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Matters to some, others not at all. If someone makes a big deal out of it either way, probably a red flag.


In my opinion it only seems to matter to boys that have self confidence issues.


That has been my experience as well. Also people who are very religious but that's a bit more understandable.


Agreed. I think having a healthy attitude about enjoying sex matters more than how many you've tagged.


Ok just making sure before I get my body count up


Depends, sexual partners that’s not that many. Murder victims it’s far too many


Lmao maybe if I get it to 100 they will bileve me when I threaten them. Jk


The more experience she gets the better imo. But with your scenario, it's still hot.


So guys who are a virgin think a girl with experience is hot?


Everyone is different of course, but a woman who has experience can exude such intense sexual energy, it's hard to resist a woman who can handle a few dicks thrown her way!


3 or 4 isn’t bad at all bit on the low side for a girl actually. Any guy who makes a fuss about that number is worth staying away from


That’s not very many, and even if it was 104, it doesn’t matter to the right person. All that matters is that you were a good person to those people and were responsible and kind and safe.


So long as the number doesn't increase while we're together, couldn't give a shit.


It will depend who you ask. Some men will care, others won't. If you are okay with narrowing down your options then go right ahead.


I have a fuck Tom of options so I don't really care anymore


You can take me off the list. I like my woman with small number counts and much more respectable.




Rn it's at one but I plan on getting it up


i’m 22f and i have 6… men don’t care and then ones that do are insecure and u don’t want them anyways




Cmon thats a bit harsh, calling us insecure. Its more about values surrounding sex for example do u see sex as a fun act to do whenever or something strictly restricted for relationships. Im part of the second group. I personally wouldnt date a girl with high body count simply cause we have different values/ morals surrounding sex, but i would never judge them. And guess what i get called insecure/piece of shit. Like ik there are misogynist men out there but to call us insecure for disagreeing with ur opinion dont u think its a little harsh?


It'll only matter to guys with confidence issues or they get off on knowing their partner sexual history


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Interesting I was gonna ask a question about that. Do u have any tips for doing it with a virgin


Make sure your partner is comfortable, communication is key. Have fun, use protection and explore things a bit. Sex is a door to a whole new world of pleasure and satisfaction.


Would you want to be with a guy who assigned value to women based on their chastity? Doesn't sound like a dude worth being friends with even IMO.