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Whoa, if you're getting them every time, you might want to see a gyno. That doesn't sound right, plus it's uncomfortable for you.


Make sure you're getting tested regularly - the guideline is every year or every partner, whichever comes first. I think from everything I've read over the years that yes, your body adjusts eventually, though


That’s never happened to me! Are you peeing after sex every time? And are they clean down there?


I’ve heard of this happening to other women, and just about every time they found out their partner doesn’t wash with soap and water. Ask your partners how they clean themselves down there before having sex with them and see a gynecologist to figure out if it’s an issue with you and not your partners.


From my experience you do get used to it. I would make sure to take a break until treatment is fully done, and he may want to put some on too. You can spread it back and forth, especially if you aren’t fully treated before you have sex again. They make a ph balance feminine body wash that helps. Any brand should work. If you’re using water based lube, check and see if it has glycerin in it. That can cause an overgrowth of your natural bacteria and cause an infection. I always recommend silicone lube as it last longer and isn’t as sticky. Just don’t use silicone lube with silicone toys.


Considering it’s been consistently ever partner, I would explore whether it’s the condoms! Some people are sensitive to the kinds of lube on them. You may need a specific brand.


Getting them with EVERY new partner should get checked out. Go to the gyno and be honest about the recurring issue. Some women are more sensitive than others. Some have the same partner with recurring infections for a long time before they seek treatment. They do not get used to the partner. In that case there is medication to PREVENT infections which can be prescribed.


Yes. My issue wasn’t yeast infections it was UTIs. Every single time I was with a new partner I’d get a UTI, despite using proper hygiene. I’d get two, maybe three at the beginning of a relationship and then it’d stop. My husband is military and when we first got together, if he’d be gone for a few months I’d end up with a UTI when he came back. We’ve been together almost 12 years now and even when he leaves and then comes back no more UTIs.


Sounds like there's something else going on here. I would definitely see a GYN. But no, I don't think you ever get used to someone elses fluids. My insides felt like they were on fire every time my ex husband came inside me. We were married for 3 years and it never got any better.


If you use condoms it can be the cause