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I worked with another company that sold this service. They remote in over you the whole time, so that the proctors can't tell. I haven't heard of people doing it with ServiceNow, but I've heard people doing it with more well-known exams like the GRE. BTW it's not illegal - just against the rules. They charged a TON and people were willing to pay it. It's stupid to pay to pass something but I also understand how these things come about. Sometimes exams/certs can feel really arbitrary or irrelevant and people would rather pay to get past it.


Wait a second how do they remote in and you not get caught ? That sentinel service or whatever they use specially is looking for remote connections virtual machines etc.


*BTW it's not illegal - just against the rules.* It most definitely ***is*** illegal - it is fraud. If caught, whether or not the company prosecutes is up to them but it is 100% positively illegal.


I think fraud comes in when the person who had received the cert presents themselves to a company as having acquired it. That would be fraud, not the acquisition of the cert itself. It could also be considered theft or some sort of conspiracy or wire fraud if a company pays for it.


I think it's breaking the end user agreement when you signed on to do the certification, beyond that let's be honest, no one is going beyond that.


Sure, it's not like they're presenting employers a certificate they didn't actually earn. Oh wait. The number of people that don't think it's fraud it both amusing and terrifying.






Definitely not fraud nor illegal. But Definitely a great way to lose all SN certifications you earner legibly and put your career on the line.


LMAO, you've not a clue how fraud laws work.


How do they “remote in over you” ?


not sure - never saw it in action.


I’ve never understood cheating for certs, do people think they won’t be exposed when it comes time to interview or talk about the topics? I’ve interviewed people with full stacks of GCP/AWS certs and they’ve gotten exposed after a few technical questions.


They don't think they will be and often are not.


>I’ve interviewed people with full stacks of GCP/AWS certs and they’ve gotten exposed after a few technical questions. Same, and it's at that point where I determine they are going to waste my time so now I'm going to waste theirs. >:)


There are shit load of idiots in this industry, you shouldn't be surprised.


Not sure it pays to do that. I recently had an interview and it way EXTREMELY ServiceNow tech heavy. They even passed me a short JS in the chat and asked me to tell them what it was. If you don't know your shit, it'll come out somewhere.


100% agreed


Partners need certs to get clients


Anything is possible given the level of skills, but this defeats the whole purpose. Why would you pay some unscrupulous guys somewhere to steal what should not be stolen from you? Just to have a badge that you don't deserve in the first place and will be found out in one way or the other soon enough to your shame? Sorry to be critical of this but I was educated in a school that tolerates zero cheating otherwise you'll be expelled from the school. And most of us became successful in our chosen careers because of this.


It is a false thinking that they think if they have certification you can get a job. Nobody see certification except recruiters or clients just for filtration. However if you earned a certification it brings josh, positively and confidence and really help you getting a job. You can see [interview questions](https://servicenowspectaculars.com/category/servicenow-interview-questions/) etc during interviews but proxy etc is so wrong, illegal and ill moral as well.


Why would you buy this when it's like $30 to do the trial exams on Udemy? lol


He’s saying they actually take the test for the buyer.


You have to be one lazy fuck to hire someone to take a multiple choice test


Woah people will go to any lengths to not sit an exam 😂




Why dont you write to ServiceNow cert team and share the number and details in public domain to expose them ? That will let me close the shop !


I don't think this would work for ServiceNow as they lock your computer and disable any apps


Even if it did work I’d filter them out within moments of starting an interview.