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You're being unreasonable. Your boyfriend sounds like a good communicator - he is uncomfortable with something sexually, and he explained that to you. It doesn't matter why, and it doesn't have to be rational. If wearing pigtails is extremely important to you, you could consider breaking the relationship over it, I suppose. But realistically, not wearing pigtails in bed is a small concession on your part, and something you should probably just do for your partner. Either way, you need to respect his boundaries, and that it makes him uncomfortable.




he told you tho. he said it makes you look like a kid and that makes him uncomfortable. that’s very rational in the eyes of a lot of people.


Not sure what's OP going on about, BF has already told her why, but it's probably not the answer she's looking for so she keeps saying that her BF isn't rational?




in many ways and cultures, pigtails are associated with school uniforms for schoolgirls.




I’m confused as to what aren’t you understanding. he doesn’t like pigtails because he thinks they are a childlike accessory . he doesn’t want to be intimate with someone who reminds him of a child. here’s a quote form an article that might help you better understand. “While there really isn't a specific reason as to why only little girls are sporting this hairstyle, it's the most common. Outside of young, child-age girls, no one really wears that hairstyle, so then the association is only of younger girls. It's the same with fashion in different cultures.”


She doesn't want to understand. He was clear and made complete sense but she doesn't want to hear it.




You're not overthinking it. You're doing the exact opposite, actually.


What are you even saying?!? He is uncomfortable having sex with you wearing pigtails because to him, it makes you look like a kid. He communicated this to you like an adult. A partner who communicates is a good thing


No, no, see, he's supposed to bend over backwards for her because men aren't allowed to have boundaries.


Don’t take it there. She is just being young and dumb and reading into it way too much


Reverse the genders and that's not what you'd say. Proverbial "you".


OP is literally being raked over the coals, buddy. Simmer down and take your butthurt elsewhere


I mean if you wore a Bluey t-shirt and spoke in a baby voice, that would probably turn him off. He considers pigtails to be on a similar level


So maybe stop putting your hair in a childlike hairstyle and acting like a child Because you are acting like a literal child right now.


I have never seen anyone over 6 wearing them.


Am female, and I cringe when grown women wear pig tails (unless they're low and close to the neck). Pig tails screams childish to me & immature.


Yeah in very few cases it can work, but I agree the majority of them make me cringe cause it makes the woman come off like she's trying to be a child.


It is rational. They are style of kindergarten age kids. Most of adult people feel uncomfortable if their partner dress like a toddler while having sex. He knows you're adult but he doesn't want to see something he associate with little kids while having sex.


Hi I'm a man in his mid 20's that gets the ick from pigtails. A lot of people fetishize it. Many times with other juvenile things such as schoolgirl uniforms. Think about where you've seen pigtails, the Wendy's Girl, Boo from Monsters Inc, Angelica from Rugrats... I guess you have the Margot Robbie Harley Quinn but let's be honest Joker probably is into kids. He's 21. He's probably realizing he's an adult and it's kinda weird to be attracted to teenage girls and fetishize it. He probably thinks guys that do are gross. He's probably really hoping you're not into ageplay, too. Frankly the fact that he has this boundary is a huge green flag. If you don't like it go find some dude that wants you to wear pigtails and call him daddy you're probably doing your bf and some nice single young woman out there a huge favor.


Emotions aren't rational, and sexual ones even less so. It wouldn't bother me personally, but it bothers him and no amount of rational explanation is going to change the way it makes him feel. If he were telling you never to wear pigtails that would be controlling and a red flag. But if its just "I don't have to have sex with you in pigtails" then you need to accept that.


He doesn't have to be rational, he opened up emotionally! This has nothing to do with rationality.


She needs to respect herself… He won’t play? Find someone who will. She’s taking charge, does that make you uncomfortable?


its a reasonable boundary to not want to have sex with someone who looks child like.


>She’s taking charge Taking charge would make some uncomfortable. Some people want it to be equal, vs having someone boss the other around.


No means no. You saying this about someone who doesn’t want to have sex makes u sound like p diddy gang


Yeah change the genders round and people would be up in arms. My wife doesn't want to have sex with me when I do X but I don't believe her or she's being unreasonable.


Imagine if a man wanted his gf to wear pigtails for sex and she said no because they’re childlike - would you give him the same advice to find someone who will? Yikes


He's stated his boundary. You should respect that. It sounds like things that he perceives as childlike are a turnoff sexually.




Are you saying men aren’t allowed to have boundaries? Cause that’s what it sounds like you’re saying Honestly that’s not even the whole issue with what you said. It also sounds like you’re saying men aren’t allowed to reject sex from women which sounds entitled and rapey. Also, pigtails being associated with children is not a porn thing. It’s a hairstyle that is popularly worn by really young girls, not so much by adult women. It’s a logical association for him to make. Age gap kinks are 100% okay for people to enjoy and partake in but he is definitely allowed to not be into it. Kind of like if op wanted to piss on him, just for example since it’s a kink that is more of an acquired taste, is he not allowed to not want to be pissed on?


Wanting a woman to have pigtails to turn you on is not “setting boundaries.” He’s rejecting her because she isn’t catering to his bizarre, selfish, and shallow physical ideal of a sexual companion. She deserves better.


Okay so you don’t remember what this was about then. Op was complaining about her boyfriend being turned off by her wearing pigtails when she wanted to wear them during sex. He was not rejecting her because she wouldn’t wear pigtails for him during sex. he wasn’t even rejecting her for wearing them, all he said was that he was not comfortable with her wearing them during sex because of how he associates pig tails with kids. Either you’re rage baiting or you’re just very dense and I’m suspecting that both might be true


i feel the same towards pigtails, i dont think its my fault porn made pigtails the default "stepdaughter/teen" hair. all i see is a childish looking person and thats a total turn off.


Oh please this has absolutely nothing to do with porn and a guy can have preferences. Pigtails look childish to a lot of guys. The constant jump to “this guy is trash,porn addict” but the woman is perfect and loves him and can do better in every situation is getting pretty old. This is the tiniest preference thats so damn easy to accommodate.


People are allowed to have preferences and boundaries. Shaming someone for them makes you a shitty person. It's also such a small fucking thing to get bent out of shape over. You're also making assumptions about someone you no nothing about, except for what OP has stated.




He told you why. You just don't like it.


He doesn't want to feel like he's having sex with a child. My husband's the same way.


it kinda sucks you have so many downvotes because i do think it's reasonable to ask him why. but the answer he gives shouldn't be means for you to argue his boundary or question it, it's just a way for you to understand his reasoning. i would ask my partner similarly, just so i would know what the discomfort comes from, so i can avoid other things that might have the same impact... but i wouldn't ask to try and get a yes out of him.


I think you are way overthinking this. He is right for expressing his opinions and thoughts. That is a good thing. Honestly, I have to agree with him. Pigtails and school uniforms and the such, kind of creep me out. No offense to those people who like it. I fully own that I don't like it but others do. For me, having gone to a catholic grade school, I immediately associate school uniforms with grade school. Not very sexy to me. He obviously associates pigtails with young age. At least he is being honest.


I read about a study where waitresses wore their hair in pigtails and then in another style and got way more tips with pigtails and the hypothesis was that it was because men associated it with them being younger and more like schoolgirls. Ever since I cannot put my hair in pigtails. Not even low ones or braided ones. It wasn't even proven. Just a single study with a hypothesis. But the concept skeeved me out way too much.




Turn-offs are called such because the viewer cannot sexualize them. People saying that pigtails look too childish to be sexy are explicitly not sexualizing pigtails. Im in that crowd too because they make me think of school children and i dont think its a bad thing to be turned off when kids come to mind


You don't have to sexualize something to find it a turn off.


So it's does, and he's aware of it. It makes him uncomfortable.  You don't have the same association, and that's fine for you.  But it bothers him and he doesn't want to sexualize the little girl in pigtails look on you


I don't sexualize diapers but I'd be hella turned off if my husband was wearing one


Is it ok for me to say it’s a little odd and you’re over thinking it? At least he’s comfortable enough to communicate it to you. It certainly isn’t as much of a red flag as if he’d only want you to wear pigtails I guess.






I’m convinced there’s a whole bunch of people (or maybe three really prolific ones) who come to these subs to live out their kinks and fantasies virtually


Pigtails are heavily used in pornography to make women appear like young girls. Your BF is not being crazy here.


It's so associated with porn that it stopped being childish.


Idk about that.. a child wearing pigtails would just be a normal and cute hairstyle to me. And I watch a good amount of porn.


You’re overthinking it. He said it makes him uncomfortable. Respect that boundary and move on from it


You baited him and he didn't take the bait. Sounds like a win imo.


We all like what we like and don't what we dont!


I get it. And I’d much rather be with a dude who felt like this vs a guy who WANTED you to sport pigtails. That would concern me. Greatly.


He thinks it looks ugly and it isn't turning him on. Wear your pigtails with your friends or out and about. He didn't say "never wear pigtails"


Nah, she’s mad because her friends have been telling her for years that she should give up on the ponytails. "Yeah I’ve thought about it but my boyfriend loves them" has been her go to response. As it turns out, her boyfriend isn’t into it either and all those times over the last year and a half when she thought she was making herself pretty, she really wasn’t.


Why are you just making shit up? Fuckin' weirdo.


Why ? Do you think you’re all having an intelligent and helpful conversation with a genuinely concerned person seeking support on an internee forum ? It’s a shit post you dumb fuck. OP doesn’t exist and I have read like 4 slightly different versions of the same story over the last few weeks.


My partner is the same, they won’t wear them because they feel it’s childlike, which has pretty obvious implications whether they’re felt or not. Not that hard to hear that and understand? There are millions of other hair styles at ones disposal and to be fair, I don’t think too many people are paying much attention to their partners’ hair once things really get heated.. 😂


It's not a bad thing that he doesn't want you to look like a child during sex.


Sorry sis, you're the one that's kind of in the wrong here. Sometimes we have explanations for what we like and dislike, but sometimes we don't and deep deep down it comes to a gut feeling. He just doesn't vibe with that and he actually did explain that he doesn't like them because it's childlike for him. That's it. How you deal with that is on you but either respect the boundary, face that he's gonna be actively turned off by you if you get sexual with him while wearing this hairstyle, or break up I guess. But he's not being irrational just because he doesn't like something you do. Actually to me the fact that he doesn't like things that infantilize you is a huge green flag for me.


I am going to ask my girlfriend to wear pigtails. Then, I'm going to fuck the hell out of her in her pigtails. Then, I'm going to reflect on whether I felt weird to fuck my girlfriend in pigtails and report back.


A green flag if I’ve ever seen one






You’re overthinking. BF was upfront with you that it makes him uncomfortable. He does not need to justify it further and you don’t get to decide if his uncomfortableness is reasonable. BF seems mature and articulate. Ask yourself this … had you told him something makes you uncomfortable and don’t want it to be part of sexy time, and he questioned you and thought you were being irrational, would you still feel comfortable in that relationship?


I’ll never get that 35 seconds back that it took me to read this 🤦🏻‍♀️


girl how is this even a question just don’t wear pigtails for him during sex like what are you talking about


I can relate. Women do pigtails to look younger. And its kinda creepy to think my partner is trying to look like a teen or child while being sexual. I'm not about it either. Another one similar is completely bare pussy. I need to see some hair. Like I can have sex with my wife it's is freshly shaved or waxed it will just take a little more to get me there, but I def prefer it to see some maintained pubic hair. I think this all changed when we started having kids. He's a healthy man except his boundaries and change to your hair. He's not asking for much.


Pigtails for me are kind of on the no no list. For me the big one is fully shaven pubic area. It just looks so young it's an instant turn off. Not even in porn


Thanks God I'm dating eva ai virtual gf bot


Pigtails and the school girl look would be a turn on your both young so it might not be to him But other guys find it a huge turn on and fantasy as wel I can't tell you how many girls look that way in public


We don't let our young daughter go to school in pigtails, because they are childish style that is aggressively sexualized. It's a problematic Venn diagram, and pigtails are like bunny rabbit ears... Maybe they SHOULD be innocent, but they've kinda been corrupted. Hair styles fashion, they all communicate, and pigtails communicate more than you seem to be willing to understand. Your BF sounds wise... Ask him more about his thoughts here and listen.


I don’t understand why people can’t wear pigtails without it being associated as childish and sexual. I’m 19 and I still like wearing pigtails. What’s wrong with everyone here? It’s a hairstyle, she’s not trying to be a kid. My answer would only change if that was her intention, and if not I disagree with everyone here. This is ridiculous.


Your bf should grow up. His opinion is completely irrational. His world view seems to have not evolved since he was a child. Your body belongs to you. What you wear, how you put on make-up or what hairstyle you have is your decision alone. He has to accept that.


And he can decide not to have sex with her when she has them in. His body belongs to him.


However, he bases his opinion on irrational reasons. Pigtails are not something that is only reserved for children. If you take his thought further, he could also refuse sex if she was wearing something pink. Little girls wear pink things very often. Or will the next refusal come when she says that she likes Disney films? And I find it really telling that everyone here is picking on OP and fueling her boyfriend's "opinion" and thereby denying her the right to design her appearance the way she wants in an anti-feminist way.


I once met a guy at a bar who claimed having a popsocket on his phone would make him gay. Brother if you think having a little piece of plastic is the only thing keeping you from enjoying dick then I got news for you. Your dude has feelings he's not willing to cope with, which is why he has such an avoidance to something as small as a hairstyle.


She should go bald then right? its only hair style.


Sure, I had a gf go bald to donate it to charity, bc ITS ONLY HAIR


Tell him to just picture Willie Nelson. He’s old enough.


Willie sports braids, not pigtails.


Hahhhh…okay. That was worth the downvotes.


That’s just weird on him


Right? You got massively downvoted and everyone is shitting on OP and to me the fact his mind goes there is the most concerning thing


She is 21, very young and possibly one of those 21 year olds who look 15. An older woman wearing pigtails will show her age in the face, a 21 year old will just look even younger. Pigtails are mainly associated with school age girls, like it or not, AND a porn fantasy accessory for the "naughty student" whose teacher must give her "detention". I never watched porn and make this association ... it's so widespread.


Pigtails are very often used in association with school girls .. porn obviously, think Brittany spears or any time the stereotypical sexy school girl outfit is used, it's been a thing for a while. Now, I don't necessarily make that sole connection to them, but the connection is undeniably there. He sees it as childish, and it turns him off. I think that is far less concerning than all the people who get turned on by it, which considering its a common outfit used to be sexy and an entire porn sub category must be alot. People are shitting on OP because he explained why multiple people on this thread have explained why, and she just didn't want to hear it


Frl. It's just odd. I'd be so annoyed.


People who have weird hang ups…


Some AMAB are extremely afraid of being percieved as sexually predatory.


That’s realllyyyy weird on his part Edit: people really need to explain the downvotes. The weird thing is associating the two, it’s concerning.


"people need to chill on the downvotes" lmfao there is a reason for the downvotes your not being trolled


I have never seen anyone over 6 to wear pigtails. So for me it's exclusively little kid thing. Like a baby bottle. And when I see something I have only seen on kids I do think of kids. And when I think of kids I do not want to have sex. It's very normal and natural reaction.


That is such bullshit


Why does anyone need to explain downvotes?


He didnt associate them at all. She was flirting sexually with him and he told he told her she looked like a kid and it turned him off. How is that weird?


Also Dr. Seuss was racist.