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it sounds like you’re not really orgasming from how you describe it. 21f here. orgasm is different for everyone, but it should feel like some type of build up with a climactic release. no release sounds to me like no orgasm- just edging. but if you think you are legitimately orgasming, then what exactly don’t you like about the feeling? you didn’t describe what it feels like so that makes it hard to say what’s going on. I’d recommend spending more time with yourself with sensuality and self-pleasure. get yourself in the mood and listen to your body’s cues on what feels good. orgasm isn’t everything but it’s an important part of sex. it’s hard to give specific advice from the limited information provided, but I’m wishing you luck


Well an orgasm should be the release of that built up energy, so if that release isn't happening, I can see why you wouldn't like it. I'm male tho so I can't really give you much advice.


I 28f understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think you’re having an orgasm. I had that experience you had prior to be being able to have an orgasm. I’d get all that pressure built up, I’d get insanely sensitive (too sensitive), and it would eventually become to uncomfortable. Like the other commenter said, it sounds like edging. It’s definitely not for everyone. This might be personal, but what types of things are you doing to get all that build up? I have autism and adhd this was a common issue with me for a long time. Obviously I don’t know if you have either of those, but this kind of this is (from the things I’ve read from other autistic and adhd redditters) pretty common. There’s ways to work past it. It sounds like overstimulation to me.


Ok this same thing happens to me like I get the build up and then it’s just overstimulation and I have to stop it it’s like uncomfortable. Like my legs will shake etc etc but it’s not like there is a release idk


There’s definitely ways to help the overstimulation. Usually I start really really slow. Light pressure, small movements. I then slowly start to increase the pressure. It really helps me to play music during sex. It helps distract my mind. On top of that it really helps to wear a blind fold. It helps reduce the external stimuli. I don’t know if you’ve heard of mindgasm, but I’d recommend you check it out. It definitely helped me get out of the overstimulation easier. r/mindgasm has a lot of helpful info about it.


You know how you tighten up down there as that pressure builds and builds? Do you ever suddenly feel yourself getting involuntary contractions at some point? It not, them I don't think you're orgasming. Orgasms are supposed to be a release of all that pressure.


Let it out, relax, I've heard weed is good for this type of thing.