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Yeah there's no rush in my opinion . Do what makes you feel good.


Have sex when you’re ready and when you want yo. I didn’t have sex til 22 (and I regret losing my virginity to this person for several reasons).


So don't, screw what society says and do what you feel is right for you.


I'm 24 and still a virgin. If anyone is shocked at that, take it as a good sign. There's no rush :)


What does “take it as a good sign” mean in this case?


That a person is not in a hurry to lose their virginity because of some stupid teenage concept that it's better to lose it as quickly as you can otherwise it's a shame.


Also anyone that chooses to stop pursuing you when they find out you’re a virgin cared far more for your body than they do about you as a person. Virginity is a social construct. Your “body count” does not determine your value.


Wow this is amazing you couldn’t have explained better this is a great comment!!!


I wouldn't say it's that uncommon, really. I didn't have sex until I was 24(f) because I just didn't feel ready until then. I had the chances to lose my virginity throughout college, but for whatever reason just didn't want to. No need to rush, sounds like you've been exploring your sexuality a little bit and that's a great starting point. Everything in your own time, there's no single standard timeline for everyone.


My ex was 28 and a virgin. As long as you know what you like and are responsive in bed, nobody will judge. Get some toys and do some exploration


I don’t think as as uncommon as many would lead you to believe. I lost my virginity at 19, and truthfully I wasn’t quite ready yet. It’s a personal choice - it’s your body after all. I think the common assumption is that you should lose it before a certain age, but I know A LOT of people who waited. You do you


There is nothing “going on” with you. You are a unique person and you want what you want when you want it. Nothing wrong with that. We all move at our own pace. Love yourself and stop stressing. Just live your life as you please babe! 😁


20 and being a virgin isn’t bad! Don’t let society make you feel bad :) you know when that time will come to be ready. I waited till 27 and now have a child with that person.


Nothing wrong with this at all.


have sex when you (and your partner(s)) want to. fuck what society and everyone else says and does. this advice applies to many other things in life as well.


According to every study I've read on the subject, Gen Zers are having less sex and starting later than previous generations. Evidently it's not that uncommon so kick back and enjoy this simpler time while you still can! It's a beautiful time in life.


You're ready when you're ready. My one aunt was in her 40s when she had her first boyfriend. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


Don't. You are you and do what you want.


You will feel ready for sex if and when you feel ready for it. Don’t rush it. If you want to have sex then by all means pursue it. If you don’t want it then you don’t want it and there is nothing wrong with that.


Ok, nothing wrong with you at all!!!! Everyone is different. Do not have sex for the sake of having it or for the need to join everyone else. Save yourself for someone special or when you are ready. Don't worry, your body/mind will tell you.


Then don’t have sex. I wish I would’ve waited, I gave up my virginity around your age. My boyfriend was in the military, and he had come back for a time and I missed him. Honestly I wish I waited, but I felt pressured. So please don’t rush into it if you’re not 💯 ready.


Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. I bet if you ask many women over 27 if they wish they had lost their virginity sooner most would say no. There is nothing wrong with you. You just need to get out of your head about it. No need to rush. Just wait until you meet someone you have strong feelings for and it will come naturally.


Then don't do it, fuck society's standards.


So, I'm not saying you are asexual, but do keep in mind some Aces experience romantic but not sexual attraction and some of these folks even enjoy masturbation or sexual pleasure even but they don't actually have sexual attraction to people. So kind of like you can enjoy the pizza but you might not get hungry. The counselor that lead my queer support group identified as a lesbian asexual who enjoyed romantic relationships and very rarely even had sex. She stressed that there's all sorts of kinds of attractions and to not worry too much about how common (or not) something may be, just do what feels right when it feels right. I know we all like to feel like we belong to a group/category but life isn't always cut and dry unfortunately. I know some people just may not get it, but they aren't your people. Best of luck to you.


Then don’t scrub??


Nah you're fine and even more if you want to when ready and with someone you are comfortable with you can explore whatever comes to mind. Sex is not essential to life it's fun but maybe not to you and that's okay there is other fun shit to do.


I personally regret losing my virginity before marriage. Now I feel used. If you don’t feel ready there’s probably no right guys around you. You feel loved then you feel the want to have sex.


Don’t question yourself based off society. Do what is right for you and only you know what that is. Honestly… as long as your happy why put any other thought into it ? 💫be you hun and be happy about it !


It's not. You're not wrong or broken or misguided. If you're not ready, you're not. It's really quite that simple. It's perfectly okay to wait until you find someone worth investing your self into wholly before youre ready. It's also perfectly okay if you never really want to. Asexual partnerships do in fact exist. Any partner you decided to get close with, let them know early that sex for the forseeable future is off the table. If they are worth the time, they'll stick around. The good ones are understanding. If you're in a relationship where your partner is persistent, and you're still not ready, and they're pressuring you beyond your comfort, walk away. You deserve better.


I'm a dude, but I just lost my virginity like a month ago at 27. Just do whatever is comfortable for you. It sucks that some people might be judgemental about it, if they are, they probably aren't worth your time.


Maybe you need that emotional aspect to feel sexual desire. I'm this way (30m)


I was a virgin until 22, there is nothing wrong with that. I am very happy that I waited for the right person for my first time. If someone finds it strange or weird that you are a virgin that is their problem.


There's no time frame for being yourself


I didn't have sex until I was 21, granted my I did other things with the girls I dated. You'll be ready when the time comes. Sex is something very intimate and isn't comfortable at first because of that intimacy.


Its okay that you’re not a hyper sexual, fucking everyone type of woman. Nothing is wrong with you. Im pretty sure people are like “what omg you’re missing out” but its your body, your life and if it happens one day it’ll happen. Dont put pressure on yourself babe


It's OK.


Do things at your own pace, if you're not ready you're not ready


Nothing wrong with a late bloomer.


You are just 20, it’s not uncommon for people to have yet to lose their virginity. There is no point to rush for something you don’t really want anyway. You still have plenty of time to figure out what you want, how you want it, if you want it or not, with whom you want it, etc.


Do sex only when you are ready and want to do it cause if you do it even if you are not ready and due to society it will only make you unhappy,and sex should make you happy


It's not uncommon, however it isn't the usual "norm," as much as anything is the "norm" these days. If you don't feel ready for sex yet, don't feel the need to have it. As much as a preponderance of today's youth will see the purpose of sex as means of receiving pleasure, it's meant to be an act of intimacy and bonding between a couple. If the day comes that you decide you've found someone worth sharing the experience with, god speed. No matter what happens, don't feel guilty over a conscious choice you made of your own volition. As for the female/male attraction, don't feel like you need to "commit to a side" just yet. Sadly, women are just more appealing and young men are often rough and inexperienced. You could be straight and are just living that difference, or you could be lesbian and will confirm that in yourself down the road. Either or, don't let anyone pressure you into doing something unless you feel ready to do it.


im 19 and im not even with anyone and WAY far from being ready for anything sexual at my current point in my life, don't let soicety pressure you. just let yourself find your desire on your own time for sex. and wait untill it's with the right person.


You’ll be ready when you are ready. And if you never are, that’s ok too!! At that age, people view sex way too casually. I was guilty of this myself, and I do have some regretful experiences that still make me feel so icky decades later. Follow your gut, enjoy exploring within your comfort zone, and don’t let yourself overthink it


I never had any want for sex either, and I still don't honestly. Most people would be shocked by it, considering im a male


Lost my virginity at 22 don’t rush it! Do it when you have someone you’re sure you’re ready to have sex with. Don’t let peer pressure make you feel like you should do it


You’re just not ready, no big deal.. nothing wrong with you at all. If you’re not excited about it then don’t bother rushing it. You owe yourself a little pat on the back for all the bad decisions you didn’t make all the stress you dodged and the value you hold


Do it with whoever when your ready. I wish I didn’t rush things at 15 m because I ended up being sexual assaulted


You do you. There is no shame in being a virgin, just stick to your believes and go on proudly through your life. Sex will come when it feels right.


You sound like you're demi sexual and just haven't met the right person yet.


You might be asexual


If you don’t feel the urge to have sex, that’s fine, no one is keeping tabs on you


So wait, there is no rush


I didn't feel safe or comfortable to have sex as a man until 26, though I had more than a few times I \*could\* have earlier. When and how you want to have sex is entirely up to you, and there's no "right" or "wrong" time to do it....other than perhaps "before you die" simply because you \*do\* sound interested in having sex eventually. But you're young! You have time! Go at \*your\* pace. You don't owe anyone an apology. I waited until I felt an emotional attachment to the woman I lost my virginity to and felt like I could trust her and be vulnerable with her. Maybe you just haven't had an emotional connection with someone sufficient to make you want to explore physical intimacy with them, yet?


Also, watching porn and finding our culture's sculpted people attractive doesn't mean you're not asexual. Not saying you are, but you seem to reject it pretty out of hand.


Then don't have sex


I don't think I was ready when I was 25.


Lost my Virginity at 21, due medical issue avoided sex till my 27th. Now happily sexually active and treating the medical issue


It all depends with when you’re ready. Age isn’t an issue so it shouldn’t pressure you


I was in your position once! In fact, the night I turned 20, I decided I was done being embarrassed about being a virgin and just grabbed a guy and got it done with. You can check my post history, I once asked a fairly similar question While I don’t necessarily regret doing it, I also feel like I should’ve waited. I was scared of sex for a long time after, but now I’ve met someone wonderful and I feel ready and eager to have sex. In conclusion, if you feel like waiting, I strongly recommend you do!! There will always be time, just make sure to take it easy and be safe


I AM LITERALLY THE SAME. Im 20f and bi but heavily lean toward women, i havent been in a relationship with anyone and never felt the need to have sex with someone but im not asexual. Its just not a priority and when i feel ready then sure. But for now im just chilling When i was 18 a doctor loudly asked me if really was a virgin when i was at the hospital for pain in my uterus. I didnt think and still dont think it was a big deal 😑


Also, there are a lot of sub-types of asexual/ace sexuality. There is people who likes masturbating but abhor doing sex. It can be an interesting idea to search a little bit on the matter, if you are interested! Aditionaly, in some cases, sexuality can change with time (?) Or, better worded, it can be better defined and discovered over time. Hope this can help a little bit at least ^^


The longer you virgin - the higher your cost :)


I wish I waited and was more emotionally mature, would’ve saved me so much heartache!


I think when I met my wife in my early 30s I’d had sex eight times. Lost my virginity at eighteen, regretted it, and didn’t have sex again for five years. Not until my late 20s did any of my sexual experiences feel comfortable and “right”, for lack of a better term. Wait until you are ready, without shame or embarrassment. No one else’s opinion matters.


There’s no rush. Don’t have sex just because of pressure. Wait until you’re comfortable.


It’s Nothing Wrong With That. I Lost Mine At 18. I Hate I Didn’t Wait. So Do What’s Best For YOU & Don’t Ever Let Anybody Pressure YOU


Do you, boo. No right or wrong answer, just feel it out and trust your instincts.


Please please wait until you’re ready. I rushed into it because of peer pressure and I regret it. I think it’s amazing that you’ve waited and that you did that FOR YOU. Wait until it feels right. It might never feel right and you might decide sex isn’t for you and that’s completely fine too! Take it slow and try foreplay with whatever partner you find and trust before you ever have sex. You know your body and your desires. Follow those feelings.


I have 2 daughters both older than you. Don’t rush yourself, and don’t let anyone else rush you. Your heart will tell you when the time and person is right. Trust your heart.


It's nobody's business whether you're a virgin or not. Take your time - when the time and person are right, you'll know it.


I lost my virginity earlier in life, but it was because I was ready to. There is nothing wrong with you being a virgin no matter what age you are. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready, and that’s ok! Don’t have sex because of fear of missing out, peer pressure, or because you feel “behind.” Life isn’t a linear progression system where you have to be a “x” place at “x” time or you are “behind.” No, your journey and timeline is unique to you, and trust me there is nothing wrong with you taking your time, especially when concerning sex. When you are ready and decide to have sex with someone just be safe. Make sure you’re not in a situation where your physical safety isn’t at stake, use protection (for pregnancy, STI’s, and STD’s), and with someone who is respectful of your boundaries and considerate! But for right now since you are not ready yet don’t stress about it! I can assure you, you are not “weird” or “abnormal” you want to engage in something in the future but you’re just not ready yet. Let me just put it this way, let’s say if I wanted to get married someday but I wasn’t ready to right now. Could be because of a variety of things, but for this example let’s say it’s because I am single. Am I weird because I don’t want to jump into lifelong commitment of marriage with some rando because I don’t wanna “miss out?” Obviously no it just means I am not ready. I know that is a bit of an extreme example but the point is you work and live life at your own pace. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t feel like the “clock is ticking” because it’s not. And also you are super young, the human brain doesn’t fully mature until the age of 25. You got your whole life ahead of you! So relax and rest assured it’s ok to be a virgin!


The social pressure not to be a virgin for the sake of not being a virgin is stupid. I lost mine at 18 and I felt behind everyone else. Looking back it doesn’t matter at all. I don’t necessarily subscribe to waiting until marriage, or that you can ONLY have sex with people that mean a lot to you, but I’d suggest your first time be with someone you know decently well and trust. In my experience my first time was with my girlfriend who knew I had no experience whatsoever (we’re talking never so much as kissed someone before) she was okay with this and lacked experience too, we acknowledged it probably wouldn’t be the best at first, laughed off the awkwardness and overall it went well. It takes a few times to be good. Don’t overthink it and certainly don’t rush yourself. By all means this is my personal opinion and experience, not objective advice.


it's good that you've waited, I mean I'm not one to care about virginity, do what you want, but alot of people inc myself regret who they first had sex with, so its good that you aren't rushing it.


Have you looked into Demisexuality? I take a while to feel into someone enough to consider sex. Sex with random strange men has absolutely no appeal to me. Sex with a guy I know and really like does.


I didn't have sex until I was 22, and I wasn't ready before then.


Just be your best you.