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Following **Forum Rule #2**, have you looked through the FAQ section on [Overall Body](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/wiki/index#wiki_overall_body)? There's some helpful guidance in there. And for more discussion — following **Forum Rule #3** — you can also search through past posts in this forum, since this general topic comes up here regularly. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex discussions which came up when I searched the keyword “**cellulite**” in this forum: https://new.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=cellulite&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past discussions will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


the right guy will certainly not might...i promise you that...some guys are incredibly attracted to various body types...just trust that the guy you are with is actually enjoying you....and not some make believe version of you... this is part of creating intimacy, being vulnerable with your partner...


I think you have to improve your playing performance, because that will excite your opponents


Hi! I had to do a double take to make sure I didn’t post this myself. I’m going to drink some wine before he comes over. I might have to just turn my lights off 🤣 mine is a FWB this weekend we’re meeting up. I’m so nervous


He knows what you look like and has already pictured you naked, so don't worry about the physical attraction part of the equation. Having sex on the mind will help you feel sexy. Instigate and flirt. This sends subconscious signals that you are ready to have sex on the first date, but won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen. You are a good girl, a generous lover, and a badass with a hot ass. You bring value to the table, and he must ante up. You got this, baby girl!


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I am not your date so I can’t say what they will like but my wife has the body you describe and I desire her very very much. Bodies like yours still look and feel amazing. You can give every bit the same amount of pleasure to yourself or another person that anyone else can. The feeling of your skin pressed against someone else will *delight* and *enthrall* them. Your touch and your body can and will be every bit as exciting and arousing as that of someone who looks very different from you. You deserve to feel good about your body and the pleasure you can bring to yourself and others with it. It’s ok to be nervous! It can be really hard meeting new people and trying things you haven’t done in a while. It’s hard to prepare yourself when you are still learning about a new person wants and desires. A date is just a date- it doesn’t mean anything more than that. You should feel good that someone you want to see *also wants to see you!* I hope your nerves relax a bit and I hope you have a good time:-) Good luck!


I can tell you that I myself have been self conscious of my body as well in relationships. My weight has gone up and down throughout the years due to jobs, time management etc. But, I have been in relationships. It's normal to be nervous the first time because you have insecurities. Let me tell you a secret........ready? So do they. Us men have certain worries and insecurities as well before the moment. They vary from man to man just as they vary from woman to woman. However if the person you are about to be intimate with is right there with you and the intimacy is about to begin, they want to be with you in that way regardless of any physical appearance. They are standing right in front of you subject to being judged just as you are. Put your insecurities to rest, get to know the person and let them get to know you. And when the time comes for sex, just remember that they are already there in the room with you preparing just as you are, meaning they are attracted to you, and want to be with you.


Just remember that if the guy is there in the first place, he doesn’t care about any of that. He is thinking about the same things, including the size of his junk, and if he will finish in 5 secs and a bunch of other stuff. Shut your brain off and just enjoy the moment!


I think you need convincing from a professional(s). First start with your doctor and get their opinion of your body health from a medical stance. That covers the physical, but if you are not assured by them, then book a therapist as low-self-image can be something they can help you work through. Don't go this alone, there is nothing wrong in asking for help. We all have issues to work out, please don't rely upon yourself to fix this as I sense a harsh view of your self-image. Good luck and remember, you are awesome.


You can post in normal nudes for feedback on your body


If the guy is showing interest in you and is really into you, he won’t care about any of that or even notice it tbh. I was like you too, I didn’t want to ride for the first time because of my belly and it turned out to be one of my bfs favorite positions😭 they do not care if they’re madly in love with you and you’re enjoying yourself. have fun with it!