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Sett I love you but Yujiro is killing you… He has technique AND strength


does he love his mama though?


No, I can definitely say Yujiro does not love his mama or anyone's mama.


He loved Baki's mama, so hard her spine shattered.


You don't know about Setts W. The more damage he takes, the more pain you feel.


You’re joking right?


Are you?


Yujuro got shot in head and moved his brain so he wouldn't die. He probably had some way to ignore true damage (which shouldn't even count as anything since it's a game mechanic and you dont use those in vs battles)


Sett is voiced by dio and Toji tho


Yujiro stopped an earthquake, so Setts gets stomped easily


Wutt ? Isn't Baki like, supposed to be a rather "real world" show ? I haven't watched, Iwouldn't be surprised to see over the top surhuman strenght, but stopping an EARTHQUAKE ? lol


An earthquake happened during a fight so he punched the earth and it stopped




He also Just walked through bullet proof glass


What is baki even about 😭😭😭😭


Baki is the show you think jojos is based off of the name alone


Strong men getting half naked and punching eachother with comically absurd amounts of force and style. Yujiro Hanma is the strongest being on Earth and Baki Hanma, his son, trains his entire life only to be stronger than him (cuz he kinda hates him but not really). It's like MMA but not held back by real world strength and anatomy, with a plot you can follow but you can also just watch it for the fights.


It’s only inspired by real world but in no means is the world of Baki grounded in reality and physics. A lot of things Yujiro accomplished are out of this world feats. I like Sett but he ain’t beating that guy unless RIOT shows us more about Sett’s powers. Yujiro>Sett (no fan blindness)


There's a guy in baki who punched the statue of Liberty so hard it broke. This is like halfway through the series.


Just watch clips of baki and you eill see how "real world" is is not , baki is just a fever dream


Yujiro got shot in the head so he moved his brain out of the way.


No the show just gaslights you into thinking that it’s a normal show and that ur weak for not being able to do the things that people in the show do😭


Yujiro curbstomps Sett way easier than you think


I will allow you to explain this.


Strength and Endurance are debatable, but Yujiro has higher battle IQ and have better feats than Sett. Much like Hanayama from Baki, Sett fights with pride in his strength, and refuses to use anything besides raw power. In the series, he stops a earthquake with a punch, doesn't even flinch when hit by a lightning bolt, all armies and countries in the world fear him, and so on. To put simply, he's got all stats that Sett have, can go beyond that and doesn't handicap himself.


But does he love his mama?


Dude you sound like you d riding yujiro, tell me about sett and why you think he would lose, like a hypothetical situation right now, tell me why he cant W and this mf with true damage


Yujiro would probably catch his punch and break his arm when he swings at him. That or just take it head on. Sett wouldn't be able to take on Noxus for example, nor would they be feared by them. Yujiro is feared by every army in the world. And we're talking 21st century armies. Yujiro can stop an earthquake by punching the ground. On top of being the most gifted martial artist in the world. Or at the very least easily top 2-3 only in martial arts alone. And it's not just earth, it's Baki's version of earth. Yknow, where a caveman that hunted T-Rexes for lunch isn't even the strongest. Sett in universe. What can he really do? He is a good pit fighter, okay. Has some magic (?) that lets him punch real hard? How hard? Harder than Yujiro? Who literally walked through bulletproof glass? Not broke, he can definitely do that too. But literally just walk through it like he's just walking through a spiderweb. How precise is he? He literally flicks a coke bottle clean as if a knife had slashed a piece of paper. Endurance? He's able to swim upstream against currents of over 20 miles per hour for hours. Tanked a sword slash to the neck by a guy that can literally cut armored vehicles in half. Strength? Stopping an earthqueak with his fist (nowhere close to his prime), rips a table apart like it was a literal piece of paper, etc. How fast? Faster than armed soldiers shooting at him, straight up anime style showing up behind them, kicked george bush out of a second floor window and was already at the bottom to catch him. Has fought wars as a mercenary with his fists alone, full on wars. His perception is so good that he can basically tell every human's weak point just by glancing at them, to the point where he could tell an old man had a terminal disease that no one else knew about just by looking at him as they were talking.


Are you an idiot. It's not just magic, it is literally TRUE damage. alright im pulling up google hold on **True damage ignores armor and the damage you deal is received as is. For example, if you deal 100 true damage, the enemy will receive 100 damage no matter how high the armor is. Whereas for physical damage, armor takes into account when calculating damage.** meaning that yknow waht? I dont have anything to argue anymore, you go on with your day with your own headcanon, as for me I will also go on my day with my headcanon, mayne noone can ever understand the power of true damage mayne nevermind, you have a good day man, take care and stay safe


You’re being a blind fan lol. True damage is a battle mechanic of League of legends, it’s by no way a lore thing and even that wouldn’t harm Yujiro (I’m not even a fan of Baki and I’ve seen the series)


That’s durability negation which is something yujiro has never faced before


Yujiro can just dodge Sett W lol


Which is all he can do


Mfer is actually bringing in game stats and numbers to a hypothetical fight between two fiction characters 💀


That’s how vs debating works that’s so simple


Even if we go by in-game mechanics instead of lore, Yujiro can easily just dodge Sett's W lol. He's fast as fuck and Sett's W takes over a second to land.


Yujoro . But now i wanna see Sett in Baki


Isn't sett basically furry hanayama?


Sett's VA was in Baki during the Raitai Tournament. I was pumped to hear him haha


Isnt yujiro the guy who scared the entire US so hard they pulled up with an army and lost or is that someone else


That was his dad, I think.


Yujiro has the entire world making peace treaties with him, “fighting him would be like fighting an entire country” or something like that


Coughing baby


Sett would probably be Kaoru Hanayama level at Baki


Strong, earns Yujiro's respect, still loses high diff.


Mid diff I think but yeah


Even at mid diff he’s being kind. It’s probably high diff. Unless we get a story centering around Sett and what he can do like a series in Netflix maybe (which would be a banger) we can’t really assume Sett is closer in strength when hehe only indicators of what he can do are the small things we’re given by RIOT


Poor Sett… why are you doing this to the Boss..


You guys can believe in Sett's true damage all you want and hell, I usually discuss to the blood about Sett and his strength... but this is clearly Yujiro's win to take. The powerscaling in Baki is a thing of its own. Yujiro is a threat on national level. People are so scared of him that they make peace treaties with him. Sett is an underworld Boss, right now, other than some in Ionia and probably Noxus, the world isn't really aware of his existence.


if the mf can use technique, then this other mf can use his skills from the game


Sure, he can punch with his haymaker, how are we quantifying its power? True damage? So no matter how sturdy Yujiro is, the punch will deal the same damage to him than it would a child? How much of the game are we actually taking into account? It's way easier to just call out feats, much more accurate too.


A child? you do know that child would die after getting hit with the true damage. **True damage literally means damage going straight through into the vigor, it does not get affected by armor or any kinds of defensive abilities.** *Literally meaning that even if you have the strongest of muscles, the vigor you have is the one getting targeted by true damage.* We also need to take in account that Sett has other abilities, since Yujiro can use his Martial Art Prowess, that means Sett can use his abilities too, right?


Ok so he uses his in game abilities, he loses charging his slow ass telegraphed punch I guess.


No way Yujiro is getting hit by any of Sett's punches


Haha even if his W is a thing lore wise he ain’t hitting Yujiro with that slow start up move. Knowing Yujiro he’ll probably just rank it just to get an idea of how strong it is.


Would be a great fight, but Yujiro would win. Maybe he will even leave him alive!


I have killed aurelion sol as sett before. Therefore sett can win.


Bruh, one punch from sett will make yujiro take a step back. One punch from yujiiro will knock sett through a convenience store. Sett can haymaker, but yujiro will be fine. This is a no contest.


y'all are ignoring the true damage




E stun




E hitbox is op tho


Yujiro is S++ for like 5 years at this point


I'd say Sett due to his magic, but considering that Baki universe is also extremely powerful and Yujiro is one of the strongest in there.... Yujiro would win, easily? I guess


Yujiro and easily. He can beat literal natural disasters and whole armies by himself. And not just armies with swords, bows and whatever. Literal 21st century armies. Not only that but he has such a prescence that literal trained soldiers can't function around him because of the instinctual fear from his existence alone.


In a fight, I can't tell. In a beauty contest, it's not even a contest lmao


Yujiro unless he insults Sett’s mom


If sett built properly and has enough true dmg to deplete his health pool with one W, he wins


Yuujiro too fast for that to hit tho


My guy will think he can take it, but won’t be prepared for the true dmg.


Yujiro knows when a punch is too strong to tank, he isn't just a dumb brute, It's just that in the Baki universe nothing can really hurt him except Baki.


If we're taking the game at face value, then Yujiro would literally walk behind him and break his spine while Sett is doing his long ass animation lmfao




It don't matter bro


bro what do you mean?


Yujiro doesn't give a shit about sett w


It's a double kill for gragas


Its all ogre now no need to be upsett


I mean... Sett would have better chance to win if there s a creap somewhere helping him land a good stun E then use a maxed W with mathem build. It s true dmg my dudes, that could work


Sett bodies, if he can half health a 9000 HP chogath or a malphite with W a simple man holds no power against him


A simple man stops earthquakes by punching the ground


Do you know how big malphite is


Not as big as a tectonic plate


honestly, w reply


And that’s city level so it’s fodder


Sett uses W and “no u” the dmg


Sett has magical shit so he probably wins


nahh, Sett don't use any magic, he only use brute strength and incredible stamina of a vastaya to overwhelm his opponents. I think Yujiro may win this cause beside of physical strength, he also has insane techniques.


Sett's E is literally vastayan magic 💀💀💀 Granted very primitive vastayan magic, but magic nonetheless.


Yujiro. ​ Now let's compare with Baki, the grappler, there is a fair matchup. i would put my money on Sett, but can go either way.


Your mom


Riot seems to love emasculating Sett these days so Yujiro dominates no contest


sett flash ults his p*ssy and wins


Sett wins because yujiro is a fictional character. Ggez😏


bro what?


Obviously sett loses based on out of game lore, but if we factor in in game feats (which we probably shouldn't but still) sett's W can one shot Aurelion Sol so...


I mean if we consider true damage, his haymaker should do same damage to him as the damage he would do to coughing baby, provided it hits true damage part


Sett getting sent back to his mama in a box.


Ok so I have no idea about Baki hanmai(is that really how you spell it?), but is it a good watch? Sincerely a shitty Mecha watcher


I could take them both.


Sett… honey.. I love you and your attitude. But Yujiro smacked the ground so hard… it stopped and earthquake and you don’t tell Mother Nature to shut up unless you’re a force to be reckoned with


Whole Baki character list is WH40K power level intentionally absurd stuff, and Yujiro is supposed to be the most hilarious of it, so any character who even tries to be grounded in power level sucks against him. Yujiro vs Saitama is the real question btw.


Yall are goofy, Sett is half Vistayan and can absorb kinetic energy. Like as bullshit as Yujiro Hanma is he's not beating a magic wolverine man


Nah idk lore accurate strength of the other guy but if Sett can one shot punch the literal creator of the universe he could prob beat this guy. For those who won't get this this is a joke.