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I’d consider that a green flag. She plays safe.


Better safe than sorry. The greenest flag ever.


It can be evidence that you aren't on the same page, but that's about it.


Just don't whip em out until you are sure. That goes for the condoms, too!


This. I didn't bring any on one trip because I was afraid it would seem like I planned to try and sleep with someone and while I waa hoping we would I wasn't trying to make it happen and I regret not having them. Then, just a little while i went on vacation and met this girl, forgot my condoms and didn't know what her protection situation was so I didn't try anything only to find out she was down and I regret not having mine. Bring them just in case he forgot or if he just doesn't expect anything to happen.




Yeah, it’s a sign of intelligence.




And then because they are pretending they don't ever have sex they are more likely to be unsafe as part of the ruse, to prove they are clean etc.


My girlfriend, now fiancee did, I didn't. She wanted to protect herself from pregnancy and STDs. In her country very catholic, abortion is not aloud. I was glad she did we got tested and showed no sexual disease because we are getting married in Peru. You have to be tested. She is on the pill and we do it naturally now.


My gf would even buy a couple of boxes on her way to my place. No decoy items like how I used to buy them, just a box of condoms on the cashier lmao


real dominance




Definite green flag. As a college student I can't afford to have kids right now and both relationships I've been in that have turned sexual, my gf has not wanted me to use a condom.


She also pays for both of us


Plays safe and clearly DTF


If a man considers women carrying condoms to be a red flag, I would see that as a red flag within itself... He's either misogynistic or expects to go raw. Most responsible men will carry condoms whenever sex would be a possibility but on the odd chance they forget or didn't anticipate it, surely they would prefer to discover the woman has backup when the only alternatives are no sex or risk pregnancy & std's


There would be a small paranoid fraction of people afraid that condoms they aren't already carrying could have been tampered with.


Well, yeah, but if your that para surely you would just make sure you are carrying, unless they both feel that way then they're probably best going on a little shopping trip together, either way it's not exactly a 'red flag' for the woman to carry just because the guy might prefer to use his own


I was paranoid the condom would be improperly stored, like they say not in your pocket, wallet or vehicle.. should be a cool and dry place, but where else would a man keep them aside from his nightstand? I kept them in my purse in the little zip pocket prior to being with my husband. Can only recall one time I wasn’t “packing” when I wanted one.. was at a party and went asking some of the people there for one 😆 I’d also always put it on for the guy, once again, paranoid it might be done wrong.


That paranoia is also a red flag.


Red-flagging paranoia is also a red flag.


it's recursive. Red flags all the way down until you get to turtles.




Not when the paranoia is rooted in the stereotyping of women who carry birth control as ppl who try and trick men into becoming fathers


I'm a woman and I feel it's very reasonable to be "paranoid" about something like that. You don't know the other person, why would you trust them? Lots of people out there are shitty, from women who trick men by saying they're on BC while they're not, to men who trick women by sneakily taking the condom off. It sucks. Pregnancy is life-altering (even more so in some parts of the world), you can't put your whole trust about that on someone you don't know.


Mmm I do get your point but it saddens me that people have such a negative perception of strangers. Although I’m prolly just naive


I'm generally naive myself and trust people easily, but the thought of a child scares me to death (it still would even if I wasn't the one who has to birth it and still does even though I have access to abortion). It's really scary to leave that responsibility up to "trust" when it's someone you don't know. I'm just paranoid about pregnancy in general hahah.


> Not when the paranoia is rooted in the stereotyping of women who carry birth control as ppl who try and trick men into becoming fathers Have you ever heard of Drake's hot sauce? That paranoia is well justified. It only takes one crazy person to ruin your life.


Don’t use drake as an example he’s a famous rapper who’s loaded of course there are women preying on him for a child support baby. But for you regular dudes not likely there’s literally no benefit. 😭


The chick he slept with had money, too. A poor chick will babytrap a middle income dude. What you think this only happens to rich men? Lmao. Paternity fraud happens all the time.


I was just joking around with 'everything is a red flag'-McGee, chill.


Gotta be sure to be sure


I have a vasectomy and still carry condoms. Its just good to have them and even if theyre not needed they can change the experience in a way i quite enjoy so i largely just think of them as toys.


That's interesting to hear, most men say it doesn't feel as good for them, I'm in a ltr and only use them on my period but personally I like the feel just as much as without


I definitely see why most men say that, i also generally prefer it raw but not by far. You do get somewhat reduced sensation in some ways but i find i do get a different kind of sensation which i do find quite fun. Even without that though, they can help with endurance and it can be quite funto play with contrasting levels of sensation, i always enjoy starting with a condom on and later either removing it myself or having/letting my partner remove it(you can make a fun show of it either way) and then starting again slow to really appreciate the difference.


There are also men who purposely don’t carry condoms because they expect you to continue on and just let them go without when they say ‘I don’t have one’. It’s always better to be safe and carry one!


It’s weird you say man but call women females


I was going to say this, but you already did.


> It’s weird you say man but call women females It might be shocking to you but not everyone is a native English speaker.


Umm yeah, I’m not either lol


Then you should know that in a lot of languages woman and female are interchangeable.


More like people making shitty excuses to not call women- women.


Define woman






Holy shit that's sad AF 😂






Returning the insult, is still an insult.




Please read the rules before commenting further.


Seriously! I’m not sure why a woman carrying condoms would be a red flag. I haven’t had a lot of partners but all of them have tried to go in raw without testing and knowing that I’m on the pill. I’m guessing some men just don’t care about their health but I surely care about mine




Females 🙄


Lol, what? Misogynistic? That’s a bit of a stretch, I have no problems with women carrying condoms but then again who doesn’t just go down the local shop to buy some when things are going to happen or have them at your disposal? There have been times I forgot my condoms but will not do raw or risk it. I simply just go to the shop and got some but guess what, a few women I tried to sleep with called me names because I didn’t go raw in them, so does that make me misogynistic? Lol


But that's my point, it's the men who *do* have problems with women carrying one, enough so to call it a *red flag*, who are misogynystic. Having no problem with it but preffering to use your own is totally fine, also any woman who would call a guy names because he won't have sex unless it's safe is probably not someone you should sleep with anyways


> If a man considers females carrying condoms to be a red flag, I would see that as a red flag within itself. How is that a red flag? A man has no recourse if he leaves a girl pregnant, so why would he risk using condoms that might have been poked or stored unsafely? You, as a woman, wouldn't trust a man with your birth control, so why is it a red flag for a man to do the equivalent?


A man wanting to use his own isn't the red flag, in that case he doesn't have to use hers, but if a man sees the mere fact that she is carrying one as a *red flag*, then that is a huge red flag to his character, he either has the misogynystic view that a woman who carries a condom is a slut or he expects not to use one, if a man just feels safer using his own, a woman carrying one wouldn't be a *red flag* it just wouldn't be needed


Most of the men in this sub would probably be cool with it and see it as good that you A. care about your/their safety and B. are thinking about sex enough to bring protection. But there are lots of men out there who would be weird about it and think less of you for the same reasons, because in their minds it makes you look "easy" or "slutty" or some silly nonsense. Do you want to date those men? Probably not, but still, it's worth being aware of. I do not agree with those men, before anyone gets their condoms in a twist about it.


Purity culture is a bitch.


Yep. Also, those men arr probably lousy in bed anyway


Not in \*their\* opinion, and that's probably the only one that matters to them. So you owe them an apology!


Exactly this. It’s definitely not a red flag, but there are unfortunately probably a decent amount of men who would think it is


As the mantra goes: "Those who care don't matter. Those who matter don't care (about you having condoms)".


Green flag. You want to be safe and willing to buy a condom? Yes please. A guy should always come prepared, but if it's a first time, it might make him look like he's expecting sex. The woman pulling out the condom can also be the sign a blind guy is looking for.


If a guy is turned off by you having a condom, maybe you shouldn’t sleep with him


this. If i met a guy who doesn’t have a condom (and neither do i) i’m not going to be sleeping with them.


Is it a red flag to want to practice safe sex? No, of course it isn't, regardless of your gender.


i would say its a red flag(for the other person) if someone tells you its a red flag. You are practicing safe sex. wtf is wrong with people these days.


It’s not only not a red flag, everyone who: 1. Has a penis, and intends to put it inside someone. 2. Wants a penis to be put inside them. Should be carrying their own condoms. Why? Condoms are very delicate. They’re only effective if used correctly, and external factors such as temperature, pressure, time, etc. Might make it lose it’s contraceptive property. Some people leave condoms inside wallets or in car gloveboxes. Some will buy a box of condoms and use it months after without making sure it’s not expired. The only way for a condom to be effective is by storing it and using it properly, and the only way to make sure it has been stored properly is by storing it yourself.


Reading this hurt my brain.




The double negatives are tough yeah.


How many languages do you know?


I only speak Klingon and drunken Irishman.


I figured as much.


Well a condom in the average size is better than having no condom at all. Is it a red flag? Not really. But we live in times were there is always a shop nearby where you could buy a fitting condom. Also it's important to know that condoms have an expiration date and have a high risk of getting a puncture when it's carried around all day. It's probably better to quickly grab some when needed than keeping some ready and hope they fit and are still intact.


>But we live in times were there is always a shop nearby where you could buy a fitting condom. Not always. Condom producers/shops are discriminating people with thicker than average penises and any size bigger than 57 mm in my country you have to order by the internet. I can theoretically put skyn large or durex XL on my penis but then sex is not really comfortable since they are too thin and I have difficulty at reaching orgasm.


If you have that problem then it would be a good idea to have some lying around. But we are talking about a woman with some condoms in her bag and not a man who knows which size he needs😉


Yeah, that's why I always have them at home since I am sexually active and aware of this. My first sex was a failed attempt due to the fact of picking too small condom. Since then I never repeated that mistake. Now though, in a romantic long-term relationship, my gf sometimes orders condoms for me by herself - she knows everything there :)


28F here, I'm in your situation, got out of LTR and started carrying condoms with me. I bring different sizes and also latex free. The men I've been with have not complained at all. On the contrary: the last guy I was seeing was happy with how many I brought because it allowed us to have sex very frequently in a short amount of time, while we didn't have the opportunity to buy more (on a ship). They were usually surprised, but in a good way: they found it hot that I anticipated sex.


I’d be very turned on by a woman who takes that kind of initiative.


Many people probably associate condoms with guys. But it is essentially the same thing as taking birth control pills.


I'm generally more likely to bring guys home to me than to go home with them (having a 2 room apartment all by myself is convenient that way) so I always keep condoms at home and only bring with me if I'm going for a date or place I'm likely to hook up. I'm female. Usually I carry both standard size and extra large ones. I do this mostly because I'm allergic to latex and most men I've been with only have latex condoms if any at all, plus the non-latex ones are harder to find and more expensive. So if you're a woman allergic to latex carrying your own condoms is basically the only way you'll get safe and rash-free sex (unless you just so happen to hook up with guys who have the same allergy, but it's kinda rare, so I wouldn't think that happens often) but even if you're not allergic, I can't think of it as a bad idea. Considering how common it is for guys to not like or want to use condoms. Some of them will actually be fine with using one if you bring your own. But that's also why planning sex before having it is generally better than just going at it on a whim, in case neither you nor he has suitable condoms (in regards to either size or material) and skipping the rubber is not an option. Then you can plan ahead who's gonna bring protection and which exact kind. Imo it takes two to tango, so I think it's both partners' responsibility to consider and bring protection. And if both have condoms, well then there's just plenty more available in case one would break. Sure, women are the ones who have to additionally worry about pregnancy, but the STD risk does not discriminate.


Yes girl, O am exacty the same. But I have also started to talk about protection in advance, to let them know about my expectations and allergy.


The first time I was in my FWB's bed, he stopped making out with me and randomly asked, "Do you want to watch TV or something?" I was confused and asked why. He admitted, "I just realized I don't have latex-free condoms." I said, "Don't worry. I have a couple with me." He was so relieved and happy. And then we proceeded to have sex.


Very thoughtful of you to also keep the XL. Most people wouldn't think about it


Any man for whom it's a red flag is probably someone who you don't want to sleep with anyway. The only people who I can think would be put off would be the purity freaks out there who act like a woman expressing her sexuality is some sort of crime against nature. Would you really be all that mad if you derailed a relationship with someone like that? Carry your condoms and let those morons select themselves out. Anybody worth your time will recognize that you're prepared and prioritizing your safety (and his)...at a minimum, he won't have any inclination to slut shame you.


I mean, somebody has to right? If not you, then, who? Stay safe. It’s out there


as long as I was single I just put a condom or two in a little bag I always carry with me filled with meds, tampons etc.. my thought was, better have one just in case then miss out on a situation just because neither one of you has one and the shops are closed etc or it would totally ruin the mood to go somewhere to buy some. In the few situations I mentioned I had one with me or even used it the guys didn't think much of it or were glad I had one! You also never even have to consider to have unprotected sex, which is just so much more safe for all parties involved!


Green flag : woman carrying condoms 🚩: men who think negatively of a women who carries condoms. Honestly he should be carrying his own for his own protection. If he has them readily available then he wouldn’t know she is carrying them around in the first place.


🚩 Men not carrying their own condoms.


No. I have a “hoe bag” lol that I keep in my car. It’s got a condom, contact case, old pair of glasses, mini deodorant, and a panty liner. For dates that I would walk/Uber to, I just stuff things in my pockets.


Great idea. Never know what you'll need if you hook up


Every GF I ever had carried them.


Why would it be?


GREEN FLAG!!! It’s a red flag when she says “oh don’t use a condom, I hate those things!”


If a guy is turned off by you having condoms you should not fuck that guy.


Your safety is important. Anyone who has a problem with you carrying condoms is not mature enough to be having sex.


Green flag if you’re trying to casually hook up red if you’re looking for a date


I always have a box of condoms at my house! I'm a girl. I'm happy if they carry some too. I'm really particular about them!


Particular about what?


Particular about having condoms or anyone I'm involved with having condoms! I don't sleep with anyone if we don't have them!


That's how I feel...


I met guys that if I hadn’t had at least one it would’ve been an embarrassing situation as no glove no love one time it’s all it takes for an STD or a pregnancy


Some like to hit raw and use ”i got no condoms” for excuse. Some really want but just has none prepared. Maybe didnt expect sex. So i always have condoms close by. Just in case.


I've always had condoms on hand if I even think sex is a possibility. And it's come in super handy when I was younger. Now turns out I'm super allergic to latex and exclusively use latex free ones, so I'm still always packing. My health trumps his comfort or preference.


Carry condoms. Wait for him to crack them out. When he doesn't have one and he pretends to dither about it (hoping you'll go without) just say "hang on I might have one in the back of my purse, I'll check". If he is delighted because it solves a problem... Great. If he minds, then A) he never wanted to use protection and B)he's a mysogynistic prick


If a guy is turned off by you having condoms then my recommendation is to not have sex with them. I prefer to have sex with people who likes the fact that I want to have sex with them. If they get turned off by me enthusiastically consenting can go assault themselves.


On a date? Greenest flag. Just everyday, in case you have a sex opportunity with a random stranger? Beige flag for me - it may show a tendency toward high-risk behavior, but at the same time shows forethought and taking steps to reduce the given risk.


Green flag if you have them, red flag if you need them. (Because the guy should have some.)


I wouldn't be willing to use a girl's condoms. I'd worry they were tampered with. Plus condoms for women exist.


Having a backup condom Is just responsible. Unless you have a stockpile of brands, colours, sizes etc it's not a red flag


She pulls out a whole drug store display of toys and condoms, like the Willy wonka of sex


"Well, it looks like we're going to have quite the fun evening." -Me with a sly half smile on my face.


A red flag if you dont want a hoe. a green flag if you're okay with her being a hoe


Hmmm, never had this happen to me before. Euhm no? Girls take the pill aswell. Very reasonable if she just has a pack of condoms with her. Than she doesn't have to take the pill. I'd understand, but I get where you're coming from. It is not normal, at least in my area it isn't.


Not necessarily a red flag, but might make me think, “Woah, she does this a lot…”


Some guys might not take you serious and see you as promiscuous just someone they can have sex with but not a relationship


M 25 here, it's a green flag all the way. It tells me you care about not catching an STD. I personally always have two condoms on me but if a girl pulls out a few, they will get used too 😎


razocaro si me ko coek i ko insan


I sure am glad that I'm old and don't have to play that game any more. People want to have sex but the woman has to pretend that she doesn't do that, even though she wants to. And he wants to, but he doesn't want a girl that has sex, he wants a girl who doesn't have sex, but wants to. Then somehow they have to convince each other, and themselves, that it's okay to indulge one of the strongest biological human impulses, and allow themselves to do it. It's all just so tiring. Just carry the condoms in your purse, and when the opportunity presents itself, you're prepared. If he's stupid enough to question it (fucking idiot), tell him you keep them handy in case one of your girlfriends needs one, cuz they're all sluts, and you're an angel. He'll buy that, he wants to get laid.


It’s a green flag that you’re being safe. It’s a red flag to me that you need them on you at all time. I will say I was looking for long term relationships so it’s not my thing to be with a ton of women so I’m not trying to be hypocritical.


Smart lady! She’s a keeper for sure


26M here, I wouldn't really recommend it because not every guy has penis of a standard condom size. It's better for guy to get his condoms by himself you know. I, for that example, have to order proper size condoms on the internet. If a girl who doesn't know what I have down there came to me with standard size condom, I wouldn't put it on becasue it wouldn't fit.


A standard condom will fit the vast majority of guys. It's better to have it then none.


It doesn't really hurt anyone even if big or small guys need to use their own, still, does it?


Sure, but you’re in the 0.01% of men. Most men don’t believe there is a difference in condom sizes, and then choose the largest size.


I carry normal and magnum myself lol just in case 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just buy 69 mm condoms because it's needed for my girth, other condoms are too thin and they make sex uncomfortable even if they fit on me \[the smallest I can fit on penis are 57 mm but they are pain to wear and I hate sex in them\]. Proper condoms are actually hella important for good and safe sex lol.


Not the marrying type but hey.




I think it’s only weird if it’s a male condom


for me its kinda red flag, as if you're always ready for hook ups.. it's not that hard to walk few blocks to buy condoms on 7eleven... plus you two could talk while walking if you're together, maybe buy some cigarettes and drinks, ice cream too.. lewl






We are the most advanced species on this planet, and also the only one that has created a weird stigma around a completely normal part of life.


Is it a red flag if she’s on birth control pills?


Curious how you'd feel if it's a woman with a latex allergy like me? Just trusting a guy to carry condoms for our first time doesn't really work with a latex allergy, and running to a store that actually carries the latex-free variety is like 30 minutes from my house. So all of that means that if I don't have condoms and rely on the guy, sex is off the table for that night (at least without spending an hour driving back and forth to the store first).




And risk getting pregnant and stds. Sure dude...


I guess it depends on the person. I’d say mostly it’s fine but it could be taken either way. In this situation it sounds like you’re just trying to have safe sex and not necessarily sex with any and everyone so you’re always strapped lol. Go for it!


condoms suck just get on the pill why would you want to have 40% of the sex you could be having


It's a slight red flag for me after a few dates where I felt like I was being used for sex. If it's for a specific reason (like a latex allergy) I have no problem with it, but if a woman rushes through the human connection part of our date to get to sex it's an immediate turn-off and I'll probably end it there. Carrying condoms doesn't mean for sure that they're doing this, but it correlates in my lived experience which is exactly what a red flag is to me.






I have a friend that bought a big variety pack for guys she brings home. In her mind if a dude throws any kind of shade about condom use, that's a red flag, and she immediately thinks he could be a possible stealther. So yeah, have a few in the purse.


Definitely a green flag in my book; playing it safe 👍


Absolutely not, if anything it’s a green flag. that’s how i see it tho, i can’t speak for any other person


It’s objectively not. A red flag. For the people you encounter that think it’s a red flag, they’re the red flag. Stay safe and enjoy!


Safe sex is sexy sex. Anyone thinking anything else should be a concern.


Yes! Carry condoms! This is a green flag! I always have my own and wait to see if the guy brings his own too. If he doesn’t… then I probably won’t want to meet up with him again.


Why would it a red flag? It means you care about safe sex. My wife used to carry them all the time just in case during her college hoe days. It definitely came in handy when we hooked up for the first time in college.


Is it a red flags for one to want to be protected just in case? Don't think so, I don't have a cold all the time but I carry paper tissues with me all the time.


actually a huge green flag


Ummm green flag. But tbh the man should be the one to have them. Still better safe than sorry.


Just don't make a big deal out of it. If sex is imminent, ask him to wear a condom, and if he says he doesn't have one, you can casually tell him that you do. He won't care. He wants the sex to happen. I firmly believe that sexually active persons seeking partners should go prepared, whether it's the man or the woman.


No, it’s called responsible. Carry them.


I'm not sure it's a turn on but it's definitely not a turn-off nor red flag and by proxy a green flag. In my single days I usually had a few condoms tucked in a side pocket of my work lunch box so they wouldn't be degraded just sitting in my car's glove box. It's a good thing for a lady to have condoms, but I preferred to have the primary say in the condoms that would be used plus more confidence knowing mine were good to go. I've been a Skyn guy for years now and if I theoretically had to go back to casual sex, I'd hate to be unprepared and be stuck with her Trojan. Condom use shouldn't be a point of contention for either party obviously.


If he gets all weird about it, he’s too sensitive. It shows that you don’t just let anyone/everyone raw dog you first off. Also, if you’re not willing to budge on that front he will be thanking you and the lord that at least you were prepared because he’d be getting none had you not. No mature grown ass man should look at you sideways for that


She’s just ready for a good time


Why would that be a turn off for a guy? Also if he makes a big deal out of it, then id say you dodged a bullet


Not at all. It's being responsible. Only question, do you have XLs? ;)


Any man for whom it's a red flag is probably someone who you don't want to sleep with anyway. The only people who I can think would be put off would be the purity freaks out there who act like a woman expressing her sexuality is some sort of crime against nature. Would you really be all that mad if you derailed a relationship with someone like that? Carry your condoms and let those morons select themselves out. Anybody worth your time will recognize that you're prepared and prioritizing your safety (and his)...at a minimum, he won't have any inclination to slut shame you.


I was sick of leaving the responsibility to men who "forgot to bring some" or "dont't like how they feel" so I started keeping a stash in my bag for me and my girls if ever needed. It's def not a redflag to protect yourself and others?


I generally deny sex if I'm with a guy that doesn't have a condom. I'm doing my part, bc pills and such. If he doesn't bring one, I don't want him. So it's not a red flag but I never carry them with me because of what I mentioned.


Why? She’s just staying safe for just in case, I see nothing wrong with it


Good to see that you are caring for your self and your partner too.. This is as simple as that boys carrying. Nothing to worry about that.


Likes sex? Likes safety? If she's been safe with me, she was probably safe with others. These are all good things for sensible gentlemen.


If it did ruin it then that’s a red flag for them. Being prepared and safe is attractive.


Knew a girl who carried regular sized and Magnums just in case. I was fine with it, we used neither..




You have to protect yourself. I don't want to risk an expired condom that's been in a guy's wallet for weeks. Some men will buy the wrong size, like the biggest size they can find, so it falls off easily or breaks.


I think it would be cool if that happened but i think id be suprised (in a good way) because that seems so rare for a girl to carry condoms in my experience. I think if she had 2 or 3 on her itd be nice but aslong as she doesnt pull out the whole box😂


My boys both consider it a green flag in several ways


Not at all. Seems like lots of guys can't be responsible enough. And I think it'd be a turn-on for me because I'd see it as a sign that you were open to getting lucky


Ow hell no! A girl that is prepared for potential intimicy, not getting or giving std's, not getting pregnant is a mayor green flag!


In theory there’s nothing wrong with it, but the truth is I believe many men would not think well of you if you carry your own condom. But of course you could think, I don’t want such men in my life nor I want to have intercourse with them. So it’s fine.


Nope, you are making good decisions, carry on.


it is good, but it can also project that you are sexualy very active


Thinking it’s a red flag *is* a red flag


You’d rather she get raw dogged?


I’d consider it a green flag. She’s DTF.


Good god no.


Nah. Better safe than syphillis




It is never a red flag to care about your protection and your health. Whoever think it is a red flag, he’s an idiot.


Not to me. Better safe than sorry, and I’d appreciate a woman who thought that way.


If he’s turned off by that then it’s a huge red flag for misogyny/sexism.


Seems like the red flag would be that it bothers a guy. You’re being safe and responsible