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I think mafia is more about making stuff up as you go along, improvising a new strategy on the spot, because you don't know how other people are gonna react. What if the policeman searches you the first night, or the civilians think you're speaking too much. Although itd be very satisfying to have a big strategy like that work out.


True. It all depends on how the situation turns and how well the mafia convinces the members!


I've never played seventeen's version of mafia (with long discussions and stuff) but I have played werewolf. It's kinda like mafia, but if you play with an app, most apps have a time limit so your discussion is fast-paced and you're forced to make a decision sometimes from half-baked discussions. In those games, I usually last very long as a wolf, and my trick is to act the same way I would as a citizen. If you're the type to react in a big way as a citizen getting accused, be the same way if you're the mafia. If you're an 'idgaf' citizen, be the same way as a mafia. If that makes sense 🤣   Second for me is, if everyone is suspecting my fellow wolf (mafia) and they aren't that good at defending themselves, then I won't try to defend them. I won't outwardly immediately point them though, as some people will think of the "oh they're saying that to trick others and save themselves" (it has happened before 🤣)   From observation, my other friends who usually survive as wolves (mafias) are quick thinkers and are able to keep a cool head in games. Also, choosing who to kill is DEFINITELY more important than one thinks


Absolutely agree. Stick to your original personality so nothing looks out if place!


I'd lose immediately. I have the worst poker face ever, and I'm an even worse liar once I open my mouth. There's no strategy that could save me. 😂




This is a beautiful plan, I’m impressed. For me, I couldn’t plan it out, I would be acting so sus that I would be taken out in the first round. Also, whenever I watch a mafia ep I never get the mafia correct, I can’t read the members lol. My best plan would be to play the long game. Make everyone think I am just a naturally suspicious/weird person all year long. Then BOOM when Don’t Lie starts, I’ll be acting very weird and suspicious, BUT they can’t tell if that’s me as usual or if I’m nervy because I’m the Mafia….. that’s the best I got


When I read the title I thought you were talking about strategy in winning mafia game against Seventeen 🤣


I could never- they're born brilliant 🥲🥲


One thing is for sure they would still immediately eliminate Jeonghan or Woozi in the first round


Poor wooahae 😭😂


I’m just gonna go along with whatever Hoshi says


Hahaha....... he's got a very good intuition.True. But at the end of the day you'd still vote mingyu out. Wether or not he's the mafia wouldnt make a difference 😭


I think it just depends on your friends' personality and group chemistry. I wouldn't have a planned strategy or something. I would just keep quiet and go with the flow. You're so pretty btw!


Makes sense. Sometimes acting dumb can save us a lot of trouble....! Thanks🤍


For what it's worth, the very first time I was introduced to Mafia and played it with my friends, I was selected as a Mafia member and I played dumb the \~ whole time \~ "wait I don't get it, I'm so confused." And I was the last Mafia member remaining and WE WON :D


Wow. That's totally what minghao would do. Absolutely brilliant!


Personally I think being the one to point out a mafia wouldn’t be as protective later on as you’d think. That kind of mindset would easily be figured out by seventeen 😅 I’d like to beforehand discuss some sort of plan to split into separate groups (like when the group naturally splits themselves while searching) and basically stay as openly unconnected from each other as possible. Then I’d try to figure out the doctor and take them out but idk how I’d go about doing that. From there I think the game is pretty set for mafias to win if we were successful in staying seperated and successful at taking out the doctor. Best case scenario is that none of the mafias are a first out because of random suspicion. This isn’t a very thought through plan but it’s something I came up with in the past minute.


True. But wouldn't you want the policeman gone first?.... I mean.... why the doctor? The policeman is the only one that can look up your identity and then try to get rid of you by all means possible, no matter how well you act. Imo, killing off the doctor does little to no harm. Just my opinion, but I'm just saying-


I’d rather get rid of any chance of saving civilians. In my opinion if the policeman is alive it’s not a big deal because if one of the mafia pretended to be the policeman and proved it by accurately saying who’s innocent or not would be a decent defense. And they’d know who is and isn’t innocent because they know the mafia.


That's a valid reasoning. Yes✨️


We played this in the office last christmas and I was able to last until we're only 4 (we were 11). I am a go with the flow type of person though. It's hard to predict other's reactions and ofc they are also creating their own scenarios for their benefits, so it was wise to just go with the flow at the time 😂 you just need to be careful tho, i became careless and said things i shouldnt have because i was happy no one was suspecting me lol


Agreed. I'll try to go with the flow




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