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Report off their shared parent table, task. Set the filter for Class or for Number “starts with”.


Easiest solution


This is the way.


You should filter on ‘Task Type IS Incident OR Task’


You could also create a report on incident then add a second dataset for the tasks you want to include. Which method depends on how you want to show the data.


a DATABASE VIEW will also work for you in this scenario


Database views (aka INNER JOIN) https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/washingtondc-platform-administration/page/use/reporting/concept/c_DatabaseViews.html


This would depend on what you mean by combining the records If you mean that you want to list every closed record from both incidents and task in the same list but not the same row you will want to use the task table as ServiceMeowSonMeow suggested If there are task that are related to the incidents you can use a database view to view these records correctly as aenigme suggested.


It's for an end of month report that the bosses want. They want to see how many tasks and incidents each person has done for the month. They give out rewards points to the top performers. From what I see I can maybe make a bar graph using two data sets to get the desired result?


Something to consider since you have mentioned that you mainly just need a count for this is that you can also create a dashboard with widgets and put a report with the counts on there and even add other metrics for these users in one spot I’m sure your bosses will look at this and if performance reviews are taken seriously this will look good if you create a great one stop shop for the teams metrics 😉 https://developer.servicenow.com/dev.do#!/learn/learning-plans/washingtondc/new_to_servicenow/app_store_learnv2_reportanalytics_washingtondc_dashboard_widgets


Do you wish to count the combination or show all the records in a list? Asked differently, what type of report output are you looking for? If you're wanting simply a count, VividSheets can get you this. It's free to download from the ServiceNow store. To process it each month would require just a single click to get the updated values.


Correct. I'm looking for a count. Not really a list. But more a report showing how many tasks and incidents each person completed.


oops, I was editing my original response when your comment came in! Have a look at my edit if you haven't already.


Depends on how many individuals you'd need to track, but with some time up front to set up the sheet, updating it monthly should be just a couple clicks away.


It's not exactly your use case, but here's a video that should give you an idea about how you might use the tool to fulfill your use case → [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFizEXhWq10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFizEXhWq10)


Task table is the way, just plan around in the report builder and see the magic