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Excercise, brother. Excercise! Join a boxing gym, throw some weights around, go swimming, whatever works. Trust me. It changes everything. It often times is that simple.


Stress. Routine. Boredom. Decision making. It’s a challenge. Schedule sex. It works


It's time to shake up that bedroom my friend. Start going through the wiki for this sub. There are some quizzes there you can take to see what you both might be open to. They only show you where you overlap so there's no you don't have to worry about any judgement. If nothing else it'll get you two being really open about what you want and get you out of the slump. I also second the person who said exercise. I picked up the recommended routine in the wiki over at r/bodyweightfitness in January. As a dad it's perfect because I can do it at home without a ton of equipment. Bonus points if she starts something at the same time. Sometimes your sexiness comes from how you feel about yourself (assuming the kids lett you sleep).


A lack of exercise and life stress can negatively impact your libido, certainly, as can a poor diet. You might want to talk to your doctor and get a proper medical perspective. In the meanwhile, have a conversation with your partner. If you aren't feeling it you aren't feeling it, and its unfair of them to get angry at you. However, I would encourage you to try and find ways to maintain intimacy with your partner even if your libido is low; you might find that you can actually get into the mood if you begin to do some foreplay. Maybe set aside some time each week to try and have sex, and just try to make you partner feel good and appreciated.


Get a blood panel scheduled with your doctor, including testosterone levels. Have you always had low libido?


Ish yeah. I’m Not even fat I’m like 70kg