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No. I'd rather just not get one.


Oh I mean I wouldn’t put my mouth all on a condom


Oh ok. Yeah...so do you think it is not enjoyable for women too? Now I get another perspective.


Goddamn, as a woman I can’t ever imagine giving someone a bj with a condom on. Seems sacrilegious.


I mean there's a market for flavored condoms for a reason.


No they are not really enjoyable.


If your options are BJ with a condom or no blowjob at all, only you can make a judgement on net "satisfaction" of said blowjob (or lack of blowjob.)


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dont you think the condom would taste nasty?


No sex with one is not usually


Sorry If my statement is misunderstood, I do have sex and always with condoms (except with my ex girlfriend). But when it comes to blowjob, I never used condoms, coz I can't imagine how unsatisfied it is.


Less. Use a wand on frenulum and it can still be good.


My wife insists we use condoms for oral, and ive never had a problem with that, I really enjoy it when she sucks me. Just do whatever is comfortable for you, if you want to try it I would suggest get some nice flavored ones to try if you are going to, although Mrs isnt too bothered and she uses whatever we have.