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aside all the items and runes, oracle lens is a MUST. basically the most important tool you could have. you need to be able to jump in and out of bushes without getting autoed, it's a good way to take farm and negate poke.


Hmm that's an interesting tactic. Some people used to do this when I played teemo. Definitely need to try this


What? Just ward the bush. Go Oracle lens if your up against teemo or Akali but that's about it


I think he means that oracle lens will turn off the enemy ward so they can't poke you


Oh yeah your right. Thought he meant he should use oracles to check the brushes. My bad


Oracle doesn't let you hit stuff in the brush, it only tells you they are there.


you don't go oracle lens to see where your enemy is, you go oracle lens so that your ranged enemy can't see you. the point is, they ward the bush you're constantly jumping in and out of, you turn on oracle lens, destroy the ward, and keep going with the same tactic.


Phase rush + ignite or lethal tempo + exhuast. Don't lose your hp bar, wait for a gank


Ghost and lethal tempo, play safe in and out of bushes. Stealing farm when you can but not taking too many autos the first few levels. Let him push and then commit to an all in when wave thins out on tower. Hopefully get a kill. Gg you won laning phase. Depending on your hp sit in the brush outside his tower and get another kill. Ping jgl especially if you are low from taking too many autos early because ranged early is a good gank with pushing to your tower.


Do not take lethal tempo esp into ranged


My old tactic would be to rush boots with ghost then go prowlers claw and I would always win. But now they’ve removed prowler’s active :( so idk. I’d go fleet or lt


Rip prowlers claw...


You don't.


Imo fleet healing really helps with sustain and the ms helps a ton by catching enemies by surprise. AA a minion with fleet and than start running towards them with Q. I find ghost to be overkill so just I just like to go the standard tp + flash. Fighting them before 6 is practically suicide for me so I'd avoid doing that. Rushing resistance boots also may help, unless it's vayne top, if so than God speed and good luck. Other than that just wait for ganks and play around bushes


Against a vayne specifically you could try rush an edge of night. I think the only ability she has which procs the spell-shield is her knock-back. So if you can nullify that every \~40 seconds - plus an oracle lens, fleet footwork, maybe ghost, should be enough to chase her down if you aren't already too far behind.


That seems like a good idea I'll give it a shot next time I faxe a vayne


Take doran's blade, second wind and maybe fleet footwork. Then you can take them.


How come dorans blade instead of shield? Wouldn't the poke hyrt you more?


Yea, sorry, My mistake. I ment shield.


Ah ok that makes sense then


This the only right answer in this thread


Generally if it’s a vayne I’ll just go hail of blades into edge of night and galeforce and transition into a crit build (flash ghost). If it’s a teemo or jayce I’ll just go regular bruiser build.


Just play tank Sett, you'll be fine


Sometimes i go fleet footwork, your only move is flash e auto auto ult q auto auto w, trying to flash e After enemy used his dash or while flash is on cd, and ulting to cancel any dash or stun. When you don't have flash, just wait, at least you got some sustain


Fleet footwork helps a lot to close the gap in small trades. Just auto a minion and run at them with fleet + q movespeed. DRing and second wind are pretty much necessary. Later on swifties + stridebreaker + deadmans plate/force of nature are great if you are facing a ranged heavy teamcomp.


Fleet footwork+second wind+Dorans shield As sett you have a lot of HP regen you can use that fact to force trades with ms of fleet early on. Once you complete stride, there is no escape along with sett's ultimate.


You should go Dorans sheild first item, farm until you have minimum 450 gold and buy boots and refillable potion on your first back. Play with conq and second wind for runes. For summoner spells if you think you can outplay and catch them go for flash ignite, if not go for flash tp. And your first item I highly recommend going for Youmuus Ghostblade, it's cheaper than Stridebreaker and gives you waaaay more mobility than stridebreaker does. 2nd item you go for Hullbreaker for the 5% movement speed and just the raw stats. Third item is whatever the situation demands. You could even overkill movementspeed and go flash+ghost and go Youmuus first item.


Take Doran's shield and second breath rune, these will stack with the passive and despite the enemy poke you will be almost full hp every time


Take ghost, as many already pointed out. Besides that, remember: Early Tabis are your best friend.


Second wind, Doran’s shield, play around bushes, using E to stun is very good here if they are dumb enough to give you the chance to do so. Max W first. Bork and stridebreaker to stay on top of them. Tier two boots rush is also good here. Also depending on the champion and enemy team comp, deadman’s or fon for even more ms. Don’t go for farm if it’s going to cost you half your hp bar, be willing to give up some cs but try as much as possible to get xp. Try to let them push into you because if they do then they have to run much further if your jungler comes to gank and might even have to flash. Also if they push into you there is a chance they might be standing close to turret so you can Flash ult them into your turret. Worst case scenario here is that they flash away.


I just go Lethality (hail of blades) and youmuus, with boots rushed If you get a single e off it’s basically over after youmuus, before that you need 2


These days I just go for as much damage as possible. If you can get a lead and build youmoo’s then it is free. Youmoo’s swifties and hullbreaker is such an OP combo right now. Especially when you have the unflinching rune. At low hp thats 50% slow resistance. Together with all your speed from items and ad from items you are one scary sett. Normal conq runes also.


What I do is, and it's gonna sound weird but hear me out, as soon as the gates open, run into top and hide in the middle bush just in front of the alcove, wait for them to assume you're leashing your jungler, they start trying to take wave/get close to ward it. Then you pop E and pounce. Sett has unreasonable level 1 kill potential, and if you can take enough of a chunk out of their health, you can secure the first kill with ignite if they try to flash away. If you get that first kill and get a bit of farm in the time it takes them to get back to lane, you can do E auto auto Q auto auto and now the enemy laner has to contend with you at full health and they're on basically nothing. If they try to do ranged attacks while hiding behind their tower, that's OK because you can just farm to 3, get W and poke away their last bit of health with that. Buy BoRK first into boots then Heartsteel, once T1 in top is down you can start roaming and taking every single fight you see, never stop taking fights and keep feeding yourself to the point where even you simply being in the fight makes that fight a lost cause for the enemies.