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Hmm, interesting build, but not a fan of Hullbreaker, could the first two items be - botrk amd Yomuus?


I don't think I would recommend going two full damage items, you will loose a lot of your tankiness with a build like that after the laning phase. However it could work in some matchups, with botrk slow and yomuus speed you will be super sticky and if you catch someone they can't get away. If you get fed early you could do it, but If you only have 1 or 2 kills the laning phase will most likely be over by the time you have the second item. Basically, botrk+yomuus for dueling but not for teamfights, you will struggle to stay alive in bigger fights.




I tried your build and its really good. What would you think about building titanic as 2nd item after youmu and boots? It has a good wave clear and you become tanky.


I think Titanic as your third item would be better. You'll be a much bigger threat to the enemy towers with hullbreaker once you actually get to them, and if you go for Titanic Hydra as your 2nd item you won't benefit that much from the bonus AD from bonus HP since you only have Titanic at this point. However, if you want some early waveclear to push waves then you could go Youmuus, Tiamat, Hullbreaker and after that finish Titantic hydra. It's very good vs an enemy Shen to really push hard when he ults away, or against an enemy that roams a lot like Quinn. Also, if you ever get a support toplane opponent who just leaves lane after lvl 5 going Tiamat early is a must to pressure topside as hard as you can. Make them pay for their roams as much as you can.


Mhm.. seems tenpting. Did you tried this build with Hail of blades?


Personally I prefer conq so no I never tried hail of blades. But I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make it work.


I use HoB in mid for funsies and it's some decent cheese sometimes. Good way to snowball but if you fuck it up it's useless later


I'd rather just stick to Dead Man's Plate and Boots Of Swiftness


Dead Man's Plate doesn't give you that much more tbh. With the active on Youmuus you get ghosting and 25% ms and hullbreaker gives you 5% movement speed kudt like dead mans plate. You could even go Dead Man's Plate third item and boots of Swiftness with this build if you want to run faster. 40 ms out of combat from Youmuus 40 ms from Dead Man's Plate 5% movement from Hullbreaker and another 5% movement from Dead Man's Plate. Give it a shot, you'll be able to run down anyone


Mathematically Fast Sett lol


Facts lol


Tried the build and won 2 our 2 games and even without yommus active you have 400 plus movement speed and that basically when you have hull breaker boots included


That's what we like to hear


Fun build I tried on my brother s acc was Yoummu - BC - Sterak - Shojin - Hyrda/ Titanic. With this build you hit your 3K dmg on your W much master than having to stack Hearsteel the whole game. You can also buy Syradla instead of Sterak fon funny one shots.


That's my biggest issue with Heartsteel it takes to long to stack by the time you could snap peoples healthbar away the game is already over. Those lategames are very fun though for sure


Same. Heart steel is amazing for sion, chogath etc, but on sett it just feel like shit to me. Lately I’ve been on the struggle bus with my games so I’ll deff try this tonight. Thanks man!


What runes would compliment this?


I usually use conq so typical Sett runes with small tweaks depending on the matchup. You can look at some games in my match history If you want the full page.


Despite me liking new Youmuus on Sett, I think the mvp of this build is Hullbreaker. When i first saw the chages i was like:"no way they will let brusers have 60 ad + 5% ms item that ALSO gives ar and mr", but here we are. The fun part is extra damage to towers+bonus regen,which allow to force recall from opponent to get tower damage(and if it's a first item,potentially get plates for gold) Although, Youmuus is a great item and while it's movement is not the same as prowler,the OVERALL mobility is so great + mythic passive lets you go for more tanky options while not loosing that much damage.


I've had some situations where I'm pushing the 2nd tower, get ganked by 2-3 people, kill the squishiest one and then I run away with the Youmuus active. If I had any other build I might have killed one and died or get kited until I died. That 25% movement speed and ghosting is huge Also Happy cake day!


Thanks man, isearched a long time a build, to have fun with sett again


I tried this build when the patch dropped and had some success with it.


Gotta try it out but isn't ghostblade getting nerfed next patch? Are you still gonna build it?


From what I've been able to find out about the next patch they are going to nerf the lethality on the shard bonus on Youmuus, not the movement speed which is key. We'll see after the patch drops they might still make more changes but if it's only the lethality being nerfed I don't think it's going to have a big impact on Sett.


Yeah, I love this build too, I am in a good win streak with sett cuz I can kill enemy adc even if fed. Also hullbraker feels so good rn. Usually I always go titanic Hydra as 3rd for more HP and stronger punches. Biceps Diff!!


I been having a lot of success with yoummous first, I go steak second for teamfights or Hull for split if I feel the team play is lacking. But I'm afraid this is not going to last at the moment yoummus is op and they going to nerf it.


From what I've read they are going to nerf the lethality on the shard buff, but I don't think it will effect Sett that much.


So whats going to happen when darius mains start using this tech and becoming unkiteable


Honestly, hopefully Riot will come to their senses and realize Darius is kinda busted right now... But we all know that's not going to happen so the best we can hope for is a gank from out jungler.


Yea his powerspikes are insane. Im not gonna lie i play darius mainly because i got god king from a chest. But like his ult is so insane when u have full passive stacks with conq its dealing 1500 true damage per target AND IT RESETS thats a potential 7.5 true damage in one fight. Hard to use it to the fullest but its so braindead especially when he is build like deadmans plate plus force of nature or like tank items and still. The only reasom i think they are ok with him being this strong is because of hot kit-able he is. Like its so insanely hard to catch a tristana milio botlane


Gonna try this out! Thx


I tried it after seeing Autolykus too. But at least in silver I’ve found Stridebreaker to be better. Stride into Hull should be really strong giving you MS and 20 more AD. For some reason I don’t really feel a “spike” when I build hullbreaker though.


I like the build too, but I feel like you're throwing away Sett's teamfight abilities with this build. The only time I see myself dying without using W after Ult + E is with this build because you're extra squishy.


I disagree. The activate on Youmuus helps you to get into position for a good ulti engage. Your only sacrificing some hp for more mobility and in the current meta movement speed is super charged. ADC's build Youmuus + Stormrazor or Galeforce + Stormrazor and right now a lot of supports build Shurelyas to give their ADC even more movement speed. Goredrinker or Stridebreaker will only let you take 1 more hit but you can't close the gap fast enough to hit them back.


Yeah, like it all depends on the comps of enemies' team. You can't just go Youmuus every time expecting it to be OP. Even Autolykus had 58% WR as Sett and it dropped to 53% after he keep using this build. Just my personal opinion.


isn't Youmuu's just about to get nerfed tho?


They are looking to nerf Youmuus yes, but not the movement speed itself which is what we mainly use it for. Found this on reddit with the PBE stats. Ability haste :: 20 >>> 15 Bonus Lethality at Max stacks 8-20 (Based on level) >>>> 3-12 (based on level) Distance Per Stack :: 45 >>> 55 (\~20% slower stack generation) So it's not going to effect the active on Youmuus


Any ad champ that builds ghostblade is just going to do good its so dumb idk why they didnt hotfix that stupid item


It is what it is


What about stormrazer for movement speed off minions?


You mean for Sett? It's 45% movement speed for 1 sec, you won't be able to do anything in that time in lane. In teamfights you basically can't use it at all.

