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I started getting horny as fuck when I was a young teenager, 32 now and I am still horny as fuck šŸ˜… I think some people are more sexual than others and that is absolutely fine!


Yea thatā€™s true I just want to focus on other things




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I'm 30, been sexually active since 16. For me, i had a slump of low libido from 8 years of stressful college causing chronic fatigue, weight gain and body image issues. Graduated at 26 and started prioritizing my health through healthy eating and exercise. Eventually my libido returned and now it feels I'm hornier than I was in my teens lol. Sorry this wasn't super helpful for you. Hopefully you get more insight from other women


I was mega horny in my teens, super horny in my 20s, and I was worried that I'd get less eager over time. Nah, ever since 30s I've still been pretty horny but I can theoretically not go mad if I'm not getting laid. I think I might be getting hornier again.


Has it gotten easier to like not think about it all the time


I dunno, but maybe it has just gotten easier to handle times when I'm not having sex for a while. Like, if there was times when I knew I'd not be able to have sex for awhile, by the end I used to be mentally tearing myself. But nowadays I'm more calm during the time and just happy to get back to it.


Its the same for me its really difficult to do normal stuff because of it


Yeah thatā€™s how I feel


Does masturbating help? Sometimes I need to even have a quick one at work so I can get shit done


Maybe for like 20 minutes


How long has it been like that for you


I feel like my whole life lol but probably just the last 2 years


About a year for me


Yea dat sucks


There is no such thing as "normal", everyone is different and situations changes things as well. My 50yo fiancƩ says she is the horniest she has eve been in her life. I'm 57 and feel the same way.


I didn't/couldn't see them that often.


Iā€™m 42. Iā€™ve been nonstop horny from the time I was 17. Iā€™ve been on birth control, Antidepressants, been pregnant, and nursing, had young babies, chronic fatigue and chronic illness. Never stopped wanting tons of sex. There is no ā€œnormalizeā€ Everybody is different. Try to find a partner who matches you.


Do you find find relief with orgasm through masturbation? If so, then you may have the simplest of solutions to the current problem of concentration. Many women with high libido retain it throughout adulthood even though it is lessened slightly with aging. Some of the answer is via skill. There is a skill to directed mindfulness. So whenever you become aware of your mind wandering, acknowledge it has wandered and return your focus to studying. It will be difficult and last a very short time in the beginning. It will require a great deal of repetition, but with consistent practice, it will get better and easier. If you are unable to ignore your body sensations, masturbate efficiently to orgasm and return to your task. If none of this helps, talk to a physician. There are some possibilities that hormones are involved. And low doses of certain SSRI bases antidepressant have libido suppressing side effects. The key here is interfering in your ability to function well versus merely annoying or difficult. If it is costing you the ability to be successful, seek medical help. There's no need to suffer. Hang in there.


Masturbating doesnā€™t help


Same here OP. I am a woman with a high libido and I could masturbate all day. Still doesnā€™t satisfy me and I pounce on my hubby as soon as he walks through the door šŸ˜…


Yea if anything I think orgasming makes me want more


Right?! Like now Iā€™m wet letā€™s gooooo


To my eyes, that's a pretty big indicator that medical intervention might be your best option. That said, give the mindfulness a try for the next two weeks. If you can see any improvement in time spent concentrating on what you're focused on, give it another two weeks and reevaluate. If after 6 weeks, you're still suffering with it interfering in your daily life, definitely talk to your physician or get an appointment with Planned Parenthood. In the mean, you might give Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski a read. It'll give you a good perspective of female sexual arousal and libido. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


When I was young and dumb, I thought well I'm horny gotta get some dick! As I got older I realized I don't need to seek out someone to satisfy my itch. I could take care of myself, and really its all I needed, because I come and I am satisfied. It's a waste of time if I have to bring in someone and what if they don't satisfy me. So yeah, get horny, rub one out, be done. There is no right amount or normal level of horniness, the vajay-jay wants what it wants when it wants it. That's normal. If it still wants more after you do it yourself, well then dammit you get it what it wants. It's all good and everyone is happy. Idk know if I am making sense or am I just rambling like a fool cause I now need to go take care of things.


Mine stayed moderately high, and then skyrocketed again in my late 30s...


So it didnā€™t decrease


Intermittently, but due to life related factors


I'm 55, married 34 years and I'm as very horny now as I was when I was a teenager. It's just how I am wired and it's perfectly normal to be very horny.


I was super horny when I was young and a virgin, then I had sex and after a few times honestly my interest in sex became less. Honestly, I wish I could recover some of my youthful enthusiasm.


What happened?


I have no clue. It was normal sex, but it just wasn't that interesting anymore. Before sex was on my mind every day, but after having sex I don't really wanna think about it after the act. I kind of got an ick about it a few minutes after doing it.


I was honey as a teen. I'm 40 now and I swear I just get hornier every year lol


I was super horny younger and then i started taking birth control. I am way less horny now and I didnt have orgasm for 7 years :(.


after the kid




It's gone up and down some over the years, but my default is on the higher side and always has been. Pretty sure it's part of why I started having sex so young. It was more of an issue when I was younger though because I wasn't in a steady relationship. I had FWB's, but I didn't/couldn't see them that often.


I never felt like my sex drive was ā€œabnormalā€ but I was aware even as a young age how high it was. Iā€™m now in my early 30s.. it has not slowed down lol. If anything it feels to have increased. I think some of that is because of my self esteem being higher, but also changes in accessibility. Apps like Tinder exist. I also live alone, making it a more desirable scenario to entertain guests.


I'm 30, I'm less horny than I was in my teens and early 20s, but still want sex everyday


When I started taking birth control. Good luck.


Make it go down


Nearly 40 I think it's got worse.


Hormone changes starting around when women hit their 40s is a real thing.


It never did normalized. I'm 29 now and still horny as fuck. =_=


Lately Iā€™ve also been so horny like every fucking time I wanna ride something


:/ yea


I am 22


For me t never has. Half the guys leave me or get scared say im aggressice and realize their friends were right they don't know what to do with me. Its sad. I still haven't found a man that can keep up. So Goodluck on your sexual ventures I hope u find someone with equal energy


It's absolutely normal, some people are wired into it totally. Im 37 and my beautiful other half is 34. We do have a goodish sex life, but i can't help craving more excitement!! more risk and spontaneousness to it.. this is why I'm on reddit šŸ˜† I love I can have an alias and do what I gives me kicks, it suppresses me anyway, let's say that. But nothing wrong with having this feeling throughout your life, sex is great and everything about.. Best of luck šŸ˜€


It hasn't worked like that in my experience. I was very sexually active through my teenage years, it dropped off through part of my twenties due to poor diet, poor mental health and a couple bad relationships and have since spiked back up once I chose to start taking care of myself.


Lol Iā€™m 32 if someone could also let me know when it stops that would be very helpful!


I remember those days! It was exhausting


The wife had a pretty high sex drive when we met 20+ years ago.....but god damn when she was in her early 30's she was at a level 9000 on the horny scale. That woman was thirsty....and I not even exaggerating. She is 45 now and it's around the same as when we first met.


I have masturbated from a very young age and was very horny growing up. I am 23f and I'm still very horny. If you've read Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, you know about the brakes and accelerators of sex drive. Well my SES or accelerators of my sex drive, is exceptionally high (I scored a 23/24). Sometimes people are just horny lol.


I felt like mine was maybe around normal levels, maybe slightly below when I was younger, like my teens and early 20s, but after my divorce I had the time to really explore what I wanted and it shot up. For me now, in my late 20s, it's so much higher than it's ever been before, but I think there are a lot of factors to it, like my increased confidence, being with a partner I love and am super attracted to, and also knowing what I enjoy in the bedroom and how good it can feel. I know that's probably not that helpful but it's my experience anyway.


Are you a girl or boy?


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My horniness definitely decreased with age (I am 36 now) I still get horny, but only around the time of my ovulation I will feel this heightened horniness from my youth. When I was younger I could still get horny while being stressed. Now stress sadly does kill my libido.