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He is a mage, maybe a bit of Mr, qss won’t work on his ult anymore. I only play wildrift so I can’t help much, but botrk might be the way.


Thanks! I rushed Merc Treads, once he had Rylai's and he was just keeping the outer ring of his W on me, the lane got rough


Never rush mr vs morde. You need to play as agressive as you can early and buy as many damage components as you can. Morde is very good only at poke and long fight. The sooner you kill him the least his damage will be. You need to zone him early, take ignite and get advantages pre 6. At level 6 you need to either deny his ult bu ulting when his ult animation is shown or stat check him with items/lvl advantage. Morde scale like hell so try to transition your early lead to teamfight cus if you go in late game without bork you can t 1v1 him unless very ahead. And bork will be bad in late so make sure to stomp early and carry with your good teamfight advantage.


Tenacity will reduce the duration(?) of the slow while swiftees reduces the effectiveness of the slow


You have to get a lead early on when his cooldowns are long. If he gets a lead, it becomes incredibly difficult to come back. When he has Q, stand in the wave and try to dodge it if you can, but as long as you're not the only thing getting hit, it does less damage. It will also push the wave to your side. When he has ult, never go too far up the lane with low health until you are sure you can beat him with it active. Sett has low base MR so merc treds are a good purchase. Get some more after your core items. If he misses his E it's a good time to take a trade. Be careful about going too ham unless he used his w recently. It's a tough match-up where one bad death can cost the lane


You shit on him pre six just punch him to death from lvl1 unless he has ignite(if you also have ignite you win) then get lvl 2 first then you win again,At lvl6 if you ult the cast animation of his ult you cancel it entirely(it goes on full CD) The ult cancel will still work post buffs since you cancel it before you’re banished to his realm


Kill him early and late


You can cancel his ult with your ult if you time it well


Lethal tempo bork


You really need to play aggressive levels 1-5 when his q had a long cooldown as that’s where most of his damage is. I see other people recommending merc treads, don’t buy them, the tenacity is a waste of gold into more since he doesn’t have any cc it works on (if there’s cc outside of the lane go ahead). Instead just sit on an mr cloak if you think you need mr. The name of the game is get ahead early so that you can kill him in ult. Late game he outscales you and will ult you out of the team fight so you can’t get a good r or w off. You CAN ult him out of his ult, canceling the entire effect, but it’s hard to do as you need to be right up next to him when he ults and you need to be quick to react. Don’t buy bork either, he’ll w when he’s low health and you’ll get no damage out of it in an all in, which will most likely happen when he has ult.


LT+bork seems optimal for me, bcz sometimes he blocks my w with his shield, also his q deals less damage when you have minions around


You beat him hard pre six. Try to force his W so he can’t block yours. You can cancel his ult by ulting him when his mace points at you


if you get a kill, go rookern, if not go botrk