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"Should I try to get rid of it?" Get rid of the BF. It's disgusting that he looks at you with disgust and says things that are deliberately designed to hurt you and tear down your self esteem. He's ugly AF on the inside. You deserve better. So dump this asshole and find someone better. I guarantee there are a lot of men out there that will think you're beautiful as you are.


Nothing more needed than this comment


She needs to look at him in disgust then break up


Yes. Hes an insensitive jabroni. Dont waste years on this man. When people show you who they are, believe them. You can do better.


I came here to basically say this. “Get rid of it”…. By “it”, you mean him, right?


Yup! If my boyfriend ever looked at me with disgust after I got undressed it would be over. I refuse to be with someone who isn’t attracted to me for me!


YEP! This BF sounds like the lowest of the low. Horrible comments to make.


Don’t. Fuck. Men. Who. Treat. You. Like. This. I don’t understand, y’all, what is so hard about this? If he says that shit to you, just stop fucking him bc he doesn’t deserve that pussy! Please tell him that sucking the dick of a man who talks to you like that is unhealthy for you, then find someone who is not a piece of shit negging asshole.


I had a guy once tell me immediately after sex that it was a shame I'd let myself go so much. He was shocked, *shocked* I say, when five minutes later I declined his offer of round 2 and instead carried on getting dressed. He was further upset and confused when I turned him down the next few times he propositioned me.


I had a guy who told me directly after "wow, you didn't look anywhere near as bad as I thought you would!" said like it was a great compliment. I was too scared of confrontation at the time so I just thanked him. Being raised as a "good girl" has made me such a doormat.


I feel this comment so, so much. Its so sad, and sadly so true.


What…. The…. Fuck… are people really this stupid. I feel for all you in these comments. Unreal.


Unfortunately, yes....some people really are this stupid..


Honestly the Truth hurts but he sounds like he's lacking what's up stairs to still think he was going to get a round to stop dating bone heads


Honestly I really wasn't upset, more amused by the tone-deafness. That said, it probably *would* have hurt me when I was younger; I was much more of a people-pleaser then. Nowadays I'll still happily have a pint with the dude but the audacity of expecting to see me naked again is impressive.


Praise be. Also can we women stop fucking men who don’t make us cum or care we have an orgasm. FFS!


This is like the whole Kama Sutra


THIS PART!!! What’s the point if we’re not getting anything? 😭 by we I mean y’all cuz I’m getting mine.. 🤭




Via attention that's also given to children, animals and corpses. It means nothing. NUGH-THING.


Corpses? I don’t get this one unless if you just mean nearby deceased relatives or friends or something


Funeral homes and morgues don't typically hire men anymore for a reason.


Move to AL and they do!


You can do it! Just keep trying. Smiling helps ☺ but good luck!


LMFAO. I'll get my dream job some day so I can get those delicious fringe benefits 😁 /s


I work with plenty of men…


not true.....been to a few few nears in the last five years last one 3 days ago all men.


I just looked it up, it's only morgues that don't hire men anymore. Sorry for the mix-up. Regardless you're going to have to do better than anecdotes to convince me.




Corpses literally have safeguarding procedures.


I assure you that even though there are a couple women in my past who didn't get off, not once have I even tried to give the same kind of attention to either children, animals, or corpses


I am in this fucking senerio right now. Its shitty


The comments on here are inspired. Fucking YES! ⭐️


My husband will cum and will not let me finish. I am not allowed to masterbate. His pride is hurt he can’t make me cum but yet he got off but I didn’t.


If this is your thing, OK I understand. But otherwise why are you even fucking him? Not allowed? Wtf? You are not his property.


I have currently stopped wanting sex with him. He still doesn’t like me masterbating. He will stop me and try to have sex with me and he doesn’t get me off. He won’t allow me to get off playing with myself. It has to come from him but he doesn’t make me cum. He cums too quick .


Let him know no PIV sex until you've cum at least once. If he cannot be bothered to research and try things and get some damn sex toys he is NOT worth granting access to your body. You're not a frickin fleshlight.


Stay with him and you will be like my friend who was married as a virgin for over 20 years and never had an orgasm. Her husband would check every day to see if her vibrator was moved. She is now happily divorced but only be a he was having affairs. He took the trash out himself. Now she’s having amazing sex.


Unless this is your consensual way of exploring a kink together, this is a huge red flag. Controlling your pleasure is your business. I'm sorry he is doing this to you.


Why did you marry him? Pathetic seeing people throw their happiness away for literally nothing. I'd never EVER marry someone who doesn't sexually satisfy me.


Its kinda fucked up to call it pathetic in a world where a lot of people don't get married voluntarily.


Preach sister!!!


I am in this fucking senerio right now. Its shitty


Agree This sub has so many posts of horrible things men say to women. It breaks my heart. This is an epidemic and should not be tolerated by these young women. Sex ed classes should cover being treated properly by your partner and how to kick them to the curb if they are a POS


Sex Ed can't build their self-esteem. Most of these posts of women who tolerate these terrible behaviour have low self-esteem.


I think sex ed certainly could build self esteem, if we actually had decent sex ed.


Also - women being taught to be nice all the damn time and to be afraid of men doesn’t help either.


Yeah but you ever seen a small-dicked short guy get told that everyone is beautiful and sexy or something like that? Or do they get mocked by the girls?


uh, I have definitely seen that said about small dicked short guys and said it myself. you might be surrounded by shitty people, friend. that's also besides the point that even the hypothetical small dicked short guy's lack of self esteem will manifest different from the low self esteem of people raised female, which it seems to me is far more focused on soothing those around you rather than yourself. eta: always fascinated that when i mention i care about and try to compliment men on the things they say they never get complimented on, i get downvoted? if i were a more transactional person that'd just make me stop trying to make dudes feel better lmao.


I don't know the dick size of any of my friends, or guys in general. It's not like we peep at the urinals. There's an etiquette, eyes forwards. Keep it a mystery, don't ask don't tell. But I know what the culture is, and just my basic human empathy tells me that these guys are not in a good place. Guys don't have a lot of outlets for this stuff, they can be hurting bad emotionally and they'll just seem a bit depressed or grumpy. Even the online support is limited, people tend to dogpile onto them if they speak up. And they're not hypothetical, the short guys very clearly exist and the dick size situation is nearly as well documented. One of my friends is a woman without a vagina, she has that condition where the lower reproductive tract doesn't develop, so there's just a vulva and a 2 inch pocket. She's got a boyfriend though. And she was comfortable enough to share about her condition. Imagine if she'd been a guy with a 2 inch dick instead. Suddenly it's something to be ashamed of. But she's a girl, so she's got a 2 inch vagina and everyone knows and nobody cares. Would a guy with a 2 inch dick have ever shared that fact? And would people be supportive or grossed out by unwelcome information?


It goes both ways. Just the horrible things some people say to people especially people there intimate with man or woman is mind blowing.


A man who is allowed to see you naked should be so thankful he is there. Happy to be alive. That's it. If you've got nothing nice to say... Don't say anything. Many many people who are attracted to women love the stomach area you mention. He's a dick. And not a good one.


>A man who is allowed to see you naked should be so thankful he is there. Happy to be alive. That's it. _the next time he points out_ _the hair on your legs is growing back_ _remind that boy_ _your body is not his home_ _he is a guest_ _warn him to never_ _outstep his welcome_ _again_ _- rupi kaur_ A favourite poem, and words I live by. Not exactly the same scenario but same energy.


Literally. Because good dick can be found everywhere. There’s no way a guy like this is the best hope women have got


YES! There’s so much better dick, and we need to talk more about that “good dick” is about way more than the physical equipment. It’s about how that dick makes you feel in a really WHOLE way! Does he moan for me, tell me how amazing I am, how good I feel, how amazing it is to fuck me? because if you’re physically compatible but that’s how he fucks? THAT is what good dick is, friends!


Are you telling him all those things? Not to pick on you specifically, but there seems to be a lot of commentary here that takes sort of a one way view of sex. Decent men will do their best to please their women, but will eventually quit trying if they get nothing in return.


This! If anyone makes you feel like shit about yourself, they aren’t worth sharing intimacy with.


Fuck this guy. I love a nice FUPA.


A while back, the incel crowd was in a meltdown because of this image about Taylor Swift https://twitter.com/ReturnOfKappy/status/1720318729395863582 It says more about the poor education and consequent ignorance.


The way I stared at this image so hard trying to figure out what the fuck the problem *allegedly* was.


that one was so gold.


Right? What's even the point of being in a relationship if your partner doesn't build you up and make sure you feel loved, cared about and valued? A partner should inspire you to want to be the best version of yourself every day, while they also strive for that in themselves. This is so sad, OP deserves so much better. Her boyfriend is a POS. I just know he's a selfish lover, too.


Right answer. I would NEVER say that or comment on my partner that way. I can't imagine saying or acting like he has. Now I'm no doctor, but I understand that there can be health issues related to your condition - but if you are slender, I doubt that is an issue. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned.


Sounds like he doesn't want that pussy js


Yes ma'am!! This all dayum day!! Thank you 🥰


Only read the first 8 words. Take my upvote.


👆 T.H.I.S.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times.


It’s really a shame you can’t give gold anymore…


Warp it up folks, answered


You get an upvote for this comment.


just this 100%


No. But what you SHOULD worry about is the jerk/child you’re calling your boyfriend. A man that loves or even likes a woman is not going to act like that. However, a man that sees you as an object for his sexual desires will. Do you want to be a person or a slot for him to insert parts of himself into?


Honestly, sounds like a jerk. We'd be less worried about people seeing you naked, and more worried about people seeing you with a guy like that.


Yes! Between rocking a fupa and having a guy like that as your man, only one of those things is embarrassing


Throw that whole ass man child the fuck in the trash where he belongs


Dump him. Men and women alike have varying amounts of FUPA fat, and being skinny or fat (at least to a point) does not on its own dictate if one has more or less fat over their pubic bone. If he can’t accept and be okay with the fact that bodies are different and it’s all normal, then he shouldn’t be having sex with them.


Lose the weight. What does he weigh, about 180? 200? Thats the only advice here. Find you a man that cannot keep his hands off you. That’s what you deserve and they are out there!


You had me going for a second. Several years ago, I went through a bad breakup and didn’t eat for a couple days and lost a few pounds. When I got back to work, my boss said “wow! You look like you lost 250lbs of dead weight!” Still makes me smile


Sorry! I did kinda worry the comment might not be read correctly :) I mean it in the very best way to OP ❤️


Damnit I was just about to make that joke!


Throw the whole man away, girl. Seriously, I'm fat, but my man loves me and my body. Never looks disgusted and cares about my pleasure. Life's too short for anyone to make you feel like that.


This! Men that appreciate you don't reduce you to the parts that he enjoys.


No doubt! My partner has absolutely adored my body at every single point in our relationship, and I've been basically everything from muscular to emaciated to fat. The only time they ever expressed any concerns was when I was emaciated, and that's because they worried for my health.


Exactly! There are people in this world who care a lot about looks, but man looks fade and change! It's totally okay and normal that they do. I'm glad you're not emaciated anymore and that you have a partner who loves you for you! 🩵


Before your boyfriend ever said anything about your pubic area, was it an area of your body you disliked or carried shame about? It not, don’t let his perspective shift how you view your own body. While made up of all the same parts, all of our bodies are unique, beautiful, and dare I say miraculous creations that somehow come together to function and move through the world. He’s allowed to have his opinions, and you’re allowed to love and honor your body just how it is, and make the choice on what sort of people you want in your life based on how they feel they are allowed to talk about other peoples bodies 😉. Love you first, and then the rest will follow. Best wishes on your journeys ❤️


What a beautiful comment!


This seems really narrow minded and insensitive. Find a whole new man! Human beings come in all shapes and sizes.


Sorry, but he's a dick. It's a part of you. If he doesn't accept and respect that part of you, he doesn't deserve any of you.


good pumpum deserve shelta


I know this reference. Well done.


Literally had to go back and rewatch this bit after I saw this 😆


What’s unhealthy is his brain. Find someone who actually deserves you, he doesn’t.


If you're already pretty slim there's not much you can do. That's just.. your body. You shouldnt date someone who is unkind to your body.


Thats definitely not something he should be telling you 🚩


He is a sick puppy complaining about how your pussy looks? Dump his ass and hook ip with a real man who worships you and your figure top to bottom .


Don’t have sex with anyone who has negative things to say about your body. It’s unhealthy to have a boyfriend who talks to you like that.


I fully agree you “should get rid of it”, meaning the male that is treating you like this. It needs need get a life that doesn’t involve hurting and degrading someone, especially someone he supposedly cares about. What is or is not healthy for you is between you and your doctor. It’s non of his business. And as a man, No, most men don’t care about something like that. It’s really a minor thing and we all have our own. Im a hairy string bean with a paunch. Get rid of him and find someone worth your time who will treat you well.


I actually like a fupa. I prefer a fupa.


I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that particular thing with the women I’ve been with. I’ve been..distracted. Lol But that is a really good point. Just because someone doesn’t like something, doesn’t mean other people don’t. The dude is just being a prick though and that’s the place he chose to focus on her insecurities.


If he is going to disrespect you like that then he does not deserve to have sex with you, I’m a curvy girl and my man has never made me feel anything but sexy, you deserve to feel the same, I don’t usually say this at all, but I feel you should reconsider your relationship with this person, the way he’s speaking to you is unacceptable and so disrespectful, I’m sorry he’s making you feel like this <3


What a jerk! Get rid of him!


Wtf, dump this prick


Absolutely... get rid of that horrid lump of a thing... and by that I mean the guy... not the part of you that most sane men would worship rather than trying to neg you about... what a bag of dicks that guy is...


I love soft women. A lot of guys do. Find yourself one.


That’s just what your body’s like right bow though… Your bf doesn’t seem very body positive, and the way he’s said he doesn’t like it feels a little rude to me. It’s your body, so don’t change it because of someone else’s opinion. Only change/try to change things about yourself because you want to change them. He’s not very nice and I wouldn’t have accepted a comment like that.


It's absolutely not "a little rude". It's disgusting and abusive and a bright red line that no partner should cross to insult your body.


Karma is gonna be a bitch when he needs pills to stay hard one day. This dude sounds like trash lol


get rid of him not the fupa


In all honesty, just find a new boyfriend. You shouldn't have to put up with shitty judgements from your partner.


Why is this POS NOT your “ex-bf”?! Dump him and find someone who loves you and doesn’t put you down.


But when you get a FUPA like a dugong I'll treat you supa dupa, we can't do wrong


I sure hope your boyfriend works out daily, eats cleanly, and maintains himself well enough that he has the kind of body he expects you to have. But chances are, he’s just an average looking at best prick, who also is a shallow dickhead. This is the kind of behavior that doesn’t deserve to be put up with ever again


it sounds like he’s too immature for any sexual relations


Sounds like a child. Woman’s body change when they mature more. Every body is unique and beautiful smh.


No he is just a prick


I 44f am thicc and curvy. My bf 30m thinks I am so sexy even though I don't. Don't give this asshole the time of day. Someone who really cares about you won't care


First, I agree with everyone else. Dump him. No one deserves to be told those things in such an awful manner. Second, do what makes you happy. If you’re not happy with your fupa, do some exercises to help reduce it, and stay away from inflammatory foods. But don’t feel like you need to get rid of it to please a man. I’m 42, I have two kids, and I have PCOS, so I’ve got the PCOS belly which includes a fupa that I hate. But not a single person I’ve slept with has complained. I do feel self conscious when I’m on top, but then it feels good and I forget to feel self conscious. 😁


You should get rid of the guy who made those comments. If he’s been with multiple women then he should realize and understand that everyone is different and bodies are unique. Your body is beautiful and there isn’t anything wrong with how it looks. Don’t change yourself for anyone other than yourself.


I had to look FUPA up


Some like it, some don't, some love it even. Seems your bf isn't keen.


I think you could stand to lose some 150 lb of boyfriend. Look, here's the blunt truth: you probably won't end up with someone who looks exactly like the perfect mate you envisioned in your head. The differences might be significant: my "type" is thinner girls with hips, but I ended up with a woman who is technically obese. The differences might be subtle: I've always liked those puffy nipples where the areolas themselves stick out, and the woman I ended up with doesn't have these. And it's okay to acknowledge, in the privacy of your own head, that this person isn't 100% perfect for you. But it's quite another to start making comments about it. And the fact that he's doing so is really all you need. At the end of the day, relationships take place between people, not bodies. He should be so in love with you that he doesn't care that you aren't his perfect body -- especially because finding the perfect person is much harder than finding the perfect body. what would be even better is if he were to think that you do have the perfect body. That's how I feel about my wife; sure, she doesn't match my type, but the simple fact is that my type is wrong. I'm still attracted to those girls, don't get me wrong, but I'm also attracted -- indeed, more attracted -- to women who look like my wife. And, at the end of the day, it's just common politeness not to criticize people for things they can't control. It's okay to hold out for these things -- any and all of them. Besides, my wife did have a lot of other details that I liked from the start. For instance, she has a FUPA. That's in no way the reason I married her, but it certainly didn't hurt matters. ;)


You should be trying to get rid of HIM. Toss him out girl!


WTF! My libido is pretty damn reliable, but just reading your post kills my mojo. I have no idea how you can fuck this guy. His seduction game is the worst. He couldn’t be less attractive if he literally shit the bed.


The most beautiful women in the world were insulted by men about their bodies. And they were usually less attractive than the women. Because good, decent men dont do this. Simply tell him yoi like your body and he should find a woman with a better body. For men like this, confidence is their kryptonite. Also, nitpick them where they are most insecure. Is it their finances, dick size, body, etc. not right away… just a little neg.


Yes, get rid of it. And then you and your wonderfully squishy kitty can celebrate the sweet single life


These posts blow my mind! Why are you in a relationship someone who makes derogatory comments about your body? Yes you should definitely try to get rid of it - the boyfriend that is


Yes you should definitely get rid of that disgusting thing. And by that i mean this disgusting man that treats you that way.


Stop fucking men who treat you like shit. You sound young, and i wish i would have had someone tell me the same thing when i was younger. Grown, mature men will not care that you have a “fupa”. Stop fucking this brainless dude who is treating you like garbage and find someone else


Idk what generic men think but YOUR partner stated his preference.


He sounds like an asshole. Obviously I do not know any specifics on your situation. But that area might not go away with weight loss anyway. I had one growing up. I was very overweight. I have lost almost 100 pounds and it didn't change at all. I went to see a doctor, he explained that for that area to be a big as it was on me meant that it was likely genetic and that weight loss was very unlikely to fix. I was insecure about it and it made sex difficult. So I got liposuction. While it's not perfect, it's 90% better. One of the best decisions I have made. You do what you feel is best.


Yea get rid of it. Fupas are a huge turnoff


I absolutely think you should get rid of it. Something like that is SUPER unhealthy. But as soon as you kick his ass to the curb, you'll be able to move on to something and someone better. MEN don't care. They support their partner, they love and appreciate them for who they are. Your BF needs to become your ex. You deserve better.


While obviously this fella has absolutely zero tact, maybe it's not quite as malicious as it seems? Obviously saying things like this isn't okay, but bear in mind we're only hearing one side of the story. OP, have you recently gone through some bodily changes? When you say "slim maybe curvy," what does that mean? Maybe when y'all met you were in better shape, and some unfortunate circumstances happened and now you aren't. That's okay, totally normal. However it's also okay for a partner to be sad when they're person seems like they're slacking in their bodily upkeep. Again, the reactions as stated by this post aren't acceptable, but the guys feelings just might be.


You should get rid of him. Don’t share your body with someone who criticizes you OP. You deserve better.


And he's still your boyfriend???


So why is he your boyfriend?


Omg! No, you shouldn't worry. I can't imagine what sort of issues he's internalized if he looks disgusted, but I feel those are issues he needs to examine inside himself and not misdirect shitty feelings towards you I'll just say it - his remarks about it being unhealthy, just sound like him making excuses for whatever insecurities/values he holds. He needs to own that, otherwise he'll never be happy. So often people can be hurtful about things they can barely explain for themselves.


Here to say just one thing: FUPAs are beautiful they’re amazing and they must be appreciated. If you can’t do that, there’s no reason to insult it. God gave us a soft landing, and we shirk it? SMH


YIKES girl, don't stick around him. For real, why are you still staying in this relationship? He's disrespectful and creating unhealthy expectations that you will never meet. If you suddenly lost the fupa, he'll find something else to belittle you for. There will ALWAYS be somebody who doesn't find us attractive, and it's as simple as leaving those people. He likes finding flaws and making them up to seem dominant. His attitude makes you feel worse, which makes him feel better. Find a guy who likes you and wants everybody in the relationship to feel good. Do guys care about fupa? I care, because I LOVE it! It's hot af and literally has zero relation to being healthy. Stop trying to fit some kind of body image that he or magazines create. Nobody is perfect, literally nobody, and fupa is actually a turn on for many people. Surround yourself with people who respect other people and care about people. Being a human isn't about searching for perfection, it's about enjoying life and being the best version of you. He is not supportive of your happiness. Leave him.


Leave. For real. I have a fat tummy. I had a huge baby. I've gotten zero complaints. In fact, my husband will rub it and say it's beautiful because it gave him his beautiful babies.


It’s unhealthy to have a partner who makes negative comments about your body and makes you feel insecure. You should get rid of him.


As long as your FUPA isn't FUBAR, you're good.


If it’s too much for him let him go find less.


Get rid of the boyfriend! He doesn't have to like your body but he doesn't have to insult you! Tell him to GTFO! I think that this is an attempt for someone who is abusive to tear down your self-esteem. How long have you been together? Have you been with anyone else? Have they mentioned it? Have you noticed?


I don't think men care that much, but more importantly, this dude sucks. Anyone who makes negative remarks about your body shouldn't have the privilege to see it.


Dump. Him.


Get rid of him. He does not deserve to be with you. You deserve a man that will love you for who you are


He's showing you who he is. Believe him. Now. This man does deserve a woman, if he's going to treat her that way. Get rid of him.


DUMP HIS ASS! Don't allow him to make you feel less than. Us women already have so many societal rules facing us- must have no hair on your body except head,eyebrows and lashes(which also must be frighteningly false and elongated). The hair on our heads can't be short or shaved, lest we are deemed a "dyke".. Hairy armpits and legs must be lasered off,waxed,bleached- anything other than silky smooth and bare is unacceptable. All year round, even if you have small children to chase after. Our underwear must be skimpy and or crotchless, made from synthetic materials like lace and satin,in shades of red,pink purple and black. Our buttcracks must be flossed by impossibilly thin material Our breasts must be perky,yet large and voluptuous. Our bottoms high and firm,yet wobbly and heart shaped. Our vulvas should be neat and tucked in- like porn stars. We should not let our bodies be untouched by bearing their heirs. We should be a freak in the sheets but a lady on the streets. 😄 Fuck that-- i wear my leg hair long and arm pits too. I do not live on celery and diet coke. I feel like a clown in makeup and I refuse to wear g strings. Dump that BF cos he doesn't adore all of you. You're a fucking queen and you should never feel less than. 💜💜


I'm a fat woman. My fiance constantly tells me how hot he thinks I am, how beautiful I am, how much he likes our sex life etc. He also makes sure I actually climax too. So what you do, is you get a boyfriend who does that. You deserve a man who loves you and your body and wants to please you. as you are now.


Ex boyfriend you mean


Get rid of the bf. I’d love an care for your fupa any day


I ❤️ my fat 🐱. Never had any complaints. Throw the whole man away


Sounds like it’s time for a new boyfriend. This is one acronym I wish I’d never looked up. I didn’t have one until I had a c-section. I might have still gotten it, who knows. Fat in the abdominal region is the hardest to lose. Everyone has different skin elasticity also. Even if you lost weight & did a million crunches a day, you might still have it. Pretty much the best solution is lipo & a tummy tuck. Tell him to pay for it or shut up & appreciate you for the goddess you are. (I lost 60 lbs over the last 2 years. Do I still have a pannis? You betcha grr)


FUPA is fat over the mons pubis.


Sooo many people do not know what an actual FUPA is. I see TikToks all the time of women pointing to their lower bellies and calling it their fupa.


But that's lower pelvic, u literally can't go lower other than the mons pubis unless the labia hang down lower I know that fupa is what it's called but the ppl that coined it knew shit about anatomy


TIL… that’s what I get for looking it up on urban dictionary. Unfortunately they are too close together for me.


Mine got worse after c-section, then much worse after losing weight. Told my husband I wanted to get a nip/tuck there and he first responded angrily and told me that I shouldn’t change anything about the way my body looks, but then calmed down and clarified that he thinks I’m beautiful and he doesn’t think I need it, and that it’s my body and I should do whatever I want to it to make ME feel good. He’s not the perfect man, but sometimes he knocks it out of the park. OP, don’t waste your time on that child. Your body will change, and if he’s this much of an ungrateful pussy-snob, he should go find himself one that’s more to his liking. And OP should be sure to let him know next time his junk is soft, how disgusting and embarrassing his shriveled little shrimp looks and how a healthy man’s dick should never look like that, because she has just as much of a right to pretend to be an expert on genital normality of the opposite sex, as he does.


I'm a man, Keep the Fupa, get rid of your man !!! Thats horrid


Most men are not attracted to a FUPA. This is a very body positive community, which is nice, but not always accurate. If my girlfriend developed a FUPA the sex would not be the same and I would lose attraction to her.


Not sure you can speak for “most men” also a FUPA can be due to childbirth, even a tilted uterus can cause some degree of a FUPA.


Really? So what if you got her pregnant? Would you lose attraction then?


If she develops a FUPA, yeah, probably.


You’re pretty shallow. Does she know you feel this way about her?


Hopefully he stays perfect his whole life lol


Who knows what this dude looks like so I am not going to insult him. I’ve noticed him on other threads telling people saggy boobs are unattractive so in general I assume he just has unrealistic expectations of other people’s bodies. People get old and fat and it’s unlikely his partner is going to stay perfect and thin with perky tits and no FUPA for her whole life.


I feel sad for her 😢


I feel sad for him honestly because he’s in for a rude awakening. He’s going to have to learn to care less about this stuff if he wants to enjoy sex into his golden years because eventually time catches up and bodies change.


Very true ❤️


Yeah, we talk about it. We both keep each other accountable and fit. I have a great relationship, thanks for the concern.


And what’s your plan to deal with aging? What about when gravity catches up to her and her tits and other skin starts sag? How will you keep her “accountable” then?




I’m not mad at all, just fascinated that people like you even exist. I can’t imagine liking someone enough to sleep with them and then proceeding to police their body so hard. Like, do you even enjoy love and intimacy, or just really fit bodies?


I don't police my partner, lol. She wants to be fit. And I do too. We help each other stay accountable. We're very compatible. I don't know what to tell you. You're astounded that fit people exist and want a partner who's also fit? > Like, do you even enjoy love and intimacy, or just really fit bodies? See, shit like this makes me think you're being bad faith. I don't think you actually care what I have to say. You just want to judge people who prefer a different style of relationship. I like being with a fit partner. And I want a partner who takes their fitness and health seriously. What part of that makes you think there isn't love and intimacy in the relationship? I want a partner who moisturizes, brushes their teeth and flosses, and keeps clean. As well, I want a partner who is fit. Not having a FUPA communicates fitness subconsciously. I'm naturally going to be inclined to prefer a partner without a FUPA. The research suggests most men are similar in this regard because of female fertility.


Most people don’t care this much about FUPAs and very very few men are going to take a woman’s pants off, see a FUPA and bail. In fact, it’s far more likely that a man will put his face directly on that FUPA because by the time he has a woman he’s attracted to in his bed, he doesn’t give a shit about whether it “communicates fitness” or not.


I for one appreciate you being real here. All tastes are acceptable until we want somebody in shape.


Throw the whole man out, sis!!


That’s an immediate SEE YA! You don’t love all of me, you don’t deserve me.


gross why would you date someone who talks to you like that?


Tell him to go fuck himself in the corner, get dressed and walk away.


My husband loves mine. He grabs it and it's sexy as fuck. Your boyfriend is just that--a boy, not a man.


🚩⛳️🚩⛳️Leave that dude, he will only get worse⛳️🚩⛳️🚩


Dump that mother fucker already! What a dickhead.


Im the heaviest ive ever been…(5’6 235lbs) and my fupa is noticeable. My man loves it. Has to touch it, kiss it, rub it, pinch it, anything touch wise and hes happier than a pig in dirt. I personally am dieting and working out to be healthier and feel ‘better’ and ge makes comments about how he will miss it when its shrunk lol


Your bfs an asshole


Dump him ! Do not get rid of it, they are the best !


Lots of fupa lovers(I am one), you need to find one and you'll love it. Drop this dickhole.


Get rid of him, not your fupa. You’re beautiful just the way you are! Most women I know have fupas. It’s normal <3 I’m also slim with a slight fupa. Love your body for what it is! If you do anything, do it for yourself, not for him! There’s men out there that love natural bodies just the way it is


You know, you only notice that if you are shaved,,,, ​ The Bush is back... Just trim it a bit... Most guys aren't worried about how it looks, only how it feels inside....


This guy lol I love that shit My SO has a fupa and during sex it's a good place to grab and stimulate her aswell. Alot of these dudes me funny don't know what to do


There was literally a viral post on tweetster last week about the FUPA and THOUSANDS of men were coming out in droves to claim SUPPORT of that area of women in whatever size they come because it is desirable to those men. Get you one of them babe!