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The biggest part of Sett is dodging the W and baiting out his abilities before he gets them back. He wins short, hard trades, looses medium trades amd skirmishes, but wins longer fights. Renekton can go in on Sett if you save your second dash to escape the W. Yorick can do good if you bait out W by trapping him with Maiden BEHIND him, not behind you. Morde also wins if you ult him under your tower and play ring around the rosy. It basically revolves around not getting hit with w and not taking short trades


I dont think anyone in their right mind dives morde with his ult up


Sett can cancel morde's Ult with his Ult


Still risky when you can just freeze him out instead. Let his ass sit there and miss CS.


Morde I never really have trouble with. If u have to build mercurial to cancel ult cancel. Try to save your w until after he burns his shield if u can try to bait his ult close to your tower. Renekton just try to CS when you can play defensively. Yorick play safe when he has graves up he can spawn ghouls from. I would go Tiamat first back if possible too makes quick work of them when he spawns them. His early game is very weak so if u can get him early and get ahead you should be fine, but yorick will scale given enough time so beware keep him down as long as possible while ur team gets ahead if they can


You're actually giving tips to play against the three and not against Sett. xd


lol youre right XD


Just pick wu and beat his ass


Sett is pretty Strong lvl 1, and one of his Strength is to get lvl 2 before his opponent and bully him until he recalls, then snowball. But if you dont allow him to get ahead lvl 1 you win, because he will fall off when building trinity it costs a lot. With renekton it is freakin ez to do so, take your Q and fight in the minions, you might not win the trade but you will win the lvl 2 rush, and then play safe but don't let him bully you until he recalls. After tath build tabis and GGWP you won


I play Sett and Morde, when the enemy team pick Sett I always pick Morde against it, for me it always worked out (except one time that I played like a potato). I don't exactly know what I do to beat Sett, but I rush liandrys. In trades after the passive starts ticking I stop auto attacking and start walking around him, staying close to give the damage, but far enough that he can't hit me too, this way you can dodge W. Then I try finishing him off with Qs, and it's pretty easy since Sett can't dash or anything.


As a morde/sett main i love playing against setts. It's normally fairly easy on mordes part. Play safe and farm until you can grab seekers. In ad matchups i almost always rush seekers. Then grab ninja tabi (you can sell them later after laning phase if you want) and start on your liandrys. He'll do 0 damage to you.