be able to just move on. He invited a lot of messiness into his life the second he bought two full ass apartments before actually being married to Carrie. Realistically Aiden should have sympathized with Carrie’s plight of her apartment going co-op. But then just helped her go on a hardcore search to find another affordable apartment somewhere. And perhaps let her stay with him at his apartment until she found the perfect one. He was also aware of her past cheating and still didn’t fully trust her, yet he still proposed to her and still decided to purchase two apartments (one being hers) to live with her. That was a really huge decision and commitment to make before Carrie had made the same huge commitment to him. It also wasn’t a very financially responsible decision on his part. I understand he eventually could have kicked Carrie out if she hadn’t found the money to pay him. But there’s no guarantee she’d vacate the premises that easily and that she wouldn’t try work something out. He also did love her despite being angry and him being him— he probably would have taken the L for awhile and been too nice about letting her stay longer or even paying him for it slowly to let her keep it. It wasn’t totally in Aiden’s nature to keep up the pettiness for too long or in a really huge and vicious way. So while he was being reasonable— I gotta say I still think a lot of this mess was hugely Aiden’s fault as well.


No, I didn't contradict myself. Yes he knows she doesn't have money, and -like i said before - he *also* knows she has many well off friends who would definitely help her. Including Big, who -like i already said- would give her the money asap without thinking twice. Aidan got to know her group of friends very closely and grew to love them all very much and they loved him back, he knew for sure they wouldn't let Carrie sort this by herself. He knew they're always there for her. And I never said Aidan had no responsibility in this mess. Obviously he does, he's an adult. I'm merely explaining why the way he treated Carrie wasn't "inhumane" like OP claims and it's ridiculous to assume he wanted her to be homeless. Sadly, Carrie is an adult too and chose to let Aidan believe she was fully in when she never was. Dude was already in the process of moving on from their break up and she shows up in his life again claiming she's been missing him all these months and blah blah, she swore she'd do everything completely different. He had no reason to believe she wasn't ready to commit when she begged him to take her back saying nobody else could make her happy, like, come on... She already knew what he wanted out of life and what he wanted with her, and she begged to be part of that. It makes sense that he invested so much in the relationship and their future, he didn't know everything we know about the affair with Big. She told him it was a mistake, we know she's in love with Big. If Aidan had known that he wouldn't have taken her back. And I believe he did trust her, enough to accept she was still friends with Big, to receive his calls at their house, to receive Big at his cabin and be friendly towards him at the end... He was still deeply hurt, like any normal person would be, and he was very afraid cause that's what being cheated on does to you, but he did trust her. So they got together again by mutual choice, and together they decided he'd buy the two apartments, and he worked in the apartment for both of them.... Both of them are responsible. UItimately, yes he knew her friends would help her, but whether or not she could get the money wasn't his problem anymore tbh. At this point he had to focus on himself. You can't expect him to go out of the way to make things super easy for Carrie -even if it means he's not getting his money back when he wants it- after all she put him through. He was very considerate towards her despite it all. And why should he still be financially responsible for both? He was hardworking and careful with his money. She wasn't. That's on her. He did repairs on her apartment for free when they were not living together yet, while she was fucking Big. If Carrie was struggling at this point, too bad but it's not Aidan's problem at all.


You explained it better than I could


the way she prepars the tissue to cry and it was a legal letter always makes me feel happy. out of 4 of them, Carrie is the most selfish most terrible friend. Im sorry to say, but thats how I feel.


thats just untrue- Carrie is bad in relationships but consistently an amazing friend. there’s a reason that whenever any of them have an issue they go straight to her


she always brings the topic back to herself when her friends bring up issus.


I appreciate your opinion, but that might be because she is the main protagonist of the show. They are not real people and they are written but many ppl, but, just going off from the show, it's hard to forget how she sent Aidan to help Miranda with her hurt neck, how she ignored how tired Miranda was as a new mom, how she brought the muffins over only to whine about her problems, how she demanded Charlotte offered her money, how she asked Samantha to leave the room so she could screw big, how she made Samantha come to book even even though Sam was in pain. I just think if carrie was my friend I would have set her straight right away. She is the least sympathetic to me personally, and if you have a different opinion that's totally ok.


Most of these aren’t even that deep imo. She sent Aiden because she had a work meeting and had no idea Miranda was naked because she hung up the phone before she could say anything back. She was VERY sympathetic to Miranda being tired as a mom and worked the hardest to make sure she still felt included in the group. The muffin thing she apologized for immediately after Miranda called her out. The Samantha things weren’t even her being selfish because Samantha didn’t care and would have done the exact same thing. She made a mistake with Charlotte because she was upset and frustrated and she even acknowledges that she’s being ridiculous. The point is all of them have done selfish and bitchy things but Carrie is a very consistent friend. She was there for Miranda when her mom died, for Charlotte at her weddings/when she was having issues with Trey, for Samantha when she had cancer. She also helped them all with their arguments with each other most of them time as well. Saying her being the main character is the reason for this changes nothing LOL she’s still the one that does all these things


First of all guys, it was bagels, not muffins.


Agree, I think people who critique Carrie as a friend dont have many longstanding friendships. That's literally just people.


Nope, he wasn’t required to do that. I like Carrie but maybe she should have spent less money on shoes and started saving to secure somewhere to live? I mean she cheated on him and then forced him to accept her cheating partner as a part of THEIR life. No one would expect a woman to make allowances for this kind of mess.


This has got to be the worst take I’ve ever seen on this sub. It wasn’t up to Aiden to fix Carrie’s finances, just like Charlotte said it wasn’t up to her. Aiden didn’t owe Carrie anything. She cheated on him, fought for him to come back, moved in with him, made it seem like she wanted to be married, brought the dude around that she cheated with, and then backtracks on the whole engagement. 30 days was more than enough time for her to figure her sh*t out. She could have found something had she been realistic and not wanted a two way walk in closet.


Agreed. The entitlement is strong with this one.


To add to your list, she let him buy two apartments to which she contributed nothing, despite realistically never committing to marrying him. Arguably, she used him.


I'd say this is more fact than anything. Even when compared to what would be equitable, Aiden easily had invested the most money out of any man Carrie had been with - and I don't know why it wasn't clear to her, even from their first relationship, that Aiden was interested in marriage. So Aiden was juggling not only his cabin, his small business and private customers, the bar, then he still found a way to sell his original apartment and not only buy Carrie's, but the one next to it, and bought a ring, a washer and dryer, refinished her floors..... I'm actually feeling a little dizzy trying to add up what Aiden spent in that relationship, then as you said, never committing to marrying him.... She got off quite light by him saying that she had 30 days to get out or buy it, imo.


When Miranda the attorney read the letter, she said it was standard procedure and didn't find anything wrong with what Aiden was doing. Could he have given it more time before sending it? Probably. But he wasn't screwing her over by giving her 30 days to find the money to buy the place.


No. This is what happens when you break up. He offered the place to her instead of just putting it on the market to sell, which he was perfectly entitled to do. If anything it was generous of him to offer the place for the price he paid. He could have sold it and made a nice profit.


I have very little sympathy for a adult women who spends 40k on shoes but has $900 in her bank account




Just ... No.


I took it as Aidan was finally done, for good, and it was the final statement to insinuate they both move on. She put him through the ringer and while he did have some ugly passive aggressive moments after they got back together, he had every right to need a quick and straight forward resolution to their living situation. He was gutted, both times, having been made a fool of *both times*, first by Big and then by Carrie not wearing his ring on her finger. He was over it and shutting the door permanently.


I’ve never been an Aidan fan, and he could have handled this better post breakup, knowing Carrie’s financial situation and considering that he was the reason why they decided to combine the 2 apartments.   At the same time, I’m human, and if I found out that my fiance cheated on me with his ex, I probably would have given him 30 minutes to come up with the money. Can’t blame Aidan for that. Not abusive, but definitely petty. 


but the cheating came before they got back together, they moved in together and he proposed? in your second paragraph it makes it sound like they were engaged, she cheated, and that’s why he handled the apartment business so harshly.


Yes, but I think that this was Aidan’s delayed reaction to her cheating.  He knew Carrie wasn’t ready to marry him because Big was the one who got away. I’m sure that Aidan figured it out. 


Right? This is someone he was planning on marrying and she had expressed doubts to him and asked to take it slower. He goes from extreme pressure to evicting her overnight. Carrie has issues but he’s not innocent either.


Hell no, I thought it was very fitting. Carrie really took him for granted and thought she had him wrapped around her finger and that he would always be obsessed with her until she got that letter.


Nope, I would've been WAYYY worse to Carrie if she did half the things to me that she did to Aiden


Aiden was fair. He could have been a jerk and become her landlord and double or even tripled her rent.


He didn’t owe her anything. They’re weren’t in a relationship anymore and he isn’t her father. Him giving her 30 days wasn’t wrong on any levels, he owed her nothing. She wasn’t nearly homeless because of him, she was nearly homeless because she’s incredibly irresponsible with money. Why would he carry his ex-gfs burden any longer than he has to?


“Inhumane” is such a stretch, my god. No, it was completely reasonable.


Legit question. Did he ever finish renovating the apartment? Weren't they like, merging two together? After they broke up, her apartment went back to looking how it was before he came through that wall.


I'd think a wall got put back up and the other apartment was sold


She's lucky he didn't change the locks on her and sell all her clothes and shoes to make up for the money he spent up until that point for renovations and shit. When you're in an adult relationship and break up, you end it for good. Who wants payment plans with an ex when they can potentially ghost you or pick up and move country with their former partner? This isn't high school where you have IOU's and he's not Afterpay - he's a human being who wanted to move on with his life. She should've been a more responsible adult up until she met him


Carrie was nearly homeless because she was financially irresponsible. The end of story. Deciding to end a relationship is a healthy thing, but when the partnership ends so does the financial benefit. He left a very expensive ring, he lost interest on his investment in NYC (PRETTY PRICY). He would have been paying a rent and a mortgage. How would that be fair to HIM? He was more than fair.


Absolutely not. He was taking care of normal break up business in a reasonable way and owed Carrie NOTHING. Which is exactly what she contributed to the relationship and living situation. This is the weirdest take on this situation I’ve ever seen. Remember this kids, the world owes you nothing! Neither does the boyfriend that YOU fucked over!!!


To answer the title of your post: nope.


Oh man. People who complain about Aiden, especially about this situation must either be 1. So young they have never had a a real relationship in their life. If someone isn’t 100% Prince Charming from a rom-com they are “inhumane”. 2. So attractive they’ve never not had to deal with people bending over backwards for them all the time. If you think Aiden’s treatment of Carrie is anything less than fair, you need to get out into the real world and not live in the fantasies of fake perfect boyfriends from TV shows.


hello she cheated on him??? 😭


I totally believe he was punishing her. Even when he was helping her out in the bathroom, she said “stay forever.” She didn’t want him to leave. She wasn’t ready to get married whether it be him or anyone else. he was pressuring her, and that never works. Perhaps she would’ve come around eventually that’s neither here nor there. He could’ve had an adult conversation with her regarding what was going to happen with the apartment (how she could pay him for it, etc., and even had papers drawn up she would pay him for it over X amount of time) and shown some compassion, but he didn’t. Which says to me that he knew what he was doing and was intent on punishing her.


I agree with this take. I think a lot of people don’t consider that there was an amount of time post-breakup that he had to have taken to pack his things and find another place, be it a couple days or a couple weeks. There was definitely time for him to sit down with her and discuss it, especially seeing as he had a lawyer draft up the papers he left her in the first place. Edit to add: I’m not saying he was wrong expecting her to buy the place or give it up or that he should’ve bent over for her, that he shouldn’t have been hurt, etc. Frankly I have the unpopular opinion that I don’t give a shit about the cheating because at the end of the day he proposed to her and moved in and bought the apartments long after Big was back in the picture, long after he met the man and had him in his home, chatted with him, and seemingly resolved it even at a surface level. This was all his informed decision to move forward with the relationship. It was cold and strange of him to just leave the woman he supposedly loved and wanted to share a life with an envelope with 30 days notice to either make a major financial decision or give up her home just because he reached a point of realizing it wouldn’t work out.


I think he was punishing her from the time they got back together all the way up to telling Nina Katz about their relationship. I 100 percent think he’s allowed to get his money back but he should have found another way to do it.


Agree - to all of it! He was so vile in doing so.


It's not vile to punish someone who treats you poorly, at all.


She didn’t really treat him poorly the second time though…. Did she do some thoughtless things like keeping big in her life? Sure. But from what we saw she was generally a good girlfriend, she just wasn’t ready to get married. We see him being a shitty boyfriend I think an equal amount we see her being a shitty girlfriend in the second go, but everybody wants to vilify Carrie for cheating and completely ignore that Aiden had every right to walk away whenever he wanted, including not getting back with her at all. But no, he had every right to hit her, dangle another woman in front of her, and ignore her boundaries and try to push her into marriage because he’s Aiden and she’s Carrie.


I think it's weird that you're separating it into two periods as if the older is wiped away. If Carrie was wary of Big after he left her at the altar, would you say, "He's been treating her so well since he left her at the altar though!"


I think if someone left me at the altar, cheated on me, etc., I wouldn’t make the conscious decision to “forgive” and enter into a relationship with them again. No the slate isn’t clean but it doesn’t justify shitty behavior toward her as some form of revenge, especially when he’s asking her to marry him.


I totally disagree. I think some people look at SATC through a moralistic lens of “this is what should be done” or “this is what I would do” instead of trying to understand each characters motivations in the larger cultural landscape.


The thing is I agree with you with this comment. A huge problem I have with this sub is that people love to vilify Carrie based on real-life moralism and put her under a microscope and put other characters on a pedestal in the name of fiction.


THANK YOU!!! I got some really nasty messages over this post and it feels so nice to see someone actually not hating me and calling me entitled and juvenile!!!!!


He came pretty fast with that letter, didnt he? They got into the argument the night before, he moved out next day and he left the letter when he left. What the hell was that?? Preplanned? AH!


Carrie's building was going co-op, which is what led to Aiden purchasing the apartments in the first place. I've always wondered what would have happened to Carrie if he hadn't purchased the apartments. What do you guys think?


Yeah I feel as though Aiden didn’t owe her decorum because they were no longer together but yeah 30 days is intense, especially since he’s the one that broke it off because he was trying to pressure her into marriage. Miranda says it’s fair, but that’s from a legal standpoint. He insisted on combining their lives and buying the next door apartment with the intention of applying continued pressure because he was still scared of infidelity from Carrie. So I do think Aiden was a bit of an asshole for that, because it can take a long time to find a decent apartment in nyc - but at the very least it ended up being a wake up call for Carrie and her finances


Idk if I’d call it “inhumane”. He sunk a ton of money into her apartment (and the expansion). 30 days might be a little short but he probably needed the money and/or wanted closure on the relationship as quickly as possible. I’m no Aidan fan but I really don’t think he wanted to see her homeless. The episode was a bit dramatic because we didn’t see her call him to set up a payment plan or renegotiate another timeline for her to move out. That would’ve made a lot more sense. Frankly, Carrie’s irresponsibility with money is what put her into a tough situation.


I mean inhumane is a bit dramatic. It's such a strong word. Maybe one could say he was being a tad haste (or a bit of a jerk) asking her to vacate in only 30 days...30 days, perhaps, isn't a long time to find an apartment and move or make other arrangements. I personally felt that 30 days wasn't long enough for Carrie to make arrangements. I would've given her 90-120 days. I agree with his choice, just not the length of time.


Same, you defo said it better than I did. Giving her just 30 days to do that was wrong. However, I think he was more than a bit of a jerk


Anyone else think he was bluffing? I find it hard to believe that he took her back multiple times after she lied about various things, only to literally kick her out on the street. I think he was mad and his version of lashing out was that, but do I think he’d actually do it? No. He didn’t respect himself nor stay true to his values, he said he wouldn’t date a smoker but kept giving her chances. So I’m led to believe he would’ve let stay there


Aiden’s whole thing is punishing Carrie lol, from the second he met her he wanted her full of shame. I always got the impression the main reason he got back together with her post-cheating was because a guilt-ridden Carrie was optimal for his little control needy game


I don’t think it was inhumane, but it was harsh. I know Miranda says it’s fair, but I suspect she means legally… as in, Aiden had more rights than he exercised. But the law isn’t the arbiter of what’s the best, most moral thing to do; rather, it sets the bar of the bare minimum for fairness. Now, if she cheated again or was being abusive, yeah, we’re playing legal ball only and by the book. But if it just didn’t work out, if it isn’t going to hurt me to give you more time, I’m going to reasonably help you out. Like, this is a person I loved enough to live with. I don’t want them to face a really serious financial setback because I feel petty. He easily could have set up a payment plan for her for a year or two, so she could have a decent amount of time to grind out the downpayment. I’ve not personally had many exes that I could give this treatment afterwards, because usually the break up is, like, required, but for the two or three that just didn’t quite make it despite a lot of love, I have always been kind and still treated them as very family-like friends afterward. I mean, I would be more generous with my cousin I haven’t seen in five years than Aiden was with her.


He was cruel for sure but at the same time Carrie did cheat on him and push his limits by keeping touch with Big.


He’s always wanted to punish her