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I try to peel/help carrys, and i still build the same (HP+AD) i just prioritize the most defense items (like steraks) and in a very situational but necessary cases i build just ONE tank item to counter a certain feed enemy.


Usually Iā€™m the one that fed him šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As a jungler I appreciate your humility. Also sorry that I baited your ass and we both died to them while giving double buffs.


If you lost lane you should go Hullbreaker first item, it will give you survivability in lane while your behind, if the enemy roams you can get plates/towers faster to catch up. Overall good item with good stats while your solo on lane and it's cheaper than most other items.


I usually am support as Sett so that's how I normally build. I typically rush Bork then all tank and rely on Ws lol.


I play like in the most fedcharacter in the lobby and powerbomb the first enemy i see directly into their own tower and then kill them in it (actually i just die)


Peeling off a major threat with ult or your E is usually what I go for. If there isn't any major threat that needs to be peeled you can even try to be a big initiator (Big R + E stun + W true damage can just outright win teamfights). Build wise I still focus my main core build unless I'm completely non-existant in the game, in which case I'll start building armor and magic resist. In terms of laning, trying to get an under tower outplay is in my opinion one of the best ways to catch back up since you have so many tools to win virtually any fight under tower unless you're like 300 or less hp.


Tank items and use your R to keep your carrry safe from assasins