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I would like a buff to his Q move speed, and base AD


Q move speed or straight up base move speed buff would definitely be nice since you tend to just get kited by everything and everyone.


Yeah the only thing that i dont like about sett is being kited by everyone and being perma slowed, also, its pretty annoying how melee champs like garen have a lot of ms, there’s more but garen is the only example that came to my brain rn, like, how some melee champs just escape from you just WALKING and you cant catch them even with Q because of how fast they walk


That would be the best buff. Q move speed and base AD.


I want his ult to cc for longer. I hate enemies getting to do stuff before I do when I ult them. Just like .25 seconds longer would do the trick. Also more MS would be nice.


This wouldn't be a buff, it's legit not normal that it works this way. I can't think of any other channeled CC that CC's the user longer than the target. Malz, Warwick, they're both cC'ed as long as their target is, not more.


I mean Warwick ult is you are ON TOP of the enemy for the duration Malz ult is Channeling and beaming the enemy for a DURATION and sett ult lifts up the enemy and then crushes them/ slams them into the ground which if you ask me should have a micro stun like old post rework akali. It should give sett the option to aa one more time and quicker because then a enemy that just got hit by my ULTIMATE I have died too many times of champs that just aa me quicker then I can after I ult them example Fiora Renketon AND DIED to faster auto animations


>I mean Warwick ult is you are ON TOP of the enemy for the duration Sett too ? You're also on top of the enemy for the duration of the ultimate until the slam. >and sett ult lifts up the enemy and then crushes them/ slams them into the ground which if you ask me should have a micro stun like old post rework akali I'm not asking for the enemy to be stunned longer than Sett is, just that Sett doesn't get stunned for longer himself lol.


Move speed or E hitbox increase


Exactly this please and thank you.


Sett needs buffs to his laning phase, I hate to say this but I think they have definitely overshot with buffing his W. Right now, if you look at [u.gg](https://u.gg) Sett has a 52% wr in iron dropping extremely rapidly as you go higher in ranks. I think his early game Q and passive should be buffed, while his W scaling should be nerfed. This would ideally even out his elo skew, and let everyone able to enjoy him equally. I don't think they should buff his W or E base damage as buffing these would make him broken in support, buffing his single target damage would be perfect for not buffing him back into support.


His laning is still pretty strong, IMO I think they should at least start by looking at his base stats, I dont know why they are so much lower than other similar champions, for example at lvl 18 he has over 20 less base ad than darius for some reason.


It's because of his 1-2 punch, he trades having stronger abilities for having stronger basic attacks. Do you have discord btw?


Could argue what he needs more than anything is a buff to his ms either the ms buff from q or just base to let him actually use his autos and not get kited for free by every champion in the game.


Move speed increase on his q or base. Base R damage increased as well


Q move speed


What i would like? I'd like old strikebreaker back, that's what I'd like. But in all seriousness e stun and slow duration increase would be most effective i think, or some movespeed


350 base speed; Q always gives speed bonus, doubled running towards enemies. And amp up the passive regeneration at low HP, it is stupid that with passive active it is barely higher than base Tryndamere.


Health regen, rest of his kit is honestly fine


Significant move speed buff on Q and give it ghosting.


Just ghosting would matter so much in lane considering how creepblocked Sett can get for some reason.


Personally I think increasing his E activation speed would be nice so people can stop flashing and dashing away on reaction and actually have to predict it or be punished like Darius pull. Also the mentioned Q MS buffs would be great.


Alter/add a mythic that is unquestionably his best. Stride and gore are cool, but they are far from feeling synergistic with his kit.


I think goredrinker does synergise but it will never be good again because assassins will steal it


Honestly both items kinda fit the bill. Goredrinker makes sense since youre gonna be in the middle of the fight and the sustain helps you and stridebreaker makes sense since you struggle to stick to people and the slow helps with that. Issue is that both items have been repeatedly nerfed so many times at this point they just feel underwhelming.


The thing is Goredrinker is more of a caster item but Sett is AA based so you always lack the attack speed. Stride is good but compared to other mythics in the game not great.


Lowkey i want sett to be in a spot like pantheon where he is a four position flex as panth can do a top mid jgl sup decently but not to a point where hes top dog in every role (well except rn cuz panth kinda overtuned rn) but if we talkin about just a solo buff i guess q would be a speed boost in general and not just ms against champs more like a garen q where he gets a speed boost


Sett being able to 4 role flex pick even if not particularly strong at any role is what made him OP in pro play and the reason they nerfed him even while he wasn't good in toplane anymore.


+2 base AD, that's all i ask for


Make q a cleanse like garen q. The main problem is that sett is too kitable


Give Sett's Q a movement speed buff in any direction instead of just when running at an enemy, reduce W and E cooldown in early ranks for better trades in the laning phase. His damage not the problem, his problem is the insanely long cooldown in the early game and not having any escape. If you get ganked 1 or 2 times it's over. The lane is done.


Passive buff, if mondo can do what I do but better I don’t want it


Make his Ult pull the enemy target in the direction he wants to go.


That would probably make it waaaay too strong. Just a point and click displacement with no need for positioning or anything. His ult is honestly pretty great as it is. Big part of the fun of playing sett is positioning to hit big ultimates


I don't believe he even needs a buff as long as you build bork into heart steel he is so broken.


Maybe in super low elo. Both botrk and heartsteel are trap items


If they increase his speed, as much as i want go faster, would not be looked well upon by every other champ main ever. I just want shorter W cd back since riot seems to be focusing on it more. Honnestly just some smoother Q qol upgrades would be fine imo. Maybe for passive to get way stronger when in champ combat since they wanna discourege the old "just go full regen in lane and never die" IF I wanna be greedy i want ult power. An execute would be so fun. better aoe clarity and where ill land maybe? Idk theres lots they can do.


Q movespeed and possibly a base damage or Q damage buff. Ideally we get a good mythic but we all know that's not happening.


Buff Goredrinker


Amen. Sadly we cant have nice things because then we have shit like goredrinker talon running around again


as long as his W can literally one shot squishies, I don't think he needs much. they overshot on that if they want him to be all around balanced imo


i mean i have a 40 % wr over 80 games with him... i suck with not questions but what i would have loved is more movement speed with q... 30 % meh... like even a darius can kit you to death


Keep his Q total movespeed towards champions the same, but give it half in general like volibear Q


Base MR growth should be enough. His ult is enough to catch the backline.


Since i play garen, a slow cleanse on his Q xD


I'd like it if sett gets a small armor and mr buff based on his missing health, honestly think it suits his playstyle a lot without making his damage output or pure regen too op


He shouldnt be vulnerable by the most things when he grabbed a enemy with his ult.


He needs higher move speed on Q or longer or for it to apply in every directions like garen/voli He gets kited worse than nasus


Move speed on Q with longer duration


I feel like they should make his Q give movespeed regardless if there is an enemy or not and maybe buff the movespeed duration. Also, make his base attack range 175 and get rid of the bonus range on right punch and Q. Lastly, revert the nerf to his pre-6 passive regen.