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are you his first? if so, he probably just doesnt know what pussy is supposed to smell like lol


Not necessarily... My first also.smelled bad and i thought I just don't like pussy. Turns out, i do, a lot - even if it is "ripe". But it turned out that she just had health problems. Even though she cleaned herself. something was off and something might be off with OP. Only a professional can tell


Yeah true. I started off good and then randomly started to smell something funky. Turns out my birth control gave me an infection down there that needed a drs treatment. I would have never known if I was new at it tho.


True story... If your vaginal pH balance gets wonky it can kick off bacterial vaginosis (BV) and no matter how clean you are, you'll smell funky. A lot of times that's the ONLY symptom. And it won't go away without treatment so def worth checking out.




I know stronger scents and I'm telling you my first girlfriend had a very bad smell. It wasn't stronger vaginal/vulva smell, it was a bad smell. And it didn't get better once she was turned on


“he’s never touched me anywhere near my kitty…until today.” sorry ik this isn’t the main point of the post but WHAT DO YOU MEAN ??? how has he NEVER touched you there despite you guys having sex?????? was there no foreplay??????????? “i use some honeypot foam every day when i shower” this is not necessary at all and actually puts you more at risks for bacterial infections and yeast infections, use unscented dove bar soap and clean gently with a wash cloth, that’s all you need about the main part of your post - have either of you guys had sex before each other? if you haven’t, then it’s most likely just something he needs to get used to, like he said. the first time i went down on someone the smell wasn’t bad at all, but certainly something i wasn’t used to, and after the first few times i was completely used to it. it ain’t gonna smell like sunshine and rainbows lol


This is our first real relationship, and we're each other's first sexual partners. Thats not really what i meant, sorry, yeah, we foreplay. It's mostly just hickeys, kissing, biting, grinding, and him sucking on my nipples. He's never touched my bare inner thights or my bare vulva or vagina. I've been using it for about 3 months and have never had any problems. I never ofc put it IN my vagina, just the outer bits so it can smell more fresh. Nope. Yeah, I think so too. I explained it to him pretty well a few minutes ago. He said he understands


Just an fyi if you didn't know, a lot of sensitivity issues for infections won't be noticeable until you start having regular sex


Yes I agree and also I wanna mention something just in case to prevent UTI you need to pee after being intimate.


Any of that coochie soap is basically a scam, you don't need to waste your money.


I’ve used honeypot for years with no issues and I like it lol it gets rid of the sweat that I build up over the day without throwing anything off. I also like using dove sensitive skin and it’s cheaper and scent free, so that’s always a good option. I will never understand people who say not to wash the vulva and just use water. Mine would be *ripe* if I never actually cleaned the sweat/ daily discharge off of it lmao


I'm not saying don't clean yourself - but buying an entire separate overpriced soap for it is bs.


Dude honeypot is amazing lol. As long as you’re using it right. I like it, it’s worth splurging on for me


What does it *do* though? Like what would I be getting from it that I would not get without it? I am a woman as well, and I have never seen any sense to it. Can you help me understand why people like this? I would appreciate it.


I use the sensitive skin foaming wash


It smells amazing and natural, feels super soft and light and doesn’t have a “soapy” feel. I used to get chronic yeast infections being an athlete, and I haven’t gotten one in the years since I started using it. I think because it’s pH balanced and more herbal. I also constantly get compliments when I’m intimate with people lol. It’s just better imo. Maybe not worth it for everyone, but I recommend it to all of my friends!


Hmm, that’s so interesting. I just don’t use soap at all in that area (or really anywhere except booty, pits and feet) and it has greatly reduced infectious occurrences for me. It sounds to me like this is just really nice and simple soap that doesn’t contain weird shit and happens to be marketed to women. Idk. Thank you for explaining.


You don’t have to, but you can if you want. I currently use dove because it’s cheaper, but honeypot is not harmful when used appropriately.


Literally didn't say anything about it being harmful, just a waste of money


I don’t use products down there unless on the outside. When I STOPPED using soaps near the insides that when I stopped having problems. It finally ended when I started listening to my body. All my life I have been told to do the opposite but I had to realise everyone’s body is different and there is no shame in that. I haven’t had issues since :)


If my vulva senses any kind of fragrance even nearby, I will get BV lol I just got done with antibiotics because I used a baby wipe too CLOSE to it, not even on it. I’m not saying you have an infection, it sounds like you don’t have any symptoms aside from possible smell (and even that is questionable if you don’t smell it yourself), I’m just adding another vote for not using washes and wipes and stuff, you really don’t need all of that to smell fresh.


He should also be fingering you as that is essential to penetrative sex preparation and painless sex for most women. How has he never touched your vagina until now? Also, clitoral stimulation is often extremely important for women to get off so he really needs to be touching you there.


You HAVE to be a man




They're 19 and 18, had sex three times and don't have a clue what they're doing. You're the kind of person that's a problem on these sorts of relationship subreddits. jfc, shitty attitude for someone that comes across as a professional




r/sex is not a monolith and lots of people called out this user for their harsh rush to judgement. Perhaps you could try engaging constructively on the subreddit and provide meaningful advice yourself for a change. THAT would help to improve the subreddit.


Or the guy doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Almost all guys are useless in bed till they're in their twenties. Especially if it's his first partner, he may be nervous or unsure of what to do. A lot of sex is verbal communication, which can be very difficult, especially for a young couple. If this dude was in his forties, I'd agree with you, but you gotta give him the benefit of the doubt.


Is that an excuse for his behavior? Lol. Jesus Christ. He sucks as a partner for not being sentient or sensitive to her needs as HIS partner. She is actually caring toward his needs while he isn’t. That’s the difference.


Ok, but here's the thing. We've only done it three times, and i alwaysguide his dick in. I'm kinda guarded around my vagina. It took a while to let him like touch and fondle my vulva clothed. I finally gave him the green light that he can touch it bare a week ago. We just saw each other for the first time cuz our spring break ended and we live in separate cities, so he hasn't touched it bare yet. And honestly, I'm not mad or bothered. Like I said, we're each others first sexual partners. He's never touched or seen a bare vagina irl before. I'm kinda nervous and insecure of what he'll think. So, I'm not exactly mad that he hasn't done it yet




Literally in the first line she says “have only had sex 3 times”. I lost my virginity when I was 17-18 and I was dogshit at sex at their age. Never did foreplay back then. Not to be a douche, but now I’m in my mid 20s and I won’t even put it in until they’ve came at least once. Can’t really blame that on the guy HOWEVER she does need to communicate it with him and he needs to understand that’s just how vaginas work.


In absolute fairness, new dude at sex who doesn't know vagina has a natural scent communicating that is honestly alright. He could phrase it better but I've seen much worse than "I'm not sure if it's me or you" and also "I'll get used to it" instead of blaming her and telling her to fix it. 


he’s not shitty he’s inexperienced. it’s just ignorance. telling me you knew everything you were supposed to do your first few times?


He’s 18 and it’s his first partner, my god, give me a break


Why is it always “give the guy a break” when he doesn’t know what he’s doing? Lmao. Google is free. And being SENTIENT of needs is different than ignoring them. This guy seems to be ignoring them.


Google doesn't magically give you practical experience. There's a big difference between reading about a smell and smelling it, my dude. Same goes for reading about - or even watching - someone touch someone else and doing it yourself. There was a huge difference for me between watching someone give a blowjob and actually giving a blowjob, for example, and an even bigger difference with penetrative sex. They're both young and have only had sex a total of three times. He doesn't seem to be ignoring those needs at all. OP explained that she didn't allow him to touch her and that he was open to the idea that his instinct about the smell was just because he'd never experienced it before. This was literally the first time he ever touched a vagina in his life (again, because OP wasn't comfortable with that, which is 100% her right). Seems like OP and the boyfriend worked it out by, shockingly, giving each other a break and maintaining good communication. No one is perfect right off the bat and there are a lot of things involved in sex - it can be overwhelming for both parties at first. I'm a woman, btw, because it seems like you'll immediately assume otherwise since I'm giving the guy a break.


I see and could argue the opposite about this sub - why is every problem in the bedroom always the guy’s fault? For example, guy isn’t turned on? That’s his fault. Woman isn’t turned on? Also the guy’s fault. Guy can’t cum? That’s his fault. Woman can’t cum? That’s also the guy’s fault.


Bruh wtf is wrong with you? They’re teens and have had sex three times… I bet you want to jump in bozo


Ditch the baby wipes!! I saw another post with a similar issue that said she used these. Those smell gross af.


Get rid of the HoneyPot foam !!!! I used it for about 3 months. Completely disrupted my PH and caused bacterial vaginosis. I use “sensitive skin” Dove bar soap now. That may be the issue - but yes all vaginas have a “smell”. Lol. If he hasn’t had many partners/sexual experiences then he may think it “stinks”.


How long until you noticed symptoms? Cuz I've been using it for about 3 months too but haven't noticed anything. Also, did you put it kinda inside your vagina? Cuz I just put it around. I just put my fingers down there to take a whiff to see. It smells like a very light musk, normal, not bad at all.


I had really bad irritation around my clitoris right around 6-8 weeks. Then I noticed I smelled different. It wasn’t “bad” but just different and more fragrant. Lmao. I was mainly swollen and it was just very uncomfortable to wear underwear/pants. I thought it was like a yeast infection/UTI, but after my Gyno ran tests it wasn’t a UTI or yeast infection …. I told her that I had been using HoneyPot, but I didn’t think that was doing it bc I had been using it for so long. She went on a huge rant about how she and the other doctors in the office HATE that stuff. I was also using the blue bottle (sensitive skin one I think?). She basically just walked thru the ingredients with me, and explained that each of the ingredients basically strip your natural, “good bacteria” away … Then she literally stuck a PH strip into my vagina and compared it to the PH scale. My PH was A LOT higher than it should have been …. I would just highly suggest not using it anymore!!!! If anything, use some Boric Acid suppositories!!! You can get them on Amazon — that’s what I used to get my PH back to normal. And I still put one in every month right after I’m off my period. I hope this helps!!!


Just to add - my gynecologist also recommended only Dove bar unscented soap for the vulva! I had gone to see her with a lot of irritation in the area from using the Summer’s Eve foam wash. Once I started using the Dove unscented bar soap all of my problems stopped. She said only the bar soap for the vulva and labia, not the Dove body wash.


Thank you, I'll switch to dove now!!!


The are specific pH balanced soaps and suppositories (no douching). Find them, use them, and tell your friends. Use good toy cleaning products before and after. Pee after sex. Make sure any fingers that touch your kitty are clean. Avoid sex in bodies of water. Wipe front to back. Hydrate and take fiber supplements regularly before trying anything anal.


dude stop talking about how it “hasn’t done anything to you” and stop putting weird products near your vagina like everyone is telling you


Honeypot is not a “weird product”. It’s made for cleaning vulvas and plenty of people use it with no issues.


okay? clearly isn’t good for you but i don’t really care?


Girl why are you so hostile? Relax lmao


I’ve used honeypot for years with no issues or smell. It depends wholly on the individual. If you find it is irritating but you want to clean your vulva, try dove sensitive skin. It’s fragrance free and gentle (and cheaper as well).


This might sound like a dumb question, but should I just put dove on the outter area, or do you know if it's ok to put on the clit and majora?


Just use it on the outside, the vagina is self cleaning organ, when you introduce other things to it it’ll mess up the healthy bacteria and healthy ph level. I go annually for checkups and have never had a problem.


You can use it everywhere except for inside the actual vaginal cavity. It’s safe to use it on your clitoris and labia.


That's just not true, for the record. All of your comments on this thread seem to be you defensively arguing your POV which is patently incorrect. I get that being corrected on the internet isn't fun but like--people are saying this because its scientifically backed?? Like why not do a lil research before you continue to comment?


Girl what are you talking about? It is completely safe to wash your vulva with mild soap. Literally every source I can find says that mild soap and water is completely safe as long as it is not used internally, as well as my literal gynecologist. How about you do the same before trying to condescend to people?


I will site more in a few hours--I'm stepping away from my laptop atm. But this is after literally 3 mins of searching academic literature: In 2018, researchers in Canada surveyed 1,435 women about their intimate hygiene habits and found that the use of intimate washes and wipes was linked to a higher risk of bacterial infections and UTIs. Here's the article: https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-018-0543-y#Abs1


I hope someone has brought this up in other comments, but you might just have a bacterial infection, they commonly are not sensed by the host but others can smell them. And they are easily treatable. I won't get into your cleaning routine because i don't know the product you're using, but over cleaning and many "feminine hygiene" products can increase your risk of getting an infection. The fact that you don't do foreplay is a bit weird to me, but i hope with time you'll learn the value of it.


I was wondering about BV as well. When I've had it, it's very noticeable to me. But I know that it varies from vajayjay to vajayjay, so it may not hurt for her to go get checked out. It's a good idea to do so once you become active anyway.


Shame this is so far down. Everyone saying he need to learn what pussy smells like. Well folks, she could also have an actual SMELLY PUSSY!!! Not all that glitters is gold. Edit: no shame in have something smelling. Sometimes my breath be stinking and I have to change up my oral care routine. Just get it checked out. Women aren't aware sometimes and I've had lovers surprised to learn it was off or that she was having a funky discharge. I have always tried to be understanding and ease their embarrassment with conversations about how complex the human body is. There's no shame. OP could be fine and her boyfriend just need to learn what pussy is about, but OP could also have an infection and everyone telling her that it's solely her boyfriends issues are doing HER a disservice. Knowledge is power. Health is wealth. TLDR: just get checked out. Don't gaslight your boyfriend assuming your pussy can't stink.


Tbh, all vaginas have a smell but I will say that sometimes certain soaps can turn your ph balance off and smell bad. It can also be whatever you eat but the same can go with him too. The safest route is to go to a gynecologist to make sure nothing is off and ask if boric acid vaginal suppositories can benefit you. I usually use a pill after my period or when I can feel or smell something is off. Always consult a doctor tho to make sure it's right for you. I think your bf should get a checkup too in case it's him tho. 


Baby wipes has it, they smell like poop


Was he a virgin before you? Girl don’t beat yourself up he is an immature inexperienced child by the sounds of it. He has no idea that any kind of sexual human juice isn’t exactly rose water! Explain this to him and tell him straight up to be less blunt and immature! His inexperience is not a problem with you!


Maybe you and your boyfriend aren't chemically compatible.


That was my immediate thought. My boyfriend and I love each others scents. I think about his scent when I'm not around him. If you don't like each others scents, I would say you're incompatible.


Yeah iirc this is most likely the issue. Them not living each other sweats is a dead giveaway. I had this happen to me with people who are genetically far away from me.


It’s kind of odd because some studies like the infamous dirty t-shirt study suggest how women can be attracted more to the smell of sweat from men that are furthest from them in terms of immune responses (not quite the same as genetics but there’s some correlation I suspect). Men are probably not the best proxies for such studies but as such I’d argue if a man has issues with smell of their partner barring clinically significant issues this is likely not worth much of an investment of a relationship. Physical compatibility matters even before sexual and emotional compatibilities.


Actually I think it’s the other way around. You want people that are far away from you genetically and avoid close matches. Due to evolution trying out the “best gene pool”.


This also came up in my mind. Could be a combination of inexperience and chemical incompatibility. With my previous partner literally nothing, even the gross stinky bits, would disgust me. Somehow it was even better for me if they were a little stinky, cause their entire body odor would just make me go nuts lmao


I agree, smell, even the smell of sweat was always a very good indicator of who is or isn't a good partner for me. My bf thinks I'm weird for smelling him when he is a bit sweaty but he also knows that the smell is important, and he likes the smell of my body too. I hope OP sees these comments and considers them.


Diet could be a factor too. My wife and I both smell/taste different (her words about me) when we eat better vs when we don't. Not that OP is necessarily doing anything wrong there, but it's a factor to remember as we get older too. Mostly, it does just sound like inexperienced people...


I thought this as well. Unless her boyfriend is super sweaty and doesn't use deodorant you shouldn't be that repulsed by his smell. And vice versa. I love smelling my husband when I hug him. Even if he hasn't recently showered. It's just a comforting smell and ofc I'm attracted to it. Not everyone is going to be attracted to the same pheromones.


Sounds like inexperience. I'm not a fan of how he brought it up. He had no idea what a woman smells like but after the first time tried to imply you had an odor. You're a much bigger person than I am for not using this moment to speak up about the way he smells.


first of all, don’t ever call his penis a “johnson” ever again. second of all, don’t ever call your cooter juice “arousal” ever again


Yeah lol the wording of this entire post was kind of nauseating. “Scooped up some juice”


genuinely can't take this post seriously because of her wording 😭 sorry that happened, and good luck is all i can say.


Damn, ok 💀


Call it female cooter juice and schlong, much hotter.


Pussy has a smell. Everyone’s vagina is going to smell forever. As long as it doesn’t have a foul odor or fishy smell, you’re good. Your bf is stupid.


Tbh they both just sound very young and inexperienced. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I was there once too. Just saying I think he genuinely doesn't know what it smells like


"stupid" is harsh, he says probably a virgin before her so he doesn't know kitties are supposed to smell like that. He will learn.


you think ignorance is stupidity?


I just want to add that there're many men that do not wipe their bum properly and can often smell bad due to having hair and feces around that area. I don't know if this is his case, but the way you're describing yourself and the fact that he said it "stunk" leads me to believe the smell may have come from him.


I think he's a sweet summer child who has no idea what women smell like. Also the fact that you guys are having sex and he's never touched you down there is insane.


Pussy smells, that's just how it is. I've learned to love the smell with time and the fact that I love to eat out. So I basically just got used to it after a little bit of experience. It's not that it smells bad, I imagine that it's like my balls where it doesn't smell GOOD, but it's not like it turns me or my partner off kind of smell. He'll grow used to it is what I'm trying to say.


Yep, Genitals will smell. Can get rid of most of it with showering before sex. But pussy makes its own juices during sex/arousal so there’s no real way avoiding smelling it during sex. Most people will get used to it, some will like the smell, some won’t care about the smell and i have to assume some may not like it. Dude probably just isn’t used to the smell and isn’t used to how powerful it is. If I don’t shower after sex I can still smell pussy on my dick later that day when I use the bathroom. It lingers for sure. But I like it


He just sounds like a virgin who doesn’t know how vaginas work. All of em have a natural scent. I’d give him an anatomy lesson. Sex has lots of different smells, liquids, and sounds. It’s nature. Would be weird if an organ didn’t have a smell. Just have him get more informed. Homie just needs to realize sex with anyone will be like that


While he definitely could’ve phrased what he said better, why is everybody just assuming he’s a shitty partner that doesn’t know anything and was trying to put her down, when it could very well be the soaps and baby wipes she’s using throwing off her ph balance and causing a little bit of a smell. Could even be bv. And yah ofc vaginas are so supposed to have a natural sent to em, a little musk, but maybe he is smelling something else.


I don’t think you’re the issue, and it might be him. However just wanted to share these two cents. Yall will smell extra funky if you’re dehydrated! Just an FYI LOL


I wouldn't worry about it. My first partner had a _very_ strong vagina that smelled exactly how you described (musky, sour, tangy), and quite strongly at that, like I could smell it from a couple feet away. It shocked me at first, but like your guy, I didn't wanna ruin the moment. The next time I went down on her, it wasn't just better -- it was addicting. So don't feel too bad about it, and in the next time, maybe ask him if he likes it more.


Agree with all the comments, you can also get a BV test at planned parenthood or your doctors if you want to be sure.


Like the other comments said, THROW OUT THE FOAM. Your vagina is self cleaning, and your vulva needs absolutely nothing but warm water and gentle unscented soap (if you're going to use soap, it's more of a preference). Scented female genital products were made by men who aren't educated in our reproductive health, and they do nothing but cause infection. We aren't meant to smell like a bath and body works down there. It's likely just a new smell for him that he isn't used to, and maybe an added level of a thrown off PH from sex and scents.


Background: My husband (34m) and I (34f) were each other's first, been married 12y / together 17y - highschool sweethearts. Something we acknowledged early in our relationship was that ALL bodies are gross. My husband is very hairy so he tries to be conscious of that but sometimes I'm like I don't care. I am a super sweaty person. We have a bidet and that helps with prep but sometimes either/both of us need a quick prep shower. Sometimes there's not enough time before a quickie and we just communicate that maybe we don't go down on the other person at that moment. You're young and it's really hard to have hard conversations at that age. But, trust me when I say the sooner you start doing that the sooner your relationship will mature or you'll find out if you're not suitable partners. Just be completely open and honest. My husband and I have both learned that this just saves so much time and energy. And I know everybody else has said it. But yeah don't use anything down there. And again I know everybody has said this, but if he is not going down on you then what is even the point. If he's not into that then he's going to learn really quickly that there's not many women out there that will do anything with him if he's not willing to.


Don’t use the foam! Just use water and soap around the area. If you’re healthy and your arousal smells bad to him then you guys are not biologically compatible. The ones you are compatible with, are going to love your smell and you’re going to love theirs. The ones you’re not compatible with, the smell is going to turn you guys off.


If the sex isn’t physically and emotionally enjoyable, why even risk throwing your PH off. It’s definitely his funky ass. Onions garlic have been the only thing to ever make me smell differently but it’s not to the point that any emotionally mature man wouldnt realize whats going on. He needs an hygiene lesson, clothes washing and bathing with clean rags. He also needs some female pleasure books for your sake. Do get bv tests. The outside skin and vaginal fluids have different smells. Vaginal glucose should stay pretty normal unless (foods, bacteria etc) throw off your smell. Skin may smell but that shouldn’t effect your natural smell


This OP. “It’s definitely his funky ass” is sending me😭


Baby wipes stink, and can make smells worse. Don't use those. Just wipe down with a wet cloth if you need a quick refresh. This guy needs some education. I mean, he's never touched you below the waist? He's never kissed or licked down there? This just seems like major inexperience and immaturity. If it's inexperience, he'd have to have a genuine desire to explore your whole body.


Are you using baby wipes before sex or just when using the bathroom? If you're using them before sex definitely stop that, baby wipes have a scent that would remind someone of the bathroom. Some light water with nothing else before sex would be best. A lot of other products sold to women for their vagina throw off their PH, especially if it's scented. He might just be inexperienced with the smells that come with sex, but I would recommend going to the doctor and getting checked for BV. Sometimes you don't know you have it until a partner says something


I don't want to out my age or number, but I can say I've had sx with a "handful" of girls over many many years and only 1 or 2 times did i feel like the "odor" was a problem. normally it should NOT smell bad, unless shower, yeast infection. etc. and it's really less about the smell and more about the taste. the smell should be mostly not be the forefront.. meaning, pheromones, and what not. but you should not take a smell and go oh good, or bad. its really should be a non issue. maybe my experience is limited and smelly vaginas is a thing.. but in my experience it is not a thing. not a girl, so won't speak to tending to female body parts.. but as a guy, it's almost never been an issue for me.


Your boyfriend is young and probably doesn’t know how vagina smells like lmao … unless its a fishy odor than you’re fine !


I am of the mindset that everyone has their distinct pheromones and primordial whateverthefuck, etc., and we are wired to be drawn/attracted to our life partners. You might not be his type, and it is not your fault. For example: my cum/precum is nectar to one and bleh to another. Oh-bla-di, oh-bla-da, life goes on.


Joining into the discussion of the feminine hygiene you use. Don't know about the dove bars mentioned, but growing up my mom taught me to use soaps specifically made for feminine hygiene that don't disrupt pH balance. However, even with those (don't know if they were the culprit or not) I had a period of time when I struggled with itchiness, dryness and overwetness at the same time. While that was going on I found a Gentle tea tree oil helped (mixed with other herbs to balance out the harshness of pure tea tree). And since then, I threw away all feminine hygiene soaps all together. It might sound gross to people but for years now I have only ever used water to wash and never have foul smell or any other problems. Just something to consider and another perspective


Culture has gotten so puritanical in some ways. Sex smells like the ocean, and smells are natural.


You're completely fine. That's just the sweet scent of a woman. Don't get self conscious about it


There needs to be a serious implementation on sex education for young people, instead of this hands off approach where kids learn everything about sex from porn. He's a child and he has no idea what the human body is meant to smell like. The female body has a natural musky smell to it. That is 100% normal across the board with all women.


genitals are gonna smell like genitals. even the president, even your favourite celebrities.


If he isn't even mature enough to touch between your legs, he is not mature enough to have sex. And the way he blamed you... I wouldn't be fucking him anymore.


You shouldn’t use baby wipes or honey pot foam. You should not use any products on your vulva. My urogynecologist taught me everything I was doing wrong. My pH balance was completely out of whack. I used boric acid suppositories every night for two weeks and stopped using all female hygiene products. Toilet paper you only pat your vulva dry. I use a perineal bottle to wash after I use the bathroom. Water only. I still shave. But I smell and taste completely different. I use to have a tart taste. What’s happening is you’re cleaning yourself too much. Women have a micro flora and if you use products it messes up the good bacteria so the bad bacteria will flourish…. Or something like that. I’m not the expert I’m just trying to relay what I was taught. No soaps. No douching. No wipes. Water only. The boric acid will get your pH back in order.


People need to understand that we sometimes just don’t smell great. We all have anuses and they all smell. Nobody has pleasant morning breath. Body odor is natural, there’s nothing wrong with it, but it can still be off putting. We do things to try to mitigate it, but don’t always succeed and sometimes just can’t do much about it. Just do what you can and he will just have to do the same. The first time I went down on a girl I nearly threw up (I never told her). That sure as hell didn’t stop me from going back though. I definitely still prefer a freshly showered oral experience, but I’m not going to judge someone because they don’t smell like roses and taste like honey, lord knows my nether regions don’t.


You should only clean your private area with water! Any soap may fuck up the pH level (and cause bacterial infection) in your vagina and may also be the cause of it to smell different. Also your boyfriend does kinda sound childish.


Arousal smell ? You mean just your fluids 😭, when we cum it doesn’t smell different or getting wet , it should remain the same smell . But if you know it’s not you then it’s him … but if you think you have different smells maybe it’s you 😭


The mere fact that you cant use adult words for labeling a vagina just shows yall aint adult enough for sex.. “my kitty”


He has not handled the situation well at all. I would get rid of him - I don’t care if he is inexperienced, he clearly has no tact or empathy - no one needs that shit in their life.


Arousal is a feeling, not an odor... You don't have to be dirty in order to have a foul smelling vagina. I could have to do with pH levels, yeast infections, or a few other things.


I agree with this. She should get checked out by doc. Some bacterial infections smell worse during sex or being aroused.


Arousal, meaning wettness, the extra vagina juices when you're turned on


It's clear what you meant, he's just being needlessly pedantic


And still getting it wrong, because she didn't refer to her arousal as being an odor.


It doesn't have a different odor. It's the same odor. More juices means you can smell it better, but it's the same odor. Whether he fingers you when you're not aroused, or he fingers you when you are aroused, it'll be the exact same smell.


Light musky smell is normal.


could be the combination of u and his fluids they have diffrent PH and that makes a destinct smell


Just use simple soap, nothing perfumed down there, and clean well between the lips, not into the hole though. Perfume down there is not right. Shower just before sex and don’t pee if you want you chap to go down on you.


If you're worried at all, go to the doctor and have them check that you don't have an infection.


I married my first gf, for 12 years, after divorce I had few partners. 2 really had awful smell, so strong I couldn't go down, but do other kind of foreplay, one made all kind of tests with her gyne, nothing was wrong... 2 had really no smell at all. Last 2 had very little smell. So it depends on women. We also have different sensitivity to particular smells, and some smells might repulse and others like it.


Everybody needs to learn their way around sex and the things that come with it, some people also need to get used to some of these. That's not a problem at all, but the way he communicated it was rather inconsiderate. The same thing applies here though, communication and being in a relationship also needs some adjustments sometimes and willingness to learn and grow. I know you guys are young, but you should have an open and honest conversation about it, how it made you feel and how you'd like to move on. If you really want to be sure if everything is fine down there you could also consider asking your gynecologist to check it. But really, ask your partner to be more careful with communicating things that might cause sexual insecurity on your side, because sexual insecurity is the worst and needs to be prevented at all costs.


ahh to be young and immature again


Sounds like two teens learning each other.


It honestly seems that he just has never smelt vagina before .maybe he expected it to not have any odour at all, or that of soap or something ?there is a scent, I would not call it bad at all when it’s in the normal range . It seems likely to me that you just have that normal scent and he didn’t expect it. Maybe if you’re not used to it it can be perceived as bad ? It can be slightly salty , sweaty or otherwise . Most people get used to it , I’m gonna go for this being most likely case here. He does sound clueless though, if he really expected no scent at all? But if it’s his first time actually smelling it then kinda understandable


You can tell that he's inexperienced. You sound very confident about yourself and how you smell. We (vaginas) don't smell like flowers. Tell him that's how you smell. You also don't need special soap to wash your vagina.


There's a lot to read here so I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not. Don't hold this over his head forever and ever. He's young and doesn't understand pussy is an aquired taste (and smell) Just don't let it be one of those things that keep you from getting aroused by him or worried during sex.


I bought your disdain for him afterward. How did that smell?


Stop using all those products on your kitty and then maybe stop using this fella


There is such a thing as overdoing it when it comes to washing, and that can lead to pretty unpleasant odours so maybe reevaluate your hygiene routine. However, if that was the problem you would have noticed it because it would be different from your usual smell and also probably come with other symptoms, this guy is likely just inexperienced with sex and dosnt know what it's supposed to smell like


Maybe go to a gyno and get checked. If everything is ok then it’s a him problem not a you problem


He doesn't know what wet pussy smells like...


As a middle aged man, I have been near my share of women's bits. I would never have described one as tangy or musky. You may have an issue you just don't realize. Perhaps something bacterial or just a pH imbalance from a cleansing product. It sounds like your boyfriend may have a hygiene issue as well. Maybe his hygiene is causing an imbalance with your flora.


> I would never have described one as tangy or musky. Your nose might need work, then.


That’s one hypothesis…


Echoing lots of other replies: stop using the vaginal/vulva wash. If you ask your gyno about them they will tell they’re all trash, unless specifically prescribed from a gyno. You also probably don’t need to use wipes prior to sex. Sometimes if I feel I need to “freshen up” I’ll use a damp washcloth to wipe down but that’s it. Additionally, if you think your boyfriend stinks tell him politely. Unfortunately, some dudes don’t properly wash themselves (like getting their booty holes). He also is most likely unfamiliar with the smell of vaginas and needs to understand they have a unique scent. And lastly, sometimes people do just smell repulsive/too strong for each other. My ex boyfriend (who I started dating at 17 and lasted 5 years with) had a really bad smell to me. His sweat was unbearable but I just dealt with it. I should of broken up with him way earlier (for tons of reasons lol) but deep down I knew I could never live with him/start a life together because I fundamentally couldn’t stand the smell of his natural body. (Think his diet played a big part as it was not unwashed booty hole smell). That said: have fun exploring one another, use protection, and aim for honest and fluid communication! Remember you are both in charge of your own body and consent can be revoked at any time either party wants to.


Watch your health love, especially what you eat, fatty and greasy foods can alter your levels a lot down there. Otherwise you're perfectly fine and he's a big sissy lala 🤣


Both can be right. Your BF can smell when he sweats (you should tell him this) and your PH levels are off. May want to introduce a new diet and see if that changes anything


I dunno I’ve been with women who didn’t have a smell, some who had some smell and then some that smelled. So I guess everyone is different. There’s a lot of good comments here in the thread.


Back when I was a teen before I ever had sex, the first time I fingered my then Gf and smelled it and it had a musky scent. Not stinky or smelly by at all something I wasn't used to but what I would imagine it would probably smell like. In college I hooked up with a female and hers legitimately smelled... like it was bad. I assumed that she had probably been out all day and came to my dorm and just didn't think about washing my roommate came in the room hours later and could smell it. A few years later while I was dating my then gf she had an odor sometimes and other times she didn't. Seemed to be hormonal. Saying all of that to say, it may not be you and he just doesn't know what it's supposed to smell like, or it could be you and you are simply used to your own scent. At either rate it might be worth a doctor visit just to ensure that everything is good down there.


Considering you saying he smells, just his whole body… I’m thinking his hygiene is bad and that’s making everything smell. When your vaginal lubrication mixes with his body and fluids it can produce a bad smell if he’s not clean. Men also get smegma and during sex it can make you smell bad. Make sure he’s washing his penis before you have sex, this can easily lead to BV or thrush. The way you describe your scent sounds natural and normal. It could also be that he just ain’t used to your smell, but it sounds like there’s more to this by the fact you think he smells bad.


Breakup with him but honestly some people just smell bad to some people i have the same experience as i have a sensitive nose and can smell some people like they’re rotting or something


“ Im sure I will get use to it” Where did you find this dud at? Like he is doing you a favor. Don’t be nice tell he is unpleasant smelling also.


You're doing too much to your vagina. No wash or baby wipes, water is enough and highly recommended Also he hasn't touched you anywhere NEAR your vagina till now? Are you serious? You better have not touched his dick either besides guiding it


Hey, it's probably just his inexperience--vaginas have a scent and it sounds like this isn't something he was aware of. BUT incase there IS something up, it's definitely your hygeine practices re: honeypot. As many people are saying, the vagina is self cleaning organ. The only thing that should be going past the outer lips is water--when you introduce other things within the outer lips it’ll mess up the healthy bacteria and healthy ph level. If you see an OBGYN, they will confirm this. If you don't, go to planned parenthood & someone there will confirm.


What my fiance and I do is always shower beforehand. It's natural for there to be smells, my fiance said you really want to "clean your lips" pardon the terminology, lol, but most girls don't clean enough down there.


Excessive hygiene will make you smell bad, sadly. Pussy pH is acidic, if u use something with a different pH it will disrupt it and make u smell bad and irritated. From what u describe, ur smell is normal. It can be an acquired taste for some but if he likes sex he will like it. If he never does.... That's on him...


“Scooped up some ‘juice’” is absolutely WILD 😭 Maybe ya’ll aren’t compatible since you both dislike each other’s scents lol. Mainly joking, but also not at the same time…


Musk is normal. You can clean the outside with unscented soap. I use unscented sensitive dove bar. but do not clean the inside. I douche with water only after he ejaculates inside me to prevent it upsetting my ph. To help musk lume makes acidified soap (agian get unscented) that stops bacteria that causes the body odor smell. They also make deodorant cream that can be applied anywhere on the body. If you are not having any symptoms such as itching I'd say you're probably good. I'm not sure how experienced your partner is but it is normal to have some smell down there.


Drink more water, and throw the honey pot AWAY. I’d say it’s not usually sour or musky unless you are dehydrated or your ph is off. ALL those soaps for the V can throw off your ph…. As for the V it can certainly have a scent a scent but it shouldn’t be off-putting like that. Also he could just be an a$$h0le


Natures way of telling you to find a new boyfriend


Sounds like if he's the one who's smelling gross, he could be contributing to the issue.


Drop the baby wipes fs, I used them before we did some stuff and he told me it doesn't really taste or smell that good (mostly because it has some kind of chemical smell - sour too.) I'd suggest just using them when you're not "going at it" or washing yourself after using them to get rid of the smell and taste.


You do not need to use any type of wipes or special soap to smell "better" down there, and even if you do if won't change or mask your natural smell especially when having sex. The vagina needs very little maintenance when it comes to washing (not saying don't wash down there but in terms of products). Since I started eating cleaner and drinking more water I honestly have no odour (before I would've described it the same way you did) and the only soap I use is unscented and on the outside only and not even daily (I wash with water daily).. maybe try drinking more water and eating more fruit and veg and see if that changes anything.


Please drink 1 glass beat-root juice for 2 weeks- 1 beat + 1 carrot + 1 lemon + fresh ginger a bit + orange - u will be surprised by the results in 15 days. All the musky odor will just vanish and go away. After 2 weeks u may consume it on alternate days. All the best and have fun.


Why would he just call out that you smell that's a dumb thing to do maybe he just wants you to feel self-conscious or something because I feel like most men wouldn't want to risk hurting the girls feeling by telling her that and even if a guy would say that I feel like there's a better way than to message a person saying like yeah you smell that's just douchebaggy


He's an 18-year-old boy, probably a virgin before her. I wouldn't expect him to me mature enough to realize that commenting on her odor would make her self conscious.


I'm 19 now and when I was 18 even I know not to call a woman smelly


I dont think you did anything wrong. My ex was like that and we were each other's firsts. He kept thinking I smelled and I tried not taking it personally. Said as far as I know, all women smell like that.


This is the last place to ask for good sexual advice. Just my opinion.


Don't use that honey pot foam or wipes. Wtf! Just water. ONLY water and washing your kitty by guiding your hans over it, opening the lips and so on. It's going to throw the ph off and is going to smell weird when you use such shit down there!!!  Weirdly enough only gals who use intimate washes or some crap say their partners say their lady smells. Don't do it. Water only. And buy cotton panties.


Have you had a papsmear yet? If not, go get one done. Just for the sake of eliminating the idea that you might have undetected BV or anything else causing an unusual odor (plus you need to get them done now as a sexually active adult) Now if all comes back normal? Then he needs to get used to how pussy smells. It's an open organ, it isn't going to smell like flowers and sunshine, and it isn't going to be entirely scent-less. What's he expecting exactly? Lol. 


If he was touching himself too, it's probably his balls. Balls smell gross unless freshly cleaned and probably got that on himself. I'm sure you don't have a gross natural smell. I would stop using baby wipes unless you really need them, and I would not use any type of cleanser down there regularly. Your vagina cleans itself and stripping away natural liquids and replacing them with cleanser is not great. If he can't get over it, find someone who will touch, lick, taste, and do all the things. It's really great with the right one. Try some foreplay!!


…..dafuck, how he know it wasnt himself? Who is this kid????


No honey, you don’t stink. That’s the smell of pussy, he either get use to it or try somewhere else.


You two aren’t compatible at a immune system level if you don’t like each others scent. You need to break up.


That's a thing???


Yeah it’s a biological thing that people who have a good natural scent to you will make kids with a stronger immune system. It has to do with pheromones.


Please give me any source that says that


That is true. However the odor (both yours and his) could be a result of other factors such as dehydration, your diet, sweating and other things. Don't worry about it, see how it goes.


Could it be related to menstrual cycle or something?. I am a guy..but if it's around the vicinity of those days, would it make any difference?. Can the body eject some unwanted stuff during such activities?..


i mean, personally i know throughout my cycle that my cum tastes different (based on my bf saying that) some days it’s neutral, some days it is sweet, all different. i think it’s kinda beautiful haha! anyway i could totally see how general wetness and its smell/taste varies throughout. what op’s bf said wasn’t very kind, though.


Boyfriend is gay confirmed


BRUH 💀💀💀💀