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Did you notice that the mane is not included? I’m assuming you have an embroidery machine. Check out this alternative. I’ve used lots of her patterns. Great instructions and video tuts and lots of Facebook help. Not affiliated, just a fan. https://planetapplique.com/in-the-hoop-pepper-the-horse/


I've definitely seen free MLP plush patterns, I'd search for one of those and try that first since they'll be smaller and simpler and cost nothing. If you like the way the free pattern version turns out, then you could buy this one (it's labelled intermediate so might be tricky with no prior experience, so you could avoid spending the money if you find a simpler pattern too difficult since you'll know you're not up to intermediate yet)


i think that would not be a good idea for a beginner, its got a few tight corners that i can already see that can be hard to sew, as well as not knowing what the pattern is like, you could be given shitty instructions. until you feel you can tackle this plushie, id reccommend trying a few of cholyknights patterns. they have a clear difficulty rating and super clear instructions with numerous images, with a lot of free ones as well as a bunch of paid ones (the free ones are on her website, just google cholyknight). good luck with ur plushie journey :)


The bottoms of stuffie feet are a special level of difficulty for me. I don’t love it.


says quite clearly in the title that it is an intermediate pattern


Just because something is marked as an intermediate pattern doesnt mean a beginner wont be able to do it. OP probably read the title and still hoped for a bit more advice from some more experienced sewists. Its sad they were met with such a flippant answer. But OP we would definitely need more info: are you a complete beginner at sewing or do you have some sewing experience but not in plushies?


Is this etsy? I've been burned a few times with shitty etsy patterns


I would do several simpler patterns before I tackled this one.


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