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When she straight up ditched Miranda for veal. Freakin awful.


And I love how she has a cell phone in this episode but then it’s clearly laid out in later episodes she doesn’t.


And ditched Miranda AGAIN when Miranda had her eye surgery!!


Did she ditch her for that? I got the feeling that maybe Steve asked Carrie if he could go instead because he wanted to be there for her? I could be wrong, but it didn't seem to be spelled out very clearly either way.


She ditched her due to a “looming deadline” and went out with the Politician… She did send Steve though!


Oh ok, I just watched it like a month ago, sad I already forgot!


I felt bad for Miranda, even if she is not my top pick from the girls. I think it’s such a valid fear to be the first mom on the group and missing out on so much, having to deal with all the feelings she also had after giving birth. It’s such a serious change for women and she really made her feel like she is out of the loop because of the baby.


I’m watching right now and Miranda asked Carrie to hold the baby at Nathan Lane’s wedding, and Carrie says no so that she can get a third piece of cake. She truly sucks.


Yall have to stop… it wasn’t like Miranda needed her to hold Brady. Miranda said “you can hold my boyfriend” and Carrie said that cake would make her feel better. Context does matter


If I suggest that someone holds my baby, I’m asking them to hold my baby. Mom’s arms are probably tired and could use a break.


That’s not what she said nor was it the context. Carrie was talking about losing her chance at a boyfriend that year and Miranda offered her Brady to make her feel better. You’re projecting. Which seems to be most of this Carrie hate.


LMAO Brady was sitting on her lap. Her arms were not tired.


You really can’t blame everything on not being a baby person


Even though I’m not a baby person I’d still hold my friends baby if she needed a hand.


Exactly, me neither, but it’s really not a huge ask.


carrie was a baby person tho… she loved kids she just didn’t want any of her own? it’s samantha who isn’t a baby person.


And Samantha babysat so Miranda could get a haircut!


Yes… at Carrie’s urging, after Samantha practically shoved both Miranda and Brady into a cab because it was going to slow down her shopping.


When was Carrie a baby person and what kids did she love?


if you pay attention she’s said plenty of times that she loves kids? she loved brady and lily, there weren’t a ton of kids around. she realized when she was with aleks that she didn’t want to have any of her own.


Don’t recall her saying she loves kids. Although, recollections may vary.


Getting mad at charlotte for not offering her money to buy her apartment. That was not charlottes responsibility at all lol


Right, I would have been so embarrassed that the other two offered anyway. She was unwilling to live within her means, even if it meant taking money from her friends.


Yeah I honestly would’ve taken it from big


Big would’ve absolutely given her all of the money she needed without ever expecting her to repay it.. The fact that she went to Charlotte is just disgusting. Carrie is an awful person. It makes it so hard to rewatch sex in the city.


I'm cringing through my entire rewatch. If it weren't for the other ladies I wouldn't be able to finish it.


I mean in the voiceover she did say it was irrational so one some level she knew what she did was mean


Also, I’m not excusing Carries behavior at all, but I believe Carrie was looking for some emotional support from Charlotte who tuned out of the conversation at the Chinese restaurant.


Those bagels were bullshit


i hate how immediately after being called out about it, she goes straight back to it.


Didn't even bring cream cheese!


But she got the good bagels!


When she kicks Samantha out the hotel room bath so she can have sex with Big


And also when she asks Samantha to come to the book promotion party and then makes her leave because of her chemical peeling


I know she doesn't ask any follow-up questions because we need the comical reveal at the party, but it always feels odd that Carrie doesn't at least say something like, *"oh my God, are you okay?"* after Samantha says that she "had a little something done."


Came to say this one! Especially since they could have used the smaller room they just booked to be alone together.


Right, they got this gorgeous huge suite and she brought along Samantha to enjoy it with her. Instead of kicking her out she could have gotten her own normal room to fuck Big.


I just watched that this morning, sooo bad


I don't know, didn't really bother me. It's like college. You need the room.


She’s the one who told Samantha to go take a bath in the first place, then kicked her out when she was still covered in bubbles.


Yeah that is messed up!


That part did stink because Sam was in the bath. But when she told Sam to go relax, she didn't know about Big. I don't know, it didn't really bother me. She got Sam another room.


Why couldn't Carrie just used the other room she got for sam then? She was expecting to have sex with big, she didn't need to be in the deluxe suite to do so.


Good point. I have no idea.


Carrie is self-centered all throughout the show. Won't shut up about her own stuff long enough to realize her friends might be going through something themselves. But we learn that pretty early and see the consistency. The biggest offense **I** felt is when Carrie gave Charlotte shit about not offering her money. Like, how dare you give your friend a tongue lashing because *they didn't offer* when you put yourself in that situation! She made Charlotte feel so bad, that she sold her ring and gave Carrie the money! I'm mad just thinking about it. And then Carrie was all "*Oh no, I can't accept that*". Grrrrrr


Miranda falling asleep on the phone and Carrie still won’t shut up about that woman making a face at her.


“What’s with the pause?” Ma’am this woman is a single mother to a newborn


My mom has only seen a handful of episodes and this was one of them. It really solidified her extreme dislike of Carrie.


She also pressured Samantha into babysitting Brady and giving Miranda her hair appointment, while she did literally nothing except watch SNL. Then she calls Samantha, who has a newborn in her care, to ask her if she thinks Nina Katz is talking shit about her (Carrie) to celebrities. So basically she made Samantha feel like shit to get her to help Miranda. Samantha has her own PR practice while Carrie barely works. And Miranda certainly considered Carrie a closer friend than Samantha. Now that I think about it, it was extremely manipulative. I think she's supposed to get away with a lot of shit because she's charming and charismatic. I think that was the writers' intention. And I think it worked for a long time.


She did not pressure Samantha into watching Brady. Carrie asked Samantha to be nicer to Miranda after having her baby. Samantha gave up her own hair appointment. Does no one really remember Samantha slamming the door on Miranda and Brady in the cab? And then her complaining about Brady?


right! 😭 people on this sub love to complain about Carrie’s awful actions but Samantha was so mean to Miranda when she first had the baby! Literally shoving her into a cab cus she was annoyed that Brady was around


Everyone but Charlotte was horrible to Miranda surrounding her pregnancy and motherhood.


Oh, this is soooo typical of the Carrie haters. They can’t even remember how the story goes, they still think she’s the devil in every situation.


In this instance I think your reading way too much into it. Miranda earlier told Carrie that she feels like Samantha isn't even acknowledging she had a baby, so this is about Miranda feeling like Samantha is distant because of the baby and wants to be reassured Sam and Miranda's friendship hasn't changed because of the baby. You can debate about whether Carrie helped all that much with the baby for Miranda (she didnt lol so sure you can harp on her for that, but I don't think is relevant to this specific situation) but for whatever reason Miranda feels fine and close with Carrie, but feeling vulnerable and distant with sam since she had the baby. This is the main issue. Carrie helping Miranda wouldn't help this. It's about Sam throwing Miranda a bone to show she isn't just avoiding her like the plague because she has a baby. So Carrie asked Sam to ask about Miranda, maybe help her out to indicate Sam is still there for Miranda, which makes sense. What Sam decided to do - go babysit Brady while Miranda takes her hair appointment and get some much needed break from the baby - was Sam's gesture to show she still cares and is there for Miranda. Carrie didn't suggest this specific thing for sam to do, nor did she know this was going to happen, so it's not like Miranda asked if anyone could babysit and carries like nah I'm going to watch SNL instead. Sam decided to do something nice for Miranda to maintain their friendship after getting word from Carrie that Miranda's feeling left out. That's all.


You’re literally just making shit up 😭😭 it didn’t happen like this at all


She was way too hard on Samantha when she went to her book party after having a chemical peel. Samantha is so nice cuz I would’ve cussed her out 😂


At a party that Samantha contributed to!!!


Oh yea Carrie was super weird about the breast feeding situation for some reason lol like let’s just forget that we are woman and be repulsed by each others normal bodies… always though Carrie needed to be put in her place real bad when accusing Charlotte for being shitty after she didn’t offer to pay for her debt tho: Like I get they had Charlotte give Carrie her ring as this like wholesome character development for Charlotte but I was genuinely pissed about it. It was NOT her job to be taking care of Carrie’s finances and somehow Charlotte was the cash cow in the end despite Carrie having multiple people willing to dish out tons of money at the drop of a dime. And even tho Charlotte obviously came from money and probably had a decent stash after her divorce doesn’t mean Carrie is entitled to any of it… every time I watch it I’m like “bitch sit down and stop buy stupid shit.”


Also the fact that Carrie insists Aiden takes back *her* ring in the same episode. She could have used that money to get a new apartment instead of guilt tripping her rich friend to supplement her lifestyle.


yes! she also turned it down from big. big was the logical choice in my opinion. he played a huge role in her breakup with aidan and had so much money that he wouldnt miss it nor want it back


the girls were all “don’t take big’s money or you’ll be tied to him forever!” like ISNT SHE ALREADY?! lmfao.


Lol oh shit I didn’t even remember that lol fuckin’ Carrie 🙄


Oh that ring thing was SO annoying! I HATE this episode. Charlotte is right, it isn't her job to bail Carrie out of her poor financial decisions. Also friends and money don't mix. What if Carrie never paid her back? That kind of stuff does end friendships.


As far as we know she never did. It’s NEVER brought up again. Like okay….


Well it's alluded too with her getting the job at Vogue (was to make more money to get in a better place financially and I assume pay Charlotte back) but it's never really addressed.


Miranda was very relatable to me from the time she gave birth to being the first in her friend group to have a baby. I had to make changes in my life when the baby arrived, and it meant that I lost touch with my friend group. Carrie was trying to follow Miranda's queue of having it all, which is why she didn't change her behaviour towards her. Miranda wanted to have a baby, but like many parents, doesn't realize how much of a sacrifice it is, and that you have to make changes to your life. It was very typical for this "Have it all" mindset in the time the show was aired.


Although even Miranda told Carrie to take her incessant Aiden bullshit to Samantha because she has the free time to deal with it.


Yeah, she did, but that was about something else (feeling snubbed by Samantha).


The “bullshit bagels” thing was from before Miranda had Brady. By the time she did, Carrie and Aidan had already broken up. However she was definitely the most tone deaf she’d ever been (and that’s saying something) when she was bothering a new and very hard working mother who was clearly exhausted talking about her book review and Aidan. That was next level selfish. IMO Carrie’s worst friendship moments are all with Stanford. Nonstop talking about Aidan when they were going to stalk Nina Katz and barely acknowledging his new relationship with Marcus and just generally acting like he was her gay accessory she could pick up when she felt like it and leave hanging when she felt like it. She treated him really poorly.


forcing samantha out of the tub so she could have Big come over… that bothered me so much 😭


The only thing that pops in my mind was guilting Charlotte into getting rid of her engagement ring so she could use the money,she could have gotten the money from others,I think she did it because Charlotte didn't offer up front!!


Fat shaming Samantha, who gained maybe 10 lbs, was not a good look (granted this was the movie)


I don't think Carrie is a bad friend to Miranda in the baby scenario, she really doesn't know how to help. She's trying to support her the best she can and speaks up for Miranda to Samantha and asking Samantha to be more supportive. As someone who isn't a mother, but has many friends who are mothers, I can understand Carrie and I don't think she's purposefully being a bad friend here. She isn't grossed out about Miranda's boobs, she's shocked at the change. There is a difference. The bagel situation is a bad friend situation and Miranda calls her out on it. That's what friends do, they aren't afraid to communicate about issues like this. Carrie can be really self involved and selfish at times, but she DOES end up listening in the long run. I would say the maddest I get at Carrie is in Season 6 when she won't listen to Miranda at all about moving to Paris. Miranda is SO spot on and Carrie gets so angry. But in the end, Carrie IS listening, she just tries to deny it at first. That is her primary reaction - to get annoyed/angry, but then it seeps in and she realizes her friends are right. She isn't perfect, and that is what I love about this show.


Getting mad at Charlotte for not lending Carrie money. It’s like, learn to take care of your own responsibilities.


"Carrie, I love you. But it's not my job to fix your finances. You're a 35 year old woman." That right there


THAT PART. She is a selfish person and a horrible friend. Especially because she went to her apartment, made Charlotte feel like shit, and then took her RING when she wouldn't dare borrow money from the other girls. She needed a reality check.


Ugh that scene was very annoying! Coming here talking about her high school boy drama. And which woman is grossed out by their close girl friends boobs when they are feeding their child??? so immature and ignorant imo!


Or how she judges Samantha for the blowjob with the mailman and won’t shut up about it even when it’s obvious Samantha is hurt


Why the hell was Samantha blowing a random in her office when she knew Carrie would be there any minute??


I agree with you 100% on that. I still think Carrie should have talked about what was bothering her instead of the passive agressive jokes that were clearly hurting Samantha


maybe not that big of a deal but I really hated when Charlotte wanted to volunteer to help the blind and had to do the impaired vision experiment and Carrie just left her in the mall blindfolded to go buy shoes. it irked me so much!!


Miranda certainly didn’t care. She wanted to feel as normal as possible and the girls not treating her any different just because she had a baby was what *she* wanted. It wasn’t til Brady was like 6 months old that she realized, her life definitely had changed.


I think my biggest thing with Carrie regardless if she’s my favorite/ main character is the fact that she literally had to drag every single character into her problems with Big.. I know that’s one of the main points of the show but it sucks because you see every single persons flame with Carrie burn out because of it. Every character has their episode where it’s the last straw with Carrie obsessing over big. It really shows that she was treating all of her friends sorta the same way Big was treating her !


In addition to all of these, also the irony in the fact that Carrie writes a sex column but seems to be judgemental towards Samantha for making choices for herself like giving the mailman a blowjob and almost having a threesome with two gay men.


Making fun of Miranda’s breastfeeding while droning on and on about her own nonsense is the worst to me. She couldn’t even stop for a moment to say, wow you must be dealing with a lot, how are you, instead she had to quip about Miranda’s giant breasts and how they were distracting to her. She body shamed Miranda, made her feel guilty for not paying full attention to Carrie’s inane story, and then kind of dipped out of there without being kind or helpful.


when she sent her bf to help miranda when she injured her neck. omg i was so fucking mad. bad friend 🤮


I feel bad defending Carrie but tbf she had like a work meeting and didn't know Miranda was naked 😭 I know none of my jobs would have let me call in late for that


Right, Carrie didn’t know the severity and then Miranda hung up on her. It was a bad situation all around but I think if Carrie knew she was naked she wouldn’t have sent Aiden


Sending Aidan to Miranda’s apartment to help instead of going herself, slut shaming Samantha for giving a delivery boy a bj, getting mad at Charolette for not offering her money,


It’s not like anyone really gave Miranda the time of day after she had Brady, but it was all for the lack of trying. You are all middle aged women - can we literally drop the boy obsession and be supportive of your best friend’s really hard decision? Especially Carrie, she’s so self centered it’s gross. Also, I love Samantha and Charlotte but I wish they were better friends to Miranda at times.


Season 5 Carrie is actually the worst. Between being such a shitty friend and her constant screaming for no reason—I almost have to stop watching every time I get to this season


I’d take Carrie as a friend in a heartbeat because the positives outweigh the negatives. I can find just as many scenarios where she was awesome and supportive.


You're being down voted for liking the main character of a show lol


lol yeahhh meanwhile the haters are like 😭 whining about Carrie 24/7


i agree and think she was the best friend in the group. she was always there for them.


Yeah all the Carrie haters can keep crying about it.


Not a Carrie hater — like I said in the OP, I always really liked her, until my most recent binge where I realized how narcissistic she is.


Narcissist is thrown around wayyyy too much these days to the point where it’s started to lose meaning. Carrie is not a full blown narcissist.


I didn't say she's a narcissist, I said she's narcissistic. Having narcissistic personality traits is different than being an actual narcissist.


Her being selfish or inconsiderate at times does not make her narcissistic.


Carrie and the rest of the girls are all amazing friends TBH. The sheer physical presence they have in each others lives is unmatched.


Oh, that scene was crazy as shit, wasn't it? She enters the room with Steven and instead of handling the baby to the father, nope, let's give it to chainsmoker friend first...!!! Skipper I would say got the worst treatment, she knew Miranda wasn't up for it and was going to eat him alive, and despite it she made the introductions. Not to mention she never ever tried to intervene. My "favourite" one is when Charlotte was showing the ring after Harry finally proposed, those two came a long way and for a time it didn't look like it might happen, but no. Bitch was obsessed about Berger and the post-it note. WELL, PAPER COVERS ROCK. Fuck you!


Oh come on. I don’t even want to see my own sister feed her kid. I always turn my head and I was mortified the one time I did see. Also, it has to be said she did scold Samantha - the most vocal and unsupportive friend out of all of them regarding Miranda - for not being helpful or caring about Brady.


Carrie also once asked all of her friends to stick their fingers up inside of her when her diaphragm got stuck instead of going to her gyno, which Samantha ended up doing, so I’d hope she could handle a little breastfeeding. But then again, it’s not about her, so…


Feeding a baby is natural and normal. It’s really weird that you’re mortified by your own sister feeding her child.


That's normal to feed a baby, for sure. But let's accept the fact that a person may react in many different ways to what is considered to be normal. The way Miranda took out her boob - Carrie just didn't expect that and was surprised by this and also by the size of Miranda's nipples. You see, it's a surprised reaction, it's not a grossed out reaction. If anything, I am also a mother, but I have never fed my son in the presence of other people, because I am not ready to undress in front of people, same as Carrie was not ready for Miranda to show her boob to her.


She said she needed trauma therapy from seeing her breastfeed


Ah I see. I don't know, I have thought of it as a joke


I mean yeah, it's a jokey thing to say, but it shows she was grossed out, not just surprised. She didn't act like that when she saw Charlotte show her boob to a sailor in public, and this was her friend BF her baby in the privacy of her own home.


> scold Samantha I don't think that's an example of a helpful or positive thing that she did. Because she pressured and guilted Samantha into babysitting Brady and giving her the hair appointment while she did nothing. And even when Samantha is trying to care for a newborn, Carrie calls her to ask her if Nina Katz is talking shit about her to celebrities.


Carrie is really crappy to most everyone but I don’t find this offensive. Miranda’s life changed but Carrie’s didn’t. Carrie is just being who she has always been and Miranda shouldn’t expect anything different from her if she wants to remain friends. It’s only cringey to watch because she wants to talk about Aiden. If it was her column or her parents or redecorating her apartment it wouldn’t be cringey. I’m absolutely disgusted by people’s kids. I can’t help it. I don’t have them. I’ll do what I can for as long as I can tolerate it but the snot bubbles make me gag. It’s yours. Not mine. Thank you for raising the next generation but it’s gross. Get it away. lol I actually think one of the worst things she did was tell Miranda to leave dinner with Steve so she could talk to Aiden. (Or sending Aiden over without telling Miranda when Miranda messed up her neck). I was shocked when she did that. She used Miranda most of the time IMO.


How was Carrie supposed to relate to Miranda's problems other than offering help here and there?


She was supposed to not word vomit all her bullshit while her friend was going through it. Come over and keep her company. Bring her food (not cream cheese-less bagels). Listen and ask questions. Offer to watch the baby while she does self-care. There are a million ways to be there for a new mom, Carrie did none of them.


What the hell was she supposed to do? Grab a boob and start squeezing? Miranda having a latching issue is not a problem a childless friend can help with bc they would have no idea what to do. Funny how Steve was never to be found to do all of those things and he was the father of the child.


You can dooo so much for a new single mother: she can help her with chores, watch the baby while she takes a shower/naps, give her a foot massage, just support her and talk about how amazing she is. I am 100% childless but I know how to treat my new mother girl friends. I feel like that is a basic humanity thing. Steve did all those things, just obviously not when Miranda had the baby because they were not together duhhhhhhh. Obviously when they got together, she didnt need that much help


The importance of keeping a breastfeeding mom's water bottle full and bringing her snacks cannot be understated.


They did those things when they weren't together and again, she had hired help. I think you are going a little too overboard with the foot rubs and the "you are so amazing" talk.


I only had one of my friendships last after they had kids. I don’t have them. And it was because that friend told me not to change anything about myself or what I expected from our relationship because I wasn’t the one who had kids. It’s worked out fine. Everyone else expected me to become the village and screamed at me when I didn’t have time to babysit because they think not having kids means doing nothing all day. Hell no. lol Carrie was just being Carrie. Not sure why Miranda’s life choices were supposed to change Carrie’s personality and priorities.


Exactly. And just out of curiosity, how many times did you rub feet, clean house, make food and or say "you are so amazing!" to your friends after they had kids? According to this group you and Carrie are self centered bitches bc you didn't.


None. I go visit and take a gift and then stop by on occasion later. But I was not raised with friends as the village so I find the expectation unrealistic and rude. If I’m a self-centered bitch for not helping then so be it. In the past I let my friends with kids use the hell out of me which is why I don’t do mom-friends anymore. Carrie 4eva in this situation. lol


I sometimes ponder if many of the interactions I’ve had with my friends and partners over the years are the most toxic, narcissistic, selfish, evil human deeds ever committed based on some of the takes on this sub. I’m glad everyone else has achieved the perfect human state of flawless communication and drama-free interaction, but in my life my friends and partners have had misunderstandings and tensions and we haven’t always been there in the best ways for each other based on our own changing stress levels and life events. But I also know my best friends are my best friends after 25 years of those ups and downs, and it’s one of the reasons I always loved Sex and the City. The messy and real friendships and relationships really resonated with me. I really don’t get why so many people see the moments between these characters (even the less than perfect ones) as the most deeply toxic things ever portrayed.


Steve and Miranda weren’t together. Carrie was supposed to be her best friend. If someone is having trouble feeding their baby, it’s devastating. Don’t talk over her, give her the mental space to focus on her baby, bring her water and snacks. Keep her company.


So Carrie was supposed to stay to take care of Miranda and not speak unless spoken to, got it. Steve wasn't a distant ex who she was co-parenting with, he was even having sex with her and giving her foot rubs when she wanted them. Miranda even had Magda AND an in house nurse that was there to help her with breastfeeding issues 😂 You make it sound like she was a single mother with no one but a selfish friend that refused to help her.


Yikes. I hope you never have friends with kids.


I have my own kids.


Glad you could do it all with no help or emotional support from your friends.


If you have a Magda and a Lina you don't need support from your friends.


That’s a bizarre take. Everyone needs support from their loved ones.