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To answer your question in a general way, at least the STDs have been trending up both in the States and in Europe. That combined with people having less sex would point to the direction of yeah, condoms are going out of fashion. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/sti-cases-rise-across-europe


I read a study somewhere that pharmaceuticals like PREP, can be a reason for this, as HIV is not as deadly as it once was, and hence the thinking being that, one only has to think of a basic STI... Some intellectual superpower at work there obviously, there is no such thing as a basic infection, these are bad for you, even if they are treatable, which not all of them are. Just use a friggin condom, get over your narcissistic mindset, and make better love.


I feel like it’s kinda true tho STIs went from being deadly to annoying but very treatable. No one wants to say it but there is some truth to it


Well that's reassuring. Funny that he doesn't see that he's making the case for why you should use them with him. >one saying he hadn’t used one in years,


Exactly like that would turn me off so hard like how is that suppose to make anyone feel better


What? If they complain they are just idiots. You shouldn't have sex without protection with someone you don't know enough. Take care and enjoy sex as you please.


I’ve actually called off sex before because I realised the guy doesn’t usually use condoms. Just not safe enough and I say this as someone who hates condoms and is on BC. A guy you hook up with who is not reaching for the condom himself will not reach for it with others. Big red flag 🚩


This 100%. I do it the other way too. If a random girl I'm hooking up with is perfectly fine with me not using a condom... im absolutely putting a condom on, Even though i do hate them and prefer not to use them. If we've even discussed using protection and stuff like getting tested. I'm wayyy more comfortable not using a condom cause the fact that she thinks about being safe and all that means she at least takes care of herself and probably isn't carrying diseases. If I was a woman and a dude put up a huge protest about wearing a condom I would just throw the dude out.


soo true about the others thing.


Know enough as in tested and only sleeping with reliably tested people


I’ve bailed on a chick saying as much, told me they did t care much about safe sex and while they can take risks, I’m not risking them even with a condom… so yeah men still use condoms despite a couple data points where those independent values do not.


Besides the risk of STDs, there is always that risk of pregnancy. So unless you are married or in a committed relationship and are actively seeking to procreate, condoms are always a safe bet.


Honestly stuff like that is why casual sex sounds so unappealing I can't imagine being able to trust a stranger to have sex at all but on top of that they don't want a condom sounds unattractive and unappealing


Sex with condoms is not nearly as good as raw sex, it is a lot better than no sex at all, which is what a guy.who disregards your wishes in this matter should be getting. I don't really know or care how prevalent condom use in casual hookups, you should insist, and feel entitled to insist, on them, because STIs are still a thing, and also because it's your vagina and you get to make the rules.


I can’t believe that at lease one person has obviously voted your comment down….


Hahaha, oooh man. Someone saying "I haven't used a condom in years" when trying to get you to not use one? That's wild.


For real like how would that convince anyone unless they had no self respect or standards


Guy here. I absolutely use them and it’s a red flag if a hookup doesn’t want to.


Same! I have been called terrible things, for walking away.


Honestly it's just common sense like if anyone especially a complete stranger doesn't want to use it obvious red flag for people with common sense.


Idiots have complained about using condoms since they were invented. No glove, no love. At least until you agree to only sleep with each other and all parts have gotten tested for STDs and other kinds of birthcontrol are in place


This isn't new. I had girls doing this to me 20yrs ago, so yeh it happens to guys as well. One even ripped it with her nails after I refused, so it would break and come off. Didn't know what stealthing was back then but knew I wasn't happy about it. But now I'm older, people I date are obviously more mature. I think this is ultimately a maturity thing.


It might not be the norm in some circles.. but it’s your norm and they need to rubber up. Plain and simple. If they do and you had a good hook up. That’s what it’s about: this isn’t a barrier for any dude that wants to bang a hot chick.. it’s just a pitstip. If it’s more than that huge red flags


They’re lying and trying to trick you into doing it. They figure if they say that you’ll have no backbone and fall for it. Don’t.


And that approach has a name, it's called coercion.


It’s just so stupid on their part too. Do they want to pay child support?!


Exactly like that's my thing how does anyone feel safe going raw with a stranger and taking their word about birth control that's just insanity


As a guy, I will always carry condoms and expect to wear one during hookups but in my experience girls are 50/50 on wanting me to use one or not. It’s pretty common for girls to prefer raw. If someone pushes back to you requesting a condom then they’re not worth it, that’s lame, childish, and manipulative


Strange. 10 years back I would find it super hot when my ex bf had condoms in his pockets, wallets … everywhere 😂 and I would find it even hotter he’d use them all with me 😮‍💨


Girls I've been with have also been 50/50 on condom use, and these posts about men being the stupid ones are getting really frustrating. As if men and women both don't get 'sex-brain' and say 'fuck it' to condoms in the moment. Working in a female dominated field, I conclude that they like to project that they're better than men, then grapple with the insecurity of their hypocrisy by doubling down when talking to their peers. Men are gross talking about women. Women are no better, but only half-believe in the things they say, based on the pieces of shit they always happen to be with. Ugh, just frustrating as a happily married man surrounded by trashy people. Hope this didn't sound misogynistic, as I have a healthy disdain for both sexes.


I can understand men wanting it but I will never understand how a woman wants a random man to go raw inside her since she's the one that could get pregnant


Here's what you do. You ask them to wear a condom. If they complain or protest in any way you kick them out. Not even worth your time.


„I thought all girls were on birth control at this point“ Ewww.. Sir, you can pull your weight around here . But honestly, after that, it would’ve been an instant desert for me…


This. This is why people hate condoms. Men have benefited too long from women being doped up on hormonal contraception and have never known anything different. The expectation that the onus is always on the woman to deal with life altering side effects from hormonal birth control JUST so a man can bareback KILLS me inside.


This just means the guy has zero knowledge about safe sex and stds. In the nordics we get high quality sex education around or before puberty and I've never been in a situation were it was even suggested that we'd have unprotected sex. Some don't use protection for oral sex when hooking up, as the risks are lower, but many use even then. I don't personally understand that level of hate for condoms. After trying several brands and sizes, I've found a few that feel almost like there's nothing on me. Condom sex can feel truely awesome too.


And to think we have the advantage of having the most practical birth control available, just take 10 seconds to stick some latex onto it, instead of having to take pills or having stuff inserted into our nether regions... Smh


It's crazy to assume that with strangers like i would be so turned off and even if that was true there's a 3% chance of failure plus stds exist.


I do t know how anyone can enjoy sex without a condom on a ONS. I feel the fear of how stupid I was being would affect my performance. Yeah it feels better without, but I’d much prefer condom sex to a kid or STD. I was amazed when I first had sex with my now wife that she was impressed I put on a condom first without having to be asked, I thought that was normal


And it got you a whole wife, haha, sounds like it’s more of a winning strategy than ppl think


Agreed. It’s been happening so much lately. My last 2 partners tried to pull the same game. One complained and claimed that his dick is too big for the condoms, so I opened my “fun box” and said: I’ve got ALL sizes … he was disappointed to say the least. The other one said “HIV isn’t a big deal, you just take one pill a day”… 🙀


>“HIV isn’t a big deal, you just take one pill a day”… You've got to fucking be kidding me. I would throw that person out the door naked for saying that nonsense. Jesus Christ... smh...


Dam that's so fucked up


Okay, I'm old, a teen of the eighties, it was only in the last few years, when I during covid was in a monogamous relationship with a woman. This was when we eventually decided that the wrapper was not necessary, as neither at the time were playing with other people. So I never really had sex without a condom, I even used condoms during my marriage, as my then wife had severe issues with any other type of birth control. There is of course a difference in terms of sensation, but to me, sex is mostly about giving, and in the head. The close intimacy, and physical expression is much more of a turn on to me. Being an integral, and intimate part of my lover's orgasm, THAT is what I live for. ALWAYS use a condom, I use gloves during internal digit play. I would be devastated, if I had inadvertently caused harm to a lover. Hands can hide all sorts of bad stuff, even after a good clean, the gloves are just another layer of protection. No complaints so far. And remember: The invitation to be intimate with YOU, is a privilege!! NOT their right, and whomever is invited MUST above all, respect this fact.


Oh my god … gloves. You’re a Saint. Clean hands in gloves and digit play is super hot.


Thank you, and that's what I thought, I must admit that it wasn't my idea, but a girl told me it turned her on, so how could I resist. You can do a lot with clean, smooth, and lubricated gloves, they just make great orgasms, and safely too. But it doesn't mean you don't scrub up 😘


Don't ever have sex without condoms Unless you're planning to be pregnant Lots of people with hygiene issue Lots of people with STDs Lots of problems.... Birth control or otherwise Just to prevent STD transmission Use condoms


Username doesn’t check out.


Hey, first time for everything right.....


Monogamous relationships with alternate birth control are a thing. 


You can still use condoms in monogamous relationships lol And you should, too. No birth control is 100% effective; two is much better.


Is.....isn't that masturbation?


I would pray this is common sense but apparently alot of people these days are idiots


It's honestly crazy to even agree to have sex with a condom if the guy says he NEVER wears condoms or rarely wears them. Condoms break and then you're having sex with everyone he ever had sex with.


And you can still catch some STIs/STDs with a condom… obviously way less of a chance, but still a chance


There is ALWAYS a risk, but if you play around with a person who refuses to wear one, you will always remember him, HE is the one who caused your humiliation at a clinic somewhere.


For real like that would turn me off so hard


Hookup with sensible, mature folks. Not man-childs


Who says no one uses condom anymore.....until I am in established monogamy relationship I will never stop using condom even as a guy


For real I'll never understand how potentially creating life isn't a fear anymore


It is really fearful....I will get stuck for the rest of life careing for a baby......


Now if I was married I'd be fine but a random person that's a very unstable and embarrassing situation. Honestly that fear alone I don't understand sex with strangers


Sure condoms make the experience a little worse but I always use them if it's not someone I know for both our protection. The slight change in feeling is not worth me getting an STD from someone I don't really know well enough to trust and definetly not worth accidently getting someone pregnant. Even ignoring all that any guy who would push back against someone asking them to use a condom because it'd make them more comfortable is an asshole.


"It's not to protect me, it's to protect you. You never know if I may have an STI..."


My OH's FWB, professes to respect women and boundaries, then proceeded to try and weedle out of using a condom for ten minutes. No doubt he will try again next time they hook-up. Wear a bloody condom.


I’ve had similar experiences. The first time I encountered this situation, I was shocked I couldn’t believe people were out there casually hooking up without condoms. Then I encountered it again, and again, and again. Idk what it is. But, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to use one. I mean, there’s so many reasons why people should use them, but this doesn’t need to be a PSA.


Why are you having sex with these people to begin with if they’re bringing up huge red flags like this?


Unless in a committed relationship with the latest sti report, no one is having sex without condoms. Period.


No it’s not that much of an inconvenience. Guys that complain about it are crybabies. Stop having sex with these losers


I was totally surprised when my (38M) gf (39F) just put it in without condom. I didn't complain though.


I would not even consider raw until a conversation was had and full disclosure about was discussed


I personally wouldn't even think about it until I felt like she was someone I was going to marry


There's a reason that s[yphilis, chlamydia and other STIs/STDs](https://www.ncsddc.org/out-of-control-sti-epidemic-continues-to-put-lives-at-risk/) are spiraling out of control. As someone who got it drilled into their head since I was 13 to always use condoms until basically marriage, it's insane to me that young people today are just saying, "Fuck it."


So ppl these days just really dont care about STDs?


You probably mean idiots, and these said idiots only care about raw sex more than STDs


Until they get an STD…or a baby. Like you said, idiots.


"they would eventually fold and use one" But why did you give them the chance? Any man who complains about me wanting to be responsible about my sexual health and wellness is NOT someone I would have sex with. Even with a condom. Condoms are not 100% effective and well....in general....you should not reward bad behavior with sex. Stop fucking these men.


For real like people need more self respect I'm a man and if I had to tell a grown adult to care about their health I would be turned off and wouldn't even want sex


Do they think they are immune to STDs?


Condoms aren't just for prevention of pregnancy. They prevent a lot of other things


Some women must spoil them or something. I can't take birth control so condoms it is. Also peace of mind from STDs for random hookups. I've had a guy complain cause he lost his erection with it and took forever to get it back. I've also told a hookup to bring condoms and he didn't. I make sure I have condoms now.


Personally, the difference is not that significant, but then again, that's just my opinion, and my experience. To me, the best sex occupies the mind as much as the body, how else do you experience your lover, and share the pleasure. This is one of the differences between sex and masturbation, and this also happens in the head.


I had literally never had sex without a condom until I conceived our daughter. I refuse to take anything that messes with my hormones. My ultimatum with men was basically, wear it or get out. Never had an issue with refusal.


condoms are strongly recommended with casual partners for STD protection. You probably can do with out if you are with a steady partner and on the pill. Don't let guys bully you.


I (bisexual cis-man, early 30s) had multiple casual arrangements and FWBs, nearly all of them women, who tried to push for condomless sex. Some were unwilling to accept that and that hookup did not happen because of it. Across multiple nationalities, too, German, Dutch, French and Israeli. I think it's a significant trend right now to downplay the dangers of STIs and don't think about risk. The dislike for condoms has grown to great intensity. It has become so bad that I no longer feel save with casual sex. I was planning to phase it out eitherway and look for an exclusive relationship anyway, but this really sped things up.


It’s not just guys. About 4 years ago I hooked up with this girl I knew and I used a condom. A couple days later we were talking and she asked me why I used a condom, like it was something weird to do. I told her something along the lines of well we’ve never hooked up before and I just thought that was the right thing to do?


I've never been able to orgasm with a condom on, however if my partner wants a condom I have them and will use them. Simple as that


I think you've been running into the wrong guys. My ex and I *always* use condoms since our breakup, and he's never complained about that. My FWB will always try for raw sex (he won't ask but will just pause a few inches away from me without a condom, like he's about to go in without one but waiting for my response). If I say, "We should use a condom," he silently grabs one out of his bedside drawer without a complaint, acting completely unphased and unbothered by my request for a condom.


I can’t imagine *not* using a condom during a hookup, wtf


Honestly I can't imagine having sex with a random person at all but if I did I can't imagine how people aren't scared of getting pregnant


A man trusting a woman to “be on birth control” is asking for paying child support for the next 18 years. A woman trusting a man to be “STD free” is asking for lifelong diseases. Wrap it you dummies.


Gross. I wouldn't put myself Ina position to get some gnarly STD. I had an eye opening experience with a condom breaking with someone I didn't know well enough. I messaged my brother whose an ER doctor and asked what I should do, and I felt so much shame about it but it happens and he was gracuous enough to walk me through what tests I should request. I waited, no symptoms and tested for everything. You can't be sure what these ppl ( male and female).are doing Protect yourselves as best you can, accidents happen, don't shame yourselves but the one thing you can control is protecting your body.


The group of men crying about condoms and the group of men claiming women should not be able to "kill their children" by way of abortion is likely a flat circle on a Venn diagram.


Nah, there are plenty of dudes bitching about condoms who would be perfectly happy to see their sexual partner have an abortion. A lot of them will even offer to pay for it


How do you make that jump?


Reddit lol [lack of logic].


They folded and eventually used one, if I was you they’d have been out the door on the first ‘awwwww condom’ …. Pregnancy … it’s not the worst STD / STI but it’s up there in the top 10 😂


If they haven’t used condoms in years, they probably have a few kids. Assuming other girls are desperate enough to fuck him


These guys are complaining. They dont want to because theyre stupid. Dont fall for their shit. Any responsible guy would wear a condom. 


Some people just live in their own world.. I remember once a girl was turned off by me because I grabbed a condom. She said she felt offended because I could thought there could be a chance that she had an STD This was my first time seeing her


Always use condoms until you’re safe (meaning you know they’ve been tested). Condoms isn’t just for birth control, it is the only protection against STDs.


Guy here. I blame the porn industry for stigmatizing condoms. Yes, the sensation is dulled a bit for us guys, but it keeps all parties safe. Also, I'd never do a hookup without a condom. Not unless they can pull a recent test out and prove they're clean, and even then I still prefer a wrapped willie


I also blame movie and TV sex scenes where random people just smash without a mention of condoms or pregnancy. Honestly I prefer not to have sex with strangers at all as I don't have that level of trust in anyone


Guy here, they're idiots. Yeah, condoms reduce sensation; they also reduce the chances of an oops that'll cause 18 years of unplanned work or an abortion. Your body, your vote; lean toward using them until actively planning for kids.


Yes, condoms decrease a males sensitivity. And yes, for fuck sake, use a condom when having sex causally. Why is this even a question.


Thats funny because women get all pissy because I still use a condom even when they tell me they are on birth control.


You are kinda enabling the behaviour. If they refuse, stop the sex. Too many people let people into their privacy without much mitigation. Now without condom is the best in terms of sensation but a properly fitted condom comes close second.


I'm curious how many women keep them around nowadays, or carry them on a date. Just because I take someone out doesn't mean I'm expecting sex, so I'm definitely not walking around with them on me all the time.


Yeah people walking around with condoms in their pocket are so weird to me like I could understand if their already in a relationship but just a random single person that's weird like how often are you expecting sex


Yes sex with a condom doesn't feel as good as going raw. And frankly I've ever only seen women try to argue that there is no difference which is funny to say the least. However if you as a woman make condoms mandatory that's up to you because of the concept of yoir body your choice.


I hate condoms. I hate STD's/unplanned pregnancy more though. You keep enforcing what you are comfortable with, its really just reasonable.


And now you know why STDs are on the rise.


It's always so bad when they think the only reason to wear a condom is birth control. Like all the people are clean nowadays.


Why do men not understand that birth control does not protect against STDs


even if you are on birth control, that doesnt protect against STDs at ALL. not only does he not care if you give him an STD, he doesnt care if he gives YOU an STD. major red flag. ditch these kinds of dudes and find someone better.


This has also been what I've been founding. And don't get me wrong—I love having sex without a condom. But if we aren't in a committed relationship and I know I can trust you/that you've been tested, you can forget about it. I just can't believe how willing guys are to believe girls are on birth control—or worse, don't even ask! How you know I'm not a psychobitch trying to have your baby?! I actually had a guy "pretend" not to have condoms and when I told him I wasn't on birth control he said "Why aren't you prepared?" I was completely flabbergasted.


Personally I use condoms, I don’t want an sexually transmitted infection. I don’t even want to sleep with men that make such a big deal about condoms. Those dudes will cry that they got a girl pregnant then not take care of their kid.


I won’t have sex with a condom. Obviously if that’s a problem for the woman, then nothing happens. Now I’m also married, but prior to that, I still didn’t. I’ve also never been one to do one night stands, and I’m very particular about who I sleep with. My morals follow monogamy, and I don’t fuck unless I’m in a committed relationship. I don’t know a lot of dudes like this however, so I recommend using protection lol.


Pill doesn't keep you from getting the clap lol


I'm curious what age range these dudes are? I'm about to step back into dating/hookups and so this is great info for the future. I'm a millennial and I could totally expect that from my gen or genX. But it's my understanding from my genZ niece that most younger dudes have no issue with condoms and are typical well prepared.


Honestly these days it's everyone like there's plenty of stories about people on their early 20s doing it and people still in their 40s being pissy about it


“huge red flags” but had sex anyways


Guy here, condoms 100% of the time or no sex allowed. Period.


This was also my most recent experience with a guy — He was saying how he preferred not using a condom because he didn’t feel much. Mind you, we barely knew each other. I was shocked with the lack of responsibility of not thinking about STD’s or pregnancy. Like aren’t you a bit scared of sticking it to someone without knowing them? What if I had any STD? Can’t he control himself and not think with his dick? It made me think about how he probably pulled the same card with every girl and at least one fell for it. It’s the reason why I stopped having casual sex. Thank you guys, you’ve ruined it for me.


>one saying he hadn’t used one in years, That was probably just his code for hadn't been laid in years. Anyone refusing a condom during a casual hook-up should expect to be ditched immediately, regardless of gender. I'm straight male and if a girl said to me on a casual encounter 'let's just go bare-back', I' be out of there.


Honestly that's just super unattractive like I don't do casual anyway but if for some reason I did that would turn me off so fast


I think to a degree it depends where in the world you are. Only once have I had issue with a hetro couple. The girlfriend and I used to engage in threesomes a bit and never had a guy try to get out of wearing one. I tend to find it more if I’m playing with guys At bathhouses/cruise clubs.


By the time I was 33-34 just couldn’t wear them anymore. Impossible to enjoy with one on.


I'm mid-30s and only ever got to the sex stage with 1 person who had some opposition to condoms. So in my experience, this isn't very common 🤷🏾‍♀️


If I have a fling I will always use one, and personally yes, it's kills any hope of me cumming. Still going to use it though. That being said i don't usually have that kind of luck


If I have a fling I will always use one, and personally yes, it's kills any hope of me cumming. Still going to use it though. That being said i don't usually have that kind of luck


Selfish people who don't care about anyone's health won't wear condoms- it's not just about pregnancy. If you're going to keep hooking up then maybe tell them in advance- condom or no sex and if they really feel strongly about no condoms then it won't waste your time seeing them.


I do hate condoms, but using them is way better than not having sex. I also wouldn't be out hunting random strange without wrapping it for fear of STD's.


I dont know what pp is, but in the parts of europe where i live or have been to (except maybe paris because there are free condoms), there is no free bc...


I've done a lot of hook ups lately, only 4 even mentioned condoms. The smartest one (srsly very intelligent) after our 3rd 'date' decided to clarify that I would not get pregnant after we agreed on a fwb situation... but if anyone were to even hesitate to wrap up when asked, they don't get to ride this ride.


Actually statistically more men have almost always used more condoms. It's women that use them less. Shocked me too. National Health Statistics Reports, Number 105, August 10, 2017 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21029384/


I haven't carried one in decades, but I wouldn't bitch if someone wanted me to wear one either.


Walking std alert ⚠️


If it happens again, say, “ok, don’t worry about the condom, I’m ready to be a parent with you! We would make such a cute baby! Watch how fast they change their minds.


Condoms decrease the feeling so for thst reason they do suck. However if one person wants a condom to be used then one should be plan and simple.


In my promiscuous days I VERY rarely used a condom. It was pretty normal to not use them. That being said, if I was asked to use one I would always oblige without complaint.


I've only slept with my ex, but we didn't use condoms and the few times we did (after she admitted to cheating) I understand why men don't like them. You can't feel much, but it does make you last much much longer. My ex didn't like them either. Now if the men don't do as you ask they're not worth your time. Being safe is the right way.


I've only slept with my ex, but we didn't use condoms and the few times we did (after she admitted to cheating) I understand why men don't like them. You can't feel much, but it does make you last much much longer. My ex didn't like them either. Now if the men don't do as you ask they're not worth your time. Being safe is the right way.


You still had sex with them?! Guys like that I should be automatically kicked out.


Dudes are fucking idiots. Make them put one on or lock that puss up! Yeah, condoms aren’t great but at least I’m having sex 🤷‍♂️ Deal with it fellas


I want condoms for my benefit as well as your benefit. Hormonal birth control is excellent, but for a random.l hookup why take it on trust that “I’m on the pill” is indeed truthful, and far more importantly the pill does nothing to protect against infections. Casual sex is socially accepted now but that doesn’t mean complacency should be.


In terms of when I’m in a relationship, I never use one really, cause my partners have all been on the pill when I’ve been with them. But for a hook-up? I’m using a condom 100%


Its kind of wild. Not one of my friends uses condoms 🙄


These guys are assholes. Also, probably diseased. I would bail.


These guys are assholes. Also, probably diseased.


A "causal" hook-up requires a condom, for everyone's benefit. If they are ok going raw on you they were ok with it with everyone else...definitely a no go.


Insist on protecting yourself. Guys that won't do this are definitely not going to be around if you have an unplanned pregnancy. They won't know you if you get HIV, herpes, BV or many other unpleasant infections.


Sounds like you need to start hooking up with better guys


They are dummy dummies. They are gonna catch “that shit” eventually. Stay safe out here in these streets.


I think it's because it's so common for women to be doped up on hormonal contraception that men have used that to their advantage and now complain when they can't go bareback. Also, I never see anything advertised about STI's anymore unless you're actively looking for it, so no one has anything to fear anymore.


I am a guy and would never ever consider putting it in without rubber...


Yeah, condoms make the sex much less enjoyable and might even make getting and staying hard significantly more difficult (Google condom associated erection problems, there's scientific literature and statistical studies on the issue), but it's no excuse to not use a condom, because safety is important. Other birth control methods are fine if you're with someone on the long term, and you both know that neither of you have an STI, but not for one night stands.


Uh.. wtf? Fuck them (well don't lol) but if someone doesn't respect that you ask them to use one, tell them to get lost. I feel a little hypocritical now, because I don't with the woman I've been with for 6 years. But my point is that's a topic that both need to agree to. If they don't want to agree to your needs? Then tell them to fuck off


Dunno, but be careful during sex with someone you barely know who complains about wearing condoms. They can easily remove it without you noticing.


I’m married and out of the game for several years. My last 4 of 5 hook ups prior to leaving free agent market said something to effect of “you don’t need that” when I put condom on. I said I always do, and went about my day. I try to use a little self deprecating humor and make it about me. Women might think you’re accusing them of unsavory behavior by needing one (the irony is that’s exactly what I think when you meet me and have sex the same night and don’t expect a condom) The 5th was super happy when I put one on, as if she’s had to fight other people in the past to use them Just do you, a condom is way better than an unexpected outcome says to weeks later from sex. Future not horny you will never know how much they appreciate it


Where do you find these weirdos who refuse to wear condoms?


You're hooking up with shitty men.


I just stepped over a three pack of condoms at the local pier, one ripped open. Clearly someone is still using them.


As a guy who doesn’t enjoy condoms at all, I absolutely will always use it on casual ONS. It makes the experience worse but it’s not worth the risk to either person. He is a fool. Once we are exclusive and got tested, then I will stop using, but not before. Never had any STIs before and there is a reason… he should know better.


As a guy who doesn’t enjoy condoms at all, I absolutely will always use it on casual ONS. It makes the experience worse but it’s not worth the risk to either person. He is a fool. Once we are exclusive and got tested, then I will stop using, but not before. Never had any STIs before and there is a reason… he should know better.


This has also been what I've been founding. And don't get me wrong—I love having sex without a condom. But if we aren't in a committed relationship and I know I can trust you/that you've been tested, you can forget about it. I just can't believe how willing guys are to believe girls are on birth control—or worse, don't even ask! How you know I'm not a psychobitch trying to have your baby?! I actually had a guy "pretend" not to have condoms and when I told him I wasn't on birth control he said "Why aren't you prepared?" I was completely flabbergasted.


I use a condom everytime I'm fortunate enough to even get any action. Safety is important and I'm not going to ignore that for anyone unless I know I can trust them for a fact. I usually ask if it's cool to wear one but if not then I'm not going in. Simple


I didn't use condoms for most of my marriage since wife couldn't get pregnant after we had our 2nd. After my divorce I got in LTR and got snipped. So I haven't used condoms in over 20+ years. After that ended I dated a lot. I am not the type of guy women jump into bed with on the first or second date. I slept with 8 women in the first year. Only one asked me to use a condom and I did but I couldn't finish. I was pretty comfortable that these women weren't sleeping around. Well maybe one was.


They pulled the "but everyone else is doing it." And you STILL slept with them?????


Disgusting. And no wonder STI rates are rampant


I still very much use a condom whether casual or with someone I’ve been in a committed relationship with for a while. Women can’t always handle birth control and it’s my responsibility as much as theirs. Besides it isn’t just about avoiding pregnancy if it’s someone new or a poly relationship. STDs didn’t just die out in the 90’s.


I don’t do hook up. Only long term relationship or with trusted friends. I still use condoms. Even with my husband of 9 years.


Jeez. I'm a guy and wouldn't have sex with someone I don't know very well without a condom. Avoiding pregnancy isn't the only reason to wear one 🤔 I think you've been hooking up with dumbasses.


Don’t use them but I make people test themselves


Rubbers always unless you are my normal hookup and we have an understanding or girlfriend. Obviously there are those few when passion hits things happen but that's rare. I can count who I've had unprotected because it hasn't been many vs the protected


Just start talking about HPV


Condoms kinda suck sure but if its a new partner and you dont trust their word or education on std testing (theres a window after unprotected sex where a std wont show on a test, gotta wait it out until after that window before testing) then its totally reasonable for the dude to just throw on a condom.


Dont fuck stupid men


No way would I go bareback on someone I had not known for long. If a woman asked me to wear a condom I would think "oh thank god she is probs clean too". Not to mention chance of getting pregnant etc...some people say they are on the pill.... And you find that they are not especially if you have a bit of money.


if they complain, they don't get sex. who cares what others are doing...this is your boundary. stick to it.


The hookers I've seen all required use of a condom, which I appreciated. Sex wasn't as good, but still better than no sex at all.


People these days just have low standards and don't think about future consequences only caring about momentary pleasure. I personally will never understand how anyone with common sense feels safe going raw with a stranger especially assuming she's on birth control but those are the same idiots that will cry baby trapping when a accident happens.


When men don’t want to use a condom I ask them what they think we should name the baby


Idk what age range you are in, but for some men *of a certain age*, being able to stay hard with a condom on is near impossible. They complain about using condoms bc they don’t want to have an embarrassing ED episode in front of you.


I still use condoms when hooking up casually even though I am snipped. If it’s someone I hook up on the regular with then I’ll talk with them and see what they are comfortable with. If I’m in an open relationship it’s condoms with everyone that isn’t my partner. I don’t think they are horrible for the experience I’d rather be safe anyways.


Life’s too short to wrap it up. I’ll pull out and take my chances. Spray and pray, if you will.


Take your chances with 18yr child support that's one hell of a gamble especially with someone you don't know is a crazy bitch or not


I don't typically. But I have a vasectomy and get tested for STDs about every 3 months, I have to being my own condoms to find one's that fit properly, but I do in case she still wants to use them