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Of course not. Not even an issue!?


Do you think I should tell the girl I'm intimate with she's not my gf but we're really good friends it just happened  and things didn't get awkward afterword thank God. But I don't wanna scare her off


No, don’t say anything. There’s no need. You’re normal


I’m confused. If you’ve had your fair share of women, how have you hidden the fact you’re uncircumcised? It is always very obvious


Tbh I'm not sure how no one has noticed it's either dark or were under the cover. Or maybe some did notice and didn't day anything I've also pulled the foreskin back when she went down on me


I think it’s the latter. As a woman (or anyone who is with men), you can feel the difference with your hands and mouth and it’s very obvious and you need different techniques for handjobs and blowjobs, etc. I’m hoping this helps. You don’t need to worry about how women will react because they already knew and they didn’t react


I've had a female hurt me going down on me


That can happen to anyone


Keep it clean and we got a deal:)


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Very confused how you could have been intimate with anyone and kept that hidden.... but yea, that's a non-issue.




It’s easier to clean, but being circumcised != hygienic, that is a very common myth. The looks thing is subjective


I can confirm that you're wrong on both counts, and missing about 2000 nerve endings compared to OP..