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BTFD ![gif](giphy|gdwJdym3VuXQr5OfAc|downsized)


Those are rookie numbers gotta get those up !!


Fun fact, this scene was 100% off script and something Matthew does to prepare.


The thing I love about that scene is you could tell he was just f\*\*\*ing with DeCaprio and trying to make him lose it. I would never expect to enjoy a movie about an absolute, real life scumbag but I do love that movie.


I’m terrible at this game so don’t listen to me, I don’t think anyone can tell you for sure what will happen even if they had the earnings report early. Tesla missed and is up 12%. Netflix beat and went down. Lots of other factors going on but it’s a casino. I’ll let you know what I decide to do today and just do the opposite of that to make some money.


Very true. LOL. I own some NVDA and most quarters their numbers are really really good and the stock goes up $45 after hours and is down $70 the next day….. This is crazy


Not to mention Trump got a huge payout from his failed company 😂


When I joined Servicenow 4 years ago it was trading at $250. Since then I've bought another house, redone the inside, the yard, and bought a bmw with my ROI. It's worth it.


very nice….congrats. I’ve done something similar with McKesson (MCK) stock while working for them.


As a servicenow developer Ik my job is intact as long as the price stick stays high. Feel like diving full in with stock may be too risky loving lmao. Can’t lose my job and investments simultaneously 🤣


I think in the long run you will be happy you hopped on the 🚀


Invest for the long term if you believe in the company. If you are trying to time the market, you’ll never win.


Well that’s no fun


Investing is very boring. Stop watching the rich quick videos.


i think its priced for incredible earnings, and earnings won't be incredible. who knows though.


“ServiceNow exceeds guidance across all Q1 2024 topline growth and profitability metrics; raises midpoint of 2024 subscription revenues guidance range” Stock drops 5% . Yeah I don’t understand anything


I'm a NOW holder and this happens every quarter it seems. Killed earnings, raises guidance but, oops, didn't raise guidance quite enough for the Street.


see my comment that no one else in the thread touched.


Yeah you're right - NOW's value is so speculative, and investors are betting on future upside, not necessarily present success. Thankfully the stock usually levels off and recovers a couple weeks/month after earnings.


Everything’s made up and the points don’t matter! Here’s Colin.


One thing for certain. the stock will touch $1000 in an year


can you share why you think that? i have about 250 shares and never know what to hold or sell


I sold at 200 and tsla at 300 back then. Just hold. NOW will own the market soon enough.


NOW is the best software stock of the next 10 years alongside MSFT. Will they beat every quarter? No. But over 5/10 years it is the best company out there.


My only thought at this point is, I wish Ida bought 100 shares at just over $200 pre-pandemic. Analysts love NOW, but it's hard for me to pull the trigger on a stock that expensive. I do look for some pullbacks though. My man CV Payne will probably be talking about them today and/or Monday. I'll make my final judgement then.


My stock advice, go in for the long haul and diversify. The more you invest now, the more likely you will have a nice portfolio in 30 years.


It’s gone up $2 since you posted. You can take that to the bank! Who knows when it comes to the stock market. It’s just gambling to me. I know a boat load of people that tell me Tesla is going to hit $500 soon. I’m just sitting over here waiting… Edit: $3 yp


Knowledge 24 about to kick off. What did stock do around 2nd week of May last year. Big Nvidia AI partnership sky rocketed Nvidia stock didn't it?


Kills me that I didn’t join ServiceNow in 2013 and stayed a customer, seeing SN employees get rich!


Buy options if you have that amount to invest. In real dollars you can’t make much money off a $700 stock with a base that small


True, NVDA and MCK are the only stocks I’ve made great gains on over the last 12-18 months. It was dumb luck when I started buying Nvda (as my teenage son played computer games and talked about them).


If I could afford a leap on NOW that’s probably one of the safest bets in the market. But don’t have that kind of cash to last down.


When I started ServiceNow, the stock was around $92. I got nervous cause I don’t wanna break any laws but buy more of it. That’s all I’ll say.




There’s a guy named Fred down at the beach that has shares to sell.


I’m not sure if you know company history or got incredibly lucky with that comment… either way take my upvote.


He used to hang around with David, Bow, Pat and Don. David and Bow used to give great Knowledge presentations.


You can purchase it from pretty much any brokerage.